Two Point Conversion

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Two Point Conversion Page 2

by Liane Moore

  Rhett tossed open the back door, and instead of just depositing me into the seat, he climbed up into the cab and settled me in his lap.

  “She good?” Macon’s voice was laced with worry.

  “I'm all right,” I slurred.

  “Drink up,” Rhett said, holding a bottle of water to my lips and tilting my head back. I wanted to protest, but the cold liquid felt amazing down my throat.

  “Did someone drug her?”

  I tried to sit up in protest, but Rhett tightened his arms around me and held me still. I sighed in exasperation. “No one drugged me. No one did anything to me. I just drank too much. It was stupid, I didn’t want to drink too much, but Tyler was ignoring me when he was supposed to be fuckin’ me.”

  Rhett’s arms went rigid, and Macon nearly slammed on the brakes. He turned and glared at me. “What the fuck did you just say?” His words were practically a growl, and my eyes widened at the possession in his tone.

  I pouted like a petulant child and had enough liquid courage to tell them the sad truth. “It’s true. The only reason I went to that party was because I’m tired of being a virgin. I want to have sex, dammit!”

  “Baby.” The softness in Rhett’s tone had my eyes snapping towards him. Even with all the alcohol flowing through me, I didn’t miss the desire in his eyes that were honed in on my thighs where my skirt had ridden up to showcase smooth skin and my barely there panties. “All you had to do was ask.”

  “Rhett,” Macon growled from the front seat.

  Before I could respond, the truck stopped, and I glanced out the window to see we were already in my driveway. Macon jumped out of the truck and shortly after I was being pulled from Rhett’s arms. It was incredible, the way they seamlessly worked together to get me home, safe and sound. All too soon, Rhett was pulling my covers back, Macon was setting me down in them, and then they both were sitting on either side of me.

  It was the best sandwich a girl could ever ask for.

  “Get some sleep, baby girl,” Rhett said, then surprised me by leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my forehead. The moment his lips left my skin, Macon’s descended.

  When he pulled back, he looked down at me with a stern expression that caught me off guard. “We’ll talk about this tomorrow.”

  “Macon,” I whispered, using my fingertips to trace the stubble on his handsome face. “Would you? If I ask, will you take my virginity? Will you take me?”

  All anger disappeared from his face, and what replaced it shocked me. It was fierce longing as if he wanted to say yes. “You’re drunk, baby,” he said through clenched teeth, then forced himself to rise from my bed.

  Disappointment washed over me as they moved to leave my bedroom.

  “We’ll see you soon, Peaches,” Rhett said just before he turned out the lights and closed the door behind him.

  It didn’t sound like he was brushing me off. Not at all. It sounded like a promise. One I sure hoped he’d keep.

  Chapter Three


  Back in the present and wondering if we would actually be talking today, I threw on a Texas Rangers baseball tee that barely covered my panties, and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. After a few moments with my toothbrush, mouthwash, and favorite facial cleanser, I no longer looked or smelled like death. At least, I didn’t think so. I piled my pale blonde hair on top of my head and pinched my cheeks to bring a little color back to my hungover face.

  My phone chimed from my nightstand where I saw I had a note tucked beneath it. I frowned when I read it.

  Mornin’ Caroline,

  Daddy had a last minute interview for a coaching position at a small school in Georgia. Exciting, isn’t it?! You had already left to go to the party when we got the call. We’ll only be gone for a couple of days, but if you need anything, you know Coach Hunt and Coach Ray are just a phone call away. Love you, Peaches!


  Reading Mama’s words, I couldn’t help but feel a quiver of excitement. If I needed anything? I’d be more than happy to give one of the coaches a call. As I left my room and walked down the hall, my brain was working in overdrive on what I could call them with, and wondering how quickly they’d satisfy my needs? Maybe it was a good thing I got too drunk to sleep with Tyler. Maybe, just maybe, Coach Macon Ray or Rhett Hunt would be willing to satisfy that need.

