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Darkest Wolf

Page 10

by Rebecca Royce

He knew why she thought this an error. He wasn’t exactly an ideal mate. But he was going to prove to her he could be. For the rest of his life, if she’d let him.

  Chapter Ten

  Elizabeth reached forward to grab the back of Rex’s neck. She was more than a little surprised he hadn’t leapt at the invitation for sex. It was obvious he was aroused; she could see the outline of his cock pressing against the towel he kept wrapped around his waist.

  Still, he stared deep into her eyes as if he could see her soul—the last thing she wanted him to do at the moment. Her body felt hot, like she might explode if she didn’t get him inside of her. A strange tingling traveled around her body, and she wondered for a second if it was her magic turning back on. Intellectually, she knew it wasn’t possible, but it still reminded her of the times she’d been able to easily tap into the source of magic and maneuver it through her fingers.

  In those days she’d taken the ability for granted. If she ever got the chance to practice again, she wouldn’t make the same mistake. For that reason, she intended to appreciate this time with Rex. It might be all they would get together and the time would have to be enough.

  She pressed her lips to his. The few times they’d locked together in the past had not prepared her for the heat radiating from Randolph Kane. He felt like liquid lava beneath her hands, and his mouth made her want to melt inside of him. His cheeks had a touch of stubble which rubbed against her skin. The slight tinge of pain sent tingles down her spine. Still, he hadn’t kissed her back yet.

  Elizabeth backed up. Had she misread his signals? Was he not interested? “I’m sorry.” She could hear her own voice shake. It had been so long since she’d reached out to anyone and now to humiliate herself…

  He grabbed her arm. “Don’t be sorry. I’m afraid if I touch you, I’ll break you.”

  “What?” Her mind whirled at what he said. Was there some weird wolf sex thing she didn’t know about?

  “You’re so delicate. I’m afraid I could break you.”

  The sincerity in his voice was her undoing. She launched herself, forcing him to catch her before they both tumbled backward onto the floor. He took the brunt of the hit on his back but didn’t even wince.

  Elizabeth grinned, suddenly feeling very powerful. “I don’t break.” She kissed him again and this time his mouth met hers in unison. Yes, Rex wanted this as much as she did. He groaned and pulled her neck down so she was even closer to him. Her breasts, feeling strained against her shirt, pushed against the contours of his hard chest. It was all she could do not to rip the abusive clothing from her body and insist on being totally naked with Randolph. But she knew she needed to slow down. They had all night. Maybe only one, and she wouldn’t risk it by ending everything too soon.

  With another growl, this one sounding downright feral, Rex rolled her over until he was on top of her. The sound of his animal side made her hotter. He pulled back to stare at her and his eyes did nothing to alter her impression his animal was close to the surface.

  She didn’t see the wolf in his depths but there was something slightly out of control by the way his dark pupils regarded her.

  “You are the single most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.” His voice sounded low, husky. She swallowed as her mouth went suddenly dry.

  “You’re the only one who can see me. Even in my days before the curse, no one would ever have said I was the single most beautiful sight of anything. I wasn’t as hideous as I am now but beautiful? Probably not.”

  “Then they weren’t looking properly.” Rex traced the top of her nose down to her chin. “And part of me wants to be selfish. I’d rather no one else could ever see you as gorgeous as you truly are. If I could keep you as my own jewel, I would. But I would not cause you any more pain and the reactions of others are too hard for you to handle.”

  “Rex, I…” She never got to finish what she would have said because he kissed her again, and she lost all track of any coherent thought except for Rex’s tongue in her mouth. Together, their mouths played a game of their own. She knew, at least, she had no cognitive ability controlling her body. All she could comprehend was she wanted Rex and she wanted him now.

  “Easy. We have all night.”

  She hoped he was correct. Still, Elizabeth knew tomorrow would bring all kinds of problems. It was better to take their pleasure as they could find it right at this moment.

