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Always You (A Magnolia Falls Novel)

Page 14

by Ruth Roberts

  “Uncle Zack!” Jessica ran to him. His head pounded at the loud noise, but he reached out and swooped her up into his arms. “I’ve missed you. Why haven’t you come to visit us? Diana misses you, too. She is always sad.”

  He looked over Jessica’s head and met Diana’s eyes again. “I miss you, too, sweetheart. How about you come over to the house for a play date with Cassidy this week.”

  “Yay. Can we play with the puppies in the puppy playroom?”

  “You sure can.” He set her down on the floor. “I’ll have auntie Jillian set it up.”

  “Okay. Bye, Uncle Zack. I’ll see you later.” She waved her little hand at him and went to sit with her sisters.

  Zack turned back to Ray. “Can I get this to go, please?” He could not be in the same room with Diana and not have her by his side. He wanted to go to her, pull her into his arms, and kiss her until she admitted she needed him as much as he needed her. Because need him she did. He was sure of it.

  Ray set a to-go cup in front of him. “Just talk to her, man.”

  Zack pulled out money and set it on the counter. “It’s not what she wants.” He picked up his coffee and left the diner.


  One month. It had been the longest month of her life. During that time she had managed to avoid Zack most of the time, seeing him in town only twice. She had been spending every waking moment with Jessica. She was in the office only during school hours. Liz picked her up from school every day, and they would all meet at Diana’s office. The three would then spend all afternoon together.

  They were bonding as sisters and becoming a closer family. She should be happier. She was miserable, and so was Liz. Logan was still there, but the sisters had been spending all their time together so they only saw Logan at mealtimes. Even during the day Liz wasn’t home, she had started spending one day per week as a volunteer in Jessica’s classroom, and the other days she was working with the local dance instructor, Mrs. Betty, to set up modeling classes.

  Her treatment was going well and was almost at an end. Logan would be leaving at the end of the week.

  Tonight Diana and Liz were sitting in the living room. Jessica was asleep, safe in her bed upstairs. Logan had also retired to his own room. The sisters were each drinking a glass of wine when they heard a knock on the front door. They looked at each other. “Who could that be at this late hour?” Diana asked. They both stood to go see who it was.

  Diana opened the door when she saw their friends standing there. “What are you two doing here so late?” She asked Jillian and Mandy.

  “You both need an intervention,” said Jillian as she set down a tray of cupcakes.

  “And we decided it was long overdue.” Mandy pulled out ice cream, bowls, and spoons from her bag.

  “Why am I always at the receiving end of interventions?” Liz moaned.

  “Why exactly do we need an intervention?” Diana asked.

  “Because you two have been moping around for weeks now, and it’s time to stop.”

  Mandy scooped the New York Cheesecake ice cream into bowls and handed them around.

  “We have not been moping,” Liz said. She took a bite of the ice cream and closed her eyes. “Mmm, this is my favorite.”

  “I know,” said Mandy.

  Jillian placed a cupcake in front of each of them. Diana picked hers up and took a bite. “Strawberries and cream. If this is how you stage an intervention, then feel free to intervene at least once a week.”

  Jillian and Mandy settled into their seats. “This is not a joking matter. It’s serious business,” Jillian said.

  “We are doing just fine. We’ve spent the last month getting our lives in order, and we are doing great. Aren’t we, Liz?”

  Liz ran her hand through her hair and set down her ice cream. “Well. You have been a little bit mopey.”

  “Mopey? I have not been moping. I’ve been happy.” Diana punctuated the air with her ice cream spoon.

  “Zack is miserable.”

  The spoon holding the bite of ice cream Diana was about to take stopped midway between the bowl and her mouth. “He is?”

  Jillian nodded. “And so are you. Admit it.”

  “Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. I should know.” Liz said, then took a bite of her cupcake. She held the cupcake up meaningfully.

  “Wanting to devote more time to my little sister who is now an orphan is not a problem.” Diana defended herself. Why couldn’t they see the sacrifice she had made to be there for Jessica?

  “She has noticed how unhappy you are, too. When she was at the house the other day she asked Zack why he hadn’t come over. She said he was the only one who can make you laugh, and she misses seeing you laugh.”

  Diana put her ice cream down on the table and dropped her face in her hands. The tears started again. She had cried more in the few months since her parents died than she had in her entire life. She was a watering pot, and she didn’t like it. She felt the sofa sink down on either side of her. Arms from both sides were rubbing her back and arms. “What Jessica needs most is for you to be happy. You can’t make her happy if you are not,” Jillian said.

  “And you can’t be happy without Zack,” Liz said.

  “Look who’s talking?” Mandy sat on the floor in front of them. “You relegated Logan to the therapist-only role, and you’re just as unhappy,” she said to Liz.

  Liz shrugged. “That’s where he wants to be. Not my fault.”

  “You can’t deny since Jessica went missing you also started to push him away.”

  Liz sat back and leaned her head against the sofa, closing her eyes. “That day, when Jessica came to me asking me to spend time with her, I said ‘no.’ And do you know why I said no? Because Logan and I had just had another argument. I wanted more than a therapist—patient relationship. He didn’t, even though I knew he cared. I was so upset with him I brushed Jessica off. If anything had happened to her I would never have forgiven myself.”

