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Dirty Obsession

Page 22

by Ella Miles

  “Don’t come. If you come, I will punish you,” Arlo says.

  Something about his voice makes me believe that the punishment won’t be something I like. But then again, I like everything the Carini brothers have given me.

  “Nina,” Arlo warns as he slips his cock fully inside me, stretching me wide.

  I squeeze my hands into fists to keep the sensations locked inside instead of coming out like I want.

  “Good girl,” Arlo says as he fucks me, making my eyes tear up as I feel everything rolling through my body.

  It hurts to keep everything inside yet makes everything so intense that I never want to release the feeling.

  I feel clamps latch on to my nipples.

  “Careful, beautiful,” Matteo says as I arch my back.

  I purse my lips, trying to get out just a tiny bit of what is pulsing through my veins. It doesn’t help.

  I bite my lip to keep from screaming because, if I scream, I know it will be calling out one of the Carinis’ names as I come.

  “Let me help you with that,” Matteo says.

  I feel his large, thick cock pushing against my lips. My lips part, welcoming his cock into my mouth. I hope that pleasuring him will be a pleasant distraction from what Arlo is doing to my pussy.

  For just a second, I get lost, licking his cock and feeling his pre-cum drip onto my tongue. But that’s all the distraction I get as Arlo thrusts deep into my pussy, his grip on my thighs tightening to an almost unbearable grip.

  I move my lips, sucking more of Matteo’s cock as he thrusts in and out of my mouth.

  I can’t hold on much longer.

  I try to distract myself.

  I try to focus on counting their thrusts in and out of my mouth and pussy.

  I try to count my breathing.

  I try squeezing my hands into fists and curling my toes.

  But I feel myself losing the fight. They are both turning me on more and more with every thrust. I feel every thrust hit me everywhere in my body. I can’t focus. I can’t think. I can’t hold back any longer.

  I come.

  My pussy clenches around Arlo’s cock, and my mouth cries around Matteo’s dick.

  They both stop as I come.

  There was no way for me to hide it.

  No way for them not to notice I didn’t follow their command.

  Neither of them has come. Neither of them has gotten what they want.

  Both of them rip their cocks from my body.

  “I’m sorry.”

  I can feel Arlo’s deep stare. I can see Matteo’s sexy grin.

  Even with the blindfold on, I know that is what both of them are doing.

  “You’re going to be sorry,” Arlo says.

  “I already am.”

  “No, you aren’t. But you will be.”

  Arlo and Matteo grab on to my arms and legs, ripping me from the bed. They don’t carry me far, only a few feet away. My feet are placed on the ground, my legs spread apart, as the restraints are tied to something. My arms are pulled high over my head.

  If it wasn’t for the restraints holding me up, I’m not sure I could stand. I’m so exhausted from coming and being in fear.

  I hear the vibrator before I feel it, but it doesn’t take me long before I feel it throughout my whole body as it is pressed against my pussy.

  I cry out in pleasure as I come quickly.

  And then again.

  I bite my bottom lip to keep it from pulling another orgasm out of me so easily.

  “Now, for your punishment since you can’t control your own body. You are going to come. Over and over. All night long. Until you can’t stand the thought of coming again,” Arlo says.

  That sounds like the best punishment ever.

  “I would wipe that smile off your lips, beautiful. You will quickly learn how this is the worst kind of punishment,” Matteo says.

  I let go and come as the vibrator continues its punishing pace against my clit.

  As soon as I do, Matteo replaces the vibrator with his cock. He thrusts inside me while he kisses me, punishing me with his teeth on my lip. His pace is fast as he thrusts, his mouth equally as brutal on my lips. My hands grab on to the ropes as I feel the familiar feeling growing closer.

  “Come, sweetheart,” Matteo says.

  I do as his cum fills my pussy.

  He slips out of me while I try to recover from the pounding my body just took, but I don’t get a break. Arlo’s cock replaces Matteo’s in seconds.

  His cock hits deep inside me, hitting a spot that makes me crazy. I feel his lips on my ear, and I prepare for him to torture me in the same way that Matteo just did. But he doesn’t.

  Instead, he whispers into my ear, “You may control me usually. But you don’t have any control when my cock is buried in your pussy. Now, I’m in control. You do whatever I say.”

  I breathe in.

  “Now, come,” Arlo says.

  I come.

  My body hangs down, my arms stretching long as my body pulls on the restraints, unable to hold myself up. But Matteo quickly replaces Arlo, holding me up as he fucks me in the ass this time.

  I can’t handle this. Not if they keep this pace up. I’ll die by being over fucked.

  But, at least, if I do, I’ll die a sweet death.



  We fucked her all night long, just like I’d promised we would.

  She almost broke several times, but she never did. It only showed me and her how strong she truly was.

  I thought the endless sex would finally be what broke down her walls. But it didn’t.

  She thought we were fucking her all night to destroy any memory of Enrico in her head. And that was definitely part of it.

  Nina is invincible. She knows exactly how strong she is now.

  If she survived a night of fucking in every position possible, she could survive anything. We beat her, scarred her body, and fucked her pussy so hard that she slept for an entire week after without moving.

