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The Au Pair's Needs

Page 2

by Carole Archer

  Daniel was a lot happier too. He loved having Emily around. She was so happy and vibrant and was having a very positive effect on Brett and Kyle’s lives, and she was brightening his life up too. She was a wonderful cook and it was nice to come home to a hot meal at the end of the day. He never had time to cook proper meals and his ex-wife had never been much of a cook.

  Of course he was attracted to Emily, but he was fifteen years older than her and she was his employee. It would be totally inappropriate and not very gentlemanly of him to make a move on her. All the same, he couldn’t help but think about how beautiful she would look laying over his knee with her pretty behind bright pink. He constantly had to fight the urge to take her across his knee, bare her bottom and spank her, even though she never did anything to deserve it. He had a vague idea, based on spanking books and stories he had read years ago, that lots of British girls liked the idea of corporal punishment. He wondered if she shared that interest, but he couldn’t find a way to bring up the subject.

  He was somewhat relieved that she’d never mentioned the single spank he’d landed over her jeans the night she’d arrived. He guessed she’d simply been so tired that she hadn’t remembered it. That was the first time he’d ever indulged in his desire to spank a woman’s bottom and he’d really had to fight the urge to take her across his knee, bare her bottom and spank her soundly.

  He shook his head and sighed. Although corporal punishment was still used frequently in some high schools in the state of Texas, he was pretty sure that the law would not look kindly on a boss spanking his employee. That sounded like the kind of thing that would generate a lawsuit, at least… He was a well-respected member of his community and he wondered what people would think if they knew of his fantasies. He was sure Emily would run all the way back to England if she knew what he wanted to do to her.

  * * *

  A few nights later Daniel came home and had dinner before apologising to Emily and telling her that his business required a late meeting and an overnight stay in another town, so he wouldn’t be home until the following evening. After he’d gone she put the boys to bed, finished her college assignments, and then out of pure boredom logged onto the internet through the laptop Daniel had given her to use for her studies.

  Each evening she would sit in the living room with him, and while he watched TV she would do her course work. Some evenings if she was up to date with her studies she would sit and watch TV with him, which she enjoyed very much.

  She’d tried to push spanking out of her mind since she arrived but found herself drawn to the chat rooms and message boards she used to visit. She spent an enjoyable evening catching up with friends and was thrilled when the group that had ostracised her apologised and said they’d known their group leader for years and found it hard to believe he would behave in such a manner, but that he’d assaulted another young woman and was being prosecuted. Emily smiled, pleased that he’d been stopped.

  She chatted happily about her new life and said she’d tried to put spanking behind her but it was always at the back of her mind. She confessed that that her boss had given her a single stinging spank over her jeans the night she’d arrived but he’d never mentioned it since and she was disappointed that he’d never carried out his threat to take her across his knee.

  She admitted that she had fantasized many times since about her boss baring her bottom and turning her across his knee. She said she sometimes longed to burn dinner or break something so she could beg him to spank her rather than sack her. She admitted she hoped he would spank her bare bottom with his hand and also his belt, but she didn’t want to spoil the wonderful relationship they had.

  She told her friends that in a few weeks his boys were going to stay with their grandparents and she wondered if that might be her ideal opportunity to try to seduce him. Her friends encouraged her.

  As she continued to explore the online spanking scene, she quickly realized that Texas had a vibrant spanking community of its own, and she began to chat with several men in the Austin area in addition to her old friends from London.

  A few weeks later the boys had gone to Houston and Emily found herself alone. College was closed for the week and Daniel wasn’t due home from work until late. As she sat in the house by herself, she began to fantasize. Emily liked to imagine Daniel taking her across his lap and spanking her bare bottom, and in her darker fantasies, she also imagined Daniel doing much, much more. From time to time, she would read stories which included really embarrassing punishments, although just thinking about them made her blush. Those stories made her fantasize about Daniel not just spanking her bottom cheeks, but also punishing her bottom hole with a combination of spanking, ginger root, and his hard cock. Those were the fantasies that caused her to have truly mind-blowing orgasms.

