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Viper's Kiss

Page 6

by London Casey

  Miller grabbed Blaine’s shoulder. “Why do I keep getting the feeling that this is going to be big trouble.”

  “Because it is,” Blaine said.

  He walked from Miller and went to the pool table. Jessa stood there, grinning. Her eyes were eating Blaine alive. He saw the guys looking at him.

  Get control of this…

  Blaine reached into his pocket and took out three twenties. He threw it to the pool table. Then he grabbed Jessa by hooking his fingers through one of her belt loops. He pulled and she came flying right at him. Her back crashed to his chest. His other hand slid around and under her hoodie.

  “Small tits?” Blaine growled. “Next person that says that gets a bullet between the eyes. This one is all mine. You don’t look at her. You don’t think about her. And if you have the balls to talk to her, you do it with goddamn respect.” Blaine felt his fingers touching Jessa’s bare belly. That smooth, warm skin. His hand turned and grabbed her hoodie and her shirt. Next thing he knew, he was tearing both up. “And look… they’re fucking amazing…”

  Blaine lifted Jessa’s hoodie and shirt up. Of course she had to be wearing a red laced bra that hugged her small chest with perfection. Her tits were as beautiful as he remembered them all those years ago. Creamy, an exact handful for Blaine, pressing against her bra.

  The guys started to whistle and cheer.

  Blaine pulled Jessa’s hoodie down. He felt her try and wiggle, like she wanted to get away and attack him.

  “Listen,” Blaine growled. “You fucking blow this and you're on your own.”

  Blaine tugged at Jessa again and they started to walk back to the bar.

  “Hey,” Jace said. He pointed to the money. “You keep that. You’ll need it for antibiotics if you spend the night with Blaine.”

  They all laughed again.

  “Fuck you all,” Blaine said. “I’m going to bang all your mothers and sisters at the same time.”

  “My mother is dead,” Jace said.

  “Like he would care,” Nate said.

  Jessa then grabbed the money and stuck it in her back pocket and walked to the bar.

  Blaine approached and sighed.

  Their food was at least ready, along with fresh beer.

  “What the fuck are you trying to prove?” Blaine growled. “Those guys…”

  “Shut up, Blaine. I don’t want to talk to you for the rest of the night. I’m going to find a hotel and stay there.”

  “No you’re not.”

  “Oh, I’m not?”

  Blaine looked at Jessa. “I just saved your ass. And you have my sixty dollars. I expect both in return. Tonight.”

  “Please,” Jessa said. “I’m keeping both to myself.”

  Blaine felt a roar in his throat. This woman was driving him insane. All he needed to do was put her in his room for the night. Then he could come back out and find a couple relievers to help him out and then sleep on a goddam pool table. It was better than dealing with Jessa and her temptation.

  As Blaine thought about his plan, he saw Jessa look at her food as she ate. She ate it slow, her hands shaking. He saw her blinking fast, too.

  She was really terrified.

  She wiped the corner of her eye, trying to hide it.

  Blaine had plenty of weaknesses in the world… beer, pussy, fighting, tits, all the normal stuff. But there was one other thing that cut through him.

  A pretty woman crying.

  Blaine put a hand to Jessa’s wrist. “Come on, sweetheart, let’s get out of here.”


  Jessa couldn’t believe what she was doing.

  On the back of a motorcycle. Her hands gripped tight to Blaine’s leather cut. Her body shivering with fear because she had never been on a motorcycle before.

  Well, okay, she had been on a motorcycle once before. And that too was with Blaine. He had been working a case and picked up a stolen motorcycle. He kept it for a couple days to play with. He had been giving Meghan and Janey rides. Meghan flipped when he took Janey for a ride. But Janey looked so cute putting a helmet on, sitting on the back of a motorcycle, holding onto Blaine. Something about the image just stuck with Jessa. No matter how cold and callus he seemed to be, he really cared about Janey.

