Every Promise You Made

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Every Promise You Made Page 33

by J. E. Parker

  My mouth fell open. “He did what?”

  Ryker crossed his arms over his chest. “You heard me. Evan’s been head over heels in love with you for the last decade, Hope.” His smile dropped. “And even when he was being an ass that never changed.”

  “So, you’re okay with—”

  “Of course I’m okay with it,” he said in a rush, cutting me off. “If I wasn’t I would’ve thrown a bowling ball at his head by now.” His smile grew. “I can do that, you know.”

  I blinked before looking around us. The reality of what I was doing and who I was talking to had begun to set in. “Uh,” I said. “Am I dead?”

  Ryker laughed. “No, shortcake, you’re not dead. Though I should give you the wedgie of a lifetime for going and getting yourself shot.” If looks could kill I’d be dead after the look he slung in my direction. “Listen, I know I told you to save the world one person at a time but that didn’t include jumping in front of bullets for people. Comphrehende?”

  It was my turn to cross my arms over my chest. “Why not? You did!”

  I didn’t know if Ryker really jumped in front of a bullet or not but I had a feeling.... I mean, with the extreme guilt that Evan harbored, I’d always had a sneaking suspicion that it was because Ryker had given his life to save Evan’s.

  The thought made my anger return full force.

  Neither of them should’ve been put in that position!

  Ryker licked his lower lip. “Yeah, I did.”


  “But if I hadn’t jumped in front of that bullet Evan wouldn’t be alive, Hope.”

  I slammed my eyes shut.

  As much as it hurt to lose Ryker, I couldn’t stand the thought of Evan… dying.

  Running a calloused thumb over my jaw, Ryker continued. “It was either going to be me or him that day, my sweet baby sister. And I chose life for him.”

  “Why?” One simple word. One small question.

  Yet so much meaning.

  Ryker smiled from ear-to-ear. “Because it’s the way it was meant to be.” Dropping his gaze to my belly, he whispered, “And one day you’ll understand. But until that day comes, you need to trust me.”

  My chin trembled at what he was implying.

  Did he mean that Evan and I… that we’d have kids?

  “Ry, does that mean—”

  He pressed a finger to my lips, silencing me. “Shh.” Dragging his gaze from mine, he looked over his shoulder at something—or someone—off in the distance. “I don’t have much more time so I need you to listen to me.”

  I nodded frantically.

  “I need you to go back, Hope.”

  “What? Go back where? I don’t understand—”

  Again, he pressed a finger to my lips. “It’s not your time yet. You’ve got people that need you, a family that loves you, and one oversized jackass that needs you to keep fighting for him.”

  Looking into Ryker’s eyes, I couldn’t help but ask, “What if I don’t want to go back? What if I want to stay here with you?”

  I couldn’t stomach the thought of leaving him again.

  Ryker shook his head. “If you stay here then Evan dies.”

  “What?” I hissed. “He can’t die.”

  “He will, though. Right or wrong, the man wasn’t lying when he said that he couldn’t live without you.” Cupping my jaw with both of his hands, my big brother pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. “Evan needs you Hope. He’s hurt and without you, he won’t pull through this.” Ry paused for emphasis. “So make your choice. Him or me.”

  My heart was breaking. Right in half. “Are you happy here?”

  Ryker smiled so brightly it was nearly blinding. “Hell yes,” he replied quickly. “I never knew what peace was until I found this place.”


  Again Ryker looked over his shoulder. “Hope, you’ve gotta choose,” he said, cutting me off. “Time is ticking.”

  I didn’t hesitate. “I choose him… I choose Evan.”

  Ryker looked proud as could be. “Smart choice.” Leaning forward, he pulled me into his arms and squeezed me so hard I could’ve sworn I felt my ribs crack. After kissing my head one last time, he let me go and took a step back. “Get out of here, shortcake. You’ve got a world to save and a grumpy old grizzly bear, aka your future husband, to tame.”

  Heartbreaking or not, I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “I love you, baby sister. For all eternity, Hope.”

  “I love you too, Ry.”

