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Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10

Page 22

by Teresa Gabelman

  “I’ll make sure she pays.” Breaker grabbed Katrina’s face, holding it still as he leaned down to lick her cheek. “And I can’t wait.”

  “Get off me!” Katrina sneered at Breaker, still trying to kick her way free. She was not going down without a fight. “You’ll never touch me again. I’ll kill myself first, you son of a bitch.”

  “You’ll regret that, Kat.” Breaker’s hands tightened at his side. “I will make sure you will regret those words.”

  “Fuck you.” Katrina spat in his face, her anger getting the best of her. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  Breaker reared back and smacked her across the cheek. “Well, I guess I’ll have to make sure to change that,” Breaker growled, and acted like he was going to smack her again, making her flinch. “Not scared, huh? Lying bitch.”

  “Better to be a lying bitch than my daddy’s bitch like you are,” Katrina said with a smirk. “How does it feel to bend over for Samuel Drake?”

  “You’re going to regret that little comment when I bend you over this pool table.” Breaker threatened grabbing for her, the sound of Blaze breaking free stopped him.

  Chapter 34

  Blaze was going to spank her ass good once this was over, if they survived it. What the fuck did she think she was doing showing up there? Fear for her rushed through his body as she baited her father. She finally spotted him, but her eyes quickly shifted away.

  Her father got up and leaned in his face. He saw his mouth moving, but paid no attention to what he was saying. His focus was Katrina and how in the hell he was going to get her out of there unhurt. The elbow to his face only pissed him off more.

  Each time the bastard hit him, the more determined Blaze became. He wondered how in the fuck Katrina had known he was there and how she got away from the compound without any of the Warriors knowing, unless…. His eyes searched out the windows, but saw nothing. Fuck! He was helpless and she was in danger. The only comforting thing in this whole fucked-up mess was the coyotes in front of her, separating her from harm.

  At least, until they lay down at her feet. He then remembered her warning about her father being able to control moods. Shit! He shook his head, trying to clear the dripping blood out of his vision. His hands were held immobile by the chains. One thing Blaze could take was a beating. What they were doing to him was nothing he hadn’t had done before. He just needed to wait for that one chance to strike, but now with Katrina in the room, the waiting was done. He had to act fast.

  Seeing Samuel push Katrina up against the wall had Blaze working his power. He needed to focus, but dammit, seeing the bastard’s hands on her was sending him into a killing rage.

  “Let her go!” he shouted as he watched him pick her up by the throat. To his pride and horror, Katrina slashed out, clawing him in the face.

  Seeing her fly through the air then hit the floor hard before slamming into the pool table was more than he could take. No one was paying attention to him; instead, they were watching Katrina getting abused and enjoying it. Everyone would die for that. He glanced down to see the fire sparking from his hands in spite of the silver chains. The silver not only inhibited his movement, but dimmed his power. It was a fight, but he felt his power growing stronger.

  He glanced over to see Katrina being dragged from under the pool table by Breaker, who slammed her on top of it. She fought but wasn’t strong enough. The movement of the coyotes caught his attention; they were coming out of her father’s control. His eyes met Katrina’s briefly while her father screamed orders. Fire formed in his hands like an inferno when Breaker slapped Katrina across the face.

  Breaker’s inhuman scream sent him into action. With a roar of his own, his whole body shot into flames and the chains broke, scattering everywhere. Once free, he stood and controlled the fire. No way would he take them out with it. He wanted his fucking hands on them; maybe not all of them, but two of them would definitely die by his hands.

  Chaos ensued as Warriors rushed in and the coyotes, he was sure on Katrina’s command, took down Samuel Drake.

  Reaching for the gun the dicks hadn’t even searched him for, Blaze, who was a dead shot, ended the lives of the three bastards rushing him. He heard a cracking noise in time to see Breaker snap a pool cue in half and hold it to Katrina’s throat. He used her body as a shield.

  “Put the gun down,” Breaker commanded. “Or this will go in her throat like butter.”

  When Blaze didn’t move, Breaker pushed the stick in the side of Katrina’s neck.

