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The Remote Traveler (The Remote Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Finian Blake

  “Don, I need you to relieve Valery’s team at the apartment. I will get you some relief after the interviews are finished.”

  “I would be happy to go out there.” Don was not in the mood to watch the finish of this exercise. “I will have the other team rent a hotel room so that we can have coverage.” Don was sorry that he ever accepted this assignment. It was as screwed up as they come. Evan was clean around the bend. He lost his entire team with this last move and it was obvious that he trusted nobody. Don would be surprised if they all didn’t bail out on Evan when this was over. He needed to find a secure phone so that he could report to the Foreman. Don rounded up his team and left with all due haste. He was doing a job that was outside of his range of expertise. The sweepers were supposed to take existing intelligence and act on it, not do the leg work. He decided to take two cars so that they could increase their range. Sitting down the street from their objective made them targets. The team was on the road within twenty minutes.

  It was getting late and the conversation was fading. Everyone pitched in to clean up the mess from dinner. Alex caught Edward for a final request.

  “If you are up to it I would like you to have one more look at the Farm. I want you to have a look at any paper work that they left out.” Edward agreed and started going upstairs. Layla overheard Alex’s request.

  “I want to go with you.”

  “Come on then, we need to get this over with.” Bill looked at Alex.

  “I am not a prude, but I am not wild about having my only daughter lying down with a man that she is not married to.”

  Edward called down the stairs. “Would engaged do?” He looked down the stairs. “Marry me Layla!” She ran up the stairs and hugged him.

  “Yes…” They ran up the stairs to Edward’s bedroom. Bill looked at Alex.

  “Are they serious?”

  “It would be my guess that they are.”

  Bill was every inch a father, “I would feel better about it if the young man had a job.”

  “He has a hundred and thirty in the bank.”

  “That’s what I mean. He spent all of his money on her Friday.” Alex shrugged. He might as well tell Bill now.

  Alex shook his head, “I meant a hundred thirty million in the bank.”

  “How much…,” Bill choked. Alex decided to give Bill an idea since they would be in-laws.

  “When Alex was born, I put two million in the bank for him. It has been invested with an average growth rate of twenty percent a year and sometimes two hundred percent. With a few minor exceptions he has not touched it in twenty-five years.”

  “If Edward was worth that much what about his father,” the next question blurted out of Bill’s mouth before he could think about it.

  Bill had to ask, “How much are you worth?”

  Alex smiled patting him on the shoulder. “Much more, and before you ask Anna is worth more than I am. Your daughter is a good girl and I am sure that she will remain so until they are married. As you must have noticed Edward doesn’t like to flash. We raised him better than that and I am sure that you did a good job of raising Layla.” Bill stumbled upstairs in a stupor.

  Edward and Layla curled up on his bed fully clothed. This time she was the first to float up Edward originally thought that she was a hitchhiker. He followed with in seconds. Evan was talking to his last subject who was his secretary and she was obviously distraught. Edward went straight to business. He memorized as many names and phone numbers as he could. Layla took the time to examine the interaction between Evan and his secretary. She hated Evan, since he was behind the deaths of her mother, her employer and her good friend Bonnie. She felt the hate rise in her. Layla looked back at Evan’s secretary, Yvonne. The more that Layla let her hate seep out. The greater Yvonne’s distress was. Edward could not help but notice the air of pure hatred in the room. He could not see Layla but he could sense her. Finally, Yvonne screamed at Evan and ran out of the room crying. She ran to her desk and Layla followed. Yvonne pulled a gun out of her desk put it in her mouth pulling the trigger. Layla slammed back into her body and Edward followed almost immediately. Neither one was able to move for a few minutes. When she could move, Layla buried her head in Edward’s chest and cried uncontrollably.

  “She killed herself! I knew that she was unhappy but I didn’t know that she would kill herself. It seemed that the more I let my hate out, the more she went out of control. I wanted to kill that bastard not her.” Layla was totally upset.