  Looking around, I was about to ask exactly how I was supposed to wake myself up. I mean, I’d had dreams before but never one this vivid. “Hey, Ry, how—”

  “Oh, crap. Hold up, I’ve got a few more things to tell you,” Ry said, interrupting me for what felt like the fiftieth time.

  “I’m listening, Jackbutt.”

  He smiled at the term of endearment. “Dad wanted you to know that he’s alright.” I froze. “He wanted to be here, but he’s busy watching over Mama, and well, that’s a full-time job in itself. You should see some of the shit she gets into. I swear it’s better than watching any reality TV show...” Ry’s voice trailed off for a moment. “Nevermind, just, uh, tell her that he said it’s okay, alright?”

  “What’s okay?”

  Ryker smiled again. “Just tell her, she’ll know.”

  Well alrighty then.

  “Is that it?”

  He shook his head and held up two fingers. “Two more things. One, tell Maddie that her Mama hears her at night.” Before I could ask, he continued with, “She’ll understand, trust me.” I hoped she would because I was lost. “And tell her Bubs is okay and that he’s exactly where she wants him to be.” Bubs? “Again, she’ll understand.”

  “Okay,” I replied. “What else have you got?”

  Closing his eyes, he laughed for a moment before saying, “Make sure you tell Grandmama that Freddy says that was one hell of a shot.” He paused to catch his breath. “Oh and tell her he said to stay the hell out of his secret trunk in the attic.”

  Dear Lord… I don’t even want to know.

  “Is that it?”

  He nodded. “That’s it. Just remember what I told you. I’m proud as hell of you, little sister. Always have been. Always will be.”

  It was my turn to smile. “I’m proud of you too, Jackbutt.” Biting my lower lip, I twisted my hands in the front of my dress. “Thank you for saving him, Ry. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

  “Just take care of him, Hope. That’s the only thanks I need.”

  “I can do that,” I assured him.

  Blowing out a breath, Ryker crossed his arms over his chest again. “Get out of here, beautiful girl. They need you back home.”

  Again, I looked around. “Uh, how exactly do I leave?”

  Ryker chuckled. “Close your eyes.”

  I did exactly as he said. “Okay, now what?”

  “All you’ve gotta do is take a deep breath, Shortcake.”

  Doing as he said, I took a deep breath.

  Less than a heartbeat later, I woke up.



  I can’t breathe.

  Something—what exactly it was, I didn’t know—was shoved down my throat. It made me feel like I was choking. Moving my head from side-to-side, I fought to get the stupid thing out because I feared if I didn’t, I’d suffocate.

  Little did I know the tube was there to make sure I kept breathing.

  “Hope,” Mama’s tear stricken voice rang out as I tried—to no avail I might add—to open my eyes. “Don’t move, baby. Just hold on.” Her warm, soft hands landed on the sides of my face as she held me in place. “Clara, get the—”

  Mama didn’t get to finish her sentence before I heard Clara start screaming, “I need a nurse!” A second later she screamed again. “She’s awake!”

  Footsteps pounded against the floor as someone—who, I didn’t know—ran into the room. “Thank Christ!” Brantley said a second
later, relief evident in his tone.

  “Brantley, run to the waiting room. Tell everybody she’s awake.”

  Mama’s hands tightened on my face. “You stay awake,” she demanded. “Do you hear me, sugar pea? You. Stay. Awake.”

  More footsteps followed by the sound of crying reached my ears.

  Without having to see her, I knew the sobs belonged to Clara.

  My heart started to break; I hated when she cried.

  I’ve got to open my stupid eyes.

  I’ve got to move.

  I’ve to fix it!

  “Good evening, everyone. My name is Doctor Hudson. I’m the attending physician and I’ll be taking care of Ms. Peterson overnight.”

  Mama growled. “I don’t care what your name is. Help us!”

  “How long has Ms. Peterson been awake?” He asked, his tone dry as could be. “Has she spoken yet?”

  “She’s been awake less than a minute,” Mama replied, followed by, “and no, she hasn’t spoken. However, I imagine it’s hard to do so with a tube shoved down her throat.” I’d never heard Mama sound so snarky. “Can’t you take that out now that she’s conscious?”

