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Plotting Mr. Perfect

Page 17

by S. E. Babin

Candace chuckled and squeezed her. “Be careful getting home. Make sure you get in the right cab. Mr. Jack sounds like a winner.”

  “Oh, I will. Got his number right here.” Katie patted her purse.

  “I can’t wait to read it, Katie. I have high hopes for this!” She shrugged on her jacket and turned to go.

  Katie watched her walk away and murmured, “Me too, Candace. Me too.”

  She sat back down, waiting for the band to strike up their next song, when a calloused hand appeared by her side and put another glass of wine down in front of her. Startled, she looked straight up into a pair of glittering topaz eyes. Her heart sped up and she gasped in a surprised breath.


  “In the flesh.” Will gestured to the seat next to her. “Is this taken?”

  Katie frowned up at him. “Depends. Are we going to fight?”

  “Only if you want to, darling.” Will grinned and took the seat next to her. He was dressed in a dark wash pair of jeans and an untucked blue and white collared shirt with a black T-shirt peeking out from underneath. It was the most dressed-up she’d ever seen him. His hair was freshly washed but already mussed. The trademark ball cap was gone, but the ever-familiar smirk still rested on his mouth.

  “And here I was having such a good night.” Katie softened her words with a smile. “Thanks for the wine, Will.”

  He shrugged. “Who were you talking to? I haven’t seen her before.”

  Even though her heart was still beating a million miles per hour, she tried to relax. Will looked genuinely curious. “As weird as this is, she’s a literary agent. I saw her sitting over at the bar alone and waved her over. It was only after we started talking that we discovered the coincidence.”

  Will looked surprised. “How lucky is that? But aren’t you already established? Don’t you have one of those agents already?”

  Katie skimmed over most of the story, telling Will only about her new book and how her current agent wouldn’t even look at it.

  Will frowned. “I can’t admit I’ve read anything you’ve written, but I can see you’re an intelligent woman, Katie. Seems like she might be the one making a mistake here.”

  Katie felt her heart warm. Or maybe that was all the wine she’d consumed. Some of her animosity toward him began to thaw. “Thanks, Will. That means a lot to me. It’s been a real struggle trying to write over these past few months. When I finally came up with the story, I didn’t want to give it up.”

  He studied her. “So where did the idea come from?”

  She was treading in dangerous territory. Katie gauged him. Will looked relaxed and comfortable, without a care in the world. She plunged in, choosing her words carefully and trying her best not to slur. “The idea came that night so long ago when I hosted girls’ night. The morning after you brought me coffee and kolaches.”

  Will grinned. “Yeah. You were pretty hammered. Nothing cures all ills like coffee and grease.”

  Katie laughed. “What can I say? I love me some wine.” She gestured to her now half full glass. “Anyway, the ladies came up with this list of the ‘perfect’ man. It got me to thinking about what would happen if someone like that dropped into our laps.” She skimmed over any mention of finding Leo naked in her driveway.

  Will’s eyebrows flew together, but he remained silent. Katie plunged on. “Anyhow,” she finally said, “Candace is willing to take a look at it for me. I really liked her. I hope we can come to a deal on this one.” Katie shrugged. “If not, I’ll be back at square one.”

  Will motioned for the waitress to bring them another round. “You worry too much. I know you’ll get this deal. Let’s celebrate in advance!” He laughed and pointed to her glass. “You! Drink up.” He looked around at the seats around her rapidly filling up. “Are you with anyone else tonight?”

  Katie squirmed, feeling uncomfortable under his scrutiny. She shook her head. “Who are you with tonight?”

  Will pointed over to a darker area close to the end of the bar. “A few guys from work.”

  “Oh, don’t mind me then. I came here by myself, Will. Don’t let me keep you.”

  Will snorted. “Are you kidding? This is the friendliest conversation we’ve had since we met. I suspect it has something to do with all the wine you’ve been drinking tonight. I’ll have to remember in the future how mellow it makes you. Don’t worry about me. They aren’t.”

  Katie heard a roar from the area and saw several men pounding shots and yelling like gorillas. She felt the smile pull at her lips. “Fair enough. Have you heard of this band?”