  As her fantasies deepened, she went upstairs, lay down on Daniel’s bed, and masturbated with the handle of her hairbrush. She wished she could talk to Daniel about her fantasies, but it would be embarrassing if he didn’t share her desires and she was scared she might lose her job if she told him what she wanted. As she played with herself, flicking her clit with her finger as she pumped the hairbrush handle in and out of her soaking wet pussy, she became overwhelmed by the need for a spanking, and she just couldn’t wait any longer or worry any more about whether or not Daniel would be interested.

  She went online and on the spur of the moment she arranged for someone she’d been corresponding with to come over and spank her. She decided they would use Daniel’s room as she could then fantasise that Daniel was the one spanking her. She knew she would feel terribly naughty doing it, but she hoped that would only make the experience better. Although she knew meeting strangers from the internet was wrong and she was abusing Daniel’s hospitality, she was desperate to be spanked.

  Wayne, the man she had corresponded with online, arrived in record time and Emily immediately led him up to Daniel’s bedroom before she could change her mind. Wayne was delighted as she pushed him onto the bed, took down her jeans and lay across his lap. “I’ve been a very naughty girl Sir. Please spank my bottom.”

  Wayne grinned and started to spank her slowly. Emily closed her eyes and tried to imagine Daniel punishing her, but Wayne kept talking and spoiling her fantasy. She wished he would just shut up and spank her. She was sure that Daniel wouldn’t be so immature and would scold her as he spanked her bottom firmly. She started to squirm as she imagined this and for a moment she almost believed Daniel was with her.

  Meanwhile, Daniel was feeling guilty about leaving Emily alone. She’d been working so hard and he decided she deserved a treat. He was still very attracted to her and desperately wanted to take her across his knee and give her bare bottom a thorough spanking, but he had decided that sort of behaviour was inappropriate and he had settled on being her friend. He planned to take her for a late lunch and he smiled as he pulled up outside of his house, thinking that she would enjoy a good meal at a nice restaurant.

  Seeing a car parked in his driveway, he guessed she had a friend over. At least she wouldn’t be too bored and if she didn’t want his company he could always go back to work. He considered simply getting back into his car and leaving, but decided to pop in and check to make sure she was OK.

  Daniel approached the door and pushed on the handle, expecting the door to open. He knew Emily was home and they always kept the door unlocked, since it was a safe neighbourhood. He frowned as all sorts of horrible scenarios crossed his mind.

  Emily had told him crime was rife in London and he wondered if she was scared of being alone and had called a friend to keep her company. Searching through his pockets he located his key and as he pushed it into the lock, he heard loud cries coming from upstairs. He rushed through the door and sprinted up the stairs towards Emily’s cries. Bursting through the door of his bedroom, he was confronted with the sight of Emily bending over his bed, her skimpy black panties barely covering her well spanked bottom.

  Daniel glared at the man doi
ng the spanking. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He felt a sudden pang of jealousy that he wasn’t comfortable with.

  Wayne backed towards the door. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know she was married.”

  “She isn’t,” Daniel replied. “She’s my children’s nanny.”

  Wayne stepped out of the room, his eyes never leaving Daniel’s angry face. “I’m sorry man. She told me it was her house and she lived alone.”

  Wayne fled and Daniel listened to the young man’s footsteps moving quickly down the stairs before the front door slammed shut. Seconds later he heard the squeal of the car accelerating away from the house. Taking a deep breath, he turned towards Emily, who had stood up and was covering her bottom with her hands.

  “I’m really sorry Daniel. I can explain,” Emily stammered, tears welling in her eyes as she met with his angry gaze. Emily blushed, feeling embarrassed that Daniel had seen her in such a position, but she also felt great shame that she had abused his kindness and used his home in such an inappropriate manner.

  “What the hell do you think you were doing, young lady?”