  Mandy squeezed onto the sofa next to Liz and put her arm around her. “Nothing happened. The fact she was found within minutes of raising the alert shows that in this town, nothing bad will happen. You two forget you are not alone. You have us and a whole town of people who are ready to step up and love and care for Jessica.”

  “You also have two men with strong shoulders that can help you carry the load you each have,” Jillian said.

  Diana and Liz looked at each other and smiled. “I guess we’ve been pretty dumb, huh?” Diana said.

  “I could have told you that about yourself. Zack loves you. He has always loved you. Being you are the smart sister, I have to tell you, pushing him away was not too smart.”

  Diana nudged Liz with her shoulder. “You are much smarter than you like to let on. You can’t fool me with the dumb blonde act.”

  “It’s no act. Who is the one who went and gave herself an eating disorder and almost died?”

  “Yes, but you’ve also been working very hard to get well,” Diana said.

  “And you’ve made so much progress. Look at all the ice cream and cupcake you ate?” Jillian said as she reached over and squeezed Liz’s hand.

  Liz squeezed back. “I’m glad I have you all.”

  Diana looked at the three women sitting on the sofa with her and smiled. They had formed a bond that would last the rest of their lives. Who needed men? An image of Zack ran through her head, and she rubbed her chest where her heart had been aching since the day he walked away from her.

  “Go to him,” urged Jillian.

  “I do need him.” Diana could almost feel a lifting of the pain at the prospect of seeing Zack again.

  “And he needs you. Besides, he’s been in the foulest mood, and if you don’t go back to him, I think I may never speak to my brother again. I just might kick him out of his own house.”

  They all laughed. “I can kick Diana out then they would be forced to seek refuge somewhere together,” Liz said.

  “Hmm, an
idea. But I think Diana is seeing the light. Or am I wrong?” Jillian asked.

  “I see it shining bright and right in front of me.”

  “Good,” said Mandy. “Now it’s your turn.” She was looking at Liz. “When does he leave?”

  “At the end of the week.” Liz wiped a tear that fell down her cheek.

  “Go to him. Give him another chance,” Mandy urged her.

  “I happen to know he is upstairs right now,” Diana said.

  “Since your treatment will be officially over in a matter of days, he can’t use the whole therapist patient excuse,” Jillian said.

  “That’s what scares me,” said Liz. “What if he really doesn’t feel anything for me and his ethics were a way for him to let me down easy?”

  “I’ve seen the way that man looks at you. He cares,” Diana assured her.

  “I’ve never had to work so hard for a man.” Liz said, a small smile touching her lips.

  The other three women rolled their eyes at her, making her laugh. “Go. Before we kick you out of the house.”

  Diana and Mandy pushed her until she got up off the sofa. “Okay, okay. I’ll go. But if he turns me down I’m blaming you all when I relapse.” They all looked at each other, worried. “No, I was just kidding. Bad joke, yes I know. I’m not going to relapse. Especially not over a man.”

  Sure that what Liz was saying was true Diana turned to Jillian. “Where is Zack now?”

  “Fishing at the falls.”

  Diana stood. “Can you stay and watch out for Jessica until one of us gets back?”

  Jillian and Mandy sat back, each with a cupcake in hand. “Go. We are just fine here.”

  Liz and Diana stood on the front porch. “Here goes nothing,” Liz said. “Let’s go get our men.” She gave Diana a hug and went back into the house climbing the stairs to the wing where Logan was staying. Diana watched her go, then took a deep breath and got in the car.

  She was going to get her man.


  Diana arrived at the falls and got out of her car. She started walking towards the fishing dock and halted when she caught sight of Zack sitting on the edge, a fishing pole at his side. He just sat there staring out across the water, and she ached, knowing she was the cause of his pain. She began her trek to him. He looked up at the sound of her footsteps crunching the leaves on the ground. He didn’t move, just watched her come to him. It didn’t look as if he were going to make this easy for her.

  When she reached him, he did not stand, nor did he look at her. He turned his head to resume his perusal of the water. “Can I sit?” She asked.

  “Go right ahead.”

  She sat down, the fishing pole between them. She rubbed her palms on her jeans. “Have you caught anything?”

  He shook his head. “They aren’t biting tonight. I think it’s too cold.”

  “It is a bit chilly.” She rubbed her arms. She had been so eager to get to him she forgot to grab a sweater. Always the gentleman, he took off his jacket and laid it across her shoulders. “Thanks.” She smiled at him and pulled the jacket tighter around her. She inhaled and his scent gave her the strength to press on. “Zack.” She waited for him to look at her. When he didn’t she tried again. “I’ve been thinking of taking a trip.”

  “Oh yeah? With your sisters?” If only he would look at her, she could see how he felt. She could always see his feelings in his eyes.

  “No.” When he didn’t ask with who or where she tried again. “The place I want to go isn’t really a sister trip. You see, I want to go to paradise, and since you did promise to take me there I was hoping—” She reached out and placed her palm on his cheek, turning his face to look at her. “You would still want to go. With me.”