  Then he asked Jessa to go for a ride. They had that moment again… looking at each other, sly side smiles. Silent flirting. Such stupid stuff considering Jessa’s best friend had been standing right next to them. Jessa couldn’t resist Blaine’s offer then. So she got on the back of the motorcycle. He hit the throttle and they took off down the road. Jessa remembered her hands sliding around his body, hugging tighter as they went faster. She hated the feeling. She hated that being that close to Blaine was turning her on. Because of Meghan.

  When they stopped at a stop sign, Jessa demanded to be taken back. She got so pissed at Blaine, accusing him of going too fast and purposely trying to scare her. She remembered wanting to go home. Meghan yelled at Blaine, calling him an irresponsible asshole. They got into a huge fight because of it. Megahn threatened Blaine, saying that if he ever killed her daughter, she’d never forgive him.

  That was the worst to see. When Meghan would casually remind Blaine that Janey wasn’t his. Janey’s father was truly unknown. And Blaine had stepped into that role with love. And it always got thrown in his face.

  Jessa caught herself squeezing even tighter at Blaine right then as they rode through town. She wore his bucket helmet and he didn’t wear a helmet at all. She thought about how much he had to drink… two beers. So he wasn’t drunk or anything. The two beers she drank, however, had more of an effect on her. She was buzzed. Her mind spinning, stuck between all that had happened.

  When Blaine stopped his motorcycle, they were outside a small ranch style house. There was a driveway with a one car garage. It looked like a normal house in a normal neighborhood. Definitely not Blaine’s style. The same could be said from the moment Jessa stepped into the house. It was a fully furnished normal looking house. She expected whatever place Blaine called home to be littered with beer bottles, pizza boxes, and naked women.

  “You live here?” she asked.

  “No,” Blaine said. “The people that live here are on vacation. So I’m squatting while they’re gone.”

  Jessa gasped. “What?”

  “I’m joking. Yes, this is my house. I really don’t have much use for it though. But I figure it’s better than the clubhouse. Plus, we need to talk. Serious talk.”

  Blaine pointed to the kitchen table. Jessa took a seat. He walked to the cabinet and opened it, taking out a bottle of liquor.

  “What are you doing?” Jessa asked.

  Blaine twisted off the cap of the whiskey and gave Jessa the bottle. “Building your confidence.”

  Jessa touched the bottle. “I…”

  “Look, you’re terrified right now. That entire thing at the clubhouse? You were just trying to be strong. I saw you wipe a tear from your eye, sweetheart. You need to talk. We have to figure this out. I don’t want this to end up on the table of my club.”

  “The table?”

  “Where we meet, Jessa. There’s certain guys that are patched in that get to vote at the table. It’s how the MC works. Miller is the President. Gaige is VP. I’m number three.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “That means I get a lot of shit thrown at me.”

  “Like you killing someone?”

  “Jesus Christ,” Blaine said. “Let that go. Because if you can’t handle it, you’re dealing with the wrong person. I have to find Vin and I have to kill him.”

  Jessa felt her heart jump. Those kind of phrases were usually idle threats, right? I’m so mad, I could kill him. But looking at Blaine, she saw it in his eyes. He was a killer. Maybe he was always a killer, but before he had a badge that maybe justified it. Now he was an outlaw. He did whatever he wanted based around… the table…

  Jessa grabbed the bottle and took a drink.

  “Good girl,” Blaine w
hispered and he sat down. He took the bottle and drank. “Now, can we have a conversation without gambling, darts, you hitting me?”

  “What about the naked women?”

  “What about?”

  “Do you have any hidden here?”

  “Only one woman in this house right now, sweetheart. No pressure.”

  “Trust me,” Jessa said. “There’s none.”

  She went for the bottle again and Blaine tugged it back. “Wait.”


  “I’m sorry for what they said to you back there. They’re drunk assholes.”

  “Like you usually are?”


  “You think it bothers me?” Jessa asked.

  “I don’t know. Does it?”

  “No. I have small tits. I’ve known that since high school.”

  “Ah, shit, sweetheart. Don’t say that. They’re not…” Blaine groaned and opened his hand, letting Jessa take the bottle.

  She drank, feeling heat rush to her cheeks.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” she said.

  “You do that,” Blaine said. “Now talk to me about Vin. Where was he? What did he do?”

