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Invitation to Scandal

Page 30

by Bronwen Evans

  Tonight’s ball at Lanwades House, the Strathmore’s London home in Mayfair, might not have yet commenced, but already it was the talk of the season. The unexpected rise of the Strathmore name, coupled with his marriage to an unknown baron’s sister, meant the cream of London Society would be here tonight, no doubt to appease their curiosity and—more stomach-churning in Rheda’s mind—to judge.

  Her nerves buzzed like dragonflies—dragonflies with large wings and fiery breath.

  Madeline, Rufus’s sister, appeared beside her. “Nervous?”

  “I feel sick to my stomach.”

  Maddy, as she had asked Rheda to call her, laughed. At nineteen, Maddy was more excited about tonight’s events than scared. There was no mistaking Maddy as Rufus’s sister. She was stunningly beautiful, like her brother, with the same glowing auburn hair, and warm and inviting chocolate-colored eyes.

  “Me, too. It is my first proper ball and my first introduction to Society.” Maddy gave her a small smile. “Let’s slay them together. We Strathmore women must stick together.”

  Rheda laughed and hugged her new sister. The girl’s smile lit up her face, and Rheda knew Maddy would be the one slaying hearts tonight.

  “You make it sound as if we are about to do battle.”

  “We are.” Maddy laughed.

  They made their way together to the entrance of the ballroom. The women spied Rufus at the bottom of the stairs, and Rheda’s breath caught in her throat. He looked so handsome. His formal attire hugged his wide shoulders and emphasized his lean waist and narrow hips. A stiff white cravat gleamed at his throat, making the black-on-white look less severe. His chestnut hair glinted in the candlelight, and his chiseled face drew her longing gaze. But it was the fiery approval and possessive love she saw shinning within his eyes that made her heart flip.

  Maddy took her arm and nodded at Rufus. “You at least have your knight to defend you.”

  Rheda felt herself quake. She was to descend the stairs alone, all eyes on her. Rufus sent her a quelling look that gave her courage and calmed her. She had run a smuggling ring for many years, dodging Revenue men and worse. She was not about to let a room full of Society matriarchs intimidate her.

  She raised her head, and, keeping her eye on Rufus waiting for her proudly at the bottom of the stairs, she began her descent.

  “Isn’t my wife the most radiant woman you’ve ever seen?” were the soft words that greeted her as she safely reached the bottom.

  “Second most radiant,” said a now familiar voice at her husband’s side. Anthony Craven, the Earl of Wickham, gazed with adoration at his wife, Lady Melissa, who stood proudly beside him.

  Melissa flushed and came forward to tuck her arm through Rheda’s. She began drawing her away from the two men, who proudly watched like the love-struck husbands they were.

  “I hope you are not going to hover all night, dear husband. This is my first engagement since the birth of our son, Harry, and I mean to enjoy it.” Melissa blew Anthony a kiss. “Shoo. I have important ladies to introduce Rheda to.”

  For a moment panic assailed her, until she felt the firm squeeze of her arm and Melissa whisper, “I know what it’s like to be the talk of the ton. Come, let me introduce you to Lady Horsham. Once we have that formidable lady’s support, you will have arrived. No one will dare spread any gossip.”

  Rheda smiled at her new friend. She still missed Meg but understood why Meg did not wish to leave Deal.

  She was thankful that Melissa and Anthony had welcomed her enthusiastically into their lives. Melissa had even asked her to be Harry’s godmother when Anthony asked Rufus to be godfather. “Thank you for being here. Your support means the world to me. Knowing Rufus’s friends accept me is all I really need.”

  Melissa stopped and pressed a kiss to Rheda’s cheek. “Not accept—love. A woman who has won Rufus Knight’s heart wins ours, too.” She laughed gaily. “I have a terrible soft spot for Rufus. He did help save me after all. I’m so very happy he found the perfect woman.”

  Rheda looked back through the crowd at her dashing husband and saw his eyes were still upon her. She didn’t think she could get any happier.

  Melissa followed her gaze and smiled at Anthony. “Come. Stop gawking. The two of them are much too pleased with themselves as it is. Anthony especially so, now he has his son.”

  They turned and continued across the large ballroom toward Lady Horsham. Rheda patted her stomach. Son. How she’d love to have Rufus’s child.

  “If Rufus is anything like Anthony, I’m sure you’ll be with child soon.”

  It was with a blush staining her cheeks that Lady Rheda Strathmore was introduced to Lady Horsham.

  She’d survived. Several hours later Rheda had finally begun to relax.

