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For the Love of a Marine

Page 20

by Sharon Kimbra Walsh

  Finally, he released her. “I can get us a place, if you’re sure it’s what you want,” he announced.

  Katie nodded. “I do,” she responded breathlessly.

  “A pal of mine has one of those prefab rooms. He’s been deployed to a forward operating base and gave me the key to use the room if ever I wanted to…to sleep in, nothing else.”

  Katie was nodding her answer even before he had finished the sentence. “When?” she asked, her voice breathless with sexual excitement.

  “I’m out on patrol tomorrow night,” he said. “What about Saturday night? I’ll meet you here at 2000 hours.”

  Katie nodded then shuffled toward him on her knees. She put her arms around his neck, gently kissed his mouth, and again placed small kisses along his face and down his neck, nipping the skin gently.

  “Can you wait that long?” she asked, her breath warm against his skin, her voice soft and sensually teasing.

  Joe growled softly and laughed. He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him. “You’re a tease,” he murmured. “And yes, I can wait that long if I have something to look forward to at the end of it.”

  He suddenly put her firmly from him. “Now,” he continued, “are we going to go to the PX or are you trying to keep me here by seducing me?” He got to his feet and held out his hand to her. As she put her hand in his, he pulled her to her feet and straight into his arms. “I love you,” he said softly. “I love you so much.”

  Katie smiled up at him, reveling in the emotions that were showing so clearly on his face. “I love you too,” she replied.

  Joe gently kissed her mouth then straightened, laughing. “We can’t keep doing this. We’ll never get anywhere tonight,” he said. “Come on, ma’am. Let’s get to the PX and start the tongues wagging again. That’s if you still want to go after what’s happened.”

  Katie hesitated, remembering her encounter with Corporal Hudson and what would have happened if Joe had not appeared in time, but Joe held her tightly in his arms and the fears dissipated.

  “I’m not going to let a little bastard like him spoil things,” she answered, her chin lifting stubbornly. “If we don’t go then he wins.”

  “Good girl,” Joe said and took her hand. They slowly left the stacks of pallets and walked in the direction of the tents. Every now and again Joe would stop Katie, take her in his arms, and gently kiss her as though he couldn’t get enough of her, they would then meander on a little farther, keeping to the shadows so that they wouldn’t be seen, before pausing again.

  Eventually Katie asked, “What happened on your patrol, Joe?”

  Joe’s reaction was to squeeze her hand. After some hesitation, he replied, “It was bad. I can’t tell you some of the stuff, but there were times when I didn’t think we’d make it back. We holed up for a while overnight in the sandstorm, but we couldn’t wait it out. We’d have run out of water and rations. The radios wouldn’t work—too much interference from the storm, so we were cut off. So, after a discussion with the squad, I made the call to head for the base. It took us hours but I’ve got a top-notch navigator and he got us straight to the road leading to the base.”

  Katie stepped in front of him and stopped him in his tracks. She placed her hands on his chest and rubbed her palms gently up and down, caressing the material of his combat jacket. Gazing into his face, she smiled slightly. “I was worried sick,” she said softly. “I couldn’t bear the thought that something might have happened to you. But now I feel selfish knowing that it was hell for you out there.”

  Joe raised a hand and stroked the side of her face with his finger. “Hey,” he said, “I’m here now and we’re together.” He pulled her closer and nuzzled the top of her head. “Come on, honey. Let’s get going.”

  They continued to walk until they had passed the tented accommodation. Once they had reached the road leading to Camp Roosevelt, Katie felt Joe release her hand. She glanced questioningly at him.

  “I don’t want you to be the butt of some asswipe’s jokes,” he explained and shrugged.

  After a walk of some distance, they approached a large, brightly lit building from which issued a subdued roar of conversation. Outside the building, a large crowd of uniformed men and women had gathered, talking loudly and full of high spirits. Approaching them, Katie hesitated, falling back slightly. Joe turned to find out why she had slowed her pace.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Are you sure about this, Joe?” Katie asked anxiously. “You know what’ll happen, gossip, smutty jokes. And I must look a fright with a swollen lip. People will think it was you.”