  Matteo and I took turns in watching over her. We brought her back to Matteo’s room because, despite having her own beautiful room, his room was where she felt safe. She did nothing but sleep.

  We slept, too, but not like her.

  Every day, we both ached for her to wake up to have a chance to fuck her again because, after having her so many times in a row, it felt impossible to go a second without having her. But it was dangerous for us to feel that way about her. Far too dangerous because it became far too close to us developing feelings for her.

  When she did finally wake up, we both thought she wouldn’t want to have sex again for a long time. But I’d learned to be surprised when it came to Nina.

  She asked her stupid questions.

  Something about if Matteo and I were close, growing up. What kind of stupid question was that? Of course we were close, growing up. If she couldn’t tell that by just being with us, then she wasn’t as smart as she looked.

  But then it became clear. I discovered her plan after the third softball question about where my favorite place to visit was. She was softening me up, hoping that I would fall in love with her, and when she asked the really hard questions, I’d save her.

  She doesn’t understand that I can’t. That her plan will never work. I tried her plan before, and it backfired in my face. I won’t do that again. I won’t risk her life like that.

  So, every day that she asks, I fuck her with Matteo and pray that it isn’t the day she stops asking the easy questions and starts asking the hard questions. Because I can’t lie to her. And I’m afraid the only thing left that can break her is the truth.



  Arlo texts me that he needs me to go with him to deliver our latest weapon tonight.

  It’s not a question. It’s a command. I’m supposed to go with him. That’s what we do. He tells me what to do, and I follow.

  But not this time.

  I’m tired of doing everything that Arlo t
ells me to do.

  These last few months have been amazing, but I can feel the pressure in our bubble building. And I know that it’s going to pop soon. I can feel it.

  I don’t bother to text him back.

  He’s going to be pissed, but I don’t care. I climb off the couch and go find Nina reading a book in my bed.

  She smiles up at me when she sees me standing in the doorway.

  I grin back as I fold my arms across my chest and lean in the doorway. Nina has quickly become my everything. All I can do is think about her. What she’s doing. What she needs. I think about her body. Her smart mouth. I think about fucking her. Talking to her. Holding her.

  I can’t stop.

  She used to be the one who was obsessed. But not anymore. Now, I’m just as obsessed with her as she is with me.

  I can’t stop. And I don’t want to. I want her every second of every day. And, if Arlo thinks I’m going to be willing to leave her alone for one second in this house, even to go do work, he’s crazy. He knows how I feel about her. He sees it in my eyes every night when we fuck her together. Always fucking together.

  We have each tried to get her on her own, but the other is always there. Nina always pulls us both in. But it can’t last forever. Eventually, whatever is going on is going to stop. Someone is bound to develop feelings. And, even if I know that Arlo has developed feelings for Nina, I know him well enough to know that he will never act on those feelings.

  “What?” Nina asks, looking at me with her big brown eyes.

  I step into the room and walk over to her, taking the book out of her hands and laying it on the nightstand next to the bed.

  “I want you,” I say.

  Her eyes grow heavy. “Okay, where’s Arlo?”

  I shake my head. “No, not with him.”

  She raises an eyebrow at me as I climb on top of her in bed, pinning her down. She doesn’t fight me; she just seems amused. We’ve fucked too many times for her to fear me.

  “Where is Arlo?” she asks.

  “He’s working. He never has to know. Just fuck me alone, just this once.”

  I lean down and kiss her, tasting the sweet wine on her lips that I didn’t notice she was drinking. I kiss her hard, slipping my tongue into her mouth, making it impossible for her to say no to me.

  “Don’t you have to work, too, then?” she asks.

  “No, I don’t. Not tonight. Tonight, the only thing I want is to fuck you.”

  She bites her lip as she looks in my eye. She hasn’t fucked either of us in two days. That’s the longest we have gone without sex. We were both gone working yesterday, and when we got back, she was already asleep. We all slept in, doing various things today, and then Arlo wanted me to work again tonight instead of having her. I can’t go that long without having her. Not now. Not ever again.

  “Come on, beautiful. Let me fuck you. You know you want it as badly as I do,” I purr into her neck. I begin kissing her neck, surprised that she hasn’t stopped me already.


  “Yes?” I say, immediately stopping my kisses to look her in the eyes to make sure she is serious.

  “Yes, but I have one condition.”

  “Anything!” I say, already thinking about where I want to have sex with her.

  “Afterward, I get to ask you any questions I want, and you have to answer honestly.”

  I search her eyes, trying to figure out what her plan is, but it isn’t hard to figure out. She’s been asking easy questions for weeks, just waiting for the right time to get her real questions answered. Apparently, today is that day.

  I’m ready though. I know how to answer any question to keep her safe and mine. This is the day I’ve been waiting for, too.

  “I’ll tell you anything you want.”

  Her face lights up at that. “I’m yours then.”

  I hang on to her words. They were exactly what I wanted to hear. What I needed to hear.

  I grab her hand and pull her out of bed, needing to come up with the perfect place to fuck her. Now.

