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TRITON: A Navy SEAL Romance (Heroes Ever After Book 2)

Page 4

by Alana Albertson

  At the end of class, I hopped up on the side of the pool next to my mom and sister.

  Holly shook her head. “I can’t believe you put on a tail. You are so lame.”

  “Not a big deal. SEAL, merman, frogman, Triton. Same thing.”

  My sister punched my arm. “You like Aria, don’t you?”

  “What’s not to like? She’s beautiful and a champion.”

  My mom gave me an approving grin. “Oh, Erik. You should ask her out on a proper date. She’s lovely. I worry about you on your deployments. It would be nice if you settled down and came home to a loving wife.”

  There my mom went. A true romantic. She never recovered after my father passed away. But they had shown me the meaning of true love and made me hopeful that one day I would find that myself. Fuck the SEAL ninety-five percent divorce rate. When I got married, it would be forever. My mom used to tell me the most important decision I would ever make in my life wasn’t what job I would take, but who I would marry. I took her advice to heart.

  Aria swam over to us, her smoking hot body glistening from the water. I wanted to rip off that bikini top with my teeth and suck on her nipples until she begged me to fuck her.

  “Thank you all for coming. Holly, your arm movements are great.”

  “Oh, thank you.” She bit her nails, and I could tell my sister was nervous. “I hate to ask you this but since you are in town, are you giving any lessons?”

  “I didn’t have any planned, but I’d be happy to coach you. Would you like me to look at your routine?”

  My sister’s eyes lit up. “Oh my god. You wouldn’t mind? I’d love that.”

  I took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Here was my moment. I normally didn’t hesitate when asking out a girl, and I certainly wasn’t afraid of being rejected in front of my family. I was a SEAL, for fuck’s sake, and wasn’t afraid of anything, but for some inexplicable reason this girl tied me up in knots. It was a feeling that was foreign to me.

  “Can I take you out tonight? I’ll show you around Coronado.”

  Aria’s eyes darted between me and my mom’s hopeful face. Her lip twisted probably since I had backed her into a corner.

  “Sure. That sounds like fun.”


  I felt a tinge of guilt asking her out in front of my family, knowing that she probably didn’t feel like she could say no, but I got what I’d come for.

  A date with this beautiful, sexy woman.

  “Great. I’ll pick you up here at five.”

  “Okay. See you then. Holly, take off your tail and follow me.”

  They both wiggled off their tails and without a backward glance, Aria swam out toward the middle of the pool with Holly following closely behind.

  My mom also removed her tail and stood up. “Well, that was nice of her to work with Holly. She seems so sweet. And an Olympian—what a catch! Where are you going to take her? I could make reservations at Addison.”

  Whoa, mom. Addison was the fanciest restaurant in town. I planned to spoil Aria, but a stuffy old-school restaurant wasn’t my scene. “I got this, Ma, but thanks.”

  “I remember my first date with your father. I was so nervous. I must’ve tried on twenty dresses. But he brought me flowers, and we had the best night.”

  Her eyes sparkled when she talked about my father. True love. I yearned for that. I’d done my fair share of womanizing since I’d been a SEAL. Hell, at Annapolis my yearbook said, “Erik was known for his love of fast cars and faster women.” But after this last deployment, I wanted to find a partner, someone to miss me when I was gone.

  The few SEAL marriages I’d seen that worked all involved incredibly strong and independent women. Women who had goals and identities beyond being just a Team wife.

  She dried off, put on a cover up, and sat on a lounge chair, watching Holly. I wrapped myself in my towel and changed out of my tail and put my board shorts back on.

  I grabbed my keys and waved goodbye to my mom, my sister, and Aria. Aria waved back, and I jogged down the beach to work. I couldn’t wait for our date tonight.



  My breath came in short spurts as I leaned against my front door. Done. I had just completed my daily pre-BUD/S regimen. A two-mile ocean swim, a four-mile fast paced run, and a series of pushups, pullups, squats, lunges, and sit-ups. My legs quivered and my shins burned. But I knew that this workout was a piece of cake compared to what torture would await me in BUD/S. Training for the Olympics had been rigorous, but people had believed in me. And I had been training alongside women. This time, everyone would expect me to fail. And I’d be the lone woman in a sea of men.