  Edward reminded her, “We don’t have an operator’s manual, so we need to figure this out as we go. It seems that when we are out of body, we can communicate emotionally. We can’t hear or speak, but we sense and transmit emotions. I could feel your rage. I could not see or hear you. Your emotions transferred to the people in the room. Evan was also affected. He seemed to transmit your rage.”

  “Do you think that I caused her to commit suicide?”

  “No, if you could do that Evan would be dead, not his secretary. He was the one pushing her.” Edward pulled her closer to him deciding to divert her for as long as he could. “You were the first one out. I thought that you were along for the ride the last time. You were in the lead all the way. We really are a pair.”

  “Doctor Swift started with me, but I could never let go of that thread. I always needed the connection until you took me with you the last time. Once I learned that I could get back the rest was easy. I was eager to go. You always float around for a few seconds. I flew out through the ceiling and went straight there.” There was a loud knocking at the door. Bill was calling her name.

  “Layla, is there something wrong?”

  “No, daddy there is something right. Edward and I are flying to Las Vegas to get married tomorrow.”

  “Why does it have to be tomorrow?”

  “Because the day after tomorrow. I won’t be a virgin.” Bill looked surprised. Layla was twenty-four.

  “You haven’t done anything before?”

  Layla stroked Edwards face. “I have only had sex in my dreams.” She rolled into Edwards arms. “Let’s go to sleep.”

  Evan was in the state of shock when he heard the shot in the next office. He had no idea of why he was so enraged with Yvonne. He had no intention of pushing her. He wanted to ask her a few light weight questions in order to make a show of interrogating her, since they were on the best of terms. One thing led to another and they were screaming at each other with blood in their eyes. He felt that she wanted to kill him. People came streaming in the room. Yvonne fell into her chair, which tipped over dumping her on the floor. Nobody was able to say a word. There was no doubt that she was dead. Half of her brains and bits of hair were splattered all over the wall. Evan screamed for them to leave the office. He could not ask anyone to clean up this mess. He walked behind the desk to see what was needed. He looked at the floor and saw her shoes standing perfectly up right. The blast from the nine millimeter blew her out of her shoes. He looked at the body she was wearing a skirt. Yvonne always wore high heels and a skirt when she wanted to please him. Evan knelt down on the floor and started to cry.



  Alex and Bill were just pulling into Forest Lawn following the signs to the office. Alex parked the Mercedes and walked in the office with Bill.

  “We wish to buy two niches in one of your mausoleums. They must be side by side.” The salesman looked in his book. He took several minutes. Finally, he tapped his finger in the book. “We only have two together in one place that are ready today. It is in our most expensive building. You can have an oversized niche in the mausoleum for $10,000 each, when would you need to have services.”

  “Today…” Alex was confident in his request.

  The sales person did not blink. They were used to accommodating Jews and Moslems since they wanted to be buried within 24 hours. “Providing that you have a certificate of death we can oblige you at three. There will of course be an extra charge for the immediate services.” The sal
esman worked the figures and came up with a price of $25,000 including taxes for the two niches. Would you like a Rabi?”

  Bill answered. “No we don’t but we could use a Baptist minister and we would like a plaque placed as soon as possible.”

  “Of course a plaque for the niche would be extra.” Alex was getting impatient.

  “Take a minute, use your calculator and give me a complete package for two niches, plaques, services, taxes and all.”

  “We can do it for $30,000 and that will prepay for the second niche.” Alex pulled out his money belt and handed the salesman the cash.

  “We need one more thing. Please back date the sale as far as possible.”

  “I am not sure that it would be proper?” Alex handed the sales man an additional $10,000. “This will be for your personal services.”

  “Would two weeks, work for you?”

  “Three days would be perfect. The death certificate will reflect the correct date.”

  “We will be back with the ashes at two and we will be ready.” Alex looked at Bill.

  “Will those arrangements work for you?”

