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Killer Cupid (The Redemption Series: Book 1)

Page 9

by Maeve Christopher

  “This is Eduardo. He’s David’s best friend.”

  Cindy remembered him from the ambulance, and I shook his hand thinking what a great place a military base can be to meet men. My bubble burst as a woman that looked like a supermodel called Eduardo from the doorway to the deck. She had a funny look on her face, but Eduardo introduced us, and it was obvious they were seriously a couple.


  “What’s wrong, honey?” Eduardo seemed in good spirits despite the tension with David still in a coma, and the stir caused by the attack on Debbie’s friends.

  “I don’t want to alarm our guests, but something strange is happening out here on the deck. Cat is praying Psalm 18 right to General Pearson and Colonel Johnson. Pearson is like a deer in the headlights, and Johnson is just plain upset. But he hasn’t moved.”

  “Oh shit.”

  Why did I think Eduardo would have something constructive to say? He circled my waist with his arm and gestured Debbie, Cindy and Glori to step out into the sunshine on the deck. We joined the others, all focused on Cat, sitting beside her protector Cisco, and facing the officers across the table. Her voice was soft, but passionate and articulate.

  “…He reached down from on high and took hold of me; He drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me…”

  Colonel Johnson began to clap lightly as if to end the performance. Cat continued undaunted and reverently, through a very long and eloquent scripture. Although there was a Bible nearby, she wouldn’t need it. She had every verse memorized since childhood. Her eyes focused more on him as she continued. And the more she focused on him, the more uncomfortable he became. First he squirmed in the seat, and as she went on searing deeper into his eyes, his face became contorted.

  Everyone on the deck was silent and glued to Cat and the two men. I only wished the Psalm would come to a close before Johnson’s head exploded. But she went on.

  “The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Savior! He is the God who avenges me, who subdues nations under me, who saves me from my enemies. You exalted me above my foes; from violent men you rescued me. Therefore I will praise you among the nations, O Lord; I will sing praises to your name. He gives his king great victories; He shows unfailing kindness to his anointed, to David and his descendants forever. Psalm 18 Of David, the servant of the Lord.”

  Surprisingly, neither of the men moved as she concluded and bowed her head in silent prayer. The creaking door was the only sound.

  Ellen the candy striper hurried over to General Pearson. “Dr. Earle wants you to know Agent Lambrecht is awake and lucid.”

  There was stunned silence, and Cat fell into Cisco’s arms. “Praise God! Praise God! Praise Holy God!”

  Then there was a stampede through the door and down the hall, but only Pearson, Johnson, and Eduardo were permitted in David’s room.

  Chapter Eight


  He felt like a Mack truck had flattened him. Pearson’s face came into view, and then Eduardo appeared and gripped his hand. He knew there was another man in the room, but he couldn’t see him.

  “Gilbert.” This wasn’t going to be easy.

  Pearson made a face. “Gilbert’s dead, Lambrecht. I’m sorry. Only you and Clemente made it out of there. You’ve been in a coma for weeks.”

  It hurt to breathe, but millions of lives could be at stake. “Get the painting.”

  “What painting?”

  Eduardo grimaced. “Ah, all he could talk about the whole time was Debbie and the painting she did of a place we camped when we were kids.”

  “Debbie painted a place in Europe? How would she know where you camped?”

  Eduardo shrugged. “I don’t know, Sir. Must be a coincidence. But he just kept telling me I had to see the painting.”

  “And where is this painting?”

  “On the boat.” He looked up at Eduardo. “Get it.”

  “We went over that boat with a fine tooth comb. Several times. There wasn’t any painting that I was told about.” Pearson glared at Eduardo.

  His tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth, and frustration mounted. Slowly he formed the words. “I put the document there just before I left.”

  “Document? Before you left? You mean it was almost a week after you dealt with Everett?”

  “Behind the painting.” He nodded as best he could.

  “Clemente, take Hollinger and Dusseault and go now and find whatever this document is.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Eduardo bent down, and spoke into his ear. “I’ll take care of it. You get some rest.” Then he left.


  It took all of thirty seconds to locate the painting. As anxious as he was to find the document behind it, he did a double take. It was their childhood place, and every detail was as he remembered it, down to the old snow shoes. How did Debbie do that? It had to have something to do with Cat.

  He reached for the document. “Why in hell would he not tell me about this directly?” His eyes widened as he unfolded the paper.

  “What is it?” Hollinger injected himself in his space.

  “Everett was selling Israeli secrets.”

  “Yeah, he was a scumbag alright.”


  They returned to Pearson’s office with more questions than the document answered. But since Hollinger and Dusseault had spent much more time in the Middle East, Pearson was more interested in quizzing them for a change.

  He and Lambrecht were there only a short time when Lambrecht began a wild affair with one of Pearson’s female agents in the region. They almost caused an international incident, so Pearson decided Lambrecht’s talents could be put to better use in the United States. He was assigned to the East Coast and Lambrecht to the West Coast.

  Apparently Everett had a finger in most every pie. Anything that could make him money or bring him more power. The organization was interested in money and power too. Unfortunately Everett was way too greedy, and the drug money was just too overwhelming to be overlooked.