  Will nodded. “They’re one of my favorites.”

  She punched his shoulder. “Get out! Me too!”

  He winced and rubbed his shoulder. “Maybe I shouldn’t have ordered you that next glass of wine. You get angry.”

  “Shut up. The band is about to start.” Katie waved a hand at him to shush.

  Will winked at her and turned to watch the lead singer fire up his guitar. Katie watched the back of his head, wondering at this strange turn of events. Maybe it was the wine that had her mellow. She was feeling warm from the top of her head all the way down to her toes. The waitress came over with their round, but Will stopped her as she reached for her purse to pay.

  “My treat. It’s the least I can do after I behaved so appallingly pretty much every time we’ve run into each other.”

  “My mortgage payment is due in a week. How long can I milk this for?”

  Will’s eyes twinkled. “Probably not that much.”

  The music began in full force then, killing any more of their conversation. Will scooted his chair a little bit to the right and back, giving Katie a better view of the stage and bringing him close enough to where she could smell the woodsy scent of his cologne. She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes and hoping she stayed out of trouble tonight. Briefly, she thought of Leo and wondered whether he was still with Mel. The wine and new company she had kept taking those thoughts right out of her head because she couldn’t seem to keep the sight and scent of Will out of her thoughts long enough to be overly concerned about it. By the end of the next set, Katie was swaying to and fro in her seat. Her elegant chignon was coming loose and the shoulder strap on her dress had fallen down to her elbow. Will wasn’t in much better condition. Occasionally he would lean back to her, whisper something she couldn’t hear and then turn back to watch the band. When the band took another break, Will turned his chair around to face Katie.

  He lifted a lock of her escaped hair and tucked it behind her ear, sending shivers down her skin. Will smiled at her, his hand lingering on her cheek. “So,” he said when Katie broke eye contact, “where’s Leo tonight?”

  Katie was inebriated enough not to mind his prying. “Mmm, I’m sure he’s home by now.” She clicked her cell phone and it lit up to tell her it was ten p.m. “Wow, it feels like I’ve been out all night and it’s only ten!” She picked her cell phone up and waved it in Will’s face.

  “Do you have to work tomorrow?” Will asked before giving the waitress a tip as she set down another round of drinks.

  Katie waved the glass away. “No, but I don’t think I should have another. I’ve been drinking since about seven.”

  Will pushed the glass in her direction. “We’ll take a cab home.”

  “I have a cab named Mr. Jack. No, a driver. His name is Jack.”

  Will stared at her. “You have a personal cabbie?”

  Katie snorted and moved the wine glass closer to her. One more wouldn’t hurt. “No. But he’s a nice old man who seemed very concerned about my welfare.”

  Will tilted his head to consider her. “So why are you out here alone anyway?”

  Katie shrugged. “Leo’s working late again. I wanted some me time.”

  “And I’m intruding on that. I’m sorry.” Will adjusted to pick up his beer and stand, but Katie put a hand on his shoulder.

  “No. Stay. Please?” She looked at him, hoping she could convince him. “Only if you want to. I’m
having a good time.” When he sat back down, she continued. “And besides, who knows what will happen when we’re both sober? Maybe you’ll firebomb my house and I’ll key your car.”

  Will placed a hand on her knee. “I wouldn’t do that to you. Maybe just shut your power off so your groceries will spoil. That way I can watch you try to take fifteen grocery bags in at once and drop them all.”

  The warmth of his hand against her bare knee was making her stomach quiver in no way wine ever could. “Ha,” she said, breathlessly. “You’re a barrel of laughs.”

  Will stood abruptly. “I’ll be right back. I need to check in with my friends and let them know I’m taking you home. Don’t leave.”

  Katie nodded, feeling like an overeager bobblehead. She watched Will walk away and turned to people-watch through her blurry wine haze. It was getting late enough for alcohol to start working its magic. People who were sitting several feet away were now wedged so close to each other you couldn’t separate them with a crowbar. The girls she saw when she first came in had all found one of the guys trying so hard not to look at them. They were now laughing and taking shots. Katie grimaced. She knew she’d be hurting tomorrow, but those kids would be lucky to make it home without ruining someone’s vehicle upholstery. She wasn’t sure how long she sat there watching everyone, but a warm hand on her shoulder startled her out of her reverie.

