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Beware 2: The Comeback

Page 10

by Shanora Williams

  I remember Ace’s words this morning, the way he held me.

  Stared at me.

  Wanted me.

  My eyes dart to the jar of honey sitting on the countertop in the kitchen. I huff a laugh, but it doesn’t prevent my hand from running across my bare thigh. I sink back against the sofa cushion, bringing my hands up, my fingers nearing damp heat. Teeth sink into my plump bottom lip, and I shut my eyes, reminding myself of that moment on the counter less than forty-eight hours ago. His thick, delicious cock slipping inside me. The cock I missed so fucking much.

  An unexpected moan fills the spacious room, but I don’t stop. The pad of my finger finds the delicate nub between my folds and presses down lightly. I gasp, the thrill of it setting me on edge. I haven’t touched myself like this in over a year. Before I met Greg, all I thought about was Ace and how he pleased me, rocked my body, and took care of me. Then, Greg came into the picture and became a temporary distraction—a cock I could take advantage of. Make my own.

  My finger presses harder on my clit, the others collecting moisture. Curly dark hair between my legs is what I imagine. Thick arms wrapped around my thighs and large hands clutching my hips. Warm, tan skin on mine, his deep, guttural groans. Crow…

  My breathing is no longer shallow. It’s thick. I hear the woman moan on the TV and the man’s groan drowns beneath it, bringing me to a full-blown ecstasy. It’s hard not to cry out, so I make do. A muffled moan escapes parted lips, and my body slowly dies down, my back no longer arched, and my toes gradually uncurling.

  Hold on. What the fuck just happened? My eyes pop open, and I take a look around, disheveled. I pull my shit together, sitting up and tucking my legs beneath me. I rest my head on the armrest, releasing calm breaths as I change the channel. A small smile graces my lips, and before I know it, I fall asleep.

  With the thought of Ace Crow on my mind.

  Wild, erotic dreams of us.

  Touching some more. Teasing.

  Wait... us?



  “I don’t want eggs,” Aden complains, pushing his plate away. I sit beside him at the kitchen table.

  “Okay… no eggs. I’ll just eat them.” I smile, picking up a fork and digging it in his eggs. He picks up a slice of bacon, smiling behind it. The stairs creak, and Greg rounds the corner moments later, yawning. I straighten my back, dropping my fork and standing from the table.

  “Hungry?” I ask, avoiding his eyes. I glance back as he scratches the top of his head. He smiles at Aden, ruffling his hair as he passes by and comes towards me. A large arm wraps around my middle and pulls me back. He places his chin on my shoulder. My breathing stifles, but not with pleasure. I’m not sure what it is I’m feeling, but it’s not good.

  “I was thinking we could drop Aden off at daycare and catch some breakfast,” he murmurs in my ear.

  I don’t blink as I shovel the eggs with the spatula in hand. “You’re off today?” I ask.

  I feel him nod, and my stomach churns. I was going to use my afternoon to stop by the tempting Valentina Hotel. Swallowing thickly, I turn in his arms, placing my hands on his chest. “I want to,” I whine, “…but I actually have to get to yoga class in an hour.”

  He blinks, meeting my eyes. “Yoga class? When’d you join?”

  “Yesterday. I told the instructor I’d be there today to see how it goes. She’s giving me a free trial. She’s one hundred percent sure I’ll love it.” I grin.

  He releases me, scratching the top of his head again. I press my lips, expecting him to get upset, but instead, he says, “That’s great! We can try another morning. How about some bacon?” He plants a warm kiss on my cheek. “Glad you’re finally deciding to get out, babe. I won’t stop you. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll go to the station for a few hours and see if I can play catch up.”

  “Great.” I force a smile, but deep inside, I’m beaming. I’m glad he’s going to the station because I know a few hours will turn into a full day, maybe even a night. My plans won’t go down the drain. I will be stopping by Valentina Hotel. But will I go in? Will I dare myself to see Ace? After last night, I know I need another taste of him, but how can I do this to Greg, someone who has put all his trust into me? Someone who has poured his heart out to me? Given me a helping hand with a child that isn’t even his?

