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The Darcys of Pemberley

Page 6

by Shannon Winslow

  “How kind of him to offer you Reddclift cottage,” said Jane. “Are you finding it to your liking, Mrs. Sanditon?”

  “Oh yes, it is a very comfortable house – a little smaller than Hunsford parsonage perhaps, but more than adequate for two women alone. I appreciate my brother’s generosity most sincerely, especially considering that he hardly knew me at all, having only set eyes on me twice before in the whole course of his life.”

  “He has invited us to dine at the great house every day, and offered us the use of his carriage whenever we have need of it,” Charlotte contributed. “He is a real gentleman.”

  Georgiana asked, “How old are your nieces, Mrs. Sanditon?”

  “Just two and four years of age. Precious little creatures they are too. Their mother tragically died soon after the birth of the youngest, so a nurse cares for them now.”

  The five women continued their conversation over fruit and cake. Charlotte applied to Jane for a description of the new Bingley residence and to Elizabeth for news of her family. Elizabeth, in turn, asked after the health and well-being of all the Lucases. Mrs. Sanditon expressed praise of Pemberley and inquired of Georgiana if she were musically inclined.

  Later, Elizabeth asked her guests, “Other than Mr. Sanditon, have you had occasion to meet any of your neighbors yet?”

  “No one except the rector,” answered Charlotte. “He called to welcome us almost immediately upon our arrival. I gather you are acquainted with him, Lizzy – a Mr. Thornton?”

  “Yes, we are well acquainted and see him frequently, at church and socially. Mr. Darcy has the patronage of Kympton parish, and he knew Mr. Thornton long before he made the appointment, from their time together at Cambridge. We like him very much. Do you?”

  “Very much indeed,” answered Mrs. Sanditon.

  Even after only the one meeting, both Charlotte and Ruth were ready to speak highly of the rector, to affirm his good character and admire his manners. As they gave this glowing account of him, a compelling possibility entered Elizabeth’s mind, making her smile. It occurred to her that, once their respective periods of mourning were over, a match between either one of the young widows and the amiable clergyman, of whom they both were just now speaking so favorably, would be neither unlikely nor disagreeable. “Mr. Thornton’s bound to do for one of them,” she thought.


  Mr. Bingley returned to Pemberley the third week of December. In his wake came the Bennets and Elizabeth’s Aunt and Uncle Gardiner with their four offspring. The halls of the great house soon rang with the boisterous play of children and the laughter of adults in holiday spirit. Only Colonel Fitzwilliam declined the Darcys’ invitation, being obliged to return to Rosings Park instead. According to his letter, nothing was yet decided, and he felt compelled to discuss the situation with Anne directly before it was. He promised to make every effort to return in time for Georgiana’s birthday in January, however.

  At the Christmas service in Kympton, the church was filled to overflowing as many in the community made an extra effort to attend on the holy day. The special occasion brought Mr. Sanditon as well, accompanying the ladies from the cottage. This gave opportunity for him to be introduced to the Darcys, who in turn introduced him to their circle of friends. His manners were proper but reserved in the large group of unfamiliar people, behavior that Mr. Darcy found perfectly understandable, being himself likewise reticent in such situations.

  Jane and Mr. Bingley quit Pemberley shortly after Christmas. They so keenly anticipated installing themselves in their new home that, once their furniture and servants had arrived, nothing could detain them any longer. The Bennets remained a few days more, allowing the Bingleys time to settle in at Heatheridge before joining them there. At the insistence of their hosts, the Gardiners twice forestalled their own departure, ultimately extending their stay at Pemberley to a full three weeks. For Darcy and Elizabeth, the presence of the lively Gardiner children increased the satisfaction of this visit, serving as a pleasant preview of what the place would be like some years hence when, if all hopes and expectations were fulfilled, they would have a house full of children of their own.

  Chapter 8


  With Christmas over and her company gone, Elizabeth turned her attention to the upcoming ball, which would be the grandest social function to be held at Pemberley since her marriage. Preparations were well underway – the invitations sent, the menu planned, the food and wine ordered, and the musicians and extra servants hired – yet much remained to be done.