  She smiled when she spotted Daniel across the room, dancing with a duke’s daughter. He’d taken to London Society like a duck to a pond. He had them all utterly charmed. The handsome baron, who no one had heard of, had many of the mothers with unwed daughters in a swoon.

  She glanced across at her husband. One more thing to thank Rufus for. And Stephen. The two men had worked tirelessly to hide any evidence of her former career as Dark Shadow. Yet still the terror of being exposed haunted her.

  She could still hurt Rufus and his family. Knowing her past, knowing what exposure would cost those she loved, she found it difficult to relax in such company.

  Everything went swimmingly until she turned to find Lady Umbridge’s hostile gaze and cold smile focused her way.

  The woman made a beeline for Rheda, obviously intent on causing trouble. Her skin prickled and went ice cold. This was precisely what she dreaded: a person who had the ability to expose her past and hurt all the work Rufus had done for his family.

  “Lady Strathmore,” Lady Umbridge said with poisonous sweetness. “So nice to see you again. You must have enjoyed meeting Prinny today. After all, I know you have an intimate fondness for princes.”

  Rheda’s face flooded with heat, her mouth dried, and she felt as though she would be sick.

  Struggling to respond, Rheda sensed a change behind her. Her husband suddenly appeared at one elbow, taking her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Maddy materialized on the other side.

  “My wife knows how to mix well in all company, even with those not worthy enough to be in the same room.” The direction of his harsh gaze and his cool words left the other guests in no doubt as to his meaning.

  Before Lady Umbridge could utter a retort, Rufus leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “I have all of Christopher’s journals. There is an interesting chapter on your visit to Hastingleigh many years ago as a young bride, and your abortive attempt to seduce my father. Apparently you made quite a spectacle of yourself chasing after a happily married man. I suggest you leave this ball, and if I ever hear any lies concerning my wife and a certain Turkish prince I will take pleasure in publishing your sordid tales to the world.”

  For the space of three heartbeats Lady Umbridge stood white-lipped, shaking with what could have been fear or fury. Then she turned in a swish of skirts and headed toward the exit.

  “Nicely handled, Brother,” Maddy whispered, rising on tiptoes to press a kiss to her brother’s cheek before disappearing back into the crowd.

  Rheda gazed up, her love shining from her eyes focused totally on the man she’d had the good sense to marry. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you for risking loving me.”

  He brushed her mouth tenderly with his lips. “No. Thank you. There is no reward without risk, and the prize of your love is greater and more desirable than I ever could have imagined.”

  The orchestra struck up a waltz, and Rufus drew her into his arms. “Now, the new Earl of Hascombe intends to dance with his wife to show the world she belongs to him.”

  Samuel kept to the shadows of the ballroom, careful to keep his expression bland and drawing limited attention to himself.

  He longed to destroy the man who’d taken his master
from him.

  At first he’d wanted to enact his revenge against Rufus’s lover, in the same way Rufus had killed Christopher. Samuel would rip Rheda from his arms and cause Rufus to suffer her loss for all eternity.

  But death for Rheda was too merciful. She had played an equal part in Christopher’s demise and the destruction of Samuel’s world. She should suffer as deeply as her husband. He could think of nothing better than forcing Rheda to watch her husband live the rest of his life consumed by guilt and grief.

  It wasn’t until he’d followed the couple back to Hascombe, the Strathmore estate, that his plan for revenge formed and crystallized.

  Now with heightened anticipation he watched the young, dark-haired beauty rise on tiptoe, kiss her brother’s cheek, and, with a gay laugh, flounce away to join her friends.

  Madeline. Rufus had a sister. A sister he protected with a ferocious and all-consuming fervor.

  Madeline. A cold, cruel smile curved Samuel’s lips.

  Revenge would never taste so sweet.

  Did you miss Bronwen’s first book, INVITATION TO RUIN?

  One Good Lady Is About to Go Bad ...

  The only thing Miss Melissa Goodly has ever wanted out of a marriage is love. But any hope of that dissolves one wild night, when she loses herself in the arms of the most irresistible—and unobtainable—man in all of England. For when they are discovered in a position as compromising as it is pleasurable, she has no choice but to accept his proposal.

  Avowed bachelor Anthony Craven, Earl of Wickham, never meant to seduce an innocent like Melissa. Yet now that the damage is done, it does seem like she’d make a very convenient wife. After all, she is so naive he won’t have to worry about ever being tempted. Or so he thinks, until the vows are spoken and they are left alone—and his new bride reveals a streak just as brazen and unrestrained as his own... . .

  BRAVA BOOKS are published by

  Kensington Publishing Corp.

  119 West 40th Street

  New York, NY 10018

  Copyright © 2012 Bronwen Evans

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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  ISBN: 978-0-7582-7907-1




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