  Jessa relived the night he showed up. What he said, what he did to the cat. The fact that the security footage went missing. The fact that he had broken into the vet’s office and taken a cat to destroy like he did.

  “Shit,” Blaine said.

  “He did it because of what he said to me. He called me kitty. The last time I saw him. He said he would come for me.”

  “That’s not going to happen. I’ll call in some favors and I’ll take care of it.”

  “Blaine, I don’t want trouble with your club. I shouldn’t have even come here.” The three drinks of whiskey were starting to open the gates in Jessa’s mind and heart. “I’m sorry I did. You shouldn’t be dragged into anything. I should have called the police right away. He could have been taken away.”

  “No,” Blaine said. “You know it doesn’t work that way. He’s got guys on the take probably. They’d come after you. You did the right thing by leaving. This won’t be easy, but we’ll make it work. We’ll find a way out of this. Together.”

  Blaine touched Jessa’s hand. She quickly pulled away. “I don’t know how to deal with all of this.”

  “I know.”

  “No. You don’t know. You’re some biker guy now. You fuck women all the time. You drink. You fight. You’re nothing that you once represented.”

  “Seeing your fiancée and stepdaughter murdered will do that to you,” Blaine said through gritted teeth.

  “Jesus, Blaine.”

  “What? That’s what this entire thing is all about, right? I got Meghan and Janey murdered. There. I fucking said it.”

  Jessa leaned back. She shook her head. “Don’t say that.”

  “I’ll say it again. I was the reason. I pushed hard at shit I shouldn’t have, trying to make a name for myself. I couldn’t rely on Petey anymore. Remember him? My partner? The guy who was buying for the department to build a case but also keeping for himself. He was asleep in a pile of cocaine the night they were murdered. I called him and got nothing. I tried to get to Vin but couldn’t find him. He was supposed to be in contact with Petey that night too. But something went wrong and Vin lost his edge. I panicked and called you. You were supposed to go there and get them the fuck out.”

  Jessa drank from the bottle some more. Way too much at once. She felt like she downed half the bottle, and maybe she did. She didn’t check because she slowly stood and held the bottle by its skinny neck.

  “You called me,” Jessa whispered. “I was doing my own thing that night.”

  “Yeah? What’s that? Figuring out how to loosen up your tight ass?”

  “You prick.”

  “That’s right.”

  “I never asked to get involved with your job and life. You were always crooked, Blaine. I saw you making deals all the time. I worried about them, too. If it would ever fall back on them. And you and Meghan fighting all the time…”

  “That’s none of your business,” Blaine yelled. “That was my relationship.”

  “That you didn’t want. Right? It was all because of Janey.”

  “Watch your mouth. Or I’ll stuff something in it.”

  Jessa couldn’t remember a time she was so angry. And yet she had no clue why, really. Was it all the years of pent up thoughts about Blaine? The guilt? The regret? Or maybe the fact that she watched Blaine and Meghan fight so much yet she stood there as the best friend with thoughts about Blaine that weren’t right?

  “You think you’re so tough and big?” Jessa asked. “I bet it’s fucking tiny. That’s why you have the biggest motorcycle, right? That’s why you need your women drunk.”

  Blaine laughed. “That’s right, attack me. Because you’re guilty. For what you did.”

  “What I did? I fucking saw them! You set me up to walk in… to…”

  “Maybe if you drove a little faster and weren’t so afraid of breaking the law…”

  Jessa saw red. Next thing she knew the whiskey was flying through the air. Blaine got out of the way and the bottle smashed against the fridge, shattering. She then grabbed the chair and threw it like it weighed nothing. The tears then instantly came. They streamed down her cheek as the chair crashed into Blaine. Of course, it did nothing to him. He was too big, too strong. Jessa needed something better… like a car or a bullet to hurt him.

  “I fucking hate you!” she yelled. “I’ve always hated you.”

  Blaine stepped toward her. Jessa made fists and readied herself.

  “That’s right,” Blaine said. “Let it all out, sweetheart.”