  Guilt eats me away as I place bacon and eggs on an empty plate. I set the plate in front of a smiling Greg, and he digs into the warm meal.

  I care. Of course I care, but I know, no matter how much I want the feelings to fade, exactly where my heart resides. I have to go see him. I need to. I need to know what made him change his mind about going to New York, and I need to know what happened to him three years back. Why was he taken? Where did he go and why? Did he plan his disappearance and somehow it went awry? So many unanswered questions and not enough answers.

  After getting dressed and packing lunches for Aden and Greg, I’m out the door in minutes. Greg offers to drop Aden off, and I thank him, truly grateful. The sooner I’m there, the less time I will have to reconsider.

  I clutch my keys, waving goodbye as Greg’s Titan pulls out of the driveway. When they disappear, I slip into my car and start it immediately. I start to put the car in reverse, but the pearl necklace on the dashboard catches my complete attention. I pause, eyes wide as I slowly reach for it.

  I blink, lips parted, rolling the glossy pearls between my fingers. I know Greg isn’t a believer in giving jewelry as a gift, let alone a single necklace. Not like this. Greg is the kind of guy that likes to see my reaction. If he were to buy jewelry, it’d be a whole set, and that only happens on special occasions. There is no occasion here, and he would most likely buy diamonds, not pearls. That only leaves one person responsible for this gesture.

  His signature bonding item.

  I sniff it, the manly scent of him there for sure.

  My eyes shut briefly, a smile caressing my lips.

  I quickly put the car in reverse and pull away from the driveway, way too eager to reach Valentina. I know exactly where it is. Right off the coast. Only fifteen minutes away.

  I pull up in ten minutes. Yes, I’m that eager.

  I clutch the wheel after parking the car, staring ahead at the grand hotel. Stacked room on top of room, the tinted windows reflect onto me, the white paint, orange stucco roof, and the building’s entire ensemble reminding me of an expensive Spanish home.

  My pulse sounds in my ears. “What the hell are you doing?” I scold myself in a hiss. “Why are you here? Why’d you give in?”

  I look towards the entrance as guests enter and depart, knowing Ace is just a few floors up. I sit back against the seat, my head resting on the leather. My eyelids seal, hoping I’ll come to my senses.

  I don’t. I’m here for a reason. I had it planned ever since last night when I fingered and toyed with myself until I shattered into pieces.

  I want to cum like that again, but this time, around him.

  I glance down at my black yoga pants and plum workout tank. This won’t do. That’s what I get for lying. I start the car and pull out of my parking space. There’s a place just around the corner, a small but pretty expensive boutique. It’s a favorite hidden gem of mine, the place I go when I want something nice. Special. I want to surprise him, so I pick out a trench coat from the rack along with some lacey panties.

  I finger the glossy pearls that were on the dashboard before placing them in my purse and putting my items on the checkout counter, remembering just how much he loves them. I recall the time he bound them around my wrists, locking me up and owning me. Taking me in a way I’d never been taken before. From behind, a sacred place only he’s invaded.

  I swipe my card, and after being handed my bag, I dash out the glass door, my cheeks flushed from vivid memories. Odd, considering it’s one of those thick and humid days in Creole.

  I drive back to Valentina, grab my shopping bag and purse, the strappy pair of spare heels from my junky tr
unk, and my keys before entering the hotel. Before I go up to room 214, I head for the bathroom, stripping out of my clothes before I even enter a stall.

  I slam the stall door shut behind me, kicking off my tennis shoes and yanking my spandex pants down. I pull out the black trench coat, and after taking off my sports bra, I slide into it. Next are the panties and high heels. Done.

  I pack my workout clothes in the shopping bag and then exit the stall, taking a peek in the mirror.

  I check my mascara.


  My lips are still glossed.

  My hair… I snatch out the band holding the ponytail, fluffing my chestnut curls. I pull out the final touch from my purse. The pearls. I hook them around my neck and smile at my reflection, pleased.

  Not too much. Not too little. Perfect for what’s about to go down. Just what he wants.

  I exit the bathroom with my purse and shopping bag in hand, proceeding to room 214, thrilled, anxious, and terrified all in one.

  I’m on my way to ultimate pleasure.


