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Mine Forever

Page 10

by Mia Ford

  “Baby,” I reached across the table and took one of her little hands in my own. “I’m not sure it really works that way. In my experience, and I’m sure your Aunt Sophie’s as well, that’s not the way it goes.”

  “Sure, it is,” Emma said. “That’s what it always looks like.”

  “Looks like to who?” I asked. “Where?”

  “In the movies and stuff. And with my friends.”

  “You have friends who already have boyfriends?” Sophie asked, glancing over at me.

  "Yup,” Emma said. “They don't like, do anything. Just maybe hold hands and stuff, and a whole lot of texts."

  “That stuff can all be really great, but try to enjoy your life how it is now, too,” I said. “Sometimes, having a boyfriend can be really hard. It’s fun, but it can be hard also. There’s nothing wrong with being happy with how things are right now.”

  “Is that why you don’t have a boyfriend, Mama? You think it’ll be too much work?”

  Crap. Crap. I don't know why I hadn't seen the conversation going in this direction. Emma's question totally threw me off. To make matters worse, I could see that Sophie could tell that something was up with me. She didn't say anything, not yet, but that didn't mean much of anything.

  Sophie was the most headstrong person I had ever known, and if there was something she wanted to know, she was going to know it. As I saw it, I now had two different options. I could keep quiet and wait for Sophie to pounce, grilling me into submission so that I spilled my guts everywhere. As options went, this didn't seem like a great one.

  The second choice was that I just go ahead and tell Emma and Sophie about Drew. It was something I should have already done, seeing as the Fourth of July picnic was now only three days away. The longer I tried to put it off, the worse it was going to get, and I knew it. I took a deep breath, shut my eyes briefly, and then looked at Emma with what I hoped passed as a reasonable level of confidence.

  “Actually, Emma, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that.”

  “Have you now?” Sophie asked with shock so fake it was sickening, “What a complete and utter surprise!”

  “Yes, actually, I have. I’ve been meaning to talk to both of you.”

  “About what, Mama? You’re acting funny. And your face is all red.”

  "It's about the picnic. I want to bring somebody with me. I really hope that's okay with both of you, because I've actually already invited him. His name is Drew, and he's a pilot. We've flown together, which is how we met, but only once. Only once we've flown together, I mean. We've met more than once. Obviously, or else I wouldn't be inviting him, right? Anyway. I invited him. I hope you guys are cool with it, because I would rather not rescind the invitation."

  Silence. Total and complete silence. Somewhere during the course of my speech, I had dropped my eyes down to my hands. Now that I was done talking, the idea of looking up at either one of them was borderline terrifying. I was so afraid that one or both of them would tell me they weren't okay with it at all. As much as I liked Drew, all it would take was one of these two telling me they didn't want him there, and I would call the whole thing off. I would have given him up completely, if that was what they had wanted.

  “Oh my God!” Emma said. “Are you kidding? No way! No freaking way!”

  Emma broke the silence by jumping up from her chair and dancing around like a maniac. Her words gave way to excited little hollers, and after a second, Sophie got up and joined her. The two of them gripped hands and turned in joyful little circles, before collapsing back into their chairs, panting.

  “Do you know what this means, big sister?” Sophie asked.

  “No,” I answered cautiously, not liking the mischievous gleam in Sophie’s eyes. “I don’t think I do.”

  "It means that now, I'll finally get some payback for all the times you grilled and embarrassed me in front of my dates! I never got to do that to you, but I totally will now. Oh man, Emma and I are going to have so much fun, thinking up all of the embarrassing things we're going to tell this dude. Forget a picnic for the Fourth. It's going to be like you're attending your own roast."

  I sat silently, listening to Emma and Sophie exchange ideas for how they could best humiliate me in front of Drew. I did my best to stay calm, or at least to be something that resembled calm, but inside, I felt very close to outright panic. Ever since inviting Drew, I had been worrying about whether or not Emma and Sophie would even allow me to bring him. Now, there was a whole other set of possibilities I hadn’t even thought to worry about.

  “Guys, come on,” I said. “Please stop it, okay? Please. I think I’m going to have a heart attack.”

  “Aw, what’s the matter, big sis? Think we’re going to embarrass you?”

  I frowned. “I don’t know, maybe. Sort of sounds like it.”

  “Look, Jess, all joking aside, you can’t think like that. If you really like this guy and you think you can see it going somewhere, he’s going to have to get to know your family. He’s going to have to get to know us for who we really, truly are. What’s his name?”

  “Drew. His name is Drew Larson.”

  “Sure, whatever. My point is, that if Drew is put off by your family, he might not be the right guy for you. That’s probably something you’ll want to get to know, sooner rather than later. Or at least, that’s what I would want.”

  “You’re right. Really, you are, but please don’t go out your way to make it harder. Deal?”

  Sophie shrugged. “Maybe. We shall see, shan’t we?”

