Book Read Free

Time Search

Page 7

by Danele J Rotharmel

  “I know that already.”

  “I don’t think you realize just how smart. Do you know Dan’s IQ score?”

  “It’s the highest recorded IQ in history, isn’t it?”

  “Not anymore.” Zeke perched his glasses on his nose. “Crystal beat him by eleven points.”

  Marc shook his head in disbelief. “That’s not possible.”

  “Peter had her tested twice just to make sure. Crystal’s mind works on so many things at once that it’s amazing. If you ever want to hear something interesting, just ask what she’s thinking about—it’ll throw you for a loop. She isn’t in the field because she’s trying to figure out the design flaw in the Wave Trapper prototype.”

  Marc ran a hand over his beard. “She’s helping the top brass with their secret projects?”

  “The type of work she’s doing is so advanced it’s beyond my comprehension, and I received my PhD in mathematics. Her brain’s a valuable asset.”

  “But can she handle herself in the field? She’s such an awkward mess.”

  “When the chips are down, she handles herself even better than you do.”

  “But she’s so clumsy.”

  “She’s a magnet for strange accidents, I’ll give you that. But as far as her general klutziness, she’s only clumsy around people who make her nervous. If you’re going to be her partner, you’ll need to put her at ease.”

  “That’s a tall order,” Marc said, flashing a smile. “But I’ll do my best to beguile her with my dazzling personality.”

  Zeke shook his head. “Charm won’t work on Cris. She’s an expert at reading nonverbal cues. Even if people don’t laugh at her out loud, she can tell when they want to. She can pretty much pick up on what you’re thinking just by your tone of voice and body language. Don’t try to patronize her. If you do, she’ll know it in a flat second.”


  In Student Union’s parking lot, Agent Ruthford rolled down the window of his black SUV. “What can I do for you, Miss Stuart?” he asked as Crystal approached the vehicle.

  “I need to give you some information.”

  Nodding, he picked up a pad of paper. “Go on.”

  “Drake was outside my apartment building this morning,” she said. “He was in a blue, four-door, Chevy Pavana. Its license plate number was GFB-6482. It had a scratch on the right rear door, and there was an I Break for Babes bumper sticker on the right front bumper. He was wearing a red jacket with the name Gerald embroidered in gold script on the breast pocket. He had on a gold watch and a red baseball cap with a white star.”

  Ruthford scribbled down the information. “That’s a great description. How long were you looking at him?”

  “About 2.2 seconds. More than enough time.”

  Narrowing his eyes, Ruthford nodded. Although it sounded impossible for Crystal to gather that much information in such a short amount of time, he’d worked with geniuses before. “I’ll send a couple of agents over to check your apartment, and someone will escort you home tonight.”

  “Thanks,” Crystal said, handing him her apartment key. “There are brownies on the counter. Tell your agents they can help themselves.” She smiled. “And if one of them knows how to fix a washing machine, they can take the goodies home with them. I bake when I’m nervous, but I definitely don’t need the calories.”

  Ruthford chuckled. “We’ll see what we can do.”


  “Tell me where Phoebe went,” Drake said softly, inserting his knife under Dr. Ember’s thumbnail.

  The doctor groaned. “I’ve told you. I don’t know. She was in her hospital room when I left.”

  Drake gave the knife a twist, separating the thumbnail from its bed.

  Tendons stood out like dry twigs in Dr. Ember’s neck. “I swear.” He groaned with his face contorted in pain. “She was in the room with…”

  Drake bent closer. “Who was she with?” he hissed.

  Dr. Ember bit his lip.

  Drake took his knife and let the doctor feel the cold blade against his throat. “You will tell me,” he said in a velvety voice. “I’m very patient, and I always get what I want in the end.”

  The doctor shuddered and turned his head.

  Drake slid the knife slowly from the doctor’s throat down to his chest. He made a long, shallow cut across the doctor’s torso. Blood oozed from the wound and rolled to the floor. “Who was Phoebe with when you left the room?”

  Dr. Ember moaned. “You might as well kill me. I’m not saying anything else.”

  “You would like that, wouldn’t you? A quick death? But what’s the fun in that?” Making another cut, Drake whispered, “Who was Phoebe with? A girlfriend? Crystal Stuart, perhaps?”

  Dr. Ember’s face remained as still as a stone.

  Drake drew his knife over the doctor’s arm and cut the skin. “Was she with a colleague? Thomas Moosly? Zeke Masters?”

  Dr. Ember’s face was expressionless.

  “Was she with a nurse?”

  Dr. Ember’s eyes flickered.

  Drake chuckled. “So precious Phoebe was with a nurse when she disappeared.” Putting his lips to the doctor’s ear, he hissed, “Which nurse?”

  Dr. Ember spat in Drake’s face.

  Bellowing in rage, Drake plunged his knife through the doctor’s upper arm, pinning him brutally to the floor. As the doctor arched his back and cried out in pain, Drake began punching him in a frenzy of anger.