  “I’m sorry,” Emily stammered. “I like being… sp… sp… spanked.” Her cheeks flushed bright red as she admitted her guilty secret to him. “I was desperate and as the boys were away and you weren’t due home I thought it would be OK to invite a friend over.”

  “And just how well do you know this friend?” Daniel demanded.

  Emily looked to the floor. She thought back to the time she’d gotten herself into trouble in London and started to sob. She’d been so keen to fulfil her spanking desires at that time and ended up getting hurt. She thought she’d learned her lesson after that, but it seemed she hadn’t.

  “Emily, I asked you a question. What the hell do you think you’re doing bringing a stranger into my home, and using my bed?” His eyes blazed with anger and Emily’s sobbing increased.

  “Do you think I would have given you permission to bring a stranger into my home and worse still into my bedroom?”

  Emily shook her head. “I’m sorry Sir.” Emily knew he wouldn’t have given her permission and she knew what she’d done was very wrong. She was feeling very contrite but she could think of no explanation that would appease his anger.

  Daniel turned his back on Emily and sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He should fire her for this stunt, but the boys loved her and he did too. Despite his anger, he’d never forgive himself if the agency sent her back to the UK in disgrace.

  Something else stirred in him as well, an urgent and extremely powerful need. This beautiful young woman not only wanted to be spanked, she needed to be spanked. A real, bare-bottom discipline spanking. He had wanted to give one of those his entire life, and here was his chance. Only a fool would pass that up, especially when it was exactly what Emily needed.

  Another thought hit him suddenly. She had used his bed? Why? It didn’t take a psychology degree to see why. She was fantasizing about being spanked by him. His now rock hard cock and his brain demanded the same thing, namely that he give this young lady exactly what she was after.

  Turning back to an ashen-faced Emily with a look of determination in his eye, Daniel took a firm grip on her wrist. He sat on the edge of his bed, gave her a stern look, and tugged her across his lap.

  “You say you like being spanked? Let’s see how much you like this, young lady!”

  Emily squealed. “I’m so sorry.” She was horrified when his hand landed hard on her bottom. She gasped as he spanked her again and again and she begged him to stop. She was so ashamed. Despite her love of being spanked, she had never in her life had a punishment spanking and she couldn’t bear to see and feel Daniel’s anger, or at least what she perceived as his anger.

  As Daniel kept a firm grip around Emily’s waist and continued to punish her bottom with stinging smacks, Emily sobbed and kicked her legs, apologising repeatedly as the burning in her bottom increased. She was thoroughly miserable and longed for Daniel to hold her in his arms and forgive her.

  Daniel finally stopped and Emily took a deep breath, grateful that her spanking was over. She’d never ever been spanked so hard and she whimpered as she realised this was the type of spanking her friends who had “domestic discipline” relationships talked about. No wonder they were so contrite about their behaviour afterwards.

  “I’m so sorry Daniel,” she sobbed. “Please don’t sack me. I promise it’ll never happen again.”

  “Oh I know it’ll never happen again, young lady. I’m about to make absolutely certain of that.”

  Emily squealed as Daniel took hold of the waistband of her panties and tugged them down. He brought his hand down hard on her now defenceless bottom and Emily cried out in pain. Her panties had provided little protection against his heavy hand, but the sting was so much sharper on her bare bottom and it was even more shameful to have her bottom exposed in this manner.

  Emily sobbed pitifully as Daniel thoroughly spanked her, his hand cracking loudly against her flesh, causing her to shriek and kick her legs wildly. He paused for a moment, and then he patted something against her bottom. She turned her head to look over her shoulder and was terrified to see him holding the hairbrush she’d earlier masturbated with. “If you ever do such a stupid thing again, I’ll give you a long hard spanking with this,” he warned, cracking it down twice against each buttock before pulling her to her feet. Emily stamped her feet and sobbed as she rubbed frantically at her sore behind.

