The Complete Plays
Page 16
Let us unite our royal bands in one
And hasten to remove Damascus’ siege.
It is a blemish to the majesty
20 And high estate of mighty emperors
That such a base, usurping vagabond
Should brave a king or wear a princely crown.
Renownèd Sultan, have ye lately heard
The overthrow of mighty Bajazeth
About the confines of Bithynia?
The slavery wherewith he persecutes
The noble Turk and his great emperess?
I have, and sorrow for his bad success.
But, noble lord of great Arabia,
30 Be so persuaded that the Sultan is
No more dismayed with tidings of his fall,
Than in the haven when the pilot stands
And views a stranger’s ship rent in the winds,
And shiverèd against a craggy rock.
Yet, in compassion of his wretched state,
A sacred vow to heaven and him I make,
Confirming it with Ibis’ holy name,
That Tamburlaine shall rue the day, the hour,
Wherein he wrought such ignominious wrong
Unto the hallowed person of a prince,
Or kept the fair Zenocrate so long
As concubine, I fear, to feed his lust.
Let grief and fury hasten on revenge!
Let Tamburlaine for his offences feel
Such plagues as heaven and we can pour on him.
I long to break my spear upon his crest
And prove the weight of his victorious arm,
For Fame, I fear, hath been too prodigal
In sounding through the world his partial praise.
Capolin, hast thou surveyed our powers?
Great emperors of Egypt and Arabia,
The number of your hosts united is
A hundred and fifty thousand horse,
Two hundred thousand foot, brave men-at-arms,
Courageous and full of hardiness,
As frolic as the hunters in the chase
Of savage beasts amid the desert woods.
My mind presageth fortunate success.
And, Tamburlaine, my spirit doth foresee
The utter ruin of thy men and thee.
Then rear your standards! Let your sounding drums
Direct our soldiers to Damascus’ walls.
Now, Tamburlaine, the mighty Sultan comes
And leads with him the great Arabian king
To dim thy baseness and obscurity,
Famous for nothing but for theft and spoil,
To raze and scatter thy inglorious crew
Of Scythians and slavish Persians.
[Sound drums].
Scene 4
The banquet [is brought on], and to it cometh TAMBURLAINEall in scarlet, [ZENOCRATE,] THERIDAMAS, TECHELLES, USUMCASANE, the TURK [BAJAZETH, drawn in his cage, ZABINA,] with others.
Now hang our bloody colours by Damascus,
Reflexing hues of blood upon their heads
While they walk quivering on their city walls,
Half dead for fear before they feel my wrath.
Then let us freely banquet and carouse
Full bowls of wine unto the god of war,
That means to fill your helmets full of gold
And make Damascus’ spoils as rich to you
As was to Jason Colchis’ golden fleece.
10 And now, Bajazeth, hast thou any stomach?
BAJAZETH Ay, such a stomach, cruel Tamburlaine, as I could willingly feed upon thy blood-raw heart.
TAMBURLAINE Nay, thine own is easier to come by; pluck out that, and ’twill serve thee and thy wife. Well, Zenocrate, Techelles, and the rest, fall to your victuals.
Fall to, and never may your meat digest!
Ye Furies, that can mask invisible,
Dive to the bottom of Avernus’ pool,
And in your hands bring hellish poison up
20 And squeeze it in the cup of Tamburlaine!
Or, wingèd snakes of Lerna, cast your stings,
And leave your venoms in this tyrant’s dish!
And may this banquet prove as ominous
As Procne’s to th’adulterous Thracian king
That fed upon the substance of his child!
ZENOCRATE My lord, how can you suffer these outrageous curses by these slaves of yours?
To let them see, divine Zenocrate,
I glory in the curses of my foes,
Having the power from the empyreal heaven
30 To turn them all upon their proper heads.
TECHELLES I pray you, give them leave, madam. This speech is a goodly refreshing to them.
THERIDAMAS But if his highness would let them be fed, it would do them more good.
TAMBURLAINE [to BAJAZETH] Sirrah, why fall you not to? Are you so daintily brought up you cannot eat your own flesh?
First, legions of devils shall tear thee in pieces.
Villain, knowest thou to whom thou speakest?
TAMBURLAINE O, let him alone. Here, eat, sir. Take it from my
40 sword’s point, or I’ll thrust it to thy heart.
He [BAJAZETH] takes it and stamps upon it.
THERIDAMAS He stamps it under his feet, my lord.
TAMBURLAINE [to BAJAZETH] Take it up, villain, and eat it, or I will make thee slice the brawns of thy arms into carbonadoes and eat them.
USUMCASANE Nay, ’twere better he killed his wife, and then she shall be sure not to be starved, and he be provided for a month’s victual beforehand.