  Joe stroked her arm. “Hey,” he said softly. “You look beautiful to me. If you don’t want to go in, we won’t, but I’m sure the majority of the base knows about us anyway. It’s your call.”

  Katie looked at the noisy building, thoughts turning over in her mind, and then shrugged. “What the heck,” she answered.

  They proceeded toward the crowd at the PX doors, Katie feeling nervous and shy. As they drew nearer, loud, friendly shouts from the men and women, who were acquainted with Joe greeted his arrival with interested and curious glances directed at Katie. Sensing Katie’s unease, Joe nodded briefly at the remarks made to him until they entered the building.

  The interior was similar to that of the NAAFI on Camp Churchill in décor and layout, but it was much larger and noisier. Joe placed his hand on Katie’s back and guided her toward the counter where drinks and snacks were being served. Again, many at the counter hailed Joe and Katie received various glances of appreciation and interest.

  Joe bought two bottles of Coke, and while they waited for their drinks to arrive, he bent his head and whispered loudly in Katie’s ear, “You appear to be causing quite a stir.”

  Katie glanced around her and blushed. She had caught the eye of a young soldier who blatantly winked at her and smiled. Offering a small smile of courtesy, Katie turned back to Joe. “I feel like an exhibit in a museum,” she said, frowning.

  Joe laughed. “No need,” he replied. “They’re all a great crowd.” He took the two frosted bottles offered to him and handed one to her. He then urged her away from the counter and located a space against a wall where they could stand.

  “No dancing?” Katie asked, taking a long sip of her cold drink.

  “You ain’t seen anything yet,” Joe replied. “The music will get twice as loud, and then everyone will be prancing around like a herd of buffalo.” He took a long swallow out of his bottle, glancing over Katie’s head, his eyes distant and thoughtful. Katie watched his face.

  “Penny for them?” she asked, loving him so much.

  “Heck, they’re not worth that much.” He hesitated. “But I guess I do have something on my mind. It might cause a problem for you though. Be a helluva decision for you, honey.” He stared at her, his dark blue eyes holding a penetrating but troubled expression.

  Katie paused, Coke bottle raised halfway to her mouth. “What problem?” she asked warily.

  Joe looked down at his boots then glanced at her face. His eyes were intensely blue and there was a wry smile playing about his lips. “You know something? I’ve never been stuck for words in my life except when I’m with you. I can never seem to find the words to tell you how I feel or what you mean to me.”

  Katie opened her mouth to say something in response but Joe raised a finger.

  “No,” he said. “Please let me finish this otherwise I’ll never get it out.” He moved closer to her so that he didn’t have to shout to make himself heard. “I love you like I’ve never loved a woman before. From the first moment we met in the CTH, I was poleaxed. I was a career marine kinda guy, never wanted to get seriously involved with a woman because I felt it was dangerous, and then I met this CTM who shot all my principles and common sense to hell and back. On my last patrol, my Sergeant gave me a good talking-to and gave me all sorts of advice. Apparently, I’d been distracted and he noticed. Shows how good I was at hiding my feelings.
I thought I was real good at it but that was a crapshoot. Anyway, we’ve only known each other a short time and in some people’s eyes that might be a little too brief for comfort. You and I go our separate ways in a few weeks and I can’t have that happen.” Joe saw Katie’s startling green eyes widen. “I want you to come back to the States with me, Katie,” Joe continued. “If you want to, that is. I know it means leaving the Army and your career and I can’t ask you to do that. I’m just telling you what I feel. You could even join the US Army, or at least work for them. Katie, I don’t want to lose you now that I’ve found you.”

  Katie was speechless. Her dream of never leaving this man had come to fruition. More than anything, she had wanted to hear him say the things he had, but in her wildest dreams, she had never expected to hear him say that he wanted her with him always. Her smile widened and her eyes filled with unshed tears.