  But then reality set in and I knew it was a long shot. I’d have more of a chance of inviting Tyler over to my now empty house than I would at getting in the coaches’ pants. So I pushed the thought from my mind with disappointment.

  That didn’t mean I could push all thoughts of them out of my head. The events of the last twenty-four hours blew my mind.

  Macon and Rhett were legends in Rosewood. They’d been on the same football team who had won the state championship for four years in a row. After that, they went on to play at Texas Tech before returning to Rosewood where they took jobs as assistant coaches with my dad. Story had it that they’d been best friends since before they could walk, and all their lives, they shared everything. According to town lore, they even shared their women. A sexual sandwich that every single girl at Rosewood High was ready to volunteer to be a part of.

  Except for me. As the coach’s daughter, those two men barely noticed me. Sure, they were friendly at team dinners and whatever, but I never got more than a passing smile and a friendly head nod. Not that they ever looked at high school girls in any sort of pervy kind of way. But with me, it was almost as if they purposefully steered cleared of me.

  In fact, if it hadn’t been for Julie Reeves’s slutty sister talking about how incredible they were as lovers, I’d have thought they were gay.

  Until last night.

  I groaned in thankful pleasure at the smell of coffee wafting from the kitchen. I hummed my favorite Michael Ray hit, wishing I had someone who wanted to kiss me in the morning. Every morning.

  I took my first sip and moaned in delight as the warm liquid soothed my aching throat.

  “Mornin’, sweet cheeks.”

  I nearly choked on my coffee at the sound of the slow, southern drawl that instantly dampened my panties. I knew that voice without even having to turn around.

  “Ready to go for a ride?”

  I squeaked at what sounded like innuendo and turned to see not only Rhett in my kitchen, but Macon was as well. “Um… a ride?”

  Macon chuckled and shook his head slightly in Rhett’s direction. “Slow down, cowboy,” he said, leaning back against the wall, taking it all in. Taking me all in.

  His appreciative perusal reminded me I was barely clothed with these two handsome, intriguing men watching me in my kitchen. An instant blush crept onto my cheeks. Sure, I was still a virgin, but I knew when a man was interested. And Macon Ray? He was definitely interested. Part of me wanted to run to my bedroom and slam the door, hiding away until my parents returned. The other part wanted to rip off my t-shirt and see what he’d do about it. What they’d do about it. I did neither, but I also didn’t fix my shirt when it rode up my legs, exposing my panties. I could barely contain my smile when I heard Rhett’s muttered curse. It sounded like a suggestive expletive.

  Yes, please.

  Not that I could say that out loud. Instead, I opted for questioning.

  “What, um, what are you doing here?” I asked, my voice timid.

  Macon’s eyes softened. “Caroline, do you remember last night?”

  As if I could forget. I nodded mutely.

  “Good girl,” Rhett said, giving me a proverbial pat on the head.

  I try not to preen at his approval, and I had to swallow a girlish giggle. It died the moment Macon pushed off the wall and crossed the room until he was directly in front of me. My heart raced as his hand came to my cheek, his thumb caressing my skin in a smooth, circular fashion. Instant arousal pooled in between my thighs at his touch. It reminded me of times I’d touched myself, but I knew, just knew, his hands would be better.

  “We couldn’t le
ave you alone after last night. Not after what you did. What you said.” He paused like he wanted the memory of my confession to sink in. Did it ever. He was saying so much without uttering a word about it. “And since you’ve proven you can’t take care of yourself while your parents are away, we’re giving you a choice. Either we stay here for the next week, or you’re coming home with us.”

  My eyes widened as butterflies rose in my stomach and my heart pounded at the thought. “You… you want me to stay with you?”

  His smile was a contradiction, both wicked and reassuring. Like the devil offering the sweetest treat. But then I felt a body at my back and warm breath on my neck. The sandwich I’d wanted last night? I was now a part of it. My eyes fluttered closed as I enjoyed the warmth emanating around me from both Macon at my front, and Rhett at my back.

  “Preferably at our place. It’s much more…comfortable.”