  “I can,” Dr. Hudson replied, “just as soon as I examine her.” A cold hand slid into mine. “Hope,” the doctor continued. “Can you hear me? If so, squeeze my hand.”

  Just like I did with Ty, I squeezed his hand lightly.

  “Good job,” he replied. “Now, can you open your eyes for me?”

  Gathering my inner strength, I forced one eye open, followed by the second. I was instantly blinded by the fluorescent lights hanging above me. Whimpering around the tube in my throat, I slammed my lids closed again.

  “Turn off the lights, young lady,” the doctor snapped at someone. Clara, I guessed. “Her eyes will be sensitive for the next 24 to 48 hours.”

  More footsteps. “Yoo-hoo,” a woman said a second later. “My name is Karen. I’ll be your nurse for the next twelve hours.” She paused for a brief second before adding, “I’m sorry but this is an ICU room. Only one visitor is allowed. Two of you will have to leave.”

  “I don’t give a shit about how many people are allowed in the room, Karen,” Mama barked. “I just want this gosh darn tube out of my babies throat. Does someone—anyone—think they can manage to do that?”

  “Mrs. Peterson,” the doctor said, “please calm down.”

  “Oh hell,” Brantley mumbled from somewhere near my feet. “Doc, don’t you know that telling a woman to calm down works about as well as trying to bathe a rabid raccoon?”

  If I could’ve laughed, I would’ve.

  Typical Brantley.

  “That’s it,” Mama snapped. “I’ve had it. She’s awake, her vitals are stable according to the last nurse, and she’s breathing on her own. So take the damn tube out.”

  “Mrs. Peterson—”

  “Don’t you Mrs. Peterson me!” Mama nearly shouted. “In the last twenty-four hours my little girl has been shot, endured lifesaving surgery, and been in a temporary coma.” She exhaled so harshly I’d bet money her nostrils flared. “So, listen to me when I say that if you tell me to calm down just one more time, I’m going to need a criminal defense attorney because I will snatch you bald.”

  Brantley cleared his throat. “I just happen to be the criminal defense attorney of the family,” he said, adding to Mama’s heated spiel. “Name is Brantley Morgan. Nice to meet you, doc.”

  My hospital room is turning into a three room circus.

  “Karen,” the doctor said, not replying to either Mama or Brantley. “Help me remove her intubation tube, please.”

  Latex covered hands wrapped around my jaw and forehead, holding my head in place. Taking a chance, I slowly opened my eyes again. This time, I wasn’t blinded by the harsh hospital room lighting.

  Thank goodness.

  My eyes met the doctors. “On the count of three I’m going to remove your tube, Ms. Peterson. If you can try to cough when I get to three that will make the extubation easier. But if you can’t, that’s fine too.” He looked over at the woman who I assumed was Karen. “Ready?” When she nodded, he looked back at me. “Okay, one… two… three.”

  I coughed on three and then proceeded to gag as the tube was pulled from my throat. Karen quickly shoved a smaller tube into my mouth and suctioned away the phlegm that was caught near the back of my throat.

  For that, I was thankful.

  As Karen stepped back, Mama quickly descended on me. Placing her hands on my cheeks, she turned my face to meet hers. “Look at me, sugar pea.” I did and tears immediately filled my eyes. “Oh God, baby,” she cried. “I was so scared. You were shot in the chest and it nicked an artery. I thought… I thought…” Her eyes slid close and her shoulders began to shake as the tears she’d been fighting to keep at bay started to spill down her cheeks. “I thought I’d lost you just like—”

  “Mama… ” I whispered around the raw pain in my throat, interrupting her. I needed to tell her, needed to let her know. “… I saw… him.”

  Mama froze. “Saw who?”

  I swallowed as I fought to think. My brain was muddled and filled with static. “Ry.” Disbelief flashed in Mama’s eyes. “He’s f-fine. Daddy is…” I paused and took a ragged breath. The increasing pain in my chest was blinding. “… too.” Throat drier than the Sahara, I wasn’t sure how much longer I could speak. “Daddy said…. it’s okay...”

