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The Remote Traveler (The Remote Series Book 1)

Page 33

by Finian Blake


  George walked in while Evan was still dressing. He looked nervous when he saw how Simone was dressed.

  “Secretary Smith will be joining us for dinner.”

  “I know Simone I talked to him on the phone,” George said.

  “Are you George or Georgiana tonight?” Pauline asked.

  “It had better be George. Dean and I have never socialized before,” Senator Mudson said flatly.

  “Then George it is. I promised him a home cooked dinner with Cherries Cossette for dessert. I promised you an evening that you would not forget and I will deliver.” Simone held out both the scotch and the cognac.

  George made his choice quickly, “I prefer the scotch.” Simone poured him a full glass and reached in his pants.

  “You are still wearing my gift.”

  The senator showed great relief, “Yes I was going crazy all day worried that someone would find out”

  “Did anybody notice?”


  “Then you shall have your reward!” Simone took a drink and kissed it into his mouth. “Your wife was she a missionary woman?”

  “What do you mean?” Simone made a horizontal motion with a flat hand. George nodded yes. “Then you will enjoy your reward tonight. I promise you French, not English.”

  The relief shown on George’s face, “Thank god!”

  Dean looked confused when he noticed that they were short one woman. “Mon Cheri, I promise that you will look back on this evening with fond memories.” Dinner was perfect. Simone made the sexiest waitress that anybody could remember making sure that every drop of wine was consumed. She poured the men a large cognac each taking Pauline in the kitchen. Both women came out carrying three shot glasses of cognac with one cherry each. Pauline handed Evan a glass and Simone handed one glass each to Dean and George.

  “You each have five cherries. Pauline has five and I have ten.” Simone lay back on the table and stroked herself between her legs. George, you and Dean will have to share a plate.” Pauline proved highly inventive at directing the events at the orgy even managing to get Dean and George to have sex. Everybody was astounded by the intensity of their orgasm when Simone broke out the Amyl Nitrate. Simone made it a point to follow all of the instructions from Pauline. In the morning she dressed and packed up her personal clothing. Simone laid out the samples and other items of a sexual nature on the bed. After she was prepared Simone slipped downstairs and took Georgiana by the hand. Pauline had him dress in lingerie half way through the party. Pauline also had Dean, dress in drag.

  Simone woke up and showered. She decided that things were rapidly getting out of control.

  “George shower and change before Dean gets up.” He looked at the bag by the door.

  “Where are you going?”

  Simone hung her head. “I am distracting you. There are too many things that you need to do that just aren’t getting done. If you want, I can meet you the next time I come through town. We can get a cottage and play our little romantic games for the weekend without distraction.” Simone finished undressing him and ran to the shower. She washed every crevice on George making sure that all traces of makeup were removed. When they were through she helped him dress in his suit. Simone opened the suitcase and detailed each item as she unpacked it.

  “Hold out your hands and close your eyes,” George did as requested. He felt something soft as she placed an item in each hand. George opened his eyes. “You have earned your tits. They are smaller but they will look natural. I also bought you these.” Simone placed a bottle of pills in his hand.

  “What are these?”

  “They’re hormone pills,” Simone said seductively. “They will help soften your body hair and swell your breasts. I also bought you some wigs and make up.”


  “If you are going to play dress up, I don’t want you embarrassed.” Simone loaded all of the items in the large bag and closed it. George pulled Simone to him and kissed her passionately.

  “You do care. Are you really going to meet me later?”

  “Just those samples alone are worth several thousand dollars. I spent half the day yesterday making sure that you can pass. What do you think?” Simone bit his nipples playfully through George’s shirt. “Put our bags in your car I need a ride to the Ritz. I will put on a pot of coffee and we can go.”

  George snuck down the stairs quietly and put the bags in the trunk. Simone went to the kitchen putting on a pot of coffee. Pauline walked into the kitchen greeting Simone with a kiss.

