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The Remote Traveler (The Remote Series Book 1)

Page 37

by Finian Blake

  “It tells me that Evan and Pauline are way off the reservation. Agent Byrne confirmed that they put the Senator’s wife on the flight. As you informed me the Senator was behind their operation. Simone might have discovered it when she went out to the Farm with me. Agent Byrne is having the director look into a connection between the events in LA, the plane crash and those two maniacs. I think that they killed Simone!” Harry was extremely distressed. Anna walked over to him putting her arm around his shoulder.

  “Simone is alive. We rescued her in time. If they find out that she is still alive they will keep trying until she is dead. Now tell me what your intentions are with our daughter.”

  “Daughter, she is a French national.”

  “None the less she is my daughter.”

  Harry declared, “I love her.”

  Anna asked lightly, “Is it love or the unbelievable sex?” Harry blushed.

  “It was both.” Anna hugged him warmly. She picked up the phone and whispered a few words into it.

  “While we are waiting I would like to ask you a favor.”


  “Call the FBI and suggest that they search Pauline’s farm for the body.”

  Harry was confused, “But, she’s here.” Anna raised an eyebrow and gave Harry a tight lipped frown. “Alright I will do that as soon as I can get to a secure phone.” The door opened and Simone walked in. Harry rushed to her hugging her tightly.

  Pauline answered the phone in Evan’s office.

  “This is Max at the FBI. The director has just received a warrant to search your farm. They are on their way as we speak and will be there soon.” Max was a pipeline for Sean while he was alive. He kept Sean advised about any FBI actions concerning his department.

  “Evan, the FBI is executing a search warrant for my farm. We need to get out there!”

  “When are they going to be there?”

  “Max said they would be there in two hours!”

  “I knew that there was something wrong when they found Lee and Sam in the ambulance. We need to retrieve our run kits and see what they find. By the time we get there they could walk in on us.”


  Evan was not going to budge. “We don’t know what they are looking for and they may not find anything. The only thing to do is sit tight. Maybe they will come up dry.” Pauline didn’t like it but there was nothing else to do.

  The FBI team rolled down the drive quickly with the warrants. They posted a copy on the gate, the front of the main house and did the same at the guest house. Three vans pulled in the property behind the cars. Pauline and Evan were parked down the road from the drive.

  Pauline was going crazy, “That’s my house! I have to get in there.”

  Evan held her back, “Did you see the way that they pulled in the property? This is not a casual search. We buried Simone in the hole for the septic tank.”

  “They can’t be looking for her there is nothing to lead them there,” Pauline screamed at Evan. “I can steer them away from it.”

  “There is nothing there for them to find,” He insisted.

  “They are here in force. If they do find Simone there, we are in deep shit,” Pauline insisted.

  “Let them look and when they are gone we can clear things out.” Evan countered.

  The FBI went straight for the guest house starting a methodical search. When they got to the fake hospital room they found Detective Worthy’s clothes, gun and badge stuffed in one of the cabinets. They made a quick call to the police and found that she was a black detective and not the white woman that was pictured on the ID. They also found a suit jacket and pants in the same cabinet. Inside the jacket were three sets of IDs. One of them was a fake set of FBI IDs. The third van that drove on the property had three dogs in it. The dog handlers gave the dogs the scent. It took the dogs only a few minutes to find the scent indicating the disturbed earth where the septic tank had been. The ‘Agent in Charge’ called in to expand the warrant and ordered a back hoe, not wanting to disturb the one that was parked next to the hole.

  Evan was feeling exposed sitting on the side of a two lane road. He wanted to leave, but Pauline insisted on staying. Finally, a backhoe pulled by a dump truck pulled down the drive and Evan insisted on leaving.

  “They didn’t bring in that backhoe to trim their toe nails. They found Simone let’s get the hell out of here. If you want, we can clean out your accounts. They will be watching those shortly.”

  “You’re right let’s get out of here. I have my bank accounts in another name.”