  Will stood there, a gentle smile on his face, holding his hand out to her. Confused, she placed her hand in his and allowed him to lead her to the empty dance floor. The band stood on the stage, all of them smiling as the chords of Angel began. Katie’s bottom lip wobbled as she realized what he was doing. She let him pull her into his arms as the first of the lyrics floated around them.

  Before I met you, baby

  I walked alone, alone, for so long.

  Your smiling, loving eyes adore me,

  Your precious body warms me,

  Angel, loving you is all I ever need.

  She swayed against him, her head resting on his chest, the sound of his heart beating strongly against her ear. She inhaled him, wanting so very much to love him, yet knowing in the back of her mind there was someone else waiting for her. Someone who was the wiser choice. This up and down with him tore her apart. But standing in his arms, swaying with him to the beat, she realized none of it mattered anymore. If he could make her feel like this in a matter of seconds, how would he be able to make her feel for the rest of her life?

  Will’s arms tightened around her, as if he were feeling the same thing. His hand so warm in her own and the length of his body against hers was heaven. She smiled against his chest, and he leaned down to kiss the top of her head. Dancers began to mill around them. Other couples just as lost in each other as she and Will. Katie tilted her head up and saw him staring down at her.

  She was lost. God help her. She opened her mouth to speak, but couldn’t find the words she wanted to say. Will leaned down beside her ear. “Come home with me,” he whispered.

  She swallowed hard, her head fuzzy from the wine and the emotions he was stirring up. Her entire body was screaming yes. And so was her heart. But her head told her if she did, she’d hurt Leo in such a way she’d never forgive herself. Tears filled her eyes as she stepped away from him. She shook her head once and left the floor, grabbing her shawl and purse on her way out the door.

  With a shaky hand, she pulled her cell out and texted Jack, who replied with a terse There in 5. She wrapped the shawl around her and sat on the bench to wait. A moment later, Will sat down on the bench beside her and took her hand.

  “I shouldn’t have asked you that. It was disrespectful.”

  Katie swallowed. “It was. But what was even more disrespectful was how much I wanted to say yes.” She pulled her hand away. “I can’t do this, Will. I don’t know what this is between us. But I’m not a cheater.”

  Will bowed his head. “I know that, Katie. When I saw you sitting alone I shouldn’t have come over.”

  Katie barked out a half laugh-sob. “Don’t say that. I’m glad you did. You’ve finally made me realize you’re not a complete pigheaded asshole.”

  Will shoved her lightly on the shoulder. “Thanks, I think.”

  Jack pulled up and exited the cab to open the door for Katie. He fixed Will with a long, deadly look. Will put up his hands. “Whoa, tiger. I’m merely the neighbor seeing her home safely.”

  Jack harrumphed. “I’m capable of doing that.”

  Will stood a little straighter. “I’m sure you are, but I’ll jump in with her, if you don’t mind.”

  Katie smiled reassuringly at Jack. After a long look at them, he relented and ushered them both into the back seat. “No hanky panky back there, you hear? It’s expensive to get those seats cleaned.”

  Will chuckled and Katie wrinkled her nose. “Eewww. Thanks for the visual, Jack.”

  A cackling laugh sounded as he shut the door behind them. Will scooted over to Katie and pulled her closer to him. “If it’s the last time I’m going to see you like this, I want to make sure I enjoy it.”

  Katie didn’t respond, but laid her head on Will’s shoulder. He shifted, bringing an arm around her shoulders. They sat in silence, the only sound the tinny noise of the oldies radio Jack was playing.

  Katie drifted off, warm and comfortable in the nook of Will’s arm. When the taxi slowed in front of their houses, Will woke her gently. He paid the cabbie and helped her out. Katie looked around blearily. Leo’s car wasn’t there. Her shoulders slumped as Will walked her to the door.

  Standing on her front porch, Will adjusted her shawl and cupped her chin. “I had a wonderful time tonight, Katie. You are a wonderful woman. And Leo is a very lucky man. But I can’t wait for you any longer. I hope you find what you’re looking for in him.”