  Sophie let loose a cackle of delight, and then she and Emma were on their feet again, dancing and whooping and hollering like this was the best thing ever. One thing was for sure, and that was that Emma wasn't bored anymore. That was great, except that now, I was terrified of the implications of what I had done. Bringing Drew to this picnic was more than a little get together. It was a crossroads, and I had no idea how it would wind up.

  Chapter 16: Jess

  “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Sophie asked. “I know you must be totally bummed out that Drew isn’t coming. I would be. If you want to call it early and just go home, we totally can. I know I would understand, and I’m sure that Emma would, too.”

  “But Aunt Sophie!”

  “Right, Emma?” Sophie asked Emma pointedly, giving her the look of death. “Because we both want your mom to be happy, right?”

  “Right,” she answered glumly, looking far from convinced. “We can go. If you want to.”

  I reached over and pulled Emma into a hug, kissing the top of her head until I heard her start to giggle. I could feel Sophie watching us, and I knew she was still concerned. She knew how excited I had been about Drew joining us for our annual July Fourth picnic. So when Drew called to cancel, she knew it was massive disappointment to me. She wasn’t wrong.

  I was most definitely bummed out, and there had been a part of me that had wanted to cancel the whole day. Looking at Emma, though, I had known I couldn't do a thing like that. It wouldn't have been fair to cancel, based on my own disappointment. Just like it wouldn't be fair to call it and early night, now that we were here at the park.

  This was a family tradition, on that had existed long before Drew came into the picture. And if things ended up not working out with him, the tradition would continue. Besides, Emma looked forward to this night all year. It was the only time we got to see a huge fireworks show in our area. There was no way I would deprive her of it.

  Emma was trying not to look upset by the idea of leaving early, but she was my daughter. I knew her well enough to know that she was fighting back tears.

  “No, we’re not going anywhere,” I said. “Are you kidding? We haven’t even seen the fireworks yet. We are not going to stop having fun just because a guy didn’t show up.”

  “Darn right,” Sophie answered with a smirk, putting a comforting arm around Emma. “And it’s been pretty awesome, too. Guys don’t necessarily make a thing better. Just like we were t
elling you a couple of days ago, Emma.”

  “Yeah, I guess I get that now,” Emma agreed, looking hopeful that things might work out in her favor, after all. “This is fun without boys. It always has been.”

  "And it still will be," I asserted.

  I made a decision then to take my hurt feelings and shove them down deep, where they couldn't rear their ugly heads again for the rest of the night. I knew I couldn’t ignore them forever, but for now, they could wait.

  Later, when we were safely home and Emma had shuffled off to bed, I would have to think about things. I would have to think about Drew canceling on me at the last minute, and also the way he had canceled. There had been something strange in his voice, a weird little hitch I couldn't ignore.

  When I had asked him why he couldn't come, he had told me that something had come up, but something in my gut told me it was someone that had come up. I wasn't a complete idiot. I'd done a little bit of digging into Drew's reputation since we started dating, and I knew he was a bit of a ladies' man, to say the least.

  I hadn't seen any real evidence of that in the short amount of time we had been dating, but our time had been exactly that. Short. If he was going to start getting bored, it would probably be around now, now that he'd gotten what he wanted from me a couple of times and the novelty of it had worn off.

  All of these thoughts would occupy my mind later, but not while on our picnic. It was one of our favorite holidays and favorite traditions. There was no way I was going to let anything ruin that, not even Drew.

  “You know,” Sophie said in an offhand, casual way. “I’m not even sure this guy is real, big sister. For all I know, he’s a figment of your imagination.”

  “Um, what?” I asked, turning to her. Her expression was unreadable. “Are you joking? I can’t tell if you’re joking. Are you calling me crazy?”

  "Calm down,” she said, a hint of a smile on her lips. “Nobody said that. Still, it's not like I've ever seen this ‘Drew' character. What about you, Emma? Have you seen this guy?"

  “Nope. Never seen him before.”

  “That doesn’t mean he’s not real!” I laughed and swatted at my two best girls affectionately. “Believe me, he’s real. He’s just...”

  “Just what, Mama? You never talk about him, except for when you told us he was alive.”

  “Yeah, Jess. Your daughter is amazingly astute. You haven’t told us much about him, except for the fact that he exists, supposedly. And the fact that he canceled on the most amazing Fourth of July picnic ever. Not a lot to go on, I’ve gotta say. What do you think, Emma?”

  “I think what you just said!” Emma said.

  “Okay guys, I get it. I haven’t told you much about him. That’s because it’s not that easy. Dating is harder when you get older. Once you have people other than yourself involved, it’s not the same as when you were younger. I didn’t want to talk about him until I knew that there was a reason to.”

  “But there’s a reason now, Mama, right? You invited him with us.”

  "Yes, there is," I answered with as much confidence as I could drum up. “I like him. I like him a lot, actually. He's completely unlike any of the guys I've dated since your daddy. He's so serious. Sometimes it's hard to tell what he's thinking, and but it's a serious that I like. Sometimes when I look at him, he reminds me of an old movie star or something, like Clark Gable or Cary Grant. I didn't think that kind of man existed anymore, but now, I think he's one of them. They don't make men like him anymore. That's what I really think. There's something special about him, even if he couldn't make it tonight."