  I opened my front door and collapsed on the sofa as Flounder ran over to lick the salty sweat off my face. The urge to hobble over to the tub and take an Epsom bath tempted me. But I had to get ready for my date with Erik.

  My date. How strange that word sounded. Dating was for other girls—I just had meaningless hookups. My head ached, but I couldn’t tell if it was from exercising under the warm San Diego sun or from nervousness about tonight. Erik was gorgeous, cocky for sure, but as Isa had pointed out, he seemed sweet for bringing his family. Why would he put in so much effort to go out with me?

  Maybe he had an ulterior motive.

  In the past, men had pretended they were interested in me. Only later had I found out that they wanted to use me to endorse their products or be a spokesperson for their company. It was easier for me to believe he wanted something from me than to believe that a man that hot could actually be interested in getting to know me. Me, not just the gold medal winner, but Aria, just Aria.

  I hoped for the best and tumbled into the shower like a drunk trying to sober up. Remind me why I was doing this to myself again? What drove me to this compulsion to want to always be the best? Sometimes I scared myself—I had the tunnel vision of a serial killer.

  As the warm water beaded against my flesh, I exhaled. The watermelon scent of my shampoo filled the steam, forcing my nerves to calm down. I emerged from the shower, dried my body, and slathered myself up in cocoa butter.

  I dropped my towel and stood naked in front of the mirror. My stomach turned when I saw my freckled skin, flat chest, boyish hips, and toned arms. I felt like Carrie in that horror movie. Maybe his interest in me was some cruel joke.

  The ring of my phone jolted me out of my insecurity.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hi, Aria. How are you?”

  “Good.” I paused.

  Did I dare mention to her that I am going on a date?

  I wasn’t in the mood to be lectured about how men were only after one thing and would only stop me from achieving my goals.

  “Good? Nothing will be good until you give up this ridiculous idea of becoming a SEAL. I don’t understand you, throwing away all your lucrative endorsements. You could be the star of Cirque de Soleil or a coach at top college, but instead, you pursue a life of poverty. You may be intelligent, but you have no common sense.”

  I didn’t have the time for her nagging. I’d heard it all before.

  “I got to go.”

  “Why? What do you have going on that’s more important than talking to me?”

  I felt almost nauseous as I spit the words out. “Actually, I have a date tonight.”

  “A date? With who? You have only been there a few days. Are you on one of those dating apps where men swipe women for hookups? I told you not to put your picture on those. You are a celebrity. It would be a public relations nightmare if someone screenshotted you. It’s pretty desperate if you ask me.”

  God, did she ever let up? “No, mom. I’m not on Tinder. I met this guy named Erik. He’s a SEAL. He invited me out and—”

  “On a date? Why would a SEAL want to date you? I thought they were attracted to feminine girls.”

  I gulped. I didn’t need this right now. “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Oh, honey. That’s not what I meant. You are strong and fierce, but you should be sus
picious of his motives. You are a champion. He could be using you for your connections. There are so many beautiful women in San Diego. You need to ask yourself—why would he want me?”

  My lungs constricted, making it hard to breathe. “How can you say those things to me? Why is it so hard for you to believe that a man would be interested in me?”

  “Honey, I didn’t say no man would be interested in you. I just questioned a Navy SEAL’s intentions. Your decisions in life affect me, too. I didn’t sacrifice my happiness and goals for you to give up on yours to go chasing a man.”

  My heart accelerated. “I’m not chasing a man, Mother. He asked me out. And I’m going. Plus, I won an Olympic gold medal. How am I not achieving my goals? I just ran four miles in twenty-eight minutes in boots and swam two miles in the ocean. Just leave me alone and live your own life.”

  “Don’t you talk that way to me, missy. I gave up everything for you. I didn’t date. I worked three jobs, and I never spent any money on myself. I organized BINGO nights to fundraise for your synchro club. All for your dreams and your goals.”