  “Don’t test me, Warrior.”

  Blaze dropped the gun, his eyes never leaving Breaker.

  “Call them fucking things off.” He pushed the stick deeper until Katrina did as he said.

  Her father lay moaning and screaming as he rolled around.

  “So this is how the badass Breaker takes care of business? Hiding behind a woman.” Blaze glared at him. “You’re as good as dead if that stick goes in any deeper.”

  No one moved, waiting to see what Breaker was going to do. He pulled the stick away from her neck and shoved her away, tossing the stick at her. “This should be fun.” Breaker cracked his knuckles.

  “I don’t give a fuck what happens, he’s mine and do not interfere,” Blaze warned the other Warriors as he swiped blood from his face. “He’s mine.”

  “No, fucker.” Breaker rushed him. “You’re mine!”

  Both men roared as they collided, the force knocking them both off balance and out the window. Blaze turned, pulling the bastard underneath him. It was only a first-story fall, but Blaze never ended on the bottom with the enemy on top.

  As they hit, he landed punches, one after another. His rage knew no limit. The memory of Breaker smacking Katrina played repeatedly in his mind. Picking Breaker up, he shoved him back, hard.

  “Come on, fucker, give me a fight,” Blaze taunted, wanting nothing more than to prolong this bastard’s suffering. “I’ll even give you a free shot.”

  Breaker wiped the blood from his face and quickly took a swing at Blaze, who didn’t even block. He took the hit and smiled.

  “You hit like a bitch!” he sneered, thrusting his foot out and kicking Breaker across the yard. “Let’s see if you die like one too.”

  Breaker rolled to his feet, but remained bent over. Blaze was already healing from his wounds, which were almost closed, but Breaker’s wounds bled freely, and Blaze knew he had broken ribs from the kick.

  “Not healing very well, are you?” Blaze smirked, seeing Breaker’s worried frown.

  Breaker looked up, hate filling his eyes. “You know, Warrior. Whenever you look at Kat, whenever you stick your dick in her, know I was there first.”

  Blaze flew at him in a blur of fury. He was relentless with the beating he delivered to the bastard who’d dared lay a hand on what belonged to him. No one stopped him, no one dared. Before delivering the killing blow, Blaze stopped and leaned close so the last words Breaker would ever hear came from him and him alone.

  “And I will make sure you are wiped from her memory, motherfucker.” Blaze relished the fear reflected in the bastard’s eyes before he took his head in a headlock and gave a final death twist. He dropped his dead body immediately and walked away, already forgotten. His eyes went straight to the window to see Katrina staring out. He headed her way, determined that she forget the bastard, starting immediately.

  He reached the window they had busted through. His hand reached in to touch her battered face. “What in the hell were you thinking?”

  Katrina squeezed her eyes shut; a single tear escaped. “I was thinking of saving you.”

  Careful of the broken window, Blaze pulled her close. “Remind me to bust your ass for this stunt later,” he whispered, his eyes searching to make sure there was no danger, only to fall on her father, who lay whimpering on the ground.

  The Warriors were searching the area, making sure everyone was dead and collecting the ones who weren’t. Ronan glanced his way.

  “Take her out.�
� Blaze let go of Katrina and climbed in through the window.

  “Blaze, no.” Katrina held tight.

  “You don’t need to see this.” Blaze looked down at her. “Trust me.”

  It took her a minute, but she gave in, looking tired of the fight. Ronan took her, leading her away and around her father.

  “Kat, where are you going?” Samuel lay on his back, holding his side, which was bleeding profusely from all the bites and claw marks from the coyotes. “Kat! I’m your father. You can’t leave me like this, goddammit! Kat!”

  “Shut the fuck up.” Blaze nudged his bleeding side with his boot. He waited until Katrina was out the door. He was proud that she had kept her emotions in check and let him handle the situation without a word.

  “Kat is my fucking daughter,” Samuel hissed, then began coughing, blood seeping out of the corner of his mouth. “The ungrateful bitch belongs to me.”

  Blaze knelt. Grabbing Samuel by the front of the shirt, he pulled him up, ignoring his howl of pain. “Where is your son?”