  Finding her voice, she nodded. “I will,” she answered huskily. “I’ll come with you, Joe. I want to go wherever you go.”

  Joe grinned from ear to ear. “We’ll talk more on Saturday night…if we have time.” And he cocked an eyebrow at her.

  “Doubt we will,” Katie responded with a slow, sexy smile.

  At that moment, they were interrupted by a voice yelling over the noise, “Good to see you here, Joe.”

  Joe glanced over his shoulder and grinned. “Hey, pal, how you doing?”

  Sergeant Eastman nodded at Katie then turned to Joe. “Okay, Joe. So you decided to join us rowdy lot for a change instead of going over to the other side.”

  Joe laughed. “Yeah, you could say that. Louis, I’d like you to meet Katie Walker. Katie, this is Louis Eastman, a good buddy of mine and my assistant patrol leader. He keeps me in check and out of trouble.”

  Louis Eastman held out a hand to Katie, “Good to meet the woman who’s managed to turn Joe’s head at last.”

  Blushing, Katie took the proffered hand. “Pleased to meet you, Sergeant,” she responded.

  “No, no, no.” Louis shook his head. “It’s Louis, Katie.”

  “Okay.” Katie nodded.

  For the next hour, a flow of people came up to Joe and Louis Eastman, greeting them and stopping for conversation. Katie was introduced time after time and it became obvious that there was much interest and curiosity about her and about who she was. During this time, Louis Eastman studied his staff sergeant and Katie. He observed the way they constantly glanced at each other, the small smiles that often crossed their faces, the expressions in their eyes, and the way that they stood close to each other, bodies touching.

  Serious stuff, Louis mused to himself. He was concerned. It seemed that the two people before him were besotted with each other, and that was not a good thing for his staff sergeant. Joe had always been an excellent leader. He thought nothing of putting his life in danger to assist or rescue his men, including Louis himself. He had always done things by the book, was strictly a regulation guy. In all the years that Louis had known Joe, he had never seen him so involved with a woman to the extent that it superseded his commitment to the Marines. He had no intention of lecturing him. It was not his place to and none of his business. But he was going to start watching Joe closely, covering the man’s tracks if he became too distracted.

  At that moment, the music in the PX went up a number of decibels and the whole place erupted into cheers and whistles.

  Katie laughed as quite a few men and women jumped to their feet and began to dance where they stood. Louis Eastman made a decision and held out his hand.

  “C’mon, Katie. Let’s show ’em how it’s done.”

  Katie hesitated then suddenly laughed and went with the sergeant, moving out into some empty floor space. She began to dance, tossing her head back, eyes sparkling, and a smile wide and brilliant on her face.

  Joe watched her and Louis and couldn’t keep his own smile from appearing. Joe wanted her so badly. He could take her outside and around the back of the building now, but he had meant what he had said to her earlier that evening. He was not about to have quick sex in a dark corner of the camp. She was worth far more than that. He could wait until Saturday, although it was probably going to be the longest wait of his life.

  He leaned against the wall, drinking his Coke, watching the woman he adored mingling with the other dancing men and women, pumping her fist into the air, her whole body language exuding joy and enthusiasm.

  Joe watched Katie dance with the sergeant until, between songs, he could hear Eastman laughingly protesting. “You’ve worn me out. I need a drink before I collapse.”

  Louis led her away from the dance floor, back to Joe. “I return your lady in one piece,” he announced. “I can’t say the same for myself. I am retiring gracefully to my pit.” He glanced at Katie and smiled warmly. “It’s been a pleasure, Katie.” And he winked, gave a half salute to Joe, and left them.

  Joe had taken off his jacket and Katie touched his arm. “Come and dance with me,” she urged.

  Joe grinned. “Yeah right,” he answered. “I think not. I have two left feet.”

  Katie grabbed his hand and tugged. “Oh come on. You can’t be that bad.”