  The man could kiss. His lips were firm and his tongue skilled. Their mouths fused together as she imagined his tongue was actually his cock moving in a different part of her body. His hands traveled between them, stopping to rumple her shirt or caress her breasts through the fabric.

  “You are so hot, little witch. You’re going to scorch my hands.”

  “If I’m hot, Randolph, it’s because you are making me that way.” She kissed him again because she felt like she had to or she might explode. What was it about this man who made her want him so much?

  Between their bodies, Rex pulled at her shirt. Good, she was glad. Never before had she wanted an article of clothing off as much as she desired the removal of her shirt. She helped him, and finally, after a bit of a struggle, they managed to get her clothing over her head.

  “You’d think neither one of us had ever undressed before.” He laughed. “I think it might have to do with the fact my hands are shaking.” She looked down at her own. “You’re not alone.”

  The cold air of the room assaulted her skin. Funny, it hadn’t felt warm to her earlier.

  It must have been the heat she and Rex were generating. The sensation reminded her of one time when she’d gotten sunburned and then stepped inside to an air conditioned room. It had felt like someone had blasted her with a cold air gun and wouldn’t let up on the attack.

  “You have the most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen.”

  She felt her cheeks heat up. Embarrassment was not an emotion she’d ever enjoyed and she’d certainly had her fill of it lately with all of the people pointing and staring at her. “You’ve clearly not been looking at a lot of breasts if you think mine are anything wonderful.”

  He moved over to her on his knees. They weren’t touching but she felt like he’d reached up and grabbed her. His eyes bored into hers as if he owned her, and right then she felt like he might.

  “You’re never to insult yourself to me, Elizabeth. Not even in jest. Do you understand? I will never lie to you. If I say your breasts are the most beautiful in the whole universe, then they are. It’s bad enough I have to put up with every idiot human treating you badly, I won’t have you disparaging yourself in any way.” Did it make her sick in the head that his words were such a palpable turn-on for her?

  “I wish I were the kind of woman who could let you scoop me up and let you handle all of my problems. You understand I can’t, right? This isn’t the world I live in. I can’t.” He brushed a piece of hair out of her face. “I know. For now.” How could she tell him despite his belief they were mates, the time would never come when she would be able to rely on him?

  “Your smell. All of a sudden you are sad.” He shook his head. “I won’t have you that way. Not ever.” Like a prince out of the movies she’d watched as a child, he rose to his feet and gently picked her up off the floor. In his arms, cradled like she was cherished, she let herself take a deep breath. “I think the first thing is we’ll not do this on the floor like…” He grinned. “A bunch of animals.” Laughing at his own pun, he set her down on top of the bed. “Feel free to make the obvious joke.”

  Liz wasn’t certain she’d actually be able to speak through the lump in her throat.

  “Randolph, you are, animal or no animal, the most civilized, kindest man I’ve ever met.”

  “Then you haven’t been paying close enough attention because I am none of those things.”

  He moved above her, stroking her with his index finger from her belly button to the crevice just below her white bra. She fell backward into the semi-soft bed. The hard floor hadn’t bothered her.
Her scent of sadness aside, she wanted Rex. Being intimate with him would let her forget things for a while.

  Their lips met again and she knew this time there wouldn’t be any stopping what started between them. With her fingertips, she traced the hard lines of his chest. Were all wolves as sculpted as Rex, or was it just her luck to be with a man who looked like he’d stepped off the cover of a men’s fitness magazine?

  Beneath her fingers, she could feel his skin goosebump. It made her feel powerful.

  He might look like an Adonis come to life, but he reacted to her like she was straight-out his every fantasy. Maybe it made her vain, but she loved it.

  Wanting nothing more than to lick him where she had touched him, she bent forward until she could. Randolph tasted slightly salty and all male. “I have the strangest senses when I smell you. It almost makes me think I could be part-wolf myself.” He raised an eyebrow, his gaze so intense she had no question she held his total attention. “What do I smell like to you?”