  She laughs as I pull her out of my bed with urgency. “Where are we going? I thought you would want to fuck me in your bed.”

  I shake my head. That is absolutely the last place I want to fuck her. Too many memories of Arlo and me fucking her there. I want her someplace I can claim her as mine. A place where Arlo will know that I won. That she chose me over him.

  She doesn’t move fast enough for me, so I scoop her up in my arms as I run out of my quarters.

  She giggles again as she kisses my neck. “Someone’s in a rush.”

  I growl when she kisses my neck. “Stop distracting me, woman.”

  She bites her lip as I carry her through the mansion to Arlo’s rooms. I get to the door to his quarters and test it just in case he left it unlocked. But, of course, he didn’t.

  I can’t pick the lock; I’ve tried countless times. The door is basically bulletproof, but Arlo does claim one other room that he doesn’t keep behind lock and key. The room he takes women to when he wants to fuck them.

  I walk to the double doors at the end of the hallway and push them open as I carry Nina in. I don’t bother shutting the doors behind me. The maids know well enough to stay far away, and if Arlo comes home, I want him to see me with her.

  But where to fuck her first? I’ve had her every way possible, and I can’t possibly choose a favorite. Every position. Every way.

  I look at Nina, and I see her eyes light up when we enter the room. I don’t know what history she has in this room, and I’m not sure I want to know, but I don’t have a choice. I have to know.

  “Did Arlo fuck you in this room?”

  She motions for me to put her down. I reluctantly do, and I watch her sway her hips as she walks over to a large chair that looks more like a throne sitting in the corner of the room.

  “No, I tried to get Arlo to fuck me. But he fucked three other whores instead.”

  I smirk. I definitely chose the right room to claim her as mine.

  She runs her hand over the velvet chair, most likely remembering that night.

  “I want to ride you while you sit in this chair,” she says, standing behind it and pointing to it.

  I suck in a breath, trying to control myself or this moment is going to end far too soon. She looks gorgeous, standing behind the chair like that. She’s completely irresistible. She doesn’t even have to try to be sexy; she just is. She’s wearing jeans and a dark gray shirt. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, but her confidence is what makes all the difference. It’s something she has always had, but as the weeks have gone by, especially since that night in Enrico’s room, she has changed into the strongest woman I’ve ever seen.

  “Gladly,” I say with a smirk as I walk over and take a seat in the chair.

  Her hands rub my shoulders, and I groan, loving her working for me for once. She slowly makes her way in front of me and begins to put on a show for me as she undresses, starting with her shirt.

  “I wish I had some music to dance for you,” she says.

  I smile. “That, I can give you.” I turn toward Arlo’s sound system. “Play us a song to fuck to.”

  A sexy pop song comes on, and Nina starts moving her body to the music. She strips her shirt, shoes, and pants. I grip the chair, forcing myself to stay in it and wait for her to come to me, but waiting has never been my strong suit. As soon as she gets closes enough for me to touch, I grab her hips and pull her into my lap.

  “I’m not a patient man.”

  She kisses me, pulling my bottom lip into her mouth. “I know.”

  “Then, what are you doing?”

  “Making you crazy,” she says with a wink and then starts grinding her hips against my cock that is still trapped in my pants.

  I growl and pull my shirt off, needing to feel her skin against mine. She gives in immediately, running her hands over my chest. I’m not used to her touching me. Most of the times I’ve fucked her, she’s been tied up or had to s
plit her attention between me and Arlo. But, tonight, I get all of her attention. Her hands travel over my body, feeling every inch of me as my cock grows larger for her.

  “Take off my pants,” I command.

  She grins as she kneels in front of me. “Someone’s still bossy.”


  She grabs my waistband, unbuttons my pants, undoes the zipper, and pulls my pants down along with my underwear until my cock is free.

  Her large eyes get bigger, telling me exactly how much she really does want my cock. She runs her tongue across her bottom lip before devouring my cock with her mouth.

  I close my eyes and let my head roll back as she wraps her lips around my cock. The way she moves her mouth over me makes it clear how much she wants this and that she is enjoying herself as much as I am.

  I open my eyes, needing to see hers. She grins around my cock when I do, knowing exactly what she is doing to me.

  I grab her chin, stopping her from fucking me with her mouth. As much as I want to shoot my cum down her throat, I want to feel her pussy pulsating around me more.

  I pull her back up onto my lap, and her legs automatically go around me, startling me, as her lips lower to my mouth, kissing me hard and fast. One hand grabs her long mane of hair, and the other grabs her breast as her nipple hardens beneath my hand.

  She moans, and the sound hardens my cock even more, pushing against her entrance. I want to fuck her now. But I need to hear her say my name first. I need her to want me as badly as I want her.

  I bite her lip, bringing it into my mouth, as she purrs deep in her throat.

  I grab her hips and grind them against me as she bites her lip to keep from screaming.

  I lower my mouth to her nipple and suck at the same time I push my cock inside her.

  “Fuck, Matteo,” she moans.


  She pushes my head back the second I enter her and takes the control back. She grinds up and down on my cock, riding me like it is her favorite thing to do.


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