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Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10

Page 18

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Why?” she asked John, who had been so nice to her during training and seemed earnest when helping her. Now she knew why; he was on her father’s payroll.

  “The pay is better.” John shrugged. “And I needed the money. Nothing personal.”

  “Nothing personal?” Katrina tried to keep control, but all she wanted to do was smack the indifference off his face. “You have no idea what you’ve done, you bastard.”

  “Damn, where did that spunk come from? I’m really liking it.” Breaker tilted his head, his eyes roaming her body with appreciation. “You know, Kat, you look so good I don’t think I’m going to care that you’re a Warrior slut.”

  Jared stepped in front of Katrina, his body rigid. Steve and Adam also stepped forward.

  “You have two options, asshole.” Jared cracked his neck back and forth.

  “Two?” Steve glanced at Jared. “Death is only one.”

  “Yeah well, we have witnesses so I have to give them two,” Jared countered, his voice hard.

  “Ah, I get it.” Breaker laughed. “You two are the funny guys of the group. Well isn’t that special, but I’m already bored.”

  “I really don’t think anyone in here will care if we just go with one option.” Adam growled the words while cracking his knuckles. “Because this asshole needs to fucking die.”

  “Oh, I agree.” Jared looked from Breaker to the other four assholes. “But I really think Blaze wants… him.” Jared pointed straight at Breaker. “And I’m a loyal brother so I think we can keep him alive.”

  “Yep, bored. Now, here are my options.” Breaker held up his phone. “This is a—”

  “Phone.” Jared rolled his eyes. “Now I’m fucking bored.”

  Knowing Breaker well, Katrina could tell Jared was getting under his skin, badly, and that wasn’t good. While they bantered back and forth, she glanced around and counted nine Iron Drake members. Most she knew. One asshole even gave her a sarcastic finger wave. Breaker had a short fuse, and God only knew what he would do if Jared pushed him too far. Too many innocent people were in danger, and she couldn’t have that happen, couldn’t live with it.

  “What do you want, Breaker?” She looked back at him, digging deep for Kat, the girl she had tried to bury and forget. It didn’t look like that would ever be a reality.

  “You, Kat.” Breaker’s eyes stayed on Jared for a second after his response before snapping to her. “That’s what all the Iron Drakes want, you. You know the saying, a snitch is a snitch and always ends up in a ditch. Like mother, like daughter is another saying that comes to mind.”

  “Fuck you, Breaker,” Katrina spat, her control shot to hell. She knew what he’d done to her mother, what they all did to her mother. She hated him, hated them all.

  “Ah, damn girl!” Breaker adjusted his crotch. “You’re getting me all hot with that attitude.”

  “Okay, fuck this.” Jared went for Breaker, but Breaker stepped back, holding up the phone.

  “You take one more step and I will blow this fucking place up,” Breaker shouted, his thumb hovering over the phone. “Just one push and this place is going up in one hell of an explosion. Now we, and we meaning us vampires, will probably survive. But the humans, including your gorgeous mate, Tessa, will not.” His eyes shot toward where the customers stood. Then he winked at Tessa.

  Katrina knew this was not a bluff and prayed that Jared realized it too. But the threat against Tessa along with the wink set Jared off. Thankfully Adam stopped him.

  “Good move, young Warrior,” Breaker said to Adam. “Now on to option two. I walk out of here with Kat and everyone lives. It’s really an easy decision if you think about it. One of ours, for all of yours.”

  No one said a word as Breaker stood with his phone out, his thumb still hovering. A strange sound whizzed through the air as a thin piece of leather wrapped around Breaker’s wrist, snapping the phone out of it.

  “Hope you have an option three, asshole.” A familiar western drawl filled the room.

  Breaker cursed, freeing himself from what looked like a whip, his eyes black with rage.

  Everything happened in a blur. Adam and Steve scrambled for the phone while screams echoed as gunshots rang out through the small bar. Katrina spotted Jared heading for Breaker, but a scream of pain stopped him. Terror filled Katrina as she slowly turned to see Tessa falling face-first onto the wooden floor. Bobby tried to stop her fall as he yelled for Jared.