  “Pauline, I have to go now. Harry is meeting me at the Ritz tonight.”

  “It was just a comment that you made to get rid of him.”

  “It was a promise and I don’t break my promises. Simone cupped her breast and whispered in her ear. “When I come back we will have some more fun. Thank you for your hospitality.” George came in the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee. He escorted Simone out to the car opening the door assisting her in.

  “I don’t want to be accused of stealing Pauline’s china,” George held up the cup. “Wait here I will be right back.”

  George rushed in the kitchen handing the cup to Pauline.

  “George we need to keep her here!”

  “You said that I couldn’t do anything about her here.” Senator Mudson said flatly.

  “What are you going to do,” Pauline’s face showed surprise.

  “Kill her of course.” The Senator said with a broad smile. “She has seen too much, and Simone could ruin my career. She is too much of a wild card.”

  “You want us to do it?”

  “No I will do it myself. For now, I want you to get Harry on a plane back to London this afternoon. I plan on keeping his appointment with Simone.” George looked at Dean sleeping on the couch in his lingerie with lipstick smears all over his body. “I think that Dean just had a heart attack. See what you can do.” Pauline understood the request.

  “I will call Dillon. Will you need him later?”

  “Put him on standby we can discuss that when I return.” George walked back to the car kissing Simone and cupping her breast.

  “I will miss you. Call my cell if your appointment doesn’t pan out.”

  Sarah, Victoria, Suki, Nadia and Layla flew into Washington. Nadia sat next to Layla while she slipped into a meditative state. She was able to catch the last of George’s conversation with Pauline. Layla awoke with a start.

  “We need to get Simone out quickly. She is going to the Ritz.” Nadia listened to her impressions.

  “There should be no problem getting there in time relax and enjoy the flight. Even if they bring in another team we can deal with it.”

  The 777 touched down in Dulles early and Four Diamonds picked them up in a stretch limo. Suki was able to get adjoining rooms on either side of Simone’s room. She also got the three rooms adjoining across the hall. Simone was out of her room. They settled in their rooms and Layla slipped into a trance while Simone was in the spa. Suki and Layla would stay in a room to check out what was happening at Pauline’s place.

  George returned to the farm around two finding Evan having a drink in the living room.

  Evan sounded relieved, “Pauline and Dean are upstairs having a conversation. He seems to be seeing things our way. Dean definitely has a kinky side, so I don’t believe that a heart attack will be necessary. Have you decided anything about Simone?”

  “Yes I will take care of her. Did you send Harry back to London?”

  “He will be flying on the last plane out around seven tonight.” Evan could not believe his ears, “Did I understand you correctly? You will be doing your own dirty work.”

  “Yeah I don’t want to turn it over to some screw up and have it fall back on my head.” George smiled with satisfaction as Evan gripped the arms of the chair with anger in his eyes. “I should say that Georgiana will do it. She will take Harry’s place, get Simone back to her room and have some fun with her. I will just ne
ed some handcuffs, duct tape and a straight razor. The maid will find her in the morning and the crime will be credited to a rapist.”

  “They will be looking for you.”

  “No they will be looking for a woman. I will take a cab to and from the hotel.”

  “Do you want a backup?”

  “No I tested her last night I can overpower her easily.”

  “Well don’t play any games. Hit her and get out. If they find one drop of sperm in there they will be looking for a man.”

  “Relax, I even found a human hair wig.” George rubbed the stubble on his chest. “That reminds me I have to shave. Have Pauline come to my room when she is finished with Dean.”

  George went to the bathroom and began his transformation to Georgiana. He shaved his entire body twice and took a one-hour soak in a lavender bubble bath. Pauline came in doing his toes and finger nails. She picked out a little black cocktail dress with a neck line that came to Georgiana’s collar bone plunging down the back. The transformation took several hours, but the results were convincing. George looked great in the black hose and spaghetti strap high heel sandals. He came down and poured a glass of Simone’s fifty-year-old brandy.