  He got closer, close enough to take a shot at him. So she did. Her right hand flung forward and smacked him in the mouth. Just like before, it hurt her worse than him. She threw left and hit Blaine in the jaw. That was like punching a steel plate.

  Jessa cried out.

  “Done?” Blaine asked.

  “Fuck you.”

  That’s when Blaine made his move. His hands grabbed Jessa by the waist and he lifted her. He walked her back to the wall and put her down. Blood formed in the corner of his mouth from where she had got him.

  “I lost the exact same thing,” Blaine said. “And I saw it too. And I blame myself every second I’m still alive. That’s why I ride next to the reaper. That’s why I fuck with the reaper. I want the son of a bitch to come get me. I want him to fuck me.”


  Blaine spit at the floor. He took a breath. “I shouldn’t have said it like I did. But you have to let that shit go. Find a release.”

  Jessa caught herself clutching to Blaine’s shirt.

  No… no, Jessa… no…

  Blaine lowered his mouth to hers. Their lips flirted for a few seconds, less than an inch apart. They were breathing heavy, their breaths lingering with whiskey and bad decisions. But the temptation was even greater. All those years of wondering…

  Jessa felt her lips quivering as Blaine finally kissed her. A soft and subtle kiss, the kind you did and then pulled away. The kind you’d say you regret but never truly did.

  But that wasn’t Blaine’s style to just kiss once… and Jessa knew that.

  She realized what she had done. She’d stepped into the lion’s cage.

  Blaine kissed her again. With more aggression. His tongue slipping into her mouth, commanding her entire body already.

  She pulled hard at his shirt.

  His hands reached up and touched her face, wiping away the tears.

  The kiss then got hotter. The intention was nothing good but everything Jessa needed in that moment.

  She had not only stepped into the lion’s cage but she had kicked the beast, woken him up, and now… he was kissing down her neck…


  Blaine kissed down Jessa’s neck. All the years had finally won the fucking battle. And this was a battle worth losing. Because the war was greater�
� and that too was worth fucking losing. His hands moved down her body, staying over her hoodie. He felt the mounds of her breasts over her hoodie and kept going. There was one thing he wanted and wanted it right now.

  Blaine wanted to taste Jessa.

  His thirst was as great as his addiction. Her honey was going to save his goddamn life in this moment.

  The tip of his tongue sliced across her throat like a knife. He was slicing open all her desires. Every little hint of flirt and fantasy was going to happen. There was no stopping it now. Jessa had pushed too far and Blaine was not going to end up in the shower, alone, stroking his own dick again.

  He broke his normal protocol of one kiss on the mouth per fuck and moved back up her neck. He touched her lips again and needed more. Blaine didn’t do the fucking stupid make out shit. There were better parts of a woman to kiss. But he couldn’t stop kissing Jessa. The feel of her little tongue flickering back at his. She had some guts, that was for sure. She was going to give it up but it wouldn’t be easy.

  And, yeah, they were going to regret everything tomorrow. But that was okay because they still had tonight. Nobody promised tomorrow, so why fucking worry about it?

  Jessa flicked her tongue to the corner of Blaine’s mouth where she had hit him.

  “Fuck, sorry,” she whispered.

  Her breath was magic and whiskey combined. Her lips were already red and pouty from kissing Blaine so hard. He knew she had been untouched for a long time. Like a delicate flower. And Blaine was going to find her nectar, steal it all, and bring her back to life.

  “Who cares?” Blaine said. “I deserved it.”

  “Yeah, you did. I still fucking hate you.”

  “I know. I hate me too, sweetheart.”

  Blaine kissed her mouth again and his hands went right to work. He unbuttoned her jeans and wasted no time in sliding her jeans and panties down. His hands slid along those curvy hips of hers. Jessa groaned and jumped when his fingers cut to the inside of her thighs. He felt the heat pouring from her.

  That’s when he broke the kiss and dropped down. His nose rubbed against her clothes, inhaling the smell of her hoodie. He then felt the warmth and smoothness of her lower belly. That gave way to more smooth skin. His nose picked up the scent of her body. That beautiful desire he craved so much.


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