  “No!” Katrina followed Jared, but someone grabbed the back of her hair and started to drag her. Using her strength, she tried to untangle unseen hands from her hair. Her struggle stopped suddenly as a roar of pain and rage rattled the walls of the bar. Her eyes briefly saw Jared with his head back, his mouth open in rage as he held a lifeless Tessa in his arms.

  “Dammit, Kat.” Breakers fist tightened in her hair as he continued to pull her. “Stop fucking fighting me or I’m going to knock you out.”

  Katrina fought hard, but he was too strong. One minute she was being dragged, the next she was free, and hearing Blaze’s voice, she knew he was the reason.

  Chapter 28

  You got a bad feeling about this?” Sloan kept watch as Damon, Duncan, and Jax escorted members of the Iron Drakes to the van.

  “Definitely.” Blaze’s eyes scanned the area. “Where are the rest of the bastards?” He had searched each member closely looking for that fucker, Breaker, but he wasn’t among them.

  Samuel Drake, with his hands confined behind his back with silver cuffs, was led out by Slade. Their eyes met. A slow grin spread across Samuel’s face before he turned his attention to Sloan.

  “Good catch, Warriors.” His grin turned into a smirk. “Didn’t see you coming at all. You guys are good.”

  “Shut up!” Slade gave him a push.

  Sloan didn’t say a word and neither did Blaze as Slade all but threw Samuel into the van. Something wasn’t right. He reached for his phone; Jared hadn’t responded to his text. He sent another one.

  “Who gave you the information about where they were?” Blaze asked, still checking his phone. His body was strung tight waiting for Jared’s reply.

  “A trusted informant, but I don’t know who he got the information from.” Sloan cursed, his angry eyes staring at the van then to the house. “Motherfuckers were waiting for us. No fight, just put their hands up and surrendered.”

  Blaze turned and headed for his bike. “We need to get to the bar, now!”

  The laughter of the Iron Drakes from the back of the van had every Warrior rushing for their bikes.

  “Goddammit!” Sloan started yelling orders.

  Blaze didn’t wait. He knew they were close to the bar, another bad sign. These fuckers had set a trap, a trap they’d walked right into. Shit!

  Blaze pulled up to the bar with the rest of the team following him. When Jared hadn’t checked in with him, he’d known something was wrong. He heard gunshots before even pulling into the parking lot. He dropped his bike without care as he flew to the door. “Fuck!”

  As soon as he opened the door, he ran into someone and that someone was dragging Katrina by the hair. His arm reached out instinctively, rage fueling every movement. Grabbing the man by the shirt, Blaze spun him around, headbutting him in the face and knocking the bastard out instantly. Blaze reached around, trying to detangle the man’s hand from her hair. The fucker was knocked out cold, so trying to get her free, holding the bastard off her, and scanning the scene was not easy, but he finally released Katrina.

  “Are you okay?” Blaze still held the fucker just in case he came to, but he needed to know she was okay. “Dammit, Katrina, are you hurt?”

  Katrina had made it to her knees. “No, but Tessa was shot.”

  “Shit! Slade!” Blaze yelled as he dragged the unconscious man and tossed him to Adam, who was restraining the Iron Drakes who hadn’t taken off out the back when the rest of the Warriors appeared. “Make sure this fucker is secure.”

  Slade ran in, heading toward
Tessa. Blaze helped Katrina to her feet, his eyes going to Jared, who held Tessa close, refusing to let her go. Reality hit Blaze hard; he could have lost Katrina. That thought scared him more than anything ever had.

  He pulled her close, his gaze still searching for danger. The rest of the Warriors were making sure the Iron Drakes were restrained. One of theirs was down. Respect and worry were thick in the air, the atmosphere somber.

  Katrina shook in Blaze’s arms as she watched Slade work on Tessa, Jared finally letting her go for him to do so. Adam stood quietly, his face an unreadable mask as he stood over his sister. The customers had been taken outside and were being questioned.

  “I need to help,” Blaze whispered in her ear. “Stay right here and do not move.”

  Katrina only nodded, her eyes glued on Slade.

  “I mean it, Katrina,” Blaze warned, then kissed the top of her head. “Right here.”