  I opened my eyes and glanced up to see them exchange a knowing smile at Rhett’s words.

  I swallowed hard, knowing I had to make a decision. A split second later, I knew there was no other option than saying yes.

  So I did just that.

  “Wow, your place is amazing,” I breathed, the moment Macon pulled his truck into the drive. I hadn’t realized they owned a ranch. I could see acres upon acres of land, with cattle roaming off in the distance. Ranch hands were hard at work, and knowing my Texas ranches, this place was worth a lot. “How do you afford this on high school coaches’ salaries?” I winced as soon as the question popped out of my mouth. “Oh my god, that was rude of me. I’m sorry!”

  Rhett chuckled and placed an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. He planted a kiss on the top of my head, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t send shivers down my spine. Then, Macon lifted me off the ground and cradled me in his arms. “Not a problem, baby. We’re happy you’re curious. The more curious, the better.” He shot Rhett a wink.

  I squirmed in his arms, playfully punching at his shoulder. “Put me down! I’m not helpless, you know.”

  Macon grinned down at me. “Last night you were.”

  “Ugh!” I scrunched up my face and was about to voice my protest when his head bowed and his lips came dangerously close to mine.

  “Settle.” Unlike the usual sweet, gentle Macon, his voice was gruff, demanding, and I immediately complied. His amused grin was worth giving in. “Don’t fight me when all I wanna do is carry you over the threshold to your new home.”

  Goosebumps pebbled my skin. “My new home?”

  Rhett cleared his throat. “For as long as you want.”

  The two men exchanged a look, and I knew something unspoken passed between them. Before I could question it, Macon crossed over that threshold. My heart was hammering, because I couldn’t help but think that this wasn’t just figurative. By my allowing them to bring me to their home, I knew, deep down, I was crossing some sort of line. I just didn’t know what it meant. At least not yet.

  Macon set me on my feet, but kept me dangerously close to him. Rhett came to my other side. Almost in unison, they welcomed me.

  After giving me the grand tour, we ended up in the kitchen. It was a scorching day outside, and even with the air condition on, I was sweating. “Mind if I raid the cupboards to make some sweet tea?”

  Rhett moans his approval. “Babe, you make sweet tea for us on a daily basis, we may never let you go.”

  Suddenly, I was thankful my mama made the best sweet tea in all of Texas. Even more thankful that she taught me the recipe when I was little. I grinned at both of them. “Then I guess you better get used to havin’ me around here.”

  I was teasing, but part of me wondered what it would like to stay here. Live this ranch life with them. Getting out of Rosewood didn’t seem all that important anymore.

  The sound of a ringing phone pulled me from my thoughts. I shook my head, silently chastising myself for being so silly. They were only watching out for me with my parents out of town. And once they were back, I’d go back to being Coach’s daughter and off-limits.

  Unless I showed them there was more to me than that.

  The first night spent at Macon and Rhett’s was rather… uneventful. It wasn’t like I was expecting them to immediately seduce me or anything…Okay, that’s exactly what I’d been expecting. What I’d been hoping for, even. And yet, much to my dismay, nothing happened.

  Okay, so in hindsight, it wasn’t quite nothing. They spent the day taking me around the ranch, showing me the ins and outs of what they do when they’re not at the school or on the football field. They introduced me to their ranch manager, Bryan, and found out he’d also played ball with them in college. While Macon and Rhett liked to be as hands on as they could with the ranch—and throughout the day, with me—Bryan took care of the day to day operations.

  Even though I’d wanted to cook on my first night staying with them, they insisted on having a barbecue and inviting all the ranch hands, Bryan included, to stay so they could meet me. I wasn’t sure why this was so important to them, but over the course of the night, I realized they liked showing me off.

  At the same time, they made sure I was more than arm’s distance away from the men, all of whom were between 22-40 with hard, tanned bodies from long days of working in the sun. While all handsome, they had nothing on Macon and Rhett. That didn’t mean I didn’t appreciate the eye candy, though. All of the girls in Rosewood would. Not that I was going to alert the media or anything.