  “I never asked you to do that. That was your choice. You cut my father out of your life, never even telling him you were pregnant. He didn’t even know I existed. And thanks to you, he never will. And these were your goals. I was four! What did I know about synchro? Bye, mom.”

  I hung up the phone and tried to push away the cruelty of her words. My face, neck, and ears seemed impossibly hot.

  I had sacrificed my life too. As fearless as I pretended to be, I was scared to death of doing anything that jeopardized my success, including having a personal life. What about what I had given up?

  As tears streamed down my face, a realization hit me.

  I needed to spend some time on nurturing Aria the woman instead of just focusing on Aria the athlete.

  I made a vow to make a change in my life.

  I found a matching lavender lace bra and panty set and slipped them on my body. Next, I applied my makeup, softer than I did for competitions, spritzed on perfume, and blew dry my hair. My polish bottle beckoned me, and I spent the next half an hour painting my nails. Once they had dried, I walked over to the closet and debated my clothing choices. I didn’t want to overdress. I picked out the sexiest, casual outfit I could find—a strappy, aqua tank top and white linen shorts. I slipped my feet into some cute brand new tennis shoes.

  A floating sensation overtook me like all my burdens had been lifted. I took another glance in the mirror. But this time, I didn’t see a hardened Olympian. I saw a sexy, feminine woman.

  And I couldn’t wait to get to know her.



  The rest of the day dragged, and I was counting down the minutes until I was off. A glimpse of the sun informed me that my commander would soon be excusing us. After six months in BUD/S, I could accurately tell time by looking at the shade of the sky, the brightness of the sun, and the position of the moon. The second we were dismissed, I showered again and dabbed on some cologne. I always kept some civilian clothes on base, so I changed into a black T-shirt and cargo shorts. I walked back to the Del, purchased some flowers, and awaited Aria.

  Ten minutes later, she entered the pool area. Her red hair skimmed her mid back, and her natural beauty stood out in this sea of So Cal blondes. On this warm summer night, she wore a skimpy tank top and short shorts that hit right at her mid-thighs. I could see the outline of her panties under her clothes, and I was dying to take them off and lick her until she came for me. But I had to go slow tonight. I didn’t want a one-night stand with her. I wanted to get her to date me, trust me, and maybe she would help me with my business.

  I walked over and grinned down at her. “You look beautiful. These are for you.”

  “Oh, thanks. They are lovely.” Her eyes darted around me, and she pulled her hair and rubbed her hands down her clothes. I could tell she was nervous which I found adorable. “Where are we headed?”

  “To Leroy’s. It’s a restaurant down the street.” I offered her my arm, and she took it, her tiny hand sliding on my bicep. On television, she had looked so lithe, but up close I could see how perfectly sculpted her muscles were, especially her ass. Some guys liked skinny girls, but I thought Aria had the perfect body. Firm and tight. I imagined fucking her from behind with my hands gripped on her tight booty.

  We strolled down Orange Avenue amongst the tourists in this picturesque coastal town. I was proud to have her on my arm and to enjoy this peaceful moment in paradise, knowing that next month, I’d be deployed in hell.

  The hostess greeted us, and we sat at a table in the back. I scanned the menu.

  Aria fidgeted in her seat, and I was shocked that the confident champion I’d watched on television was so shy in person.

  The waitress came over to our table. “Hi. I’m Misty. What can I get for you?”

  Aria spoke first. “I’ll have the poke tacos and a blood orange Cosmo.”

  “And I’ll have the burger, medium rare, and a Coronado Brew Mermaid Red Ale.” I winked at Aria.

  “Those will be right up.”

  Aria glared at me. “Interesting beverage choice.”

  I licked my lips. “I want to see what you taste like.”

  She swept her hair over her face, hiding behind her bangs. “So, did you always want to be a SEAL?”

  “Yup. I swam for Annapolis, was commissioned as an officer, and then joined the Teams. But I’ve wanted to be a SEAL since I was a little boy. Actually, I was a competitive swimmer in high school.”