  The elevator dings. My heart thumps like never before.

  When the doors slide open, I step out cautiously, palms sweaty, head spinning. I look down the extended hallway. I can’t believe I’m going through with this. The guilt thickens deep within my core, but I overlook it. Starting down the hall, the clicking of my heels and the beating bass drum of my heart are the only sounds I can make out.

  I pass room after room, and when I pass room 210, I count from there. “Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen…”

  I stop in front of 214, touching the pearls that are fastened around my neck. I hear myself breathing, and I don’t understand why I’m acting like I’ve never done this before. I’ve been tempted by Ace plenty of times. This same exact thing happened when we first met. I ran to his place in need of release. I ran to him out of temptation. I ran to him out of curiosity and, most of all, hunger. I sought pleasure. Real pleasure I knew he could provide.

  And now, I’m here for the same thing, with love sprinkled on top, of course.

  The temptation. That little thing between lust and full-blown love.

  My finger runs down the glossy brown door. I inhale. I become bold.

  I knock and wait impatiently.

  Several heart-thumping seconds later, the door swings open. And, fuck me, he’s only wearing a towel. One single white towel hanging just below his waist, revealing that perfect, delicious V all women’s mouths water for. Despite the scars and gunshot wounds Bianca mentioned, he is absolutely delectable. I want to kiss each one. Caress them as if I can heal them and make them go away. He’s standing here, like he’s ready for me. Perfect timing. You go girl!

  He blinks down at me, eyes thin and dark. And then, he smirks, clutching the bronze doorknob.

  “Red.” He says the nickname so simply yet so deliciously that my bottom lips quivers and my cheeks blaze like a furnace.

  Clearing my throat, I barge in, walking around him and his devious smirk to the center of the living room. I pace for a second, but when the door clicks shut and Ace turns in my direction, I frown, lifting a stern finger in the air.

  "Let's get one thing straight." I wave my finger at him, eyebrows stitching. "This is not a game, Ace. This isn't New York. This isn't us chasing each other around, bickering over bullshit." I dare a step forward as he glares down at me, his jaw flexed. "And let's get another thing straight," I breathe, the space between us diminishing as he takes a step forward as well, head tilted. "I’m not here because you think you've summoned me."

  "No?" He raises an eyebrow. Without realizing it, my eyes drop from his face to his torso. The six-pack… oh, the six-pack. It’s still there. Still glorious. Still sexy as shit. "Then why are you here, Red?" Two more steps forward. I hold onto my confidence, reaching up to unbutton the first button of my trench coat. My hands tremble. Ace's eyes broaden, the rest of his face remaining the same.



  No emotion showing whatsoever.

  "Because,” Holy shit, am I really doing this? "…I'm tired of lying to myself." Quivering hands land on the last button. The jacket flaps open, and I shrug it off, allowing it to puddle around my feet.

  His eyes blaze with dominant hunger as they glitter down my frame. His hands tighten into fists, a clear sign he’s trying to restrain himself. That’s just too bad. He’s the dog, and I’m the steak. His mouth is watering for a taste. It’s impossible for him to deny me.

  While he stares at me, nearly naked before him, my mind drifts to other places. I've been bold with Ace plenty of times before, but this feels shallow. I feel like an amateur all over again.

  What is he thinking? Does he like what he’s seeing or is he too busy staring at the four stretch marks I developed because of his child growing to be seven pounds and eight ounces in my womb.

  Insecurity rapes me. Ashamed, I start to cover up, but Ace stops me, clutching my wrist in his large hand and tugging me forward. Our bodies clash, but he doesn't dare stumble. His gaze, still hot and heavy, locks with mine, and I ache.


  Long for him.

  Desired moisture collects in my panties, and my mouth gapes. My bottom lip trembles with words unspoken. Do you still love me? Do you still want me? Do you see me differently now? WHAT IS IT?! All questions I want to ask but don't.

  Finally, Ace speaks up, his voice deep and pleasant. "Fucking need you," he murmurs almost as if he's just read my mind. My eyes expand, but the question on my lips is stolen as he crushes my mouth with his, pulling me in even more, groaning with ferocity.

