Two Point Conversion

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by Liane Moore

  Two Point Conversion


  Liane Moore


  Two Point Conversion




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9



  About the Author

  Two Point Conversion

  Liane Moore

  A virgin menage romance

  Lifelong best friends and Rosewood's legendary assistant football coaches, Macon Ray and Rhett Hunt have shared everything their entire lives--even their women. But their days of man-whoring and sleeping around have come to an end. Ready to settle down, they set their sights on the only girl who they want to complete their trio. Caroline Taylor, the head coach’s daughter. Now that she’s finally turned 18, they can no longer resist their mutual desire for the beautiful, petite blonde in pigtails.

  She’s young.

  She’s innocent.

  And she’s completely theirs.

  She just doesn’t know it yet.


  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Design: Robin Harper at Wicked By Design

  Copyright © 2017 Liane Moore

  All rights reserved.


  - M






  There’s one thing everyone knows about livin’ in Texas: everyone lives and breathes high school football. Mamas practically birth their baby boys with footballs in their hands. From peewee, all the way until they’re playing for the high school state championship, their very beings, their self-worth, their everything hinges on how well they play the game. Sounds ridiculous, right? Well, it may be, but that’s how Texans are. Livin’ and breathin’ high school football.

  People act as if they’re drowning during the off-season, and just as they’re about to suffocate under the torture that is baseball, football camp starts and the air starts swirling with vibrant electricity, bringing ‘em all back to life.

  And if you’re born with female parts, then it’s a given you’ll learn how to use pompoms before you even know how to walk.

  My daddy had been the coach of the Rosewood Raiders since before I was born. Now, I wasn’t there the day my mama found out there was nothin’ danglin’ between my legs, but from what I’ve been told, Daddy wasn’t disappointed. Daddy also didn’t let Mama hand me pompoms. Nope, I was still born with a football in hand, even if I’d never play the game.

  Ugh. The game.

  Over the past eighteen years, I’d been forced to watch copious amounts of game tape, spend hours sittin’ in locker rooms, and attend every fucking game, no matter what plans I had, what I wanted to do, or where I wanted to go. Every Friday night, my ass was parked on those bleachers, through rain, sun, and sometimes even snow—whatever. Mama was there, and so was I. It was a family affair, you could say.

  One I hated, and one I was finally freaking done with.

  You see, I never wanted to be a football player. Or a cheerleader. And as much as I used to be Daddy’s little girl, I was done. Over it. Hitting the road and never looking back. This was the day I’d been waitin’ for all my life. I was finally 18, and like a cherry on the already sweetest sundae, I walked across that platform, accepted my diploma, turned my tassel all the while feeling the rush of excitement burning in my belly the entire time. Because it was finally here. My paper escape. I was done with this town, done with their idiotic obsession with football, and in two months when I left for college, I was never looking back.

  There’s just one more thing for me to do before I let loose out in the real world. I had to let loose here, leaving with at least one good memory of Rosewood. I would finally fulfill the task that’d been so hard to capture thanks to Daddy’s warnings to all the boys in school. It was time to lose my cherry, and I already had the perfect plan in place.

  Or so I thought.

  ‘Cause you know what they say about the best-laid plans; they never tend to go as you want them.

  Mine sure as hell hadn’t.

  I wish I could say I was sorry. But hell. I wasn’t sorry one bit.

  Chapter One


  A groan escaped my lips as I blinked my eyes open. My throat was all kinds of dry, raw and my mouth tasted as if I’d drank an entire bottle of tequila, tossed it all up, then tried washing it out with dirt. God, what did I do last night?

  Just as the thought crossed my mind, memories from the night before—graduation night—flood my brain like a torrential tidal wave.




  Oh my god.

  I threw myself at them, practically begging for them to take me, only for them to turn me down cold.

  Humiliation washed over me.

  Last night I’d been too drunk, too pouty, to feel the emotion, but today, in the sober, cold light of day, I couldn’t believe I’d practically—no, actually had—begged my father’s two favorite assistant coaches to take me to the home they shared, and let them, whichever one wanted, have a piece of Coach Taylor’s not so little anymore girl. They’d both laughed, patted my head, and told me to go home and sleep it off.

  Wait. No, they actually took me home and put me to bed. Alone.

  But then I remembered catching a flash of Rhett’s lingering gaze on the curve of my ass, and suddenly, I was aroused. My fingers trailed down my flat stomach and into my panties, my body tightening as I grazed my clit. Only, in my mind, it wasn’t my hand touching myself. It was Rhett’s. Or was it Macon’s? The fantasy of having either of them there, touching me, tasting me, loving me, was enough to have my orgasm cresting and washing over me in record time. Then again, when you’re a virgin, record time doesn’t seem to be all that much.

  God. Still a virgin. And after last night, they both knew it. Neither of them wanted me.

  Or so I thought.