  “Perfectly…” The two men walked out to the Mercedes and drove off.

  Bill had to ask. “Why back date things three days?”

  “We want it to look like this was a planned service. Now that we have this planned we need to plan the wedding.” Alex picked up his cell phone.

  “Edward I need you back in town at one o’clock, one thirty at the latest. The funeral is set for three. Did you do what I told you?”

  “Yeah, it was a rush but I had the right incentive.”

  Alex was curious, “Have a quick trip. Who did you get for pilots?”

  Edward chuckled, “Francesca assigned Lori and Connie.”

  “They will get the job done.” Alex laughed.

  Edward and Layla were prepared. They were waiting at the private aviation terminal at Orange County Airport. The Gulfstream five took off for Las Vegas five minutes later. They were on the ground by ten thirty taking a limo to the City Hall. Edward paid extra for the express line and the license was obtained in thirty minutes. The limo took them down the strip looking for a wedding chapel. When they passed Circus-Circus Layla ordered a stop.

  “For the way that we courted, this will be perfect.” They went in the hotel and found the wedding chapel. The only slot available for today was for seven PM which they grabbed without hesitation. They booked a private room at the steak house for eight. Edward booked the Penthouse Suite for themselves and seven junior suites in the other section for the guests. Edward was thinking of something fancier, but this was Layla’s big day. Layla could not believe that things were settled that fast. They took the limo back to the Private Terminal at McCarran Airport with the Gulfstream dropping them at Burbank Airport around twelve thirty. Connie called ahead and had a limo waiting. Alex and the others met them by the airport in a stretch limo. Everybody had packed bags for the long trip the evening before. They would be heading to the Inn from Las Vegas.

  The Mercedes pulled into the sales office at Forest Lawn. The minister greeted the mourners in the office.

  “What is your religious affiliation, Bill?”

  “We are Baptist.”

  “Good I was hoping that we had your preference right. Can you go a little early the minister has three services today? I will prepare the service while you inspect the mausoleum. The director took them to the mausoleum and pointed out the niches.

  “The plaques will be ready in a week. We will make yours at the same time, minus the date.” The two niches were eight feet off of the ground and a platform with steps leading up to the niche was in place. “We set this up in case you wanted to place the ashes personally.”

  Bill smiled, “I think that I would be more comfortable having you place the ashes.” They returned to the chapel and had the minister start the service. The minister did a beautiful, but short service. There were several arrangements of flowers that Alex ordered. Bill, Layla, Edward, Anna, Grace, Alice and Alex were in attendance. The director placed the ashes and walked the family out of the mausoleum.

  “I hope that the service was to your liking.” On the way out Alex gave the minister and the director one hundred dollars each.

  Bill smiled as he left. “It was all that I could have hoped for.”

  The limousines dropped them off at the Burbank Airport and the group boarded the waiting Gulfstream. Bill nodded his approval as he stepped on board. This was an executive jet with full luxury appointments. Connie greeted Bill and Layla with a warm greeting giving the rest of the family a warm kiss as they boarded. Bill took note of the greeting.

  “Alex, you seem to stir their passion.”

  Alex smiled, “A long time ago I suggested this as a career, to Connie. Lori will be along in a minute.”

  Bill was impressed. “An aircraft this small and we have two flight attendants.”

  Layla nudged Bill. “These ladies are our pilots.”

  “Oh, that’s my mistake,” Bill apologized.

  Lori laughed, at the comment. “Don’t worry we have been flying for twenty plus years. We will get you there for sure. Alex and family are precious cargo. They saved our lives twenty some years ago. Edward and Layla filled us in on your problem this morning.”

  Bill looked at Alex. “What do you do for a living?”

  “I will fill you in as we go along. Connie you want to be nice to Bill. He may be working on your planes. I believe that he will be working for F&F when we return.”