  The FBI took several hours to dig up the bodies. They were bound together tightly with cotton clothes line and the fake detective Worthy was wearing the clothes that Simone was wearing when she disappeared. They could get a tentative ID from what they found in the guest house by matching the picture of Detective Worthy to the fake ID in the guest house. They also identified the gurney from the ambulance, which was covered in blood. The Agent in charge called in and declared the whole property a crime scene. He also requested a warrant for the arrest of Evan and Pauline. When they found Simone’s blood on the restraints they expanded the search warrant to the entire property. Clothes with her scent were found in the Senator’s room along with his Senate ID and his man clothes. Pauline’s blackmail collection was also discovered. Wayne the agent in charge called the director.

  “Sir, you are going to want to supervise this personally. We have found evidence of at least seven crimes and they all involve highly placed people. There is going to be a real shit storm out here.”

  “Can you contain it?”

  “Director, there is no chance of that. We need justice out here.”

  “Wayne, did you follow the warrants?”

  “Yes, I called in and expanded them every time that I came to a place that was not covered by a warrant, but I need some guidance to keep the damages down.”

  “How high up are the damages?”

  “Director, it looks like they won’t go any higher than the Senate or the House. This is a nine on the Richter scale, but there is some good news.”

  The director was starving for good news, “What’s that?”

  The agent in charge said, “Several of the perps are dead.”

  “Wayne, I said, what is the good news?”

  “That was the good news. We won’t have to prosecute.”

  “Can a helicopter land there?” The Director asked in a panic.

  Evan and Pauline drove to Baltimore Airport to catch a flight to Buffalo New York.

  “Evan, why are we going to Buffalo?”

  “We will cross into Canada and fly to Europe out of there. It’s the quickest way out of the country. If they find your blackmail stash they will really want to find us.” You had files on all of the Senators and Congressmen that sat on the committee.”

  Pauline was defensive. “Not all of it was bad!”

  “They don’t like being spied on.” She had her run kit on her. He figured that there was several thousand dollars in her bag. Evan walked back to the trunk of the car.

  “Oh shit, your bag split wide open.” Pauline leaned into the trunk to inspect the bag. Evan slammed the lid of the trunk on her head pushing her hard into the contents of the trunk knocking Pauline unconscious. Taking the bag out of the trunk he finished rolling her in the car. Evan pulled out a knife and quickly slit her throat feeling the stiff pull of the knife all the way across her neck. Blood was everywhere with Evan closing the trunk quickly so that no blood would get on his traveling clothes. He walked to the terminal catching a plane to Buffalo. Evan smiled as he settled into his seat. He really lost nothing except for a few thousand and he gained Pauline’s bag with her stash. The land was Pauline’s, but he had $300,000 plus of her money. He would cross into Toronto and start his new life.

  A couple walking through the short term parking set their luggage down to adjust their load. The man bent down to tie his shoes and noticed blood dripping from the trunk. When Pa
uline bent over to check on her bag the wide strap of her purse slipped around her neck and prevented Evan’s stroke from penetrating any vital areas too deeply. Evan did cut her, but the strap protected her jugular. Pauline was groggy from the blow to the head and the loss of blood, but she was still very much alive. Being the quick thinker that she was Pauline started to scream and kick the trunk lid.

  “Help I’ve been kidnapped. Call the FBI.”

  The police and the fire department arrived at the same time. The fire department made short work of opening the trunk using a pair of bolt cutters to separate the cuffs. While she was waiting for her rescue Pauline intentionally fought the cuffs so that the skin on her wrists looked like hamburger when the cuffs were removed. They tried several keys to release the cuffs finally finding the right key to remove them. The entire interior of the trunk was covered in blood. The paramedics stopped the bleeding and cautioned her about standing up too quickly. Pauline intentionally ignored their advice and stood up as fast as she could when the FBI walked up to the car. She blacked out and fell to the Asphalt striking her head starting the bleeding again. Pauline was a sight her clothes were torn and bloody, her body was bruised from kicking and she had several cuts on her from thrashing around in the trunk. Pauline came to, just as the ambulance pulled into the Emergency entrance of the hospital. An FBI agent was in the back of the ambulance with her.