  Later on, when they showed up unexpectedly, I’d learn how wrong I was. I wasn’t prepared for how my life was about to change.

  The Day Before

  Graduation was over, and after our caps had been tossed and a ridiculous amount of pictures were taken, I was ready to get the hell out of dodge. I refused to play the part of the southern girl stuck in her tiny Texas town, marrying the high school quarterback who would soon enough have a protruding beer belly, a balding head, and drank too much while I raised our little hellions and worked at the hair salon listening to Mae Bell Juniper gossiping about who was sleeping with whom. Not that there’s anything wrong with wanting that kind of life. It just wasn’t for me. I wanted more.

  That didn’t mean I wouldn’t let same said star quarterback, still tall, lean, with mussed up blond hair and a smile that melted most girls’ panties, graduate without getting a taste of the coach’s daughter.

  Tyler McCoy was going to take my virginity before I left this town and never looked back. He’d give me a fond memory for whenever I thought of Rosewood; someone else could become his trophy wife.

  He was the typical cliché Texas high school quarterback. Every guy in school wanted to be him;
every girl wanted to be with him. And several of them had beaten me to the punch. I could’ve had my chance, but once Daddy threatened to kick him off the team if he came sniffing around me, and he never made a move again. School’s out, though, and Daddy’s no longer in charge of his little girl. Something I made Tyler aware of when I’d sent him a photo of my tits and told him he could unwrap his graduation present later that night at TJ Wilson’s party. From the way he’d been eyeing me during the ceremony, I knew he was more than willing.

  After enduring all the congratulations from teachers, parents, and other classmates, I finally escaped the chaos and took a shortcut through the gym, eager to get home and prepare for the party that night. I was mentally ticking off things on my to-do list and hadn’t noticed I wasn’t alone in the dark room.

  “Whoa, Peaches, slow down.” Warm arms wrapped around me and my heart stopped when I glanced up into Macon Ray’s piercing blue eyes, dancing with delight as his lips curved into a wicked grin. “Where’s the fire?”

  In my skirt.

  My cheeks flushed at the sinful thought that crossed my mind. Before I could respond, Macon released me and I felt a second set of arms hug me from behind. “Congratulations, Peaches.” The voice was warm and rich like the sweetest honey. This time it was the defensive coach, Rhett Hunt, who whispered in my ear. Shivers ran down my spine at the warm breath on the curve of my neck. “You’re all grown up now.”

  There was something wickedly provocative laced in his voice, but I was too innocent to understand what it was at the time. Later, I’d learn, it was promise. Of what he wanted to do. Of what was yet to come.

  “Umm, thanks?” I wasn’t used to the ache that fluttered between my legs at the feel of Rhett’s warm hands running up and down my arms, causing goosebumps to rise to the surface.

  Macon chuckled at my response. “I think we caught our girl a bit off guard.”

  Rhett nodded in agreeance. “Seems like it.”

  Our girl?

  What the heck was happening?

  My interaction with the coaches was quickly forgotten when I got home. I set to work shaving, pampering, and preparing to finally lose my virginity. For some reason, the closer it got to heading over to TJ’s, the less excited I became. My resolve was wavering, I knew it, but I also knew I wanted to leave Rosewood a real woman.

  Except after three hours of drinking, dancing, and laughing with my classmates, Tyler was too busy in the corner with Annalise Jenkins to bother with me. It should’ve hurt, but in all honesty, he was just a penis I wanted to use. I was probably the same for him, and Annalise beat me to the punch. Sighing, I lifted my plastic cup to my lips and chugged the contents. I glanced around the room, my eyes seeking out new prey, but instead of finding anyone worthy, I was suddenly reminded of how aroused I was after Rhett’s hands caressed my skin. That was when I knew it was a lost cause. I wasn’t getting laid that night.

  After a quick trip to the bathroom to freshen up, I realized the room was spinning. I knew something was wrong. I only had two shots of tequila, and that was nowhere near enough to get me hammered. I didn’t think Tyler would be stupid enough to slip me something. I’d already proven I was ready and willing. Then it hit me. The punch. With the Texas heat not relenting even after the sun went down, I’d had at least five glasses. I should’ve known it was laced with something, but that’s why TJ’s parties were so famous. Not even the keenest alcoholic would be able to detect a trace of alcohol in his buffalo zoo punch. Dammit!

  My head was woozy, but I was able to get my phone out of my purse and send a text to my daddy, asking for a ride. I knew he’d be disappointed in me. Still, I sucked it up and figured since I was starting my rebellious phase, I may as well be smart about it. And staying at a party passed out was not smart. I just hoped he didn’t take too long. Until then, I found an empty bedroom and fell on the bed to rest for just a moment. My eyes were heavy lidded and I could no longer fight the sleep that overcame me.

  Chapter Two


  I didn’t know what I was thinking earlier, teasing Caroline like that. Okay, so that’s not true. I knew exactly what I was thinking. I wanted her, and I wanted her to know it. So did Rhett.