  “Here’s to Simone it’s a shame that we will never see her again. I love her taste in booze.” George turned to Pauline. “Have you heard anything about my wife’s funeral?”

  “It appears that they will be at least a week before they release the body.”

  “Those bastards have no sympathy for a grieving husband.” George’s face contorted in anger. “Push them harder after all I am a Senator.” Pauline looked at his legs and pushed them together with her toe.

  “You need to remember that you are a lady not a trucker. Keep those knees and ankles together. Let’s put that wig on for the full effect.” Pauline helped Georgiana reapply her wig and make up so that it was perfect. Both conspirators walked around Georgiana doing a critical inspection. Evan had to admit that he would hit on her if he didn’t know the truth. Pauline opened her purse before she handed it to Georgiana. There were, two pair of handcuffs, duct tape and a straight razor in it along with $1,000 so that he would not need to use a charge card. It was another hour before Simone called.

  “Harry had to go to London, meet me at the Ritz.” Simone laid on her heaviest French accent. “We will go out from there. I found a nice little lounge that we can go to.”

  Layla reentered her body.

  “The senator is coming dressed in drag. He is going to take Simone out for dinner and get her back to the room. He’s going to kill her there.”

  Nadia thought for a minute, “I need to do a little scouting. I am going to need Victoria for this one.” Nadia found the place that she was looking for. She took Victoria to the club and got an idea of the lay out. She dressed Victoria in a little black dress with a high neck line instructing her about how she was supposed to behave.

  Georgiana knocked on the door at seven. Simone opened the door looking really hot. She decided on an iridescent purple spandex mini skirt that fit like a second skin, a purple ultrathin Cassimere top that just came down to her navel and gold high heel sandals to top off the effect. The curve of her breasts held the hem of her top slightly off her stomach. Simone was French Moroccan and the full hips and narrow waist made her an absolute stand out, but her coarse dark blonde hair and her iridescent green eyes were the counter point in her appearance.

  Georgiana looked really nervous, “I don’t know about going out right here in town.”

  “Relax I have the perfect place and it’s only a few blocks from here. We can walk to the club instead of catching a cab.” They avoided the lobby by using a side exit walking arm and arm down the street. Simone put their name in for a table and went to the bar picking one of the tall tables across from the bar. Georgiana still looked nervous so Simone started commenting on the other patrons. There was a woman standing at the bar with a short black dress on. Her high heel boots came just below her knees doing nothing to hide her muscular legs. Her short hair came only half way down her neck and was combed back close to her head. Her make up looked severe and she had a bull dyke look to her because of her muscular build.

  “There are a lot of people in here just like you. Just look at that one sitting by the service bar. Check out her boobs. It looks like she stealing balloons. They are huge. Look at her jaw line. The makeup doesn’t blend in it just stops at her chin.”

  “What about it?”

  “Her makeup is all wrong. You can see a five o’clock shadow from here. Go get us some drinks and look at her biceps.” Georgiana did as instructed, coming back with two drinks after just a few minutes.

  “Jesus, she has bigger biceps than me. And those tits look like they are going to explode.” Georgiana said in disbelief. Simone laughed stroking his cheek.

  “That’s not a she. He went for the bull dyke look to throw the other dressers off. Give me your makeup. I can’t watch this disaster a second longer.” Simone got out of the chair walking over to the girl and after a few words they both walked to the restroom with the woman wobbling behind Simone in her high heeled boots. After Georgiana started his second drink, Simone walked up to the table with the woman. She was still having trouble walking in high heels, but her makeup and hair looked much better. Simone had rearranged her clothing making her look more feminine. Inviting her to sit on one of the tall stools she gently pushed her legs together. The woman’s knees were spread apart as far as her skirt would allow.