  Pauline was screaming, “He beat me, he raped me and he made me have sex with that pervert Senator Mudson.”

  “Who did?”

  “Evan did, the bastard made me watch while he killed those people. He was setting me up to take the fall by leaving all of the evidence at my house. I thought that I was free when Sean Manworth died but he was in it just as deep.”

  The doctor pushed the agent out of the treatment room. “You can have her after I am finished.”

  Evan did not waste time in the airport. He located a bus to downtown Toronto. It dropped him off in front of the Hilton and Evan checked in going straight to his room. He turned on the TV and fell on the bed. CBN news came on the TV. The sound was down but there was a banner across the screen: WOMAN RESCUED IN BALTIMORE AIRPORT PARKING LOT AFTER BEING IMPRISONED FOR THREE WEEKS. He turned up the sound and listened to the announcer.

  “…woman was found in the trunk of her car with her throat slashed. She had been beaten and raped. She claimed that her assailant kept her captive while he forced her to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from her job.” Evan kicked the TV and tried to throw it out the window. Fortunately, it was bolted to the dresser.

  Harry was having a cup of coffee with Simone in the cottage. They slept in late and it was close to eleven. He was still amazed to find that she was still interested in him. She liked his honesty and the fact that he really cared. Harry did some questionable work but there was a point that he would not go beyond.

  “Harry, you actually came looking for me.”

  “Why wouldn’t I? I came to the dance with you.”

  Simone let out a forlorn sigh. “I have been left at the dance before.”

  Harry held her tightly. “Not when you go with me. I never leave anyone behind.”

  “You sound like a Marine.”

  Harry smiled, “You guessed it.”

  “You really stuck your neck out for me. I know that it wasn’t gun fire but those people could make you disappear.”

  Harry tried to calm her. “I wasn’t worried about Alex. Evan is the wild card. Alex is all business so he won’t jump to the bait. Evan thinks that rules are for someone else. He makes things up as he goes along. He will react if he thinks he is challenged.”

  Alex talked quietly, “Can you take a feed?”

  “I have to find a computer that will take the load.”

  Alex made a recommendation, “Suki has a few in the security center.”

  “But will they take the load?”

  “Yes they all will.”

  Simone took Harry over to the security room and sat him down at a terminal. He typed in the access code and started the down load. Lynn, Alex and Sarah came in. The feed was a copy of a CNN feed of Pauline being rescued from her car. Harry took the news in stride.

  Simone blew up, “Pauline ran the whole thing. She directed the orgies and made sure that everybody was in the hot spots for the cameras. Pauline pushed George and Dean to dress in drag for the orgy. She ordered those other assholes to kill me! They are making her look like a victim!” Harry looked at the footage. Pauline’s clothes were torn, covered with blood and there was a cut over her eye. Harry smiled and shook his head.

  “Simone they are probably going to accept her story. There are too many highly placed people involved in this mess. If this goes to court any evidence presented will be public record. If Pauline turns States evidence the whole mess will die quickly, so right now it is in their best interest to believe her.

  “You mean that she could walk away from this?”

  “There is that possibility. She is one hell of an actress. From my research most of the people implicated are dead. Evan is in charge and Pauline is on record as his secretary. Do you think that anyone is going to believe that the secretary orchestrated the whole thing? Evan tried to kill her and grab her run kit. She probably had a good deal of cash on her along with her new identity. The report didn’t mention anything about that plus Evan is not going to come out of hiding to dispute her word. There is too much dirt hanging over his head.” Simone turned to Alex.

  “What about Edward and Layla?”

  Lynn took the question, “They are working the rescue with Scott and Ted. Scott is on his way out to an aircraft carrier, in the Indian Ocean with Ted and Edward. Layla is still here working with Sarah on the models. Oman is a friendly government so we need to clear the operation with them. If things go well they will launch tomorrow.” Harry became interested when he heard Oman.