  “I confess, I am a bit unnerved by the daunting prospect of this ball,” she admitted to her husband as they walked out together one morning. They had passed through the gate and started down the lane, snow crunching underfoot. The coat of white, sparkling in the sun, lay four inches deep on the ground and threatened to overtop Elizabeth’s half boots with each step. Undeterred, she pressed forward, glad for the airing made possible by a break in the weather, and equally glad for Darcy’s steadying arm whenever her foot slipped. “It is a larger undertaking than I had supposed, and I do so want everything to go well for Georgiana’s sake.”

  “You have nothing to fear, my dear,” he assured her. “The arrangements are well in hand, and surely the ball itself can hold no terrors for you. You have attended events of this sort many times before, and you know how to conduct yourself.”

  “As a guest, yes, but now I shall be the hostess. The limited training I received at Longbourn simply does not apply here; the scale of the affair renders any comparison ridiculous. These are uncharted waters. And it occurs to me that any serious faux pas on my part shall be viewed by some as proof that I am unsuited to my new station. I could laugh at my own embarrassment easily enough, but I should hate to bring any disgrace upon Pemberley or the Darcy name.”

  “I will not have you worrying about such things, Elizabeth. Nothing you would ever do could disgrace the family. You should also remember that those invited are not the sort who will be anxious to judge you or eager to see you fail.”

  Elizabeth’s mouth curled at one corner. “True enough. After all, Lady Catherine will not be admitted, will she?”

  “No, she most certainly will not!”

  “Hopefully she sends no spies to ferret out my errors either. I should hate to provide her with more ammunition to use against me, for she finds me too easy a target for her derision as it is. She is my severest critic.”

  “Only because you had the audacity to defy her.”

  “Alas, we have both fallen out of your aunt’s favor. I suppose we shall have to bear her absence as best we can.”

  The ball was to be, first and foremost, a celebration of Georgiana’s eighteenth birthday. However, it would secondarily serve as another opportunity for Miss Darcy to mix with her peers and meet potential suitors. Her brother always preferred this sort of social intercourse to occur under his watchful eye, within his sphere of control. In this case, he held sway over the most important factor of all: the guest list. To ensure that a man was not coveting Georgiana’s money, it stood to reason that he should already possess plenty of his own. This guiding principle tended to limit the list of eligible candidates to those in the first circles of society.

  Prospective beaus were not the only people invited to the ball, however. The guest list included friends, family, and neighbors as well. Yet, due to the unpleasantness of traveling in winter and the competition from other options in town, only a few of the Darcys’ closest friends from the south would be attending. On these grounds, Mr. and Mrs. Bennet were spared the inconvenience of another invitation to Pemberley so soon, the presence of Mrs. Bennet at the ball being one calamity for which Elizabeth felt her strength of fortitude totally unequal.

  The week prior to the event, the rarified tranquility of the house necessarily yielded to an atmosphere of industrious activity. Everywhere servants bustled to ready accommodations for overnight guests, to lay in stores of food and other supplies, and to polish bright e
ach surface of every room. Out of doors, the grounds were carefully groomed and the stables prepared for the extra horses and carriages expected. By the day of the ball, Pemberley stood ready to receive and delight her guests.

  Upstairs that evening, equal pains were taken to ensure that the principal parties would also display to best advantage. Mr. Darcy, with his excellent tall person and noble bearing, needed little assistance to look the dignified host; a new suit of clothes in impeccable taste sufficed. The ladies naturally required more exertion on their behalf. Maids worked to style and ornament their hair, to powder and perfume their skin, and to dress them in all their finery.

  To Mr. Darcy went the privilege of first viewing the outcome of these efforts. When he finally gained admittance to his wife’s dressing room, he stopping short at the sight of her. Elizabeth watched his countenance carefully, anxious for a clear sign of approval. She was left in suspense for some time as his eyes traveled silently up and down, savoring as they went.