  There was a moment of silence after I spoke. I expected all three of us were mulling over the things I had just said. Emma and Sophie were probably doing their best to digest the most amount of information I had ever given them about my new, elusive paramour. For my part, I only wanted to make sure those were all things I still believed.

  I knew he was special. I just wasn't sure that I could trust him. The strange tone of his voice when he had told me the night before that he wasn't going to make it kept playing inside of my head. Something about that tone made me wonder how close he was to the man I had built him up to be.

  “I don’t know,” Sophie broke the silence with her flippant tone. “I’m still not convinced that he’s real.”

  "Me either!" Emma shouted before dissolving into a heap of giggles.

  Sophie started laughing with her, and before I knew it, the two of them were engaged in a massive tickle war beneath a now-dark sky in which fireworks were beginning to bloom. Listening to that laughter and looking up at the exploding jewels in the sky, it was hard not to feel good.

  Maybe there was something more to Drew's canceling that met the eye. If so, I could deal with it later. Maybe there would be a fallout, and I would wind up broken-hearted, exactly where I didn't want to be when this whole thing had started. Those were things I could handle later if they came, but for now, I was content. My loved ones were happy, and there was a celebration lighting the night sky. With things like that to warm my insides, how could I be anything but happy?

  “Hey, Mama? Who is that guy?”

  “What guy, baby? You’re missing the fireworks!”

  “No, Mama, really! There’s some man walking towards us. Do you know him?”

  I looked down from the sky, certain that this was only more of Emma and Sophie's ribbing, and felt my breath catch in my chest. It was Drew, and if Emma hadn't been the one to point him out, I would almost certainly have thought he was a figment of my imagination.

  He wasn't coming. I hadn't even told him which area of the large Seattle park we would be picnicking in, and that didn't matter because he wasn't coming. Except that here he was, walking towards me with a massive bouquet of flowers clutched in one hand.

  “Drew?” I asked. “Is that you?”

  I started to get up from our blanket, but he held out his free hand, motioning for me to stay seated. His pace quickened, and in no time flat, he was sitting beside me, holding the flowers out like a peace offering. His eyes were wide and maybe even a little bit afraid. When he spoke, there was a tremor to his voice I hadn't heard before.

  "I'm sorry that I'm late,” he said. “This is an awfully big park, and it took me longer to find you than I would have expected."

  “Late?” I asked. “You can’t be late. As far as I knew, you weren’t coming at all. You told me last night.”

  “I know,” he said. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “I thought something came up,” I said.

  "I thought so, too. I was wrong. Some things, some people, are worth canceling for. You're worth canceling for, Jess. I should have known that earlier. You aren't the kind of girl a man cancels on, not for anything."

  Before I could answer, he was kissing me, right there in front of my sister and my daughter. It wasn't something I would usually have allowed, but at that moment, I didn't care who was watching. Even when Sophie and Emma both started clapping loudly, one of them making kissy noises as she did so, I didn't care at all.

  Chapter 17: Drew

  "Well, would you look at this?” Tony asked. He was one of Jess’s favorite flight attendants. “Another flight with the happy couple. I wonder how many of these we'll be graced with this month? I feel like every flight I was on last month had both of you on it. And there's no faster way to make a guy feel bad for missing out on the most handsome man in the universe than to flaunt the fact that he's straight, day in and day out."

  Tony looked at me mournfully, but I knew he was joking. Or at least, I was pretty sure. There had been plenty of comments amongst our colleagues in the last month, ever since we put in our request to have our flight schedules match up. Those comments had ranged from happy to skeptical to scathing. Jess and I had done our best to ignore the bulk of them.

  Statements like Tony's, though, those were just fine. Being inadvertently hit on by a dude might have bothered me at one point, but after such a strange couple of months, I didn
't mind it at all. Besides, he had been one of the flight attendants who had been nothing but friendly with Jess, and my appreciation for it went a long way. Plus, I could see that he made her feel happy about things. As she put her arm around my waist, I offered him a smile.

  "I didn't mean to break any hearts, Tony, I swear. Guess you should have gotten to me earlier. If anything, you have Jess to blame."

  “Oh, honey,” Tony sighed, rolling his eyes in my direction dramatically as he offered the last stragglers of our flight fond farewells. “I appreciate the flattery, but we both know men were never going to be your thing. Besides, the two of you are just too dang cute to be mad at.”

  “Thanks, Tony,” Jess said, laughing and blushing prettily and making me want to whisk her off somewhere so that the two of us could be alone. “That’s very sweet. At least I think it is.”

  “It’s meant to be,” he said. “You guys are the best couple I’ve seen come out of a flight, and I’ve seen a lot. Just don’t fuck it up, darlings. We all know how easy that can be.”

  He tipped his imaginary hat at us, let out one more forlorn sigh, and exited the plane. I turned to Jess and kissed her, pulling her in toward me so that I could feel her body pressing against the length of mine. I could feel myself stiffening right there, and the urge to take her only grew.


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