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Cherished (Intergalactic Loyalties)

Page 6

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  Of course, he fully intended to wrap her up and keep her safe for the next several months, maybe until the babe was born. He didn’t think his heart could handle another abduction. Thankfully, they weren’t at war with anyone at the moment. Well, except the Tarnans -- now. He would give them a chance to hand her over peacefully. If they declined, it would all out war. He would shed the blood of every single Tarnan until she was returned to his side, and he would show them no mercy.

  He quickly ate the tasteless food and returned to his station. Eventually he would have to rest, if he wanted to be in full control of himself and his abilities, but he would do that later. The thought of lying in their bed alone didn’t appeal to him. It just made him ache all the more for his precious Lucie and their child. Soon. She would be by his side again soon.


  Lucie growled at Cael in frustration. Her pregnancy test had come back positive, which she’d known it would, and ever since he’d been hovering. The Tarnans were not pleased by the turn of events and had let her know as much. They still didn’t know that she’d been the one to release Dryxel from his prison, and for that she was grateful. Ariana and Bane knew, as well as Cael, but the three hadn’t mentioned it to anyone outside of their family. Arko had spoken with Rebecca and insured her silence, by promising to put in a good word for her with the captain. Not that Lucie thought it would do any good.

  Ari was visiting with her after the noon meal when the captain stopped by to see her. She’d spoken to Sol on several occasions and had always thought him to be a kind man, but she figured having him stop by unannounced was not a good thing.

  “Ariana, may I speak with Lucie alone, please?” Sol asked.

  “I promised Cael I wouldn’t leave her side,” Ari said.

  “I understand. It’s just… what I have to say to her is rather personal. I thought it best to speak to her alone. I promise, I won’t leave the room with her. If you’d like, you may wait in the hall just outside the door.”

  Ariana seemed to hesitate, but Lucie was curious as to what Sol could possibly want.

  “Go, Ari. I’ll be fine,” she assured the redhead.

  “All right. But if Cael comes after me, I’m blaming you,” Ari said, pointing at Sol.

  Lucie watched her leave the room and listened to the door click shut. It was several minutes before Sol began to speak. She had wondered if he was ever going to say anything.

  “I know we haven’t gotten to know one another very well since you’ve been on board,” he began, “but I’ve noticed you from the very beginning. I figured with so many warriors buzzing about you, that it was best I give you space.”

  “Why did you feel the need to stay away?”

  “As captain, I should stand back and let my men have first choice of the women we find, out of those who decide to settle on a mate before reaching home. Besides, you had so many wanting to bond with you, I figured you didn’t need one more.”

  Her stomach flipped. “I don’t understand.”

  “I think you do,” he said quietly. “I know you’re mated to your Tourmalane warrior, the prince no less, or at least you claim to be. I also know of the child growing within you, but I came to tell you that those things don’t matter to me. If you’re still seeking a mate, if you need protection while on my planet, I hope you’ll consider me.”

  “Captain --”

  “Sol,” he corrected.

  “Sol. I appreciate the offer, but the fact is I am mated to Dryxel and he will come for me. I admit, the thought of going to your world frightens me, especially now, but I can’t bond myself to someone when I’m already bonded. Would you ask me to cheat on my husband?”

  He chuckled. “Husband. I had forgotten about that human term. And no, I wouldn’t. If you are truly bonded, then I will stand aside. You do, however, still have my protection if you wish it.”

  “What I wish is to be returned to Dryxel’s side.”

  Sol sighed. “If only it were that easy. Perhaps if we knew his location, I could quietly return you, but he could be anywhere right now.”

  “Then what do I do? What happens when he comes for me? I don’t want there to be a war.”

  “No,” Sol muttered. “A war would not be a good thing right now. We’re trying to build up our society, not tear it down and lose even more lives. It’s bad enough there are so few women on our planet, but to lose seasoned warriors would be a crime right now. By all rights, those men should be thinking of starting families, not rescuing a woman who doesn’t want to be saved.”