  After several minutes, Drake realized that Dr. Ember wasn’t moving. Retrieving his knife, he wiped the blood on the doctor’s shorts. Without looking back, he left the room, locking the door behind him. He didn’t know if Dr. Ember was alive or dead, and he didn’t care. He could find out by himself which nurse had been attending room 413. All it took was a little charm. And he had lots of charm.

  Smiling, Drake walked through the shadowy corridor. Passing under hanging plastic, he made his way to the stairs. He imagined Phoebe’s eyes when he found her. He couldn’t wait to see her terror.

  “Patience wins. Slowly wins,” he chanted. “Never-but-ever-but-slowly wins.”


  Sitting on his porch, Alex looked over at Phoebe. She was lying on the lawn in a pretty sundress, and she was literally covered with kittens. She even had one sitting on the top of her head. As the kittens tumbled and pounced, Phoebe laughed. Her face was radiant.

  Alex sighed in contentment. Her laughter was very precious to him. He could remember a time when she’d been so tormented by fear that she wouldn’t even talk.

  He smiled as Phoebe glanced his way. He was supposed to be having devotions, but he was having trouble concentrating. Looking down at his Bible, his eye was caught by Psalms 37:34, Don’t be impatient for the Lord to act. Keep traveling steadily along His pathway and in due season He will honor you with every blessing.

  On the sunshine-flooded lawn, his cat leapt onto Phoebe’s stomach. Phoebe laughed, picked up Mrs. Tibbs’s tail, and waved it at him.

  Waving back, he called, “Is that silly cat too heavy? Do you need me to come get her?”

  “She’s fine.” Phoebe giggled. “She’s purring so loudly that her whole body is vibrating. It’s tickling me.”

  Alex’s smile widened. It was obvious that the storm had been a turning point. Phoebe seemed determined to push fear aside and reclaim her life. Before his eyes, she was transforming into a confident woman. Watching her was like watching a miracle unfold. He felt his heart swelling with love and pride.

  Peering up at the hot sun, he rose from the porch swing and grabbed a straw hat. Kneeling beside Phoebe, he carefully untangled the kitten from her hair and settled the hat on her head.

  “It’s getting warm,” he said softly. “You need some shade.”

  Phoebe picked up one of the kittens and buried her face in its fur. Her eyes were brimming with mischief as she peeked at him from beneath her lashes. “Alex, when are we going to get my bunnies?”

  He chuckled softly. “All these kitten
s aren’t enough for you?”

  Her hazel eyes twinkled. “In the hospital, you promised you’d get me bunnies, and you never break your promises. I want my white ducks, too.”

  He laughed. “What about the giraffe?”

  “I may let that one slide. You never actually promised a giraffe.”

  Alex smiled. With his thumb, he stroked the kitten he held in his palm. “When you’re a little stronger, we’ll get your pets. The pond is ready for your ducks, and I finished making the rabbit hutch last night after you went to bed.”

  She gave a crow of delight. “You’re spoiling me rotten.”

  “You deserve some spoiling. It won’t hurt you.”

  Phoebe leaned up and kissed his chin. As he blushed, a brand new dimple peeped out in her cheek. Alex watched the dimple in fascination—it hadn’t been there yesterday. She was so emaciated that he’d been trying to fatten her up, and it looked like he was finally succeeding. The hollows in her cheeks were filling out, and her eye sockets were less pronounced.

  He picked up a lock of Phoebe’s silky, brown hair and let it slip through his fingers. “I want to get you a glass of milk and some bread and butter. You need a snack. Keep your hat on, kitten.”


  He smiled. “Your hair is as soft as kitten fur. I think the nickname fits.”

  This time she blushed, and Alex felt a dimple peep out in his cheek.


  Ruthford listened as Agent Grant spoke to him over the phone. “A red jacket and a starred cap are consistent with the uniform worn by Jefko deliverymen.”

  “Jefko Food?” Ruthford rubbed the tension spot above his eyebrow.

  “Yes. And get a load of this. Jefko Food delivers goods to Charles Shipley Medical Center. The name Miss Stuart saw embroidered on the jacket was Gerald. Gerald Henrickson, a deliveryman for Jefko Food, has been reported missing by his girlfriend.”

  Ruthford slammed his fist against the steering wheel. “Do you mean we’ve been looking all over town for Drake, and he’s been wandering around the hospital camouflaged as a deliveryman? How could the hospital guards have missed him?”

  “Hospital security says they’ve neglected to search the subbasement of the east wing. It’s closed off for renovation, and since it’s kept locked, they didn’t think a search was necessary.”

  “Well, it’s going to be searched now. I want a contingency of agents to meet me at the hospital. We’re going to conduct a grid search of every floor until we’re certain Drake isn’t hiding somewhere inside.”


  Holding a large bouquet of flowers, Drake approached the nurses’ station on the hospital’s fourth floor. Sitting behind the counter was a red-haired nurse with big, green eyes. He recognized her as the frizzy-haired moron from the news report.

  “I hate to bother you,” Drake said with his most winning smile. “But can you help me?”

  As the nurse looked up, he leaned forward, knowing his good looks and melting eyes were sure to make an impression. He grinned inwardly when her