  Katie’s chin wobbled as the enormity of his words set in. He was serious this time. She looked at her shoes, willing the tears forming behind her lids not to fall. “I understand,” she said in a shaky voice. He tilted her chin up and smiled.

  “I’m a handsome beast of a man, Katie girl. I can’t be pining my entire life for one woman.” He kissed her lips lightly, shoved his hands in his coat pocket and left her standing there. Katie watched him walk away, her tears wet against her face. It was over. And the one she’d sacrificed him for wasn’t home. Somehow, she couldn’t help but think she’d made a grievous error in judgment. She watched Will’s form until he stepped into his home. Shivering, she turned, unlocked the door and stepped inside.

  Chapter 13

  Katie clutched her chest, trying to calm her labored breathing. The For Rent sign in front of Will’s yard loomed ominously in her vision. She looked around at the normal neighborhood, no one on the streets showing any signs of panic, and felt like screaming at everyone. It was a cool spring day. The sky was blue, the flowers blooming, but Katie felt nothing at all except a bone-deep sense of loss.

  Two months since that fateful night in the bar. Two long months where she had to pretend nothing was wrong, that her heart wasn’t aching for him. Leo knew something was off and, while he’d asked her about it a few times, he finally backed off, sensing she didn’t want to talk about it. She’d seen Will a couple of times since then. She’d plaster a fake, friendly smile on her face and wave. He’d do the same. Both tiptoeing around the elephant in the yard. Neither one of them willing to take that extra step over the line.

  She didn’t blame him. She’d rebuffed him when he tried. Neither one of them were cheaters. They both knew there was a cord between them, pulling toward each other, but away at the first sign of intimacy. So Katie did what she always did when confronted with an uncomfortable scenario. She ignored it and threw herself into her current relationship.

  Leo stood at the window watching her. She could feel his gaze. Katie knew he saw her reaction to the sign in Will’s yard. She turned to him and waved apologetically. Leo let the curtain fall and turned away. Katie sighed and trudged back inside. It was for the best. Will mo
ving out should be the best news she’d heard in weeks, but it wasn’t. He was a complication, but without him, Katie would be forced to move on with her life.

  Leo leaned against the kitchen sink, staring out into the backyard. “Will’s leaving?” He turned to her, arms folded across his chest, his face a mask of impassiveness.

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

  “You don’t have to lie to me, you know.” Leo’s eyes softened and he reached for her.

  She melted in to him, sad and disgusted with herself. Here she was pining over a man who wasn’t hers and her boyfriend wasn’t even jealous about it. He understood. This was what was wrong with men who weren’t born human. They understood too much once they started experiencing the flood of emotions that makes someone human.

  “Do you love him?” Leo said against her hair.

  Katie groaned. “Stop, Leo. I don’t want to talk about this.”

  “Do you love me?”

  Katie stilled and tilted her head to look up at him. This was a topic neither of them had broached before. They’d certainly grown closer and she did love him, but she wasn’t sure it was the right kind of love. The kind she’d always dreamed about.

  Katie nodded. “I do love you.”

  He smiled softly. “But it’s different, isn’t it?”

  “You are so weird, Leo. Making me feel all understood and stuff. It’s squicking me out. Why aren’t you exploding with jealousy and anger?” Tears burned against the back of her eyes.

  He laughed and stroked her hair. “Because I do understand. Life is complicated. People are complicated. We can only take what we’re given and make the best out of it. Even then we tend to screw it all up because we don’t know what to do with the gifts. You are a gift to me, Katie. Even a blind man can see it. Will saw it. Mel sees it. You’re kind and honest and generous. And you’re loyal.”

  She blinked at the word loyal, wondering if he knew about her night with Will. His hand toyed with the waves in her hair. “I’ve always known you struggled with your feelings for him. But…” He pushed her away and took her hand. He led her to the living room window and opened up the curtains facing Will’s yard. “He’s giving you the opportunity to move on. To make a life with someone else, Katie. He’s a good man. And you can love him. As long as you stay loyal to me.”


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