  “Victoria, I would like you to meet Georgiana.” Victoria held out her hand to Georgiana shaking his hand so firmly that he winced in pain. Simone tapped her on the shoulder. “Victoria, keep your knees and ankles together. You sit like a trucker. I can see your turquoise panties.” Simone took Georgiana’s hand. “You and Victoria have something in common. May she join us?” He thought quickly that this dresser may be useful to his plan.

  “Of course she can join us.” When they were seated at their table Simone kept the conversation light keeping to the subject of fashion and carefully avoiding the topic of cross dressing. After dinner Simone made an excuse to use the restroom. Victoria leaned over to whisper in Georgiana’s ear making her voice as deep as possible.

  “She is nice in a way, but then she is really a bitch too. She told me how to put on my makeup and showed me how to hide my thing. Simone acts like she is the only authority on dressing.” Victoria pulled a small bottle out of her large purse shaking a tiny white pill out of it. “Do you want to have some fun with her? I would like to.”

  “What do you mean,” Georgiana asked. “Put one of these in her drink and when she gets back to her hotel room we can do whatever we want.” Victoria held up a little white pill.

  “What is that?”

  “It’s a Roofie. You know date rape.” She smiled wolfishly slightly slurring her words. “One of these in her drink and she is ours to do with as we please.”

  “It wouldn’t be rape she screws like a rabbit.” Senator Mudson laughed. “I have a score to settle with her anyway.” He took the pill from Victoria dropping it in Simone’s drink mixing it with his finger. Simone came back to the table and Georgiana lifted her glass.

  “Here’s to the ladies.” Victoria kicked Georgiana under the table.

  “I don’t have any plans for the evening. What are you doing?”

  “We were just going back to my hotel room,” Simone said. “Would you like a little more instruction? You make a beautiful woman.”

  “Thanks, I would like that, but I am in a motel. We can drive up to the door.”

  Georgiana jumped in quickly. “I think that I would prefer not walking past all of the security cameras at your hotel.”

  Simone was slurring her words. “All right, do we need a car?”

  “I have a minivan,” Vicki volunteered, “I will drop you off when we are through.” Victoria had the foresight to get a room at a flea bag motel with a weekly rate and with a cash payment they rented her the room for th
e month without a credit card.

  “I feel funny,” Simone slurred her words. “I want to…” Simone drifted off before she could finish her sentence.

  “That shit works good,” Georgiana said.

  “You have to be careful not to give them too much,” Vicki cautioned. “Two or more with some strong drink and you could kill them before you have your fun or they could pass out before you get them out of the restaurant. I have made that mistake a few times.”

  “How many times have you done this?” Georgiana asked as Vicki pulled her close delivering a passionate kiss that surprised Georgiana with her strength.

  “More than once,” Vicki said biting his lip softly. “I like to take my time I have often played for a week with one capture.”

  “I would like to hear her scream,” Georgiana said remembering the spurs.

  Vicki went through Simone’s purse before driving off, finding $3,000 in cash and a gold credit card. She removed the cash and upon turning the card over she found a piece of tape on the back with a four-digit number written down. “This stupid bitch wrote her PIN on the back of the card. We are going to hit the ATM machines all the way over to my place. We are going to party and she is going to pay.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  She had Georgiana get out of the van to make the withdrawals pulling $2,000 at each stop waiting in the van as Georgiana tapped the machines. When they stopped at the motel, Vicki handed Georgiana the room key to open the door. When he turned around after opening the door, Georgiana was surprised to see Vicki carrying Simone over her shoulder right behind him walking smoothly in her high heel boots.

  “I thought that you had trouble walking in those.”

  “I told you that I have done this before,” Vicki laughed as she flopped Simone on the bed, yanking her skirt up and her top down without hesitation. Vicki pointed to the table. “Use the hand cuffs I love steel. We can tie her with cord just before we dump her so we won’t have to worry about finger prints.”

  Georgiana looked surprised, “You had this planned didn’t you.”


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