  God, the first time in three years he kisses me like he means it and I don't stop him. This is way different from the time in the kitchen. There, our time was limited, and anyone could’ve walked through the door, but here… we have all the time in the world. I've wanted this since seeing him that very first time on the beach, and had I not passed out, I would've kissed him like this—passionate yet violent.

  Wild yet so romantic.

  Despite all the unanswered questions.

  That’s how badly I crave him.

  Impatience gets the best of me. I reach down and snatch the towel from his waist as his tongue explores my mouth. He tugs on my panties, and in no time, they puddle around my six-inch heels.

  He presses his hard cock on me, and an unhinged moan bubbles out of me.

  Ace picks me up in his arms, clutching my ass in his hands as he stumbles towards the sofa. We land way too roughly, collapsing on the cold leather. I don’t mind. Not one bit.

  Lifting my thigh, he sinks between my legs and adjusts himself. I’m not blessed with patience. He's waited long enough. His cock, hot, long, and thick, thrusts into me, and my back arches, my pussy showing no resistance to his deep stroke.

  "Fuck, London," he growls, burying his face into the crook of my neck. “Tell me what you need,” he murmurs, his breath trailing down my bare skin.

  A mixture of a moan and pant escape me. “I need you to take me, Ace. Take me. Own me. Don’t be easy. Be rough. Fuck me. Just—”I release a ragged breath, tightening my hold around his neck, “…fuck me.”

  His eyes blaze, and within them, I spot the flaming hunger. Those were the words he wanted to hear. He’s wanted to hear them for years. I gasp as he grips my ass cheek with one hand, holding onto the back of my head with the other and stroking hard.



  Like he means it.

  "Knew you'd drop by," he purrs, almost mocking. If I weren't so wrapped up in the moment, I would tell him to go to hell.

  He plunges deeper. My legs lock around his firm, sculpted thighs, and my fingers grasp his ass. His fingers tangle in my hair, and he wrenches back, exposing my neck. Wet, highly erotic moans escape me as he sucks on my skin, still thrusting, bringing us to the brink as he marks me.

  He slightly releases the hold on my hair, bringing his mouth down on mine. His sweet tongue slips through m
y lips, tasting me, his other hand running up my thigh until he reaches my swelling clit. He circles the delicate nub torturously, and my lips part, breaking the embrace. He groans, delighted, watching as I shut my eyes and writhe with undeniable pleasure.

  "You wanted to cum like this, right?" he asks. "With my dick deep inside you.” His lips run across mine.

  “Yes,” I breathe.

  “For how long”

  “For a long time.”

  He holds on tighter. “I'm here, Red," he murmurs into my ear. "I'm here, and I'm not going any-fucking-where."

  His voice is collateral damage. His words. His promises. I don’t want him to go anywhere. Not ever again. I want him to mean it this time. Slick walls constrict around long, hot thickness, his momentum ongoing.

  I meet with him, lowering my chin and kissing fervently. Ace holds onto me but keeps a steady finger on my clit, and as we stare into each other's eyes, the climax arrives. Shooting stars and fireworks I haven't seen in years burst around me, and I cry out, coming so hard around him that my legs lock.

  "Fuck," Ace groans, the muscles in his neck tightening. He grinds his hips in small circles even after he cums, pleasing me until, finally, he collapses on top of me and I whimper, my walls pulsing around him.

  We pant through the moment, him with his eyes shut and me with mine wide open, staring up at the ceiling. Pushing up on one elbow, Ace looks from my eyes to my lips. He tips his head forward, and his teeth softly scrape my bottom lip. I’m granted a gentle bite, and I sigh, aching for him all over again.

  "I'm not going anywhere," he repeats, cupping my face and crushing my swollen lips with his.

  I nod, breaking the kiss. "Please don't. Stay."

  He blinks, his upper lip twitching. “How badly do you want me to stay?”

  I place a hand on his damp chest, swiping the sweat away. “I need you to stay.”

  "Then leave him." A demand. Not a request.

  I perch on my elbows, pulling my hand away. "You know I can't do that right now, Ace. It takes time."

  "Don't tell me you can't. After all the shit we’ve been through, I no longer believe in that word when it comes to us." He pushes up and pulls away from me, agitated.


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