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The Accidental Sub

Page 12

by Crane, G. Stuart

  When we were midway to my house, the blush finally started to fade. After a few minutes of silence I asked, “Is there a problem, my slave?”

  "No master,” she said, “but I had a hard time getting all of those feminine products at once. I never get more than a couple at a time from any one store. I still don't know how you are going to use all those things on me."

  That made me chuckle. "A little at a time, my lovely L.A.. Up to this point I have only taken you in one place. By the time I turn you over to Zin, you will have pleasured your Master in many ways. There are two other places I could take you, three if I include your breasts."

  The color suddenly returned to her checks. Once I was inside putting away the groceries, I told L.A. to go back to the car and get the lingerie I had purchased for her and put it with her overnight bag. When she returned I began to kiss her again.

  "Remove the blouse and skirt," I commanded, and she stripped down to the corset. It was not a true Victorian corset with three sets of laces and steel or whalebone stays, but a more modern version that Madonna might wear on stage, more of a bustier with a built in demi-bra.

  This corset did not have a nether closure of any kind. LA was bare from slightly below the hips down. Binding her to the eyebolts in the store had been a small mercy from me. It had helped her to maintain her balance while this had been laced up. The second time through tightening the laces had taken her breath away.

  I had her go to the mirror and study herself. Her figure had improved in this high fashion bondage device and as I watched her look at herself in the mirror, she ran her hands up and down the sides of her body, not believing the change. With her smaller waist, swelling bust, and shaved pussy, she looked quite hot. I stepped behind her and put my hands on her waist.

  I looked at her face in the mirror. "Do you like what you see?" I said in a low voice next to her ear.

  She smiled and kept her eyes on her reflection. "I haven't looked this good since high school Master!" she finally said.

  "You look good to me regardless," I said. "With this, I can keep you in bondage all day long and no one but you and I would the wiser. Feel it, the snugness, the feeling against your skin. Is this something you would have chosen for yourself?"

  "No, Master, I never would have picked this,” she finally said.

  "Who put you in this?" I asked.

  "My Master," she said.

  "Yes, your Master had you laced up in this very tightly for several reasons. You feel pretty now, don't you?" I asked her while caressing her flanks and bottom.

  "Yes, Master," she sighed. "I like it for lots of other reasons, but mostly for the bondage aspect."

  "Did you notice the looks of the other men and clerks in the supermarket, and the looks of envy from the women in the store?"

  “No, Master, I didn't notice. Were they looking? I was so embarrassed by what I was picking out, I just looked straight ahead. I was sure everyone in the store could smell me." She blushed again.

  "Oh, yes, they looked, and I loved every minute of it. I noticed a man or two looking at you, then at your left hand to see whether you wore a wedding ring." I had watched these little episodes in the store with a great deal of satisfaction. Between her internal glow and her recently corseted figure she was stunning.

  She was mine! They would never know to what degree.

  "Oh, Master, I think you delight in embarrassing me," she said.

  "Guilty as charged," I replied. "That is one of the little pleasures I will have from you." As Lord Gerwald had stated earlier, what is punishment to one is pleasure to another. Now that she had revealed to this me, I knew I could use this as punishment sometime if given reason.

  I was still holding her and looking at her in the mirror. "Now about your smell," I said and placed my hand on her bottom and worked it down towards her cunt. When I reached it, I felt moisture. I worked my finger in between her nether lips. Once my fingers opened those lips, the lubrication covered my fingers and hand.

  I lifted my hand to my nose and inhaled the scent of aroused female. I held my fragranced fingers to her nose.

  "Inhale!" I commanded sharply. When she did, she turned her face away.

  "That's what I want you to smell like. Pure aroused female!" I stated.

  She still had her head turned away but said, "What has my Master done to me? I can't help it. I'm aroused all the time. Every time the phone rings my heart jumps and I get wet."

  I held her tightly; there was no need for words. She liked the effect this adventure was having on her and her body. She could leave whenever she wanted and she knew it. One thing however had to be on her mind. She was pretty and desirable enough that someone wanted literally to own her. This was a confidence builder, I was certain. After the divorce and a failed relationship or two, her self-esteem had been bashed a little. Not so now!

  It was time to introduce to another level. I had her go to the kitchen and sit while I made my preparations. She looked at me kind of funny as I got out the carrots and mineral oil and then a vegetable peeler. I selected a small diameter carrot and peeled it smooth and to a sharp point. I carved a notch in it around the circumference of the carrot and cut it off about three inches long. It was about the diameter of a felt-tipped marking pen. It was cold from having been in the refrigerator. I then poured out a little mineral oil in a small paper cup and placed the prepared carrot in it.

  "In the store, when I picked up the carrots, where did I touch your body L.A.?" I finally asked.

  She puzzled over this a second or two then stated "You patted my bottom, Master, but like many things you did today, I didn't understand."