  By the end of the night, I was more confused than anything. Rhett and Macon were attentive, affectionate even, and if I wasn’t in one’s lap, I was in the other’s. When I was washin’ dishes, Rhett pressed up against me, reaching his hands into the sudsy water and finding mine. I could feel his erection nestling against my ass as his arms came around me. His chin rested on the top of my head, playfully, as he helped me finishing washing the dishes. Part of me wanted to tease him that if he’d dry while I washed, the chore would be done quicker. The other part of me never wanted him to move from that spot.

  All too soon, we were done. I shifted ever so slightly. A light groan escaped his lips and I turned just in time to see him stepping back from me.

  “Rhett?” I asked, suddenly chilled at the loss of his warmth. Warmth I hadn’t even realized I was reveling in until it was no longer cocooning me.

  He reached a hand out and brushed my bangs behind my ear. “Real happy you’re here,” he said.

  Butterflies rose in my belly while my cheeks flushed with had to be a deep blush. I glanced down at the ground, then back up at him. “I… I’m happy I’m here, too.” It was a quiet whisper, but in the silent room, my words seemed to echo along with my racing heart.

  Rhett smiled, and my racing heart began sprinting when he lowered his head. Just as I thought he was going to kiss me, his lips brushed across my cheek before finding my ear. “Come on, Peaches. It’s been a long day. Time for a movie.”

  I squealed when he scooped me up in his arms, much like Macon had done just that morning when he’d carried me over the threshold. Macon, who was already in the living room and who grinned when he saw Rhett carrying me like it was effortless.

  It had been the strangest day and night of my life, and yet all I wanted to experience was more. All I knew was that I’d never felt as comfortable as I did on the couch, nestled in between the two of them. My head in Rhett’s lap, and my feet in Macon’s. It was pretty much the life. Which was probably why my eyes felt heavy not long after dinner and I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

  The next thing I knew, I was being lifted off the couch into strong arms. “Mm,” I murmured, settling in against a warm chest.

  “We’re takin’ you to bed, Peaches,” a deep voice whispered in my ear.

  Even in my stupor, I shivered at the word ‘we.’

  Chapter Four


  My body was bursting with sensation and I writhed against the crisp sheets. I was being touched everywhere. Tasted everywhe
re. Fingers lazily caressed my nipples while another teased my clit until my breath turned from shallow to panting. Somehow, another finger miraculously ran along the curve of my spine. I must’ve been on my side. Lips traced the curve of my neck, shooting shivers all the way down to my toes. Soft kisses ran along my hip bone.

  I was too overwhelmed with lust to be confused. A firm hand took hold of my leg and lifted it slightly. Something achingly hard and long slid along my folds that were slick with arousal. I felt pressure at my core. At the same time, another set of strong hands stroked my ass before parting my cheeks. This time, I felt pressure at my ass. So much pressure, I knew it would be too much, but there was no way I was going to stop it. No way I was going to stop them. I ached to be filled. Just as I felt the cock at my entrance slowly push in…

  I woke with a gasp. No, no, no. I kept my eyes firmly closed, willing my brain to send me back to that delicious, wicked fantasyland, but after a few moments, I knew it wasn’t going to happen. With sudden lucidity, I realized I was in bed, but I wasn’t in my bed. And without opening my eyes, I knew I wasn’t in bed alone.

  Blinking my eyes open slowly, I was shocked at what I saw. Somehow, I was in that giant king-sized bed in the master bedroom. I was right. I wasn’t alone. In fact, I was sandwiched between Macon and Rhett. And just like in my dream, I was on my side. A cock at my ass and one pressed, sadly not at my core, but against my belly. Rhett’s arm was around my hips, while Macon’s was under my neck. Sweet Jesus. My lady bits weren’t just tingling. They were on fire. Screaming at me, half wanting me to push back against Rhett, the other half wanting me to snuggle up to Macon and rock my hips so his erection would give my clit some sweet relief.


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