  One of Mama’s hands flew to her mouth. “Hope, baby—”

  “I saw… him,” I interrupted, stopping any denial that she may be ready to sling my way. “I hugged him… smelled him.” My own tears began to fall. “His smile...”

  From the foot of my bed, Brantley cursed. “Fuck me.”

  Dropping her remaining hand from my face, Mama took a few steps backward. Back hitting the wall, she wrapped her arms around her belly and bent over at the waist. Then she began to sob. Hard.

  My half-lidded eyes met Brantley’s for the first time. “B—”

  “I’ve got her, shortcake.”

  Walking over, he wrapped his arms around Mama’s shoulder and pulled her against his chest. “It’s okay, Mama P. Just let it all out. I’ve got you.”

  Movement from the other side of my bed caught my eyes. After slowly—so slowly—turning my head in that direction, my gaze found Clara’s. “Red…”

  Chin wobbling, her beautiful face was puffy and streaked with tear tracks. Taking a step forward, she placed her hands on the hospital bed rails next to me and leaned closer. “When you get better, I swear if Shelby doesn’t strangle you, I will.” I sucked in a ragged breath. “What in the hell were you thinking? You almost died!”

  I forced a tiny smile. “I p-promised.”

  Clara’s brows furrowed. “Promised what?”

  “To p-protect you…” The combination of pain and pressure in my chest increased with each passing second. Head spinning, I knew I wouldn’t be awake much longer. “… the first night we met… I p-promised.”

  Clara’s face fell. “Hope, damn it, you almost left me. Me! Do you have any idea—”

  Allowing my eyes to slide closed, I shook my head. Clara could yell at me later if she wanted too but right then, I needed to handle something else.

  “B,” I cried softly as pain overwhelmed me. “How bad…” Another forced breath. “… is he?”

  I didn’t need to explain who I was asking about.

  Everyone in that room knew.

  “He’s not good,” Brantley replied, his voice filled to the brim with anguish. “The first bullet perforated his lung but luckily it missed his heart.”

  Oh God.

  “The second bullet entered his side three inches below the first but it didn’t hit any major organs, thank Christ.” Brantley sounded near tears, something that I’d never witnessed from him before. “He still hasn’t woken up yet though. I’m hoping he’s just waiting on you.”

  He is, I thought.

  Like Ryker said, Evan couldn’t live wit
hout me. If he thought for one second that I was gone, I had no doubt that he’d try to follow me. Panic spiked in my heart at the thought, temporarily overtaking the excruciating pain that radiated through my chest and left side.

  “B, tell him…”

  “Hope, sugar pea,” Mama said around a sob. Moving next to the bed again, she wrapped one of her hands around one of mine. “Stop talking, baby. I know the pain...”

  I blocked out her voice. I needed to focus. If I didn’t make Brantley understand and if I couldn’t get him to do what I needed, it was possible that I’d lose Evan forever.

  And that wasn’t an option.

  “B…” I whispered, my tiny voice bearing audible. “Tell him… I’m a-awake.” Another ragged breath. “Tell… him.”

  Brantley remained silent.

  Clara, however, didn’t. “Move your ass, pretty boy!” She hollered between sobs. When Brantley didn’t move quickly enough she continued. “Oh screw it, I’m going.” Leaning over the rail, she pressed a kiss to my head. “I’ll tell him, I’ll make him wake up. You saved me and now I’m going to save him.” Another kiss. “It’s the least I can do after what you did for me.”

  “Love… you…” I started to slip away again.

  Her forehead pressed against mine. “Love you more.”

  Without saying another word, she ran out of the room.

  And, in turn, I let the blackness take me.



  I woke up again twelve hours later.

  Eyes fluttering open, my gaze found Maddie’s tear filled ones. Clutching a sleeping Melody against her chest, she looked like she hadn’t slept in days. Her normally perfect hair was full of tangles and lavender colored bags hung below her eyes.

  Neither of us said anything for what felt like the longest time.

  Instead, we silently stared at each other.

  Finally, after what seemed like forever, Maddie spoke. “Thirty-six hours,” she whispered, the tears that had filled her eyes before now spilled down her cheeks. “It’s been thirty-six hours since Carissa called me, screaming and crying.”


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