  The organization did not want Everett’s friends in power in South America. So he and Lambrecht went deep undercover to penetrate every facet of the drug trade, the narco-terrorists and the sleazy characters that inhabited it. That trip to South America was to be the finale for the corrupt dictators and most powerful drug lords, not to mention their best business partner in North America, Senator Joe Everett.

  But it seemed now it was more of a way to get rid of the top agents that had been giving their lives in hopes of less corruption and a more stable world. Those agents that knew too much.

  He’d lived in the meanest streets of New York and was well aware of the havoc and destruction drugs and greed wreaked. Would anything ever really change? What was the point?

  He managed to get out of Pearson’s office and down the hall before the others. The room was overflowing with the entire family. Debbie grasped David’s left hand. Cat was on the opposite side, holding David’s hand, speaking into his eyes. Words and phrases from the Bible she’d had memorized since childhood, turned into prayers.

  Nita had told him Cat did this because she said God’s words were way more powerful than hers. He guessed it worked. Cat had an amazing effect on people, even as shy and quiet as she was. And now he could see David’s eyes looked brighter. Maybe he could get something out of him before Pearson showed up.

  But Cat turned to Eduardo and prayed into his eyes. “We pray for the peace of Israel. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. For those who pray for the blessing of Israel will be blessed…” How did she do this? Israel?

  Knowing Cat was the only reason he knew there was a God. And he didn’t like to be reminded of it much, because he knew where he’d be going when that last bullet would finally catch up with him. God would only put up with so much, and he was p
retty sure he crossed that line a few years ago.

  Her eyes were unrelenting. “Everyone who believes on the name of Jesus Christ will be saved. There is no sin too great that the precious blood of Christ cannot cover it and wash it away. God is love and mercy. Nothing can separate us from His love – not even the powers of hell. God forgives those who turn to him…”

  He looked away – he couldn’t go there. Time to get everyone out of the room.

  But his plan to get David alone was dashed as Pearson arrived followed by Hollinger and Dusseault. He felt especially bad for Maria and Frederick, David’s long suffering parents. They had almost no chance to see their son.

  Dusseault shut the door and Pearson went right for David. “What happened on that boat?”

  Hollinger and Dusseault had remained at the foot of the bed to allow him to grip the hand that Cat previously held.

  David took a heavy breath. “I got rid of the bodyguards, and by that point Everett found a gun and figured out what end to use. So I shot him in the arm and sat down for a talk while he bled out.”

  “That boat was a bloody friggin’ mess. It seems you two had a good chat.” Pearson’s eyes narrowed.

  “Yes.” David needed time to regroup. “Gilbert was working for him.”

  “What?” Pearson was going to lose it. “Why is this the first I’m hearing this?”

  “I needed proof.” David wheezed.

  “Proof? Proof of what? And how was it your job to decide?” Pearson shut up before he went into orbit and shut David down completely. Despite the screw-ups David’s womanizing had caused over the years, Pearson always trusted him and treated him almost like a son.

  “Everett was dealing with terrorists—said he didn’t even know who—they plan to blow Israel off the map. That’s not news. Gilbert would be the link. But he knew that I knew. I didn’t know Gilbert was going with us till we were in the air. Then I knew something was wrong. Who else wanted to get rid of him?” David had exerted himself too much. His breathing was ragged. Pearson gave him time to catch his breath, and Eduardo time to ponder.

  So that’s why David hadn’t been forthright with him. With Gilbert around, all he could talk about was the painting. And Gilbert was around David all the time. He remembered thinking it strange. Then after David was hit, well, he was delirious most of the time talking about Debbie.

  “How did you get the document?” Pearson’s voice startled everyone from their thoughts.

  “Everett decided to bargain for his life. He told me I could find it in a safety deposit box, and I managed to get there before Gilbert. It wasn’t everything. He’d already turned over information to them. But it was important enough.”

  “That’s for damn sure.” For the first time Pearson squeezed David’s hand in a gesture of approval. “So from where I stand, it looks like Everett was only interested in the money. He couldn’t care less where it came from. He didn’t care if Hernandez was in power. Rodriguez would’ve been fine with him as long as the money kept coming.”

  “That was my understanding, Sir.” David’s eyes closed.

  “I still don’t get why you were on that boat for two days, and why it took you so long to get that document, Lambrecht.” And apparently Pearson wouldn’t be getting it from David for a while.

  But Eduardo volunteered, “It was only a few days from the time he left Everett till we left for South America. And it was the Christmas Holidays, Sir.”

  Pearson looked at him with confusion.

  “You know, Sir, you were on holiday.” The look got more irritated. “And the banks were closed, Sir.”



  After being introduced to the entire clan, Cindy and I sat at the far end of the waiting room, watching as a few at a time were invited in to David’s room. We were told he was sleeping again – too much too soon. I figured Pearson must’ve had to beat some information out of him or something. But Debbie was still in with him. She sure was persistent when it came to David.

  I sliced tiny slivers from a bigger slice of cherry cheesecake on my dessert plate. “Cin, this is awesome cheesecake. I can’t believe I’m eating this, but it’s worth the calories, really. Who knew they’d have such great chefs on a military base, huh? Chefs and cobblers. Cool.”