  “What?” Samuel looked at him, surprised. “My son? My son is dead to me. Fucker up and took off, the coward.”

  For some reason Blaze believed him, but felt he needed to question further. Katrina’s brother could be a threat to her, and that shit just wouldn’t do. He planned to eradicate all threats directed toward Katrina, even if it took him forever. “Why did he take off?”

  “Cause he’s a fucking pussy, that’s why.” Samuel spat more blood. “He couldn’t follow orders. He couldn’t even bring Katrina in when he had her. No, the damn pussy kept the boys from bringing her in. Killed one of my men over her. She wouldn’t listen and started fighting them, so they fought back and he killed Sami, then let her go.”

  Blaze gazed toward the door where Katrina had left, wondering if she knew any of this information. He felt Samuel grab his leg and looked down.

  “Let me go and I swear you’ll never hear from me again,” Samuel pleaded, his eyes wide with pain.

  Blaze just stared at the man he had much hatred for. “You’re going to die today, Samuel Drake.” Blaze narrowed his eyes. Then he looked up at the coyotes who had their heads cocked, but eyes on him. “Not by my hand, but by my doing. And you are going to die knowing that her name is not Kat, but Katrina soon-to-be Bateman. She does not belong to you, because she is mine. Now go to hell, where you belong.”

  Blaze stood and took a step backward. The coyotes took their eyes off him to stare behind him before growling down at Samuel.

  “Fuck you!” Samuel screamed his rage. “She is nothing, you hear me. Just like her fucking mother. Nothing!”

  Turning, Blaze saw Katrina staring at her father through the broken window. With a curse, he stepped in front of her father so she couldn’t watch what was happening as the coyotes tore into him. He continued forward, drawing her eyes to him. She stepped back and he climbed out the window and took her into his arms.

  “Will you ever listen?” he growled, putting one of her ears against his chest and his hand over her other so she couldn’t hear her father’s dying curses of her.


  Katrina held him tight, her body shivering as her emotions hit her at once. It was truly over.

  “Why in the hell didn’t you take her away from here?” Blaze bellowed at Ronan.

  “Well, short of knocking her out, that wasn’t happening.” Ronan, who stood close, shrugged. “And I don’t hit women.”

  “Jesus!” Blaze cursed, leading her away from the house. “And how in the fuck did she end up being here alone?” Blaze stopped in front of Sloan.

  Katrina pulled away from him. “It was my plan, Blaze.”

  “Oh, is that so?” Blaze glared down at her, then back to Sloan.

  “And she was right.” Sloan nodded toward the wooded area around the house where Damon, Sid, and Jax were pulling dead Iron Drake members from the shadows. “He had this place staked out. He knew you were coming and wanted to make damn sure you stayed. If we had rushed in here, this ending would have been different.”

  Blaze still didn’t look happy; he looked deadly with dried blood on his face, his hair plastered and sticky.

  “As much as it pains me, her plan was better than ours and we should have listened to her from the start. If we had, today may not have happened,” Sloan said, ignoring Katrina’s grin. “And by the way, who in the fuck gave you permission to go out on this little adventure alone?”

  “Don’t even start with me,” Blaze growled, pulling Katrina with him. “I’m getting her out of here now. I don’t want to hear shit about what I did. I’m still pissed you all let her walk in here alone.”

  “She was not alone,” Sloan responded as the blood-covered coyotes walked past them all and headed toward the woods. One stopped next to Katrina, then bowed its head before following the rest. “Holy shit, I need a fucking vacation. Fucking outlaw MCs, a wall of birds and coyotes… Jesus.”

  Katrina laughed at Sloan’s words, then started to cry. Blaze picked her up and carried her down the sidewalk and out onto the street.

  “You’re safe, Katrina. You will always be safe with me,” he vowed, holding her close.

  “I heard what he said about my brother,” Katrina said, her words muffled into his chest.

  “I’ll find him,” Blaze promised, holding her tighter. “And if he’s a threat, I will kill him.”