  Usually, I enjoy the blood and gore on Vikings, but tonight, even though the episode should be keeping my attention, I was too restless to pay attention. Even if Lagaertha’s tits were on display. All I could see was Caroline. When I glanced over at Rhett and saw the way he balled his fists and then releasing them, I knew he felt the same.

  “We should be at that fucking party,” I practically growled.

  “We can’t go, and you know it, so don’t even think about it,” he bit out, his anger just as palpable at mine.

  I scowled. “I fucking know we can’t, but that doesn’t mean I’m not coming out of my skin thinking about her there. She’s 18 now. She can finally be ours, and we’re just sitting around not going after her. What if she decides she’s done waiting for a guy to ask her out and just goes after it?”

  Rhett’s eyes darkened with the same rage I was feeling. You see, Rhett’s my best friend. Always has been, always will be. From before we could even walk, we shared everything. It’s a sentiment that we carried on throughout our lives. Even as we grew older, we knew we wanted the kind of lifestyle that would also let us share our women. It’s worked in the past, especially when we were just looking for some fun, but we’re ready to settle down now. And we’ve set our sights on the one girl we both could see a future with. The one girl we want to complete our lives.

  Caroline Taylor.

  We’ve been biding our time until Caroline could be ours. Now that she’s 18 and just graduated, our time has come. But before we could make our move, we got word that she was going to that punk TJ Wilson’s graduation party.

  Our sweet, innocent Caroline, who never went to parties or out on dates, was finally attending one. One where there would be drinking and who the fuck knows what could happen with all these little dipshits running around unsupervised around our woman. However, since we were employed by the school, we couldn’t fraternize at parties like that. So instead of breaking her in like we planned, we were stuck sitting at home with our dicks in our hands.

  Something we’d gotten used to since moving here and falling for her innocence the very first time we saw her. We’d been sharing women for as long as I could remember, but once we met Caroline, no other woman would do. So instead of going out to the nearest swinger’s party or college bar trying to find a willing third, I’d been doing nothing but jacking it for the past three years. No doubt Rhett’s been doing the same. If I had my way, I’d never have to jack again once we get Caroline into our bed.

  Fucking finally.

  We waited ages for her. For this. Our girl was finally ready. Ripe. Just waiting for us each to take a bite.

  The thought had my cock springing to attention. She was done with high school, no longer a minor. We just had to find a way to break her in. Then, find a way to make her stay.

  I was lost in my thoughts when out of the blue, my phone rang and showed Coach Taylor’s name. It’s like he was reading my mind and a panic set in.

  “Hey, Coach. What can I do for you?” I asked.

  The other end is muffled before I can hear him clearly. “Macon, glad I could reach you. I really hate to do this, but I’m in a bind. It appears Caroline has gotten herself into a bit of trouble and I need y’all to go pick her up from that party. I had to take a quick last minute trip to Georgia and can’t get to her.”

  Every muscle in my body tensed at his words. A fierce swell of protectiveness nearly overwhelmed me.

  “What kind of trouble?” I ask through clenched teeth.

  At my tone, Rhett sits up quickly and I see the tension in his muscles. Both fury and panic covered his features, and he gestured for an explanation. For him, I placed Coach on speakerphone.

  “It appears she’s gone and got herself drunk and needs a ride home. I can’t believe m
y angel would do something like that. She sent me a text from the bathroom at TJ’s house freaking out that she wasn’t feeling right. I’m worried someone may have slipped her something.”

  As he was talking, I threw on my shoes. Rage coursed through my blood. All I saw was red. I didn’t have to say a word. Rhett and I were out the door before Coach was even done talking. My body was tight and shaking with anger.

  “Don’t worry about a thing, Coach. We’ve got her. We’re leaving right now.”

  “I knew I could trust y’all to do this for me.” He sounded relieved. “Do me a favor and watch over my girl until I get home next week.”

  I managed a small wince thinking of his trust in us. I was already thinking about how it would take everything in me to not redden her ass once we got there. She put herself in unnecessary harm when she should have already been ours.

  I hung up and shot Rhett a look.

  “Our girl needs us. Coach is scared she may have been slipped something. I swear I will destroy every fucker at that house if that’s true” I bit out as I pressed the accelerator hard to the floor, eager to get our girl.

  In more ways than one.


  Suffice it to say, things were going anything but my way. As quickly as I had fallen asleep, I was jolted awake by the sound of a slamming door. Before I could get up and ask for privacy, I heard a muttered curse, and then I was lifted from the bed and nestled against a warm, muscular chest. “Hey!” I cried out, even as I cuddled up to the newcomer. I struggled to blink my eyes open, and when I did, I gasped in surprise. My savior—or captor—was none other than Rhett. And when he tore through the house, out the front door, and down to a big truck parked at the end of the driveway, I wasn’t surprised to see Macon at the driver's seat.


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