  “All male and, sometimes, like the woods, which is odd because I’ve never spent much time outdoors.”

  “We all carry the smells of Westervelt on us. I am shocked you can scent it, as I can assure you that you do not have any wolf in your blood. I would be able to smell it. You are all human. But perhaps it is because you are my mate.”

  “That word again.” She pushed him down until they changed places and she could straddle him. “I’m not all human, I’m a witch. I can take whatever you can dish.”

  “You think so?” In two seconds, he had torn the pants from her body. They made a ripping sound seconds before he tossed them over his shoulder onto the ground. His hands traveled up her legs, from her knees to the top of her thighs. The experience made her shiver.

  “Showing off your strength? I was already properly impressed before you destroyed my clothing.”

  “I’ll buy you a thousand new pairs.”

  “Steal them, you mean.”

  He growled before he flipped her over so he was on top again. With a twist of his fingers, he removed her bra using the front clasp. His mouth came down on her breast, kissing all over until he came to her nipple. The firm lips she’d loved kissing earlier went to work on her nipple.

  Rex tugged and sucked until she practically bucked off the bed beneath him. Her pussy heated up and she knew she’d be wetter than she’d ever been before.

  “You like it, witch?” None of the attitude she’d come to associate with his saying of that word was present. Instead, he said witch almost reverently, like someone would say a prayer.

  “I do. I really, really do.”

  He nodded. “Good. Because I’m going to do it again.”

  Still massaging her first breast, he moved his mouth to her other one. Elizabeth didn’t know which was more intense—the sensations throbbing through her body or the look in Randolph’s eyes. Both made her hot, both made her want to weep in joy.

  Elizabeth wasn’t content with lying beneath him and letting him have all the fun.

  Instead, she grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him off her until she could squirm beneath him. Rex’s towel had come loose and it was easy to chuck away. Her hand easily found his hard shaft. Beneath her fingers, it jumped, and he hissed. “Good pain or bad pain?” As she spoke the words, she kept her hand moving up and down his shaft.

  “No pain. Just so much pleasure. Like I’ve never felt before.” His confession made her even more daring. He’d fought her for the top position earlier but she guessed he wouldn’t mind giving it up now. “Roll over.” Without objection, he did what she’d told him to do. She kissed him down his body until she reached his cock. Rex tasted good everywhere she licked him and she couldn’t wait to get to experience what his cock would taste like. “You’re huge. Do you think I can handle you?”

  Rex stroked the top of her hair. “You don’t have to. No pressure. I have no expectations of this.”

  “I’m joking with you. This wouldn’t be nearly as much fun for me if I don’t get to have you in my mouth.” Loosening her throat until it opened more, she fit the head of his cock into her mouth. She moaned at the taste of him. It was like licking Rex had been, but more so. Everything about him was male, everything about him was hers. At least for the moment.

  Giving in to her most wanton urges, she took him entirely into her mouth. Rex cursed, but she barely heard him. It was the sound of absolute pleasure she focused on.

  He loved this. Gently, she moved upward as she let her teeth scrape the side of his penis.

  “Elizabeth, I need you to stop. I won’t be able to continue if you keep up like that.” Groaning, she almost didn’t do what he wanted. Giving Rex a blowjob was more fun than she’d had in ages. But she didn’t want their fun to be over just yet. Like Randolph, she wanted to feel him inside of her. Pulling off him, she gave him one more scrape with her teeth.

  He hissed. “I think you might be trying to kill me.” She laughed as they once again rolled over so he could be on top of her. Sex with Rex was proving to be … joyous.

  She’d never known it could be like this. Making love on a hotel bed could be fun even as it was hot and intense.

  “You have the best giggle in the whole world.” Rex’s voice was a purr in her ear.

  She smiled at the thought. He might not like being compared to a cat. In fact, she suspected he would hate it. Later on, she’d have to make sure to tell him she’d thought of it. For now, all she could focus on was he’d slipped her panties down her legs and his skilled hands had begun to stroke her pussy. With two fingers, he stretched her open.