  Lori kissed Alex, “We stocked your favorite Scotch help yourself. Francesca stocked the bar personally.” Lori and Connie went up to the cockpit to set up the computer. Alex poured two generous glasses of scotch and handed them to Grace and Anna. He poured Alice a glass of Riesling. Edward came to the galley and poured a couple of glasses of wine for him and Layla.

  “Bill, are you a scotch drinker or will you have a beer.”

  “I will have Scotch depending on the scotch.”

  “It is a fifty-year-old Glennfidich,” Alex held the bottle out. “Take my word for it, as father of the bride you don’t want to do this sober. I have nine daughters.

  “That sounds great.” Bill did a double take. “You have nine daughters!”

  “That must have broken the bank, with the weddings.”

  “I have three that never married.”

  “Why not…?”

  “Tell him Alice.”

  “I am looking for a man that I can trust and it just hasn’t happened yet.” Alex lifted his glass.

  “Here’s to Stephanie.” Everybody lifted their glass and took a sip. Alex lifted his glass again. “Here is to Stephanie.”

  Bill had to know, “Why the second toast.

  Alex smiled, “Living or dead she is the mother of the bride.” Everybody took another sip. Layla and Bill were glad that he made the second toast. It meant something to know that Alex did not hold a grudge against Stephany.

  When the plane landed Alex invited Lori and Connie to the wedding and they readily accepted. Everybody went to Circus-Circus checking into their rooms. Anna hijacked Layla and took her to a seamstress that was recommended to her by the hotel. Bill went to all the trouble of saving her mother’s wedding dress from burning so Layla could follow family tradition.

  “Layla do you want your mothers wedding dress or should we buy another one?” Her mother had her try it on a few months back. Layla knew what it looked like. She also knew that it would be a reasonable fit.

  “Mom would love it if I could wear the dress but we will never have time to do the alterations.” Anna took a cab to the mall at Cesar’s Palace and found the shop that was recommended to her, finding that they did in fact do alterations on sight.

  “We need some minor alterations.” The seamstress had Layla try the dress on. The dress came close to fitting, so the alterations would indeed be minor.

  “When do you need it?”

  “We need it in two hours.�
� Anna reached in her purse.

  “Impossible I have five people in front of you. I would have to work all night to catch up.

  Anna held out $1,000, “Maybe you could hire someone to help you catch up.”

  “Come back in two hours.” Anna hit the beauty parlor and gave the next three women in line five hundred in cash to gamble, with while she and Layla took their place. Anna and Layla came back to find the dress was a much better fit, and Anna hustled her back to the hotel. They made it downstairs with five minutes to spare. Everyone was impressed by the chapel it was small but looked beautiful. Bill walked Layla down the aisle. The minister did a full ceremony and they had the professional photographer at the chapel to do the pictures.

  The party was held in a private room at the back of the steak house with the photographer covering the dinner also. He promised to have three sets of pictures to Alex’s room at seven AM sharp. It was not the full blown wedding that Stephanie had envisioned for Layla when she was growing up, but it was not a cheesy elopement either. When Alex went to the toilet Layla sat down next to Anna.

  “Thank you, I promised my mother that I would get married in this dress. Do you always get things done like this?”

  “I get it from Alex. His one big talent is being able to get the impossible done. He is crazier than anybody that I have ever met, but he is a good man. Alice, Lori and Connie were kidnaped by some really nasty people and when we came to save Alice, we ended up saving them too.” Edward was two at the time. When we get to the Inn you can talk to other people that Alex has saved. He is basically a protector, and he has numerous loyal friends all over the world.”

  The Gulfstream left McCarron around 10 AM. It stopped in Rochester for fuel and landed in Manchester around six AM. A young brunette customs agent met the plane with a large German Sheppard. Edward was first off the airplane she released the dog and it charged Edward. Layla was about to panic when the dog jumped up and put both paws on Edwards shoulders standing at eye level with him. The customs agent ran up and kissed him warmly on the mouth. Layla looked shocked.


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