  “One of our people is missing over there. He disappeared a few days ago. Is there any chance that you can help me out?”

  “If he is with Scott’s consul they will get him at the same time.”

  Harry was getting frustrated. “Aren’t you in charge?”

  Lynn sat back in her chair. “We are not MI?”

  “Then who are you?”

  Lynn smiled broadly, “We are an international private contractor. We do things that can’t be attributed to any government. It’s not an organization everybody is a private contractor. We are a consortium.” Harry was getting frustrated with all of the vague answers.

  “Who runs things, Alex?” Lynn turned so that she could see the expression on Harry’s face.

  “I run things. Actually it is a consortium and I am merely the conductor.” Harry’s jaw dropped. Lynn was a twenty-five-year-old with reddish brown hair with a knock out body. Harry thought that she was some smartass secretary. He looked around the room finding that nobody was laughing. Alex cleared his throat.

  “When pushes come to shoves, Lynn has the say so.” Harry blinked and shook his head.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You don’t have to understand. We do.” Lynn stood up and started walking for the door. She turned to Alex. “I have something in my office that I need your opinion on.” Alex followed her down the hall in silence closing the door behind him as he left. Lynn gave him a quick excited kiss.

  “You backed me all the way!”

  “Of course I did. You are in charge and there is no doubt in any of our minds. As soon as you believe it, things will settle down.”

  “But, after the way I treated you yesterday.”

  “I have had people trying to kill me on and off for my whole life. I believe that I can take a little tantrum from my daughter. Let’s get on with the day.” Alex walked back into the room to finish business with Harry, leaving Lynn alone with her thoughts.

  Pauline was sitting in an interrogation room in the FBI headquarters. She had been treated and released at the hospital since the doctor did not find any life threate
ning injuries. The Director of the FBI walked in the room followed by another man.

  “This is Felix Owens from the Department of Justice. He wants to hear your story.” Pauline looked rough. She had twenty stitches in her neck, six stitches over her eye, bruises were visible from the cuffs on her wrists and she had a brace on her neck. Evan had taken her bag so they provided her with orange coveralls used for prisoners.

  “You have the transcripts so I will give it to you short form:

  “I was Sean’s secretary. He was blackmailing several Senators and Congressmen to keep his department running. He controlled a slush fund of three million dollars to fund Sweeper operations. Evan controlled three sweeper teams in Los Angles. He was ordered to sweep a CIA research operation in LA. They made two of their targets and three, four-man sweeper teams were eliminated. We sent out two more from New York to finish the job and they were busted by the FBI and local police. The foreman sent out one more sweeper team from Miami to close things down sending the last team to take them out. Sean had a heart attack and Senator Mudson brought Evan out to DC to direct operations. Evan seemed to know where the files were when he walked in the office. He even knew where Sean kept the blackmail files and the slush funds. He forced me to continue the blackmail and secured the slush fund. He ordered me to arrange to put Mudson’s wife on the flight that the three FBI witnesses were on. You know that story. He threatened to have me killed by his last sweeper team if I did not cooperate. I was appalled when the plane crashed. Evan actually had someone sabotage the jet. He and Senator Mudson commandeered my house and they kept me with them the whole time.”

  “A woman named Simone delivered some of the Senator’s drag clothes. George liked to drink and brag when he did his drag thing, so George became worried that she found out too much. He raped her and tried to kill her. Senator George Mudson had too much to drink he fell, hit his head on the toilet and choked on his vomit. Evan found out in time to have the ambulance hijacked and had the woman taken to my guest house giving the sweeper team orders to kill her. I don’t know what happened from there. Evan took me back to the office to locate Sean’s reserve files.” Pauline shivered convincingly. “I can’t help but think that I would be with her if I didn’t go with Evan and the sick bastard still tried to kill me!”


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