  “I promise,” Katrina said, still watching as her hands fidgeted.

  Blaze turned and headed toward Steve and Sloan, who were talking to a man in a cowboy hat. He positioned himself so he could keep an eye on Katrina, who remained alone.

  “Blaze, this is Ronan McDonald,” Sloan introduced as Blaze shook the man’s hand. “If not for him, this place would have been nothing but rubble.”

  “What?” Blaze frowned, taking his eyes off Katrina.

  “Yeah, they had a bomb planted, and that sick fuck had it set with his phone. If it weren’t for him and his whip, which was fucking awesome by the way, we would’ve been toast,” Steve said, then pointed toward Breaker, who was just coming around.

  Blaze glanced back at the guy Steve pointed to and took a real good look. “Motherfucker!” Blaze headed toward the man, realizing now it was that fucker, Breaker.

  “Stop!” Sloan grabbed Blaze then got in his face. “Not here. You’ll get your chance, but not here.”

  Blaze jerked away, then nodded, fighting for control. “You’re asking a lot, but fine. Just know I want that bastard.”

  “Done.” Sloan nodded.

  “We found the bomb.” Damon walked up, his face a mask of rage. “It’s been disengaged by Duncan. It would have leveled this place. These fuckers don’t play.”

  “Yeah, well neither do we,” Sloan growled. “Start clearing these fuckers out of here and put them in the van with the rest of them. I don’t care if you have to break their fucking bones to fit them all in.”

  “Goddammit, where in the fuck is that ambulance?” Slade’s voice rang out, drawing their attention.

  “It’s just pulling in,” Jax called, then looked at Sloan. “And so are the local police.”

  “Fuck!” Sloan frowned, then looked toward Tessa. “Hold them off until they get Tessa out.”

  “Done.” Jax nodded as he turned to walk back out, Damon, Duncan, Sid and Steve following.

  Blaze wanted nothing more than to take Katrina out of here, but the good news he hadn’t been able to share with her yet would have to wait. Her father was in their custody. She was safe. His eyes went to Jared, and his stomach dropped at what could have happened.


  Katrina couldn’t take her eyes off Tessa as Slade worked on her. She refused to look at Jared, afraid she would see hate in his eyes because if it weren’t for her, Tessa would be her vibrant self, rushing around serving the customers who loved her.

  She moved quickly out of the way as the paramedics rushed in. Jared would not let them put Tessa on the gurney; he did it himself then rushed out with them, holding Tessa’s hand. Slade followed while shouting orders on the phone.

  Her eyes followed them and then fell on Breaker. He was on his knees with his hands behind his back, smirking at her.

  “You go against your family, and this is what happens. You’ll always be a Drake,” Breaker said, the smirk still in place. “Just think, Kat, if you had stayed where you were, none of this would have happened. This is your doing.”

  Everything in her body tingled as if she had just been struck by lightning. The rage and hatred she felt for him, for the MC, fueled her body, shooting her forward without thought. Lifting her leg, she kicked him in the face as hard as she could.

  “You bastard!” Next, she kicked him in the stomach, but she was aiming for his balls. She went to do it again but was picked up and pulled away. “I fucking hate you! Do you hear me? I hate you!”

  “Katrina.” Blaze moved into her line of vision when she continued to struggle to get to Breaker. “Katrina!”

  With effort, she calmed herself enough to focus on Blaze. “I want to go to the hospital.” Her chin trembled, but she kept control. No way would that bastard see her break.

  Sloan had walked over. “Go on.” He gave Blaze a knowing look that wasn’t lost on Katrina. “We got this here. Keep me informed on Tessa until we can get there.”

  Blaze nodded, took Katrina’s hand, then headed toward the door, but stopped in front of Breaker, keeping the bastard out of Katrina’s view. “I will see you real soon,” he growled down at him, then looked at Sloan. “Motherfucker is mine.”

  “Done,” Sloan replied again as he followed them out, sending Steve inside to help Ronan keep watch.

  “Shit!” Blaze cursed, and Katrina frowned, seeing all the cops. One stood arguing with Duncan. Admittedly it was a one-sided argument, since Duncan stood rigid with his arms crossed, looking bored.