  "This is what I am going to use for a butt plug. Some use it for punishment and some use it as a preparation for other things. You have never had much in the way of anal play have you?"

  Her answer to this was so low in volume I barely heard her say, "No, Master, never."

  "Before I take your virginity there, I am going to prepare you for that. I am going start very small and for short periods of time plugging your butt." I put the cup with the carrot in front of her.

  "The mineral oil is for lubrication. The groove I cut around the thick part of the carrot is for your anal sphincter muscle. Notice that the groove is about a quarter ways down the shaft of the carrot. Since this is small and lubricated, when I slide it in, your sphincter will grip around the groove in the carrot and leave enough sticking out that you can grip and remove it when the time comes. That is very important, to always leave a way to remove it.

  "Anal play is tricky because of the contents of the rear passage. By using this as a butt plug, when you are done with it, you just put it in the commode and flush it. It won't have to be cleaned or taken care of, just disposed of. Now pick it up and look at it. Look how I peeled and carved it. You will have to make these for yourself, so examine it well."

  She picked up that little carrot like it was alive, and twisted it around a time or two then put it down.

  "This first time, I'm only going to leave it in for ten minutes. You should find that you body adjusts to it very quickly. Now stand up. First I'm going to remove that corset." She stood and I attacked the laces. I took a moment to get the knots out, but then the laces came out easily. She gave a very audible sigh of relief when it was finally unlaced and she was able to slide it to her feet. She now stood before me nude and it was easy to see the imprints that the corset had left on her body.

  "Go to the bedroom and hang it up then return.” She was back in a few moments, but as soon as she entered the kitchen her eyes went to the paper cup on the table. She was looking at it like it was a wild animal that was about to attack her. I also noticed that she stayed on the other side of the room, away from my kitchen table.

  I motioned her to me then told her, "Bend over at the waist, spread your legs, then reach behind you and spread your cheeks."

  Because of the awkwardness of the position, it took her few seconds to accomplish this, and then it was not to my s
atisfaction. I slapped her bottom with my hand, leaving a red handprint, and followed this with a rather harsh command of, "Wider!"

  She pulled a little harder on her bottom and finally exposed her anus and cunt to my satisfaction. After getting the carrot and shaking off the excess mineral oil, I approached her with my right hand.

  "Hold that position," I told her and reached between her legs with my left hand and started to caress her pussy. She was dry, but after a solid minute of petting, I felt her moisten again. I think the idea of a butt plug had scared her. When I was able to work a finger into her pussy, I felt her arousal again, the walls of that channel spasming and fluttering a little. I continued to work her to a climax.

  "Cum for me L.A.. You have to cum for your Master; your orgasms are mine to command."I continued to caress pussy. I would offer no quarter on this. She was going to cum for me bent over in the middle of my kitchen. He breathing was faster now and I felt her legs straining to hold her position. She was fighting me a little and I would allow it, but she would give her submission to me. I continued both the caress and a running monologue telling her to cum.

  Seconds later she panted, "Master, I'm going to cum," and I felt intense spasms against my hand. When I felt this, I knew that her resistance to the back passage would be low.

  For many women the other body muscles go slack during orgasm. During the height of her orgasm I sunk the butt plug into her anus and watched the sphincter muscle seal around the groove I had cut in it. I doubted she had even felt it slide in. By doing it this way, her concentration was in other places.

  Just as soon as it had slid in, I circled around in front of LA and helped her straighten up with a gentle instruction: "Stand, L.A., and give me a hug." She did that and I held her as she rode out the rest of the orgasm. When it was done, she looked at me with a quizzical look on her face. I was sure that after she had stood and had let go of her cheeks, her little present had made it presence known.

  "Master?" was all she said.

  "Yes, L.A., I inserted the plug. How does it feel?"

  She wiggled her butt a little first and said, A little cold, but no worse than a suppository. It doesn't hurt, Master, if that's what you're asking. It's just a little strange." She continued to shift her weight a little from foot to foot, seeing how it felt.

  "I left it small for a reason. You'll see in a few minutes. For now, go get your robe on and remove the tags and stickers from the things I bought you.”

  She left to do this and I cleaned up the kitchen a little. After that I watched her with her new clothing. It was rather pleasant watching her hold the new items up to her body and look at herself in a mirror. After ten minutes, I told her it was time and had her come to the bathroom with me.

  I had her sit on the commode. "Now, I want you reach to your behind and pull out the plug, but don't drop it yet. I want to see it first."

  It took her a moment but she managed to accomplish the task. I looked at the end of the plug then called her attention to it.

  "Do you see the brown stain at the end of it? You should know what that is considering where it has been."

  "Yes Master."

  "Dispose of it. Before I take you there, I will give you an enema there. Also I need to enlarge you there a little so the size of the plug will be increased gradually. Now I hope you understand about the carrots. Take this bag with you when you go home. Tomorrow, you will make one and plug yourself in front of me. I have to know that you can do this."