  At length, Darcy recovered his voice. “You take my breath away, Elizabeth.”

  A wave of delicious relief flooded through her. Her eyes shone as she closed the space between them, threw her arms about her husband’s neck, and impetuously kissed him, long and with enthusiasm.

  At his first opportunity, Darcy interrupted her. “Although this is … exceedingly agreeable, Lizzy, I must recommend that you disengage yourself … while you still can. The careful arrangement of your hair and attire are every moment in more serious jeopardy. If you persist in tempting me, I shall not be answerable for my actions.”

  Elizabeth laughed and released him. “Were it not for the dozens of guests about to arrive on our doorstep, you would never escape so easily, sir.”

  “Nor would you, madam, I assure you,” Darcy murmured. “Now, I have something for you.” Reaching into his pocket, he brought out a small lacquered box and opened it.

  “Oh, Darcy, how exquisite!” Elizabeth gasped, astonished by the sight of the magnificent amethyst and diamond pendant within.

  He took the jewel-encrusted ornament and fastened it about her neck, where it settled just below the hollow of her ivory throat. “It was my mother’s, a present from my father. I have been waiting for the right time to give it to you. I thought you should have it tonight, my love,” he said as he stepped back to admire the competed picture. “Yes, that is its rightful place.”

  “It is simply stunning, darling. Thank you,” Elizabeth said gazing in the mirror. Then a shadow crossed her face. “But Georgiana; should this not go to her? It was her mother’s and this is her birthday.”

  “You are good to think of her, but there is no need. Georgiana inherited the rest of my mother’s jewels. This piece was left specifically to me, the intent being that I should bestow it on my wife, and that it would eventually pass to our son’s wife, staying in the Darcy line,” he explained.”

  “Well, that is fortunate indeed,” Elizabeth said lightheartedly, “for I have already grown quite attached to it. I would not have given it up cheerfully, despite what I said. Now I shall wear it without the least pang of conscience.”

  Elizabeth’s scruples thus swept away, the pair proceeded down the corridor to collect Georgiana. She emerged from her room flushed and in fine form, her elegant figure set off by the blue silk gown specially made for the occasion. Darcy experienced a revelation at the vision before him. Unconsciously expecting an adolescent girl to come forth, he was presented with a handsome, fully-grown woman in her stead. As before, with his wife, Darcy required a moment before responding with praise similarly concise and heartfelt.

  Georgiana’s glowing countenance evinced her pleasure in her brother’s approbation. Yet, the next minute, as the trio turned to start downstairs, she froze.

  “Good heavens, Georgiana. What is the matter?” Darcy asked.

  “Oh dear,” she said, clasping her fingers together to stop their trembling. “I thought my nerves were under control, but now that the time is at hand, my courage deserts me. All these people assembling on my account – it is both flattering and terrifying. With everybody’s eyes on me, I am sure to make some awful blunder.”

  “You are a Darcy, Georgiana. Remember that and all will be well,” her brother told her firmly, only adding to her consternation.

  Elizabeth’s comments were more germane. “Look at it this way, dear. Tonight you will be surrounded by dozens of people who love you and who already think you are wonderful. You have nothing to prove to us, and no possibility of disappointing our expectations. As for the rest, they will no doubt be more concerned with making a good impression on you than the other way round. So you needn’t be afraid of them either.”

  Georgiana collected herself, straightened, and said, “Yes, you are quite right. I am ready now.”

  As they descended the grand staircase, it occurred to Elizabeth that she would do well to listen to her own sage advice, as she was by then uncomfortably aware of a distinct fluttering of nervous tension within herself.


  When the three Darcys descended, the Bingleys and Kitty Bennet, who had stayed on at Heatheridge after Christmas, were just arriving. With them came a person uninvited and rather less welcome: Lydia Wickham. Darcy and Elizabeth, instantly on alert, strained to ascertain whether or not her husband accompanied her. Fortunately, he was nowhere to be seen.