  “Glori, how can you eat at a time like this?” Cin still was worried about never going home again.

  “It’s really good. Hey do you believe that girl, Cat? She’s like the most opposite a person could be from David, huh? I used to tease Debbie about being Snow White. Well, Cat is like Snow White with butterflies all around. Butterflies on steroids.”

  “Oh no!” Cin was ready to cry.

  I looked up from my cheesecake to see Agent Jimmy Hollinger heading right for us. I raised my voice so he could hear, “Watch out, Cin, he’s got a gun.” She put her head in her hands.

  “Miss Coulson.” He nodded at me. “Miss Bainbridge.” Cindy lifted her head. “Please come with me.”

  I took my cheesecake with me, and we followed him back to the same conference room where we had such fun the first time.

  He had a funny look on his face as we sat down. “Miss Coulson, if you don’t like that, you don’t have to eat it. I can throw it in the trash for you.”

  Cindy groaned. “She likes it. She’s just going to take the next ten years to eat it.”

  “Gotta savor the calories, Cin.” I scraped another sliver, careful to get the right amount of cherry on it. He stared at me, and I hoped I was annoying him.

  At last he cleared his throat so we’d know it was time to be serious. I put down the fork, so I wouldn’t take in calories unconsciously.

  “The men that attacked you today are known criminals that may be linked to some nasty people we’re still looking for. There were three of them involved today, and they’re all behind bars. But General Pearson feels it best that you would stay here or would use bodyguards if you intend to leave. At least until we can get everything squared away.”

  Cin was starting to lose it. “Do you know what happened to my friend, Kendra?”

  “No. She’s still missing.”

  “I need to call my dad.” Cin looked desperately close to tears.

  Agent Hollinger produced our phones, and she didn’t waste a minute. Turns out, her dad told her the General had called him personally, and they were arranging to have guards for the entire household. Plus all her brothers, sisters-in-law, and kids would be moving back there to keep safe. Her dad told her it was probably no big deal, but Cin was pretty worried. I was wondering if that French guy could be my bodyguard. Hmmm.


  We said our good-byes to the family, and I made sure Cindy didn’t pass up the opportunity to connect with Raphael before we left. That guy was a hunk, and a very rich hunk, to boot. He wasn’t shy either, and he immediately asked her out, when he learned we’d be leaving. As thrilled as she was, she was scared stiff she’d disappear like Kendra. So she invited Raphael to her parents’ home for dinner. He seemed happy with that. I guess with so many relatives around all the time, the guy wasn’t freaked about meeting a girl’s parents right away.

  Debbie popped out of the room to say good-bye, and she seemed like a new person. I know I teased her a lot, but I really hoped David would be as interested in her when he came to.

  I liked everyone we met that day and felt kind of bad we were leaving. So I made a point to connect with everyone. Then I took my leftover cheesecake in a box, and Agent Jimmy Hollinger shook his head with a faint grin, and led Cin and me out through the lobby. A black sedan careened up the driveway and stopped short.

  “Nice drivin’ Dusseault.” Agent Hollinger gave the finger to the sexy French driver, and I smiled my brains out.

  I heard Cindy groan. “Here we go.”


  By the time I got to be alone with David it was almost dinner time. Fortunately, my parents were preoccupied elsewhere, and I stood undisturbed by David’s bed. When we had final
ly been allowed to see him, David was exhausted and could barely keep his eyes open. I know he saw me, and his lip curled in that characteristic way I loved. But I so wanted to be in his arms and able to talk. From the way Dr. Earle sounded that could be a long time coming. He was in a deep sleep.

  I ran my fingers through his brown hair and whispered in his ear, “I love you, David.” I watched him intently, tracing all his features, his muscular arms and hands, with my fingertips. I was concentrating on every inch of him, and how I might paint him. How I wanted to be held in those arms. I looked up to see him watching me, and he smiled.

  “David!” I moved closer to his face so I could hear him, and his eyes locked on mine.

  “Forgive me, Debbie.”

  My heart fluttered. “Why?”

  “I stole your painting. I should have asked you. I had to have it. I had to have it.” He was beginning to struggle with the words.

  “It’s okay, David. You can have any painting you want.”

  “Forgive…” And he was gone again.

  “David!” He was sound asleep.


  Eduardo and I found his little brother Paulo all by himself in a chair by some vending machines. “Hey, here you are! It’s time for dinner, pal. You’ve been writing all this time?” Eduardo picked up an unopened soft drink bottle on the chair beside him. “This yours? This stuff’s no good for you, ya know.”

  Paulo grabbed unsuccessfully to take the bottle back.

  “Common, pal, let’s get some dinner.” He pulled Paulo to his feet and out into the hall, keeping the soft drink just out of his reach. “This stuff’ll rot your teeth, not to mention your stomach. Hey, I listened to your CD. It was fantastic! So we’ll play it at dinner for everyone. They’ll love it.”

  He swung Paulo into the conference room we used for meals, and tossed the soft drink into the trash basket at the other side of the room. “Eduardo!” Camellia frowned as the bottle flew by her.


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