  “Will you speak with your people? Guarantee Dryxel safe passage to your world and allow him to extract me?”

  “Perhaps we can stall landing for a bit. We should reach the Tarnan orbit within the hour and land by nightfall.”

  “It could take days, maybe longer, before Dryxel reaches me. I can’t ask you and your men to suffer that long. I know you wish to be home with your families, to get the other women settled.”

  She felt a vibration through the bed and wondered if Sol was tapping his foot.

  “I have an idea,” he said. “It’s a risky one, but it might work.”

  “What? I’m willing to try anything!”

  “I’ll contact King Razyr, Dryxel’s father, and tell him that we’re piloting a ship with you and a small crew on board. I’ll tell him where to find us and the prince can come and pick you up.”

  “And your men are going to let that happen?”

  Sol grumbled. “Maybe not.”

  “The Keshpans know how to fly a ship. What if you took them on as crew for the mission? We could land long enough for your men and the other women to disembark, and before they realized what was happening, you could take off again with just us on board.”

  Sol hummed low in his throat. “I could talk to them about it, I suppose. But if they help me, my fellow Tarnans may not welcome them with open arms. I don’t know that they’ll want to jeopardize their future. It’s possible they would be without a ship and without a planet to call their own when it’s all said and done.”

  “Dryxel will take them in,” she said confidently.

  “Maybe. But will they wish to go with him?”

  She couldn’t answer that, but if it meant she was peacefully returned to her prince’s side, it was worth a shot. The worst that could happen would be the Keshpans saying no. Something told her Bane and Cael would agree. She just wasn’t sure about Arko or Dar. She’d had very little interaction with either one and wasn’t sure they would care what happened to her.

  Sol promised to discuss it with the Keshpans then make his call to the king. She only hoped it went well. The sooner she was back with Dryxel the better. Never had she missed someone so much in her life.

  Chapter Five

  Dryxel stared at the COMM in confusion. “They want to what?” he asked his father.

  “They want permission to join us on Tourmalane, in exchange for bringing your princess to you.”

  “And how is the Tarnan going to pilot his ship back home?”

  The king smiled. “I asked that myself. Seems their ships are equipped with a homing device. Once pushed, the ship will pilot itself back to Tarnan. I would imagine he isn’t going to be well-favored when he returns home, maybe even stripped of his title.”

  “So why risk it?” Dryxel asked.

  “I think he has feelings for your princess and he’s doing it for her.”

  Dryxel wasn’t sure he liked the sound of that. No one was supposed to feel anything for his bonded mate except him. Not that he should be surprised that other men found her attractive, since she was rather stunning, but it irked him that she would have to rely on another man to come to her rescue.

  “And she’s to be returned, unharmed?”

  “Yes. They’re landing, probably as we speak, and once all of the other women and Tarnans are off the ship, Captain Sol said he would lift the platform and take off. He said he could use hyperdrive if need be, but I told him you were no longer in your origi
nal location. You’re to meet one lunar cycle away from Tarnan. Hopefully he won’t be followed before the princess is safely on board.”

  “And the Keshpans,” Dryxel muttered. He didn’t like the idea of slave owning males being on his ship, even if they were currently without slaves.

  “And one mate.”

  “Pardon?” Surely he hadn’t heard that right.

  “One of the Keshpans took a slave to mate. They were bonded by Tarnan rites, and from what I gathered, she’s expecting.”

  Well now, that was news. Another baby on the planet wouldn’t be a bad thing, especially if it was a girl. He supposed he could put up with the Keshpans for that alone. He hadn’t had many dealings with Keshpans over the years. Maybe they were more tolerable than Tarnans.

  “I’ll give them permission to come aboard if you’re granting them entrance to our planet,” Dryxel said. “I’m not sure what we’re doing with them though.”

  “Two of the males can fight for ranking in our society, just like our warriors do. The other two, I’ve been told, are inventors. We could always use more science minded men.”

  “I don’t suppose any of them are healers?”