TAMBURLAINE [to BAJAZETH] Here is my dagger; dispatch her
while she is fat, for if she live but a while longer, she will fall
50 into a consumption with fretting, and then she will not be
worth the eating.
THERIDAMAS [to TECHELLES] Dost thou think that Mahomet will suffer this?
TECHELLES ‘Tis like he will, when he cannot let it.
TAMBURLAINE [to BAJAZETH] Go to, fall to your meat. What, not a bit? Belike he hath not been watered today. Give him some drink.
They give him water to drink, and he flings it on the ground.
Fast, and welcome, sir, while hunger make you eat. How
60 now, Zenocrate, doth not the Turk and his wife make a
goodly show at a banquet?
ZENOCRATEYes, my lord.
THERIDAMAS Methinks ‘tis a great deal better than a consort of music.
TAMBURLAINE Yet music would do well to cheer up Zenocrate. [To ZENOCRATE] Pray thee, tell: why art thou so sad? If thou wilt have a song, the Turk shall strain his voice. But why is it?
My lord, to see my father’s town besieged,
The country wasted where myself was born,
70 How can it but afflict my very soul?
If any love remain in you, my lord,
Or if my love unto your majesty
May merit favour at your highness’ hands,
Then raise your siege from fair Damascus’ walls
And with my father take a friendly truce.
Zenocrate, were Egypt Jove’s own land,
Yet would I with my sword make Jove to stoop.
I will confute those blind geographers
That make a triple region in the world,
80 Excluding regions which I mean to trace,
And with this pen reduce them to a map,
Calling the provinces, cities, and towns
After my name and thine, Zenocrate.
Here at Damascus will I make the point
That shall begin the perpendicular.
sp; And wouldst thou have me buy thy father’s love
With such a loss? Tell me, Zenocrate.
Honour still wait on happy Tamburlaine!
Yet give me leave to plead for him, my lord.
90 Content thyself. His person shall be safe,
And all the friends of fair Zenocrate,
If with their lives they will be pleased to yield
Or may be forced to make me emperor;
For Egypt and Arabia must be mine.
Feed, you slave; thou may’st think thyself happy to be fed from my trencher.
My empty stomach, full of idle heat,
Draws bloody humours from my feeble parts,
Preserving life by hasting cruel death.
My veins are pale, my sinews hard and dry,
100 My joints benumbed. Unless I eat, I die.
ZABINA Eat, Bajazeth. Let us live in spite of them, looking some happy power will pity and enlarge us.
TAMBURLAINE [offering BAJAZETH an empty plate] Here, Turk, wilt thou have a clean trencher?
BAJAZETH Ay, tyrant, and more meat.
TAMBURLAINE Soft, sir, you must be dieted; too much eating will make you surfeit.
THERIDAMAS [to TAMBURLAINE] So it Would, my lord, specially having so small a walk and so little exercise.
110 Enter a second course of crowns.
TAMBURLAINE Theridamas, Techelles, and Casane, here are the cates you desire to finger, are they not?
THERIDAMAS Ay, my lord, but none save kings must feed with these.
TECHELLES ’Tis enough for us to see them and for Tamburlaine only to enjoy them.
TAMBURLAINE [raising a toast] Well, here is now to the Sultan
of Egypt, the King of Arabia, and the Governor of Damascus.
Now take these three crowns, and pledge me, my contributory
kings. [He presents the crowns. I crown you here, Therid-
120 amas, King of Argier; Techelles, King of Fez; and Usumcasane,
King of Moroccus. How say you to this, Turk? These are not
your contributory kings.
Nor shall they long be thine, I warrant them.
Kings of Argier, Moroccus, and of Fez,
You that have marched with happy Tamburlaine
As far as from the frozen plage of heaven
Unto the wat’ry morning’s ruddy bower
And thence by land unto the torrid zone,
130 Deserve these titles I endow you with
By valour and by magnanimity.
Your births shall be no blemish to your fame,
For virtue is the fount whence honour springs,
And they are worthy she investeth kings.
And since your highness hath so well vouchsafed,
If we deserve them not with higher meeds
Than erst our states and actions have retained,
Take them away again and make us slaves.
Well said, Theridamas! When holy Fates
140 Shall ‘stablish me in strong Egyptia,
We mean to travel to th’Antarctic Pole,
Conquering the people underneath our feet,
And be renowned as never emperors were.
Zenocrate, I will not crown thee yet,
Until with greater honours I be graced.
Scene 1
[Enter] the GOVERNOR OF DAMASCUS, with three or four CITIZENS, and four VIRGINS with branches of laurel in their hands.
Still doth this man, or rather god of war,
Batter our walls and beat our turrets down;
And to resist with longer stubbornness
Or hope of rescue from the Sultan’s power
Were but to bring our wilful overthrow
And make us desperate of our threatened lives.