  She responded to this with a very weak, "Yes, Sir," tinged with just a little rebellion. I filed that away for later but first I wanted to show her the uses of some of the other things we'd purchased.

  The sandpaper I had bought was quite ordinary. It was a package of five sheets of medium grit in standard nine by eleven-inch sheets. After I removed one of the sheets from the package, I instructed my lovely slave to get on one of the new sets of panties and bra I had bought for her. While she was doing that I cut two ovals from the sandpaper.

  I had LA model the ensemble a bit and had her stand as she had in the store under Mistress Donnas' instruction with legs far enough apart for balance and hands behind her head with fingers interlaced. I tucked the ovals were tucked into the bra and panties with the grit side of the sandpaper to the flesh. I explained to her that I would use these for punishment if given reason, but for now I wanted her to experience this while I could monitor her reactions.

  Although not uncomfortable at first, the action of breathing would soon begin to irritate the delicate flesh that was unaccustomed to anything but the most gentle of sensations. I simply had her stand there and watched. In about ten minutes I noticed the subtle body language that screamed irritation.

  She tried to control and slow down her breathing. She tried to quit adjusting her weight between her feet and stood very still. If this is done during the course of a normal workday, the skin can be seriously abraded with no more movement than the normal action of breathing or walking. Typical office activities of typing, writing, and answering the phone can become shear torture. If spanked while wearing these devices, the effect is magnified. I avoid this because the grit can work its way under the skin.

  I removed them from L.A.'s clothing and had her strip off the bra and panties to examine the areas where the sandpaper had touched. They did not show any signs of abrasion but I knew they had to itch. While I was examining the undersides of her breasts, I noticed that her nipples had once again become quite erect.

  I admit that to examine the undersides I was handling them quite roughly. Zin had told me that L.A. would like her breasts used very rough and hard. This had excited her. First, I had her go to the sink and wash the areas that had been touched by the sandpaper. I gave her some soothing lotion to help. The itch would remain.

  After she had finished applying the lotion I asked, "Did that arouse you?"

  She thought a second and replied, "Not the sandpaper, Master, but you’re touching and examining my breasts did."

  The way she said that led me to believe that there were secrets there. They called out, begging to be touched and explored.

  "How do you like them played with?" I asked her.

  Her reply was almost a wail. "Master, how can you ask a question like that?!"

  I just had to smile at that response. "I can ask just as I have done or I can experiment and watch your responses. Now, tell me what you like or I will experiment."

  She looked down at the floor then replied, "I like my nipples pinched and twisted very hard. I nursed for a while and found myself getting very aroused by that. When I pumped my breasts for milk, I found pleasure in that. I would do that very hard. I never had an orgasm from it but I would get very close. I would often lock myself in the bathroom and caress myself afterward. It never took more than a minute or so to cum after I did that. Please, Master, how can you make a girl reveal herself so? I have never even told my ex-husband or doctor that."

  I thought a moment and said, "As I said when you first started this, you will find this more intimate than marriage. I will know you better than you know yourself. You accepted me as your Master and that entitles me to those secrets and feelings. I can ask and expect to receive honest and complete answers because of the privileges and permissions that the necklace and collar give me. Look at me, L.A.."

  She looked up with tears just starting to form in her eyes.

  "Do you understand a little more of our relationship now?” I asked her.

  She was slow to answer but finally smiled and said, "Yes, Master, and you have always had an honest answer from me. I understand a little more now how deep this can be."

  She seemed to relax a little. The admissions she had just made had to have come from the heart and I was sure that she had never revealed them to anyone. Being able to verbalize this had released her from some hidden demon. She seemed relieved and the fact that I had accepted this and considered this normal -- even desirable -- rather than abnormal and had set aside some fears. She
was more mine now than ever and I think that she realized that.

  "Later I will introduce you to nipple clamps. The ones I have can be adjusted for anything from a mild grip to a very painful bite. Clover clamps are very rough and if you pull the connecting chain between them, the clamps tighten. But for now, let's try something a little more common."

  Mousetraps come in packages of two. It's most convenient for the home bondage enthusiast. To make the useful, however, they have to be modified. The entire trigger mechanism has to be removed. This is easy enough to do with a pair of pliers. Once these are removed all that is left is a serious clamp that can be used for lots of things. I often use them in my shop to hold things together that have to be glued. I sent LA to the bedroom while I went to the garage to prepare the mousetraps and the ball.

  The mousetraps only took a minute to prepare. I removed the trigger, then wire cutters and trimmed any barbs. I got out a drill and drilled a small hole in each base and tied the two traps together with a short length of nylon string. Next, I took the small red rubber ball and drilled a hole through the center. I forced a length of elastic through its center and tied the ends together. I now had a ball gag to go with the clamps.


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