  His father shook his head. “I’m afraid not. Still worried about that tracker in your mate? I’m sure Lynthe will be able to remove it safely.”

  “Tell them I’ll meet with them. I’m heading that way already and should reach that area in another twelve hours or so.”

  “I’ll pass the word along. Safe travels, son. I’m anxious to meet that mate of yours. She sounds like quite a woman.”

  Dryxel smiled. “She is.”

  After signing off, he went to inform his crew about the change of plans. He wasn’t sure how they would handle the news of Keshpans joining their society, but they were all good men. He hoped they would take it in stride. Thankfully there was plenty of room for them on board.

  He relayed the information his father had provided and waited to see what their reaction would be. At first, they seemed to be stunned into silence. That didn’t last long though. Napir, always being one to speak his mind, was the first to comment.

  “Your Highness, I’m not sure how I feel about more unattached males making their home on our planet. What if future females we find prefer the Keshpans to us?”

  “Then we’ll have to make sure we bring enough women home that there are plenty to go around. I’ve already thought this through and I’d like to offer a substantial amount from my own purse to a new account, set up specifically for bidding on women at auctions. They will be signed over to us as slaves, but we can free them once we reach our home planet, and explain that they are free to choose a mate. Hopefully their true mates will be there.”

  “And if their true mates aren’t?” Rylo asked.

  Dryxel shrugged. “Our men have been without women for so long that some may not care if they can have children or not. As long as the woman understands it will never be a possibility, I do not see the harm in them bonding. There will be plenty of warriors who wish for a true mate that we do not have to worry about the future of our people for long.”

  Rylo seemed to think it over for a minute. “If the Keshpans are not a threat to our home, and can be beneficial in some way, I see no harm in it.”

  “Two are inventors. We can always use more of those,” Dryxel said. “And one has a pregnant mate. What if she has a girl? Just think, between the Keshpan’s woman and my sweet Lucie, we could be looking at the first females in our society in two decades.”

  The men nodded.

  “I say we let them bring our princess to us and let them join our ranks,” Kilare said. “I think we would benefit greatly from it.”

  Several others murmured their agreement.

  “Napir, continue on our present course. When you see the Tarnan vessel Lynten 12, hail them. Make sure they send Lucie over first.”

  Napir agreed and returned to the controls.

  Dryxel folded his arms over his chest and stared out of the viewing screen. Not much longer and his sweet mate would back where she belonged. With a bit of unforeseen company, but it was all to the good he supposed. He’d agree to almost anything if it meant Lucie was safely by his side again.

  It was perhaps the longest twelve hours of his life, but eventually he saw the Lynten 12 through the viewing screen. He listened as Napir hailed them. Already they were close enough for Lucie and the Keshpans to make it safely on board. After Napir relayed his instructions to Captain Sol, they closed communications and he went to the transport chamber to wait.

  When the air shimmered and his mate appeared, holding onto the arm of a Keshpan, he smiled in relief.

  He opened the chamber door and pulled her into his arms. “My sweet Lucie. I’ve missed you.”

  Her eyes teared as she wrapped her arms around his waist. “I was so worried I wouldn’t see you again. I know you said you’d come for me, but I worried they’d force me to mate with someone. Or worse, lock me up for helping you escape.”

  “You’re safe now,” he said, rubbing her back gently.

  His gaze met that of the Keshpan and he held a hand out in greeting. “Welcome to your new life.”

  The Keshpan smiled. “Thank you for letting us join you. I promised Lucie I would keep her safe and that I would return her to you if it was at all possible. My name is Cael.”

  “Welcome aboard, Cael. I’m Prince Dryxel. One of the men will show you to a room and introduce you to the others. Are the other Keshpans coming? The one with the mate?”

  Cael nodded. “Those are my brothers -- Arko, Bane and Dar. Bane is the one with the mate.”

  He’d no sooner spoken than another Keshpan with a pretty redhead appeared. Her stomach was still flat so he figured the pregnancy was a new thing. He didn’t know much about Keshpans so he didn’t know how long she would carry and felt it would be rude to ask. Let his healer ask the questions.