  “You’re already so wet for me. I bet I can make you even more so.”


  He quickly found the small bud of nerves near her entrance. Like he was already an expert in her body’s secrets, he swirled his fingers over her clit. It was fast, as if her body had been desperate for him before she’d ever even met him. Pleasure surged through her body, taking her breath. Her muscles began to quiver.

  “That’s right, sweetheart. Let it go. I want to feel you come on my fingers.” Randolph didn’t have to ask her twice. Colors exploded before her eyes as her orgasm overtook her. She screamed his name and tears exploded from her eyes.

  He never stopped stroking her, even as she stopped quivering beneath him. “You’re so beautiful, Elizabeth.”

  This time when her cheeks heated up she didn’t mind the embarrassment because she could see in his eyes he meant every word he said. For those few seconds they stared silently at each other, she wanted to be exactly as he saw her. She wished she could be the pure, perfect woman who Rex saw when he regarded her. Never had she been so certain she knew what another person was thinking.

  Elizabeth. His voice in her mind added to their intimacy.


  I want to be inside you now.

  She laughed. “By all means.”

  He leaned down, gently kissing her on the mouth for a few minutes until she was warm and content again. It felt so right to be with him like this.

  Elizabeth could feel him pressed up against her. The tip of his penis moved to the edge of her opening. She squirmed until he was nearly inside of her. In one thrust, he entered her. She gasped. Never before had she felt so full. He was fully inside of her.

  His face had fallen serious, hard lines surrounding his eyes and mouth. “Is this okay?”

  Reaching up to stroke the side of his face, all she wanted to do was to relieve the tension she saw there. He needed to be brought back to where she was—the two of them connected like they were one being instead of two. “It’s more than okay, Randolph. It’s perfect.”

  He nodded, some of the tension eased away from his back. Then he began to move.

  In small thrusts at first that became harder and harder, he moved within her. Elizabeth lost all sense of time. She could have been anywhere—even floating above the earth on another planet—because the only thing existing in the universe was the two of them locke
d in this most intimate of embraces.

  The more the tension increased, the harder it became to hold back her pleasure. She wanted this to last forever. Her body felt like it had been made for this moment. Her muscles contracted around him as he fit her perfectly.

  Finally, an explosion of sensation traveled up her spine and moved out of her with the power of a bomb going off. She yelled his name, pleading with the universe to make the pleasure continue.

  Rex followed her, gripping her against him as he came screaming her name.

  Panting, she opened her eyes. For a moment, she couldn’t believe what she saw. It wasn’t possible. Except that it was happening. As conscious thought returned to her, she could feel the vision in front of her eyes happened.

  A cord connected the two of them. Colors traveled from his body into hers as the same thing occurred in the opposite direction. Without having to be told, she realized what was going on. Parts of Rex’s soul were moving from his body into hers where she was sure they would stay. “Randolph, open your eyes.” She almost couldn’t breathe from the beauty of the moment. For the rest of eternity, she would know him better than any two people ever got to truly know each other.

  Red came first. It was Rex’s passion. She could feel it surround her. He did nothing halfway. Blue—the color of his loyalty. It was as much a part of him as his passion. Red and blue together, she knew he would never be anything but fierce and loyal to her.

  Yellow followed. Rex had a sensitive side. He might not like to acknowledge it, but it was there, fragile and open. But that wasn’t alone. There was a dark gray part of Rex which entered her. The part of him that said he would do whatever had to be done to make things work for his family. He considered this his dark side, but she saw what it was: pragmatism. Elizabeth understood this part of him very well. It was a character trait she felt certain she shared with him. It didn’t make him dark. No, it made him a realist.

  Above all of it was the sense of love. Rex loved her. How was it possible she could have earned such emotion from him in the days they’d been together? And how was it possible she returned the feeling to him? A tear slipped from her eye. What parts of her soul was he getting? There was no way it would be as beautiful as his.


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