  After the first flush of greetings, which included Mrs. Wickham with careful politeness, Jane drew Elizabeth aside. “Forgive me, Lizzy, for catching you off guard. We were expecting the Wickhams, of course, but not for a few more days. When they arrived late yesterday and Lydia heard about our plans for tonight, she begged to come along. Apparently, it has been some time since she has attended a ball of any sort, and you know how she adores dancing. I could not say no, although I wish I would have had time to forewarn you. Do you mind terribly?”

  “Not for myself. Georgiana’s comfort and happiness are my only concerns tonight; nothing must be allowed to spoil her evening. I doubt she will be much offended by Lydia’s mere presence, but I pray our sister will not make a spectacle of herself, as she has such a talent for doing. God forbid she should mention Wickham’s name in Georgiana’s hearing.”

  “She has promised to be on her very best behavior, and I will hold her to her word.”

  “That is an audacious claim, Jane. I suspect it is not in your power, or even Lydia’s, to govern her conduct with any security. Still, I suppose we must hope for the best.”

  As they rejoined the others, Mr. Bingley was saying, “The house looks marvelous, Darcy, and I am quite certain I have never seen so many candles alight in one place before.” Darcy accepted the compliment, and the gentlemen moved off to peruse the well-lit ballroom.

  With the five ladies left to their own conversation, Lydia giggled slyly. “What do you think of Jane, Lizzy? Has she not grown since you last saw her?”

  “I hardly know, Lydia. All I noticed was that her gown is very becoming.”

  “Are you well, Jane?” asked Georgiana.

  “Yes, quite well. I only worry that my condition may already be too conspicuous. I thought perhaps I had better have stayed at home, but I did not wish to miss your party.”

  “I am honored that you came,” Georgiana replied. “And Kitty, I am pleased to see you again as well. Are you looking forward to dancing tonight?”

  “Oh, yes! I love dancing above all things. I do so hope there will be enough interesting partners to keep all the ladies entertained.”

  “That you will find your partners entertaining, Kitty, I cannot guarantee, since it is a matter of personal taste,” said Elizabeth. “But as to number, there can be no difficulty. There will be more than enough eligible men to go round. You must promise not to keep them all to yourself, however. It is Georgiana’s birthday, you know, and she must have her fair share.”

  “She shall have her share, and welcome. After all, I can only dance with one man at a time, more is the pity.”

  The so
und of horse hooves and carriage wheels grating on the sweep drew the Darcys to their stations, and presently a stream of elegantly dressed and carefully coiffed individuals began issuing through the front door. Each new arrival gradually enlarged the pool of people milling about. The house soon reverberated with an agreeable hum of chatter, music, and laughter as everyone waited for the official commencement of the ball.

  The night had opened with the entrance of one uninvited guest. It fell to Colonel Fitzwilliam to usher in the second surprise of the evening. True to his promise, he had indeed traveled all the way from Kent for Georgiana’s ball. That he made the effort to come was not astonishing, but the lady on his arm caught everyone quite unawares.

  Chapter 9

  The Ball

  The unexpected sight of Miss de Bourgh on Colonel Fitzwilliam’s arm elicited a contrasting mix of sentiments from the three Darcys gathered to receive the pair. Anne’s dramatically altered appearance made the first impression on them all. She was so materially changed since they had last seen her that they barely recognized her as their cousin. Healthy color now brightened her formerly pallid complexion, and her previously gaunt face and angular form had rounded and softened considerably.

  The emotions that next followed varied by person. Darcy and Elizabeth’s thoughts were chiefly occupied with the knowledge that Anne’s arrival with the colonel might well signify an alliance in which they themselves could take no joy. Miss Darcy, being totally ignorant of this possibility, felt only pleasure at the unanticipated favor of her cousin’s presence.

  Her momentary discomposure set aside, Elizabeth greeted their guests. “Why, Anne, how wonderfully well you look, and how splendid, Colonel, that you persuaded her to accompany you. We are so pleased to have you both with us tonight.”


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