  He covered her hand with his where it lay on his face and held her attention. “Is that what you really want?”

  She nodded. Tears filling her eyes.

  “Are you certain?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Be absolutely sure, because I won’t ever walk away from you again. No matter how badly you want me to.”

  “Good. I couldn’t survive losing you again.”

  He stood, pulling her up with him. Taking her face in his hands he said, “Let’s go to paradise, kitten.”


  Thank you for reading Always You. I would be ever so grateful if you would leave a review.

  Lookout for Liz and Logan’s story coming soon!

  I hope you enjoy this excerpt from Ruth Roberts novella

  To Love and Protect

  Chapter One

  Lorelei loosened her grip on the weapon in her hands. She took a deep breath and blew it out slowly as she pulled the trigger with her finger.

  Her body relaxed as she swung from target to target, never missing one. The loud beep indicated she was finished with this drill. Setting the safety, she holstered her weapon, removed her ear protection, and picked up her duffle bag on her way out of the firing range.

  The moment she stepped into the hallway her boss, Ben Stevens, stood from the hard green plastic chair in a row of chairs lining the government hallway. “Agent Davis. You had excellent timing. You hit your target every time. Very impressive.” His compliment worried her. As the head of the Secret Service he didn't give compliments, only counsel.

  “Thank you, sir.” She waited for him to tell her why he was there. Perhaps it wasn't her he was waiting for. There were, after all, other agents in the range. His next words demolished that theory.

  “It's been thirty days since you completed your training. Since then I've heard nothing but good from the drills you've participated in. Do you think you're ready for your first assignment?”

  “Absolutely, sir.”

  “Meet me in the Oval Office, one hour."

  The President’s office? “Yes, sir.” He nodded and strode away.

  Why would the President want to speak with her? Could it be possible she was going to be assigned to Molly? Since the day she was hired as a Secret Service agent she had dreamed about being a part of the first daughter’s detail. A slow smile crept across Lorelei's lips. What a career boost it would be for her first assignment to be the first family. With a spring in her step she went to lock up her weapon.


  Lorelei arrived right on time for her meeting with the President. As she walked toward the double doors to his office she took a deep calming breath to still the excitement thrumming through her veins.

  Her knock was quickly answered by Ben Stevens.

  “Agent Davis, come in. Take a seat.”

  She followed him to the sofa and sat down. She quickly glanced around the office, something she did every time she entered a room. Occupational hazard. She met the President’s eyes briefly, acknowledging him. She had to admit to herself she felt slightly out of her league sitting there.

  She was wearing a black pantsuit with a blue silk blouse, and was suddenly glad she had decided on the black high heels instead of the comfortable flat shoes she usually wore.

  “Agent Davis. Thank you for coming on such short notice,” said the President as he sat on the sofa across from her. “Have you ever done undercover work?”

  “Some, when I was with the NYPD, but not a whole lot, and it was not deep cover.” She crossed her legs with her hands remaining folded in her lap while she resisted the urge to fidget.

  “Threats are made against my family on a daily basis. Every one of them is thoroughly assessed to determine its credibility. Thankfully, most are dismissed...until now.”

  He handed her a file. She accepted it and began skimming through its contents, stopping at a page describing the task force being assembled to investigate. She saw her brother’s name among the candidates. It was a counter-terrorism unit to investigate any threats made against high ranking government officials and their families. The current threat fell into that category. Current intel indicated it came from a Russian group which had ties to an oil corporation. The president
would soon be signing or vetoing a bill that concerned oil.

  Could this threat be a way to influence the presidents decision?

  “I agree, the threat against the First Son should not be ignored.” She set the file down.

  “My son has refused a Secret Service detail. I want you to protect him.” He didn’t beat around the bush.

  “How exactly would you propose I do that if he has refused a detail?”

  President Hayward looked at Mr. Stevens.

  “Ben, you want to take over?”

  “Certainly, Mr. President.” He turned toward her and continued. “The townhouse next door to the First Son is vacant while undergoing renovations. We would like you to move in as the new owner. Befriend him, spend as much time as possible with him. If there is an attempt made on him you will be close at hand to prevent it.”

  What did he mean by spend as much time with him as possible? Being a Secret Service agent wasn’t a day job. She got that. But just what were they asking of her?

  “Who owns the house I will be moving into?” she asked.

  “I do,” the President said. “A fact my son is unaware of, and I would prefer to keep it that way.”

  She nodded. She had questions, but she was excited to be given such an assignment.

  “How far do you want me to go to keep your son safe?”

  “You are the professional, Agent Davis, I won’t tell you how to do your job. I trust you will do what is necessary to protect him until we can resolve this threat,” said the President.

  She leveled her gaze on the President, made sure he was fully listening to her next question. “What if I have to break his heart?”

  “As long as it is still beating it will mend,” the President replied.

  She sat back and looked from the President to Mr. Stevens. She had just been given free rein to run this operation as she saw fit. “I see. When do I begin?”


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