  “I remember now, I didn’t at the time, but he’s the reason I was able to get away that day.” She looked up at him, her eyes swirling with confusion. “But why, when he did nothing to help our mother?”

  “I don’t know, Katrina.” Blaze frowned, placing his chin on the top of her head. “I wish I did because I know this is going to haunt you, but I promise I will find your brother so you can ask him that question yourself. You will have closure, one day.”

  Katrina thought about what he said and was about to tell him no. She didn’t need to know, but that would be a lie. He was her blood and as far as she knew, her last living relative. Even with everything that had happened, she realized how very lucky she was. The man holding her in his arms was the only family she would ever need; she was about to tell him just that, but a distant voice drew her attention.

  “Help!” A muffled scream reached her ears.

  “What was that?” Katrina looked up at Blaze, sniffling.

  “Ah, what?” Blaze looked down at her, then glanced toward a car with a frown.

  “I could have sworn I heard someone yell help.” Katrina frowned then heard it again.

  “Oh, that,” Blaze said, but kept on walking. “The DA’s in the trunk of the car.”

  “And you’re leaving him in there.” Katrina looked over his shoulder to see the car moving as loud thumps came from it.

  “Yes,” Blaze replied, then grinned down at her. “I am. I’ll let Sloan or somebody know he’s in there. Tomorrow.”

  As if Nico heard him, the screaming and thumping grew louder. Katrina shrugged and laid her head against Blaze’s chest, deciding then and there that she wouldn’t doubt him again. He was a man who could keep her safe and she was more than willing to let him. She was done being afraid and she was done being scared, but she was definitely ready to have someone to lean on. It felt so very right.

  Chapter 35

  The bar was busy, which was fine with Katrina. She liked to keep busy when she wasn’t with Blaze. Things had settled into a nice routine since that day a week ago. Her face was finally healed and had healed quicker than before, which made Slade happy. He thought that maybe her continued feeding from Blaze would make her stronger. Looking toward the door again, she frowned. Blaze should have been there by now.

  Tonight Jared and Tessa were announcing their news. Tessa had finally been cleared and was not in any danger of eating humans as Jared liked to joke. Glancing at her tables, Katrina noticed that the one with the light out had someone sitting in it. Grabbing a napkin, she rushed that way. She set the napkin down and looked up at the light. />
  “Can I get you a drink and a light bulb?” She grinned, then looked down to see Blaze staring at her. He grabbed her, quickly pulling her into his lap.

  “Hey!” she squealed, then dropped a small kiss to his lips. “I didn’t see you come in.”

  “I like sitting in the dark watching this sexy waitress I’ve had my eye on,” he teased with a wink before taking her bottom lip with his teeth. “You think it’s dark enough for me to fuck you without anyone seeing?”

  “God, I wish.” Katrina moaned as he deepened his kiss.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here.” He started to slide out of the seat with her in his lap.

  “No, we can’t.” Katrina pushed at him, stood, and straightened her clothes as she glanced around. “I’m working, plus Tessa and Jared are coming to surprise everyone. Didn’t you notice that everyone is here?”

  “Well, you can take a quick break.” He stood and pulled her through the bar.

  “Katrina?” Bobby shouted as they passed. “Your order is up.”

  “I got it, Bobby.” Lisa grinned, watching Blaze pull Katrina out the back. “I’d say fuck the job too if a man like that was leading me somewhere.”

  Katrina smirked, hearing Lisa’s remark, then tossed her a wave of thanks.

  They stepped outside and Blaze stopped, looking around with a frown. “Okay, this isn’t going to work.” He walked further out, pulling her with him.

  “What are we doing?” Katrina laughed, not really caring as long as she was with him. The snow was coming down hard and it was absolutely beautiful.

  “There!” he said, then led her toward an open field next to the bar. Finally he stopped.

  Katrina smiled, then looked up at the sky. Leaning her head back, she stuck out her tongue, catching the ice-cold snowflakes.

  “You know, the first time I saw you do that, I think I loved you.” Blaze’s voice filled the silence.

  Closing her mouth, she moved her head so she could look directly at him. “I got you beat.” She touched his chest. “I knew I loved you the day you turned me.”


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