  Turning the newcomers over to Rylo and Kilare, he lifted Lucie into his arms and carried her to their room. He’d been too long without her. The door had barely closed before he was stripping them of their clothes.

  Lucie laughed. “Are you in a hurry, Dryxel?”

  “I can’t help it, sweet. I need you.”

  She threaded her fingers through his hair. “I need you, too.”

  He kissed her hungrily, his lips devouring hers. Drawing away from the temptation of her delicious mouth, he fell to his knees and pressed a kiss against her belly, murmuring a hello to their son or daughter. He had to admit, while he would love a son, the idea of a daughter thrilled him.

  Lucie gasped.

  “What is it? Did I hurt you?” he asked.

  “I think I felt the baby move. But that’s impossible! I’ve only been pregnant for a few days.”

  “Mmm. Not entirely impossible. You aren’t carrying a human child, but a Tourmalane. Your pregnancy will be full term at five months. You’ll start showing in the next week or two.”

  She looked a little startled.

  “I can’t wait to see your belly swollen with our child,” he said, kissing the soft skin above her navel again.

  “There’s something I need to tell you, Dryxel.”

  He nibbled her hip. “Can it wait?”

  “I-I suppose.”

  “Did you like what I did before? When I put my mouth on that delicious pussy of yours?” He gently spread her thighs and kissed her dewy lips.

  She gasped. “Y-y-yes.”

  “Lie back on the bed,” he growled softly.

  Lucie collapsed on the bed, her legs falling to either side of him as he moved closer. He could see the thump of her heart against her breast and smiled, loving that he excited her so much. His cock was hard and aching, pulsing in time with his heartbeat. Pre-cum dribbled from the end, but he wasn’t about to take her without making sure she screamed his name at least once. The one thing his mother had told him about having a mate was to always make sure she was satisfied in the bedroom, respect her always, and every
thing else would fall into place.

  Inhaling her musky aroma, he leaned forward and traced the seam of her pussy with his tongue, the tip slipping between the lips for a better taste. She was already wet and ready for him and he groaned in satisfaction, knowing that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  His palms caressed her thighs before settling on her hips, pulling her closer. He nibbled on the soft skin, slick with her moisture, before seeking out that bud that seemed to drive her wild. Dryxel watched her through heavy-lidded eyes, watched her body flush with pleasure, watched as she gripped the sheets as she lifted her hips in invitation. He’d never seen a more beautiful sight.

  As he caressed, licked, and sucked her to orgasm, he found himself rubbing his cock on the side of the bed, trying to get some sort of relief. With the scent and sound of her surrounding him, the sound of her voice calling his name as she came was enough to send him over the edge.

  He was a little embarrassed that he’d lost control like that. Maybe she wouldn’t hold it against him.

  “Dryxel, I need you,” she said in a soft breathy voice.

  “My sweet, I’m afraid it’s going to be a minute before I can pleasure you again.”

  She lifted up on her elbows. “Why?”

  “I, um, came when you did.” He felt his cheeks flush, and he was glad she couldn’t see his embarrassment.

  “Come up here and lie down,” she urged.

  He wasn’t sure what she was up to, but he was only too happy to comply. Lying on his back, he watched her in curiosity as she settled between his legs. Surely she wasn’t going to do that thing with her mouth again? He didn’t think that was something a woman would want to do all the time. But then, he enjoyed doing it to her, so why not?

  While his cock was not completely flaccid, it wasn’t as hard as it had been either. Still she managed to suck it into her hot, wet mouth, drawing a moan from him. It was every bit as wonderful as it had been the last time. This was definitely something he could get used to. As her tongue swirled around the head of his cock, his eyes rolled back in his head. In a matter of seconds his cock had gone from somewhat interested, to “let’s fuck now.” He let her have her fun for a few more minutes, then hauled her up his body, kissing her until they were both breathless.


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