  “Oh, you swam? That’s cool. What events?”

  “IM and butterfly. I once dreamed of the Olympics, but my parents couldn’t afford for me to move away from home and train. And even if they could’ve, I don’t think they would’ve let me. They wanted me to have a normal childhood.”

  She cringed at my words.

  Fuck. Why had I said that?

  “No, your parents were smart. I had no life at all. I was homeschooled, spent ten hours a day in the pool, never went to prom. I mean, I’ve never even had a boyfriend. My life kind of sucks.”

  Her words made me realize that my parents had been right. I knew the dedication to took to be an elite athlete, and I now agreed with them. That kind of life was incompatible with being a well-rounded kid.

  “Seriously? You’re joking. You’re gorgeous. You didn’t date anyone at Stanford?”

  “No. I mean most of the athletes hook up with each other or fall into long-term relationships. But I never had the time nor had I ever actually shared a huge connection with anyone. I was on both the collegiate team and the USA Senior National team.” She sighed. “My mind is warped. Like legit right now I feel guilty having dinner with you. I feel like I should be at home stretching or something.”

  I laughed. I’d never met a woman like her. My last girlfriend had no goals in life besides partying. If anyone could teach Aria to have a good time, it was me. “Since my little sister does synchro I know a bit about it. You probably can hold your breath underwater better than most SEALs.”

  She grinned, a devilish look on her face. “Not probably. Definitely.”

  I loved that she wasn’t afraid to challenge me. “You think you can hold your breath longer than me?”

  “I know I can. Let’s make a bet. Winner buys loser dinner.”

  I shook my head. “Nope, sorry. I’m buying your dinner. And that’s one bet I won’t take. A couple of my buddies died at the bottom of the BUD/S pool in a breath-holding challenge. Neither one would quit.”

  Her face dropped. “Oh, that’s awful. I’m sorry.”

  I closed my eyes and took a moment to remember my friends. “It’s a hard job. Our training is life and death.”

  The waitress brought us our drinks, and I saw Devin and a few other SEALs walk into the restaurant. Devin shaped his fingers like a box and stuck his tongue out through the middle. I wanted to smack that mother fucker. Luckily, Aria didn’t see him because she was facing away from the
m. My other buddies acknowledged me and sat at the bar, no doubt to get wasted. Aria must’ve noticed my reaction because she glanced in their direction but then quickly turned her attention back to me.

  I downed my beer. “So, only in town a month? What do you have planned next? Are you trying to compete for the next Olympics?”

  Her lips pressed together in a slight grimace. “Uh, not sure. I have so many opportunities I can’t make up my mind.”

  I studied her face. She was lying to me. My gut told me a woman who had won a gold medal was anything but indecisive. But she didn’t know me, and this was our first date. I would let it go for now.

  “What do you want to do?”

  She bit her lip. “I’m not sure exactly.” Her gaze grew distant. “Did you grow up here?” she asked.

  I noted her rapid subject change. “Yup. My dad was stationed here. He was a submariner. You?”

  “Marin. Near San Francisco. I spent my whole life in California, but I think Coronado is the most beautiful town I’ve ever been in.”

  “Not as beautiful as you.”

  She blushed, and her green eyes seemed to turn a brighter hue. Our food arrived, and we spent the rest of dinner getting to know each other. When the check came, I quickly paid, and we left.

  Normally, I always had a plan. But something about her made me want to let her take the lead. “The night’s still young. Are you up for an adventure?”

  “Absolutely. I’m open to anything. Something active, outdoors. Let’s enjoy the beautiful weather.”

  I loved how adventurous she was. My ex’s idea of a good time was finding an Instagram-worthy place where she could pose while I took hundreds of pictures of her for her followers. What was the point of recording your life when you didn’t take the time to live it?

  “Okay. Let’s grab my bike, and I’ll rent you one. We can ride around the island during the sunset. It’s an easy six miles.”

  She gritted her teeth and pursed her lips tight. “Let’s just walk so we can stop in some shops also.”


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