  Emily looked at him and despite the pain in her bottom, she realized that she was very turned on. “I’m so sorry Sir,” she said, hoping he might show some mercy.

  Instead Daniel stood up, took her firmly by the hand and led her to the corner. Giving her bottom a sharp smack, he put her hands on her head. “You can stand there for ten minutes and think about your behaviour. You can think about why your boss has just had to take you across his knee like a naughty little girl and spank your bare bottom. When I bring you out of that corner, I expect an explanation of your behaviour. If I’m not satisfied, I’ll give you a proper spanking with that hairbrush.”

  Emily sobbed as she faced the corner. Her bottom was so sore and she was desperate to rub. She couldn’t bear the thought of another spanking, but she’d already told Daniel the truth and he hadn’t believed her. Why would he believe her when she again tried to explain her behaviour?

  Ten minutes later Emily was relieved when Daniel guided her from the corner, sat down on his bed and then sat her down on his lap. As he wrapped his arms around her and gently kissed her head, she clung to him desperately. Her bottom hurt, but she was pleased he’d dealt with her. She felt much less guilty. Lifting her head, she was pleased to see that he was smiling at her.

  “Are you OK?”

  Emily nodded. “I really am so sorry, but I’ve told you the truth. I went to London in search of the ideal spanker and I found a series of disappointments. I also put myself in danger but fortunately managed to get away from a potentially bad situation.”

  Daniel’s eyes widened as she explained. “You obviously didn’t learn your lesson if you’ve gone on to invite a stranger into my home. If I’d known you then I would have spanked you until you couldn’t sit down. You certainly wouldn’t have considered doing that again.”

  Emily clung tightly to him. “I’m so sorry Sir. I tried to stop wanting to be spanked, but it just wouldn’t go away.”

  Daniel smiled and nodded understandingly. He knew how hard it was to fight the urge to spank her. No matter how many times he convinced himself it was wrong, every time he saw her firm bottom encased in tight jeans, he had an urge to turn her across his knee and spank her bottom before making love to her. He knew the urge must be just as hard for her to ignore.

  “I tried to forget about spanking, but eventually I couldn’t resist any longer and I went back onto the spanking chat rooms and internet forums. I thought just talking about it might be enough, but it wasn’t long before I was desperate to e
xperience the thrill of a real spanking again.”

  “Did you find my spanking thrilling?”

  Emily blushed and shook her head. “It hurt. I’ve never been spanked that hard before.”

  Daniel nodded. “Good. It was a punishment spanking and they’re supposed to hurt.” He decided to take things a step further. “Now I need to see your laptop so that I can find out what you’ve been up to while I’ve been out working. I want access to the spanking forums you use and your email account.”

  Emily nodded submissively. It was bad enough that he’d made her talk about her spanking fetish, but knowing that he was going to read her fantasies that mainly revolved around him filled her with dread. She reluctantly climbed off his lap and led him down to the living room where she logged onto the computer and opened first her email account and then the spanking forum.

  She pointed out the emails that were from the men she’d arranged to meet and she blushed as he read the details of the spankings they promised they’d deliver to her bare bottom.

  “You will email these men later and tell them you apologise for wasting their time but you will not be meeting them. Do you understand?”

  Emily nodded. “I’m really sorry Sir.”

  Daniel then went onto the spanking forum and read through her posts, where she talked about the massive crush she had on her new boss, how he’d given her one single spank the night she’d arrived but he’d obviously thought she was so jetlagged that she hadn’t remembered it, and how badly she wanted him to spank her properly. Daniel looked at her and smiled. He couldn’t believe she was well aware that he’d given her a spank but hadn’t mentioned it the next day, and he was really flattered that she claimed to be so attracted to him.

  Emily cringed and tears rolled down her cheeks as he read the posts where she’d told her friends how she was going to meet a couple of men who would spank her this week while Daniel was away at work. She’d cheekily suggested that if Daniel wasn’t man enough to spank her, she’d find someone who was.


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