We see his tents have now been alterèd
With terrors to the last and cruell’st hue;
His coal-black colours everywhere advanced
Threaten our city with a general spoil;
10 And if we should with common rites of arms
Offer our safeties to his clemency,
I fear the custom proper to his sword,
Which he observes as parcel of his fame,
Intending so to terrify the world,
By any innovation or remorse
Will never be dispensed with till our deaths.
Therefore, for these our harmless virgins’ sakes,
Whose honours and whose lives rely on him,
Let us have hope that their unspotted prayers,
20 Their blubbered cheeks, and hearty humble moans
Will melt his fury into some remorse,
And use us like a loving conqueror.
If humble suits or imprecations,
Uttered with tears of wretchedness and blood
Shed from the heads and hearts of all our sex –
Some made your wives, and some your children –
Might have entreated your obdurate breasts
To entertain some care of our securities
30 Whiles only danger beat upon our walls,
These more than dangerous warrants of our death
Had never been erected as they be,
Nor you depend on such weak helps as we.
Well, lovely virgins, think our country’s care,
Our love of honour, loath to be enthralled
To foreign powers and rough imperious yokes,
Would not with too much cowardice or fear,
Before all hope of rescue were denied,
Submit yourselves and us to servitude.
40 Therefore, in that your safeties and our own,
Your honours, liberties, and lives, were weighed
In equal care and balance with our own,
Endure as we the malice of our stars,
The wrath of Tamburlaine and power of wars;
Or be the means the overweighing heavens
Have kept to qualify these hot extremes,
And bring us pardon in your cheerful looks.
Then here, before the majesty of heaven
And holy patrons of Egyptia,
50 With knees and hearts submissive we entreat
Grace to our words and pity to our looks,
That this device may prove propitious,
And through the eyes and ears of Tamburlaine
Convey events of mercy to his heart.
Grant that these signs of victory we yield
May bind the temples of his conquering head
To hide the folded furrows of his brows,
And shadow his displeasèd countenance
With happy looks of ruth and lenity.
Leave us, my lord, and loving countrymen;
60 What simple virgins may persuade, we will.
Farewell, sweet virgins, on whose safe return
Depends our city, liberty, and lives!
Exeunt [all except the VIRGINS. Enter] TAMBURLAINE, TECHELLES, THERIDAMAS, USUMCASANE, with Others; TAMBURLAINE all in black, and very melancholy.
What, are the turtles frayed out of their nests?
Alas, poor fools, must you be first shall feel
The sworn destruction of Damascus?
They know my custom. Could they not as well
Have sent ye out when first my milk-white flags
Through which sweet mercy threw her gentle beams,
Reflexing them on your disdainful eyes,
70 As now when fury and incensèd hate
Flings slaughtering terror from my coal-black tents
And tells for truth submissions comes too late?
Most happy king and emperor of the earth,
Image of honour and nobility,
For whom the powers divine have made the world
And on whose throne the holy Graces sit,
In whose sweet person is comprised the sum
Of nature’s skill and heavenly majesty:
Pity our plights, O, pity poor Damascus!
80 Pity old age, within whose silver hairs
Honour and reverence evermore have reigned!
Pity the marriage bed, where many a lord,
In prime and glory of his loving joy,
Embraceth now with tears of ruth and blood
The jealous body of his fearful wife,
Whose cheeks and hearts – so punished with conceit
To think thy puissant never-stayèd arm
Will part their bodies and prevent their souls
90 From heavens of comfort yet their age might bear –
Now wax all pale and withered to the death,
As well for grief our ruthless governor
Have thus refused the mercy of thy hand
(Whose sceptre angels kiss and Furies dread)
As for their liberties, their loves, or lives.
O then, for these, and such as we ourselves,
For us, for infants, and for all our bloods,
That never nourished thought against thy rule,
Pity, O, pity, sacred emperor,
100 The prostrate service of this wretched town;
And take in sign thereof this gilded wreath
Whereto each man of rule hath given his hand
And wished, as worthy subjects, happy means
To be investors of thy royal brows,
Even with the true Egyptian diadem.
[She offers a laurel wreath.]
Virgins, in vain ye labour to prevent
That which mine honour swears shall be performed.
Behold my sword – what see you at the point?
Nothing but fear and fatal steel, my lord.
110 Your fearful minds are thick and misty, then,
For there sits Death, there sits imperious Death,
Keeping his circuit by the slicing edge.
But I am pleased you shall not see him there;
He now is seated on my horsemen’s spears,
And on their points his fleshless body feeds.
Techelles, straight go charge a few of them
To charge these dames, and show my servant Death,
Sitting in scarlet on their armèd spears.
O, pity us!
120 Away with them, I say, and show them Death.
They [TECHELLES and others] take them away.
I will not spare these proud Egyptians,
Nor change my martial observations