  “Go on, we’ve got this.” Sloan headed toward Duncan and the yelling cop.

  Blaze quickly took her hand and led her to his bike. He let her go long enough to pick up his bike, then got on.

  Before Katrina could slide on behind him, she looked toward the van.

  “There she is,” one of the Iron Drakes shouted. Jax glanced her way then pushed the man inside the back of the van.

  “Kat!” her father’s voice screamed out from the van. “This isn’t the end. I almost got you, Kat!” Her father’s laugh frightened her; it always had.

  “Get on, Katrina,” Blaze ordered, his eyes black as they stared at her.

  “How many will you let die, Kat?” Her father’s voice carried easily to her. “You know this ain’t over.”

  Sloan had walked over and taken her arm. “Get on the bike.”

  Katrina glanced at the ambulance, then back to the van. He was right. This wasn’t over. She let Sloan help her on the bike. Blaze didn’t waste time getting out of the parking lot. Katrina held on tight, her gaze on the van, her father’s words repeating over and over again in her mind.

  It was a short ride to the hospital and Katrina was off the bike almost before Blaze stopped. “Dammit, Katrina.” Blaze tried to steady her and the bike at the same time. “Be careful.”

  “Sorry, I just want to hurry.” Katrina was wringing her hands together so hard that Blaze cringed and stopped her.

  “This isn’t your fault. You know that, don’t you?” Blaze forced her to look at him. “Don’t you?”

  “Blaze, of course this is my fault. I brought this to your door and now Tessa is paying the price.” Her voice cracked. “Didn’t you hear him? It’s not over. It’s never over with the Iron Drakes.”

  “Listen to me. You are safe. No one is going to touch you or anyone else. Do you hear me? We’ve got your father, Katrina.” Blaze searched her face before pulling her into his arms and whispered against her hair, “You’re safe now. None of them will hurt you or anyone else again.”

  She wanted so badly to believe him, but she knew her father. He would find a way; he always did. She nodded against his chest, keeping her thoughts to herself, for now. Once she’d controlled herself, they hurried into the emergency department and quickly found Adam and Jared. Adam met them while Jared sat with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.

  “She’s in surgery. Slade’s with her, but he called the best surgeon in,” Adam informed them, trying to sound strong, yet every emotion was evident in his eyes. “The bullet is close to her heart, and they don’t know if….”

; Katrina reached out and wrapped her arms around him. “She’s going to be fine.” She repeated Blaze’s words he had just spoken to her. “Tessa is a fighter, Adam.”

  Adam squeezed her tight before letting go. “She is.”

  Katrina glanced over at Jared; he looked so alone she didn’t know what to do. Something told her that he needed someone, but she was afraid to take that chance. Pushing her fear aside, she walked toward him, then knelt at his feet and touched his arm.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, not knowing what else to say.

  “Don’t you fucking blame yourself.” His quiet order was stern, his head still down, not looking at her. “Tessa cares for you like a sister. She wouldn’t blame you, neither do I, and I will not tolerate you blaming yourself. You understand me?”

  Katrina remained quiet. What could she say? The only thing she really understood was that her father was causing havoc in not only her life, but the lives of people she cared for.

  With his head still in his hands, his eyes lifted and met hers. “I can’t lose her,” he whispered back. “I really can’t lose her, Katrina.”

  “You won’t.” Katrina reached out and took him in her arms. “You are not going to lose her, Jared.”

  Katrina didn’t know how long she held Jared and didn’t care, but she heard quiet voices behind them and glanced around. Warriors filled the space, all comforting each other. Slowly, Jared let her go; the pain in his eyes was unbearable. Standing, he helped her to her feet.

  Katrina bit her lip to stop the sob caught in her throat. Unable to utter a word, she nodded. He clasped her by the back of the head and kissed her on the forehead before walking away.

  She felt Blaze’s arms come around her and she sank into his strength, something she needed so badly.

  As hours passed, the tension and worry peaked. Sloan finally arrived looking pissed, but kept to himself. Katrina sat in the chair with Blaze next to her holding her hand. With her eyes roaming the group, it struck her that she was part of this close-knit family and would be damned if anyone or anything tried to ruin that.


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