Passing Strange
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in marriages
“one drop” rule of
Railroad Commission of Texas v. Pullman Co.
Rainier Club
Ralston, William
Ramona (Jackson)
Ramsden, F. William
Randall, Mrs.
Raymond, Rossiter W.
Reid, Whitelaw
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Republican Party
Revelation, book of
Rhind, Frances
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Anti-Slavery Society
Richardson, H. H.
Rivoire, François
Robbins, Asher
Rocky Mountains
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Ross, Mrs. E. Webster
Roth, Philip
Rothschild, Ferdinand James de
Round Table Club
Ruskin, John
Sachs, Aaron
St. Mary’s Episcopal Chapel
Salt Lake Valley
San Francisco Chronicle
San Joaquin Valley
“Santa Rita” (King)
Saturday Evening Post
Schwartz, Herman
Scottsboro Boys
Scribner’s Monthly
segregation, racial
“separate but equal” standard
Sheffield Scientific School
Shientag, Bernard
Shoshone Falls
Sierra Club
Sierra Madre
“Significance of the Frontier in American History, The” (Turner)
Silliman, Benjamin, Jr.
silver mines
Sinclair, Harry F.
Sixty-third Pioneer Infantry Regiment, U.S.
Smith, Gerrit
Smithson, James
Smithsonian Institution
Society for the Advancement of Truth in Art
Society of the Sons of New York
Sombrerete mine
Sombrerete Mining Co.
Sonora, Mexico
Southern Commission on Interracial Co-operation
“South of the Slot” (London)
Spartanburg, S.C.
Speers, T. M.
Stanley, Maude
Stanton, Edwin
Stedman, Edmund Clarence
Stegner, Wallace
Stiles, Samuel E.
Stone, William
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Studio Building
Supreme Court, U.S.
Sutherland, Duke of
Swayze, Minnie
Systematic Geology (King)
Taft, William Howard
Tammany Hall
Taylor, Robert
Teapot Dome scandal
Tenderloin district
Tennyson, Alfred Lord
textile mills
Tharp, Louise Hall
Thaw, Harry K.
Thomas, John Leroy
Thomas, Patricia
Thomas, Thelma Burns
Thorpe, Robert
369th Infantry Regiment, U.S. (“Harlem Hellfighters”)
Three Lakes: Marian, Lall, Jan, and How They Were Named, The (King)
Thrice through the Furnace (Little)
Todd, Ada Copeland, see King, Ada Copeland Todd
Todd, Ada N., see King, Ada N.
Todd, Grace Margaret, see King, Grace Margaret
Todd, James (Clarence King’s alias):
African American identity of
background of
Baltimore as birthplace of
as Clarence King’s alternative identity
as clerk
deception used by
as father
finances of
home visits of
identity revealed by
inheritance claimed by
name of
personality of
physical appearance of
as Pullman porter
religious affiliation of
Rhode Island as birthplace of
social status of
as steelworker
wages of
West Indian background of
in working class
see also King, Clarence Rivers
Todd, James (neighbor)
Todd, James Edward
Todd, Leroy
Todd, Sidney C., see King, Sidney C.
Todd, Wallace Archer, see King, Wallace Archer
Townsley, Clarence P.
Townsley, Marian Howland
Trammell, America
Trammell, Milley
Trinity College
Troup County, Ga.
Truckee Meadows
Turner, Frederick Jackson
Turner, J. M. W.
Tuskegee Institute
Tuxedo Club
Twain, Mark
Tyler, Ralph W.
Tyndall, John
Uinta Mountains
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)
Underground Railroad
uniformitarian theory
Union American Methodist Episcopal Church
Union Church of Africans
Union League Club
Union Pacific Railroad
U.S. Exploring Expedition (1838-42)
U.S. Geographical Surveys of the Territory West of the One Hundredth Meridian
U.S. Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel
U.S. Geological Survey of the Territories
Van Cott, Joshua
Vaux, Calvert
Venus de Milo
Victoria, queen of England
Virginia City, Nev.
Virginian, The (Wister)
“voluntary amnesia”
Wadsworth, James
Wakeman, George
Wallabout Bay
Walters, Alexander
Walton, “Mammy Dink”
Ward, Quincy
War Department, U.S.
Waring, Everett J.
Waring, George E.
Warm Springs, Ga.
Washington, Booker T.
Washington Post
Washington School
Wells, Ida B.
West, U.S.:
economic development of
as frontier
natural resources of
public lands in
West Indians
West Point Military Academy
Wetmore, J. Douglas
Whaler (Turner)
Wharton, Edith
Wheeler, George Montague
White, Stanford
White, Walter
Whitman, Walt
Whitney, Helen Hay
Whitney, Josiah D.
Whitney, Payne
Whitney, William Dwight
Whitney Glacier
Wilkes, Charles
Wilkins, Thurman
William Brown and Co.
Williams, Henrietta
Wilson, Allen David
Wilson, Robert
Winne, William
Winthrop, Theodore
Wister, Owen
World’s Columbian Exposition (1893)
World War I
World War II
Yale Club
Yale University
Year of Decision: 1846, The (DeVoto)
Yedras mine
Yedras Mining Co.
Yellowstone National Park
Yosemite Valley
Young, Brigham