  Shrugging, Joe followed Katie out into a space and joined her in the dance. Katie admired the way he moved and she played to each one, staying smoothly up against him and laughing up into his face, putting her hands on his waist, touching him whenever she could.

  When at last the music finished, laughing, Joe and Katie went back to their little space against the wall.

  Katie ran light fingertips down the muscles of his arm, feeling his warm skin and the way his muscles flinched as she touched him. Then she noticed the beginnings of a tattoo on the upper portion of his left arm, disappearing under his T-shirt.

  “What’s this?” she asked, touching it and rubbing the palm of her hand over it.

  Joe regarded her with hot arousal in his eyes. “You’ll see it Saturday night,” he replied huskily, lowering his head as though he was going to kiss her.

  Katie felt a shiver of delight travel through her body. How she wanted this man. She needed his hands on her body, his mouth on hers, and craved to feel his strong arms holding her.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he murmured, whispering in her ear. He blew gently against the whorls of her earlobe and Katie moaned slightly. She moved closer to him so that her body was touching his and gently bumped her hip against him.

  Looking at him, she asked teasingly, “Why?”

  “Because, ma’am, you’re turning me on and I would have no second thoughts about making love to you right this minute against this wall.”

  Katie’s breath shuddered and her cheeks flushed. “Am I?” she asked breathlessly, “Then why don’t you…take me outside?”

  “Katie.” Joe closed his eyes briefly, “Don’t tempt me, please.”

  Katie leaned her back against the wall and gently tugged at his T-shirt, pulling him closer. Joe placed the palm of one hand against the wall, propping himself against it. “Lady,” he said softly, “we are on full view here.”

  Katie smiled. “And?” she responded. “What’s your point?” She ran a finger along the waistband of his combat trousers.

  “My point is this,” Joe murmured, and leaning forward, he kissed her slowly and tenderly on the mouth.

  When he drew back, Katie smiled sensuously, “We have successfully sealed our fates,” she stated. “We’ll be the talk of both camps tomorrow.”

  Joe raised his head. “I love you,” he said.

  “And I love you,” Katie answered, “but I need to go and use the ladies.” She gave him a quick kiss on the mouth and turned away to leave the room.

  She found the restroom and used the facilities. The room was empty and as she was washing her hands, she glanced at herself in the long mirror. Her face was slightly flushed and her green eyes were bright and shining.

  “You look like a woman in love who has been thoroughly kissed,” she murmured to herself. She dried her hands
and left the restroom to rejoin Joe. Thrusting open the doors into the main PX room, she stepped inside and came to an abrupt stop, shocked at what she saw.

  Joe was still where she had left him, although now he wasn’t alone. He was with a woman who had her hands on each of his arms. Joe himself had one hand on the woman’s waist and his head was lowered as though he was listening to something she was saying. The woman had her mouth close to his ear.

  Katie recognized the woman instantly. She was the one who had been seated with Joe in the mess.

  Katie couldn’t move. The pain on seeing Joe with another woman was beyond something she could tolerate. She couldn’t believe that five minutes ago, she had been the one in Joe’s arms and he had been telling her that he loved her. She had to get out of the PX now, before he saw that she had seen them together. Panic overwhelmed her and she spun on her heel and hurried toward the doors leading outside.

  Chapter Twenty

  At the precise moment that Katie was exiting through the doors, Joe happened to glance in her direction. He was shocked to see her hurrying out and realized instantly that she had seen him with Dana. His spirits plummeted as he imagined what it must have looked like and what she must have thought. Without a word, shrugging off the woman’s hands, he headed after her, almost running. Entering the lobby, he saw Katie through the second set of doors leading to the outside, hurrying away from the building.

  “Fuck!” he exclaimed and ran after her.

  Once outside, he quickened his speed. He didn’t want to call out to her. It would only draw the attention of the crowd standing outside the building. Instead, he ran after her and easily caught her. He reached out for her shoulder, but before he could stop her headlong flight, she heard him and spun around. Joe was shocked to see that her eyes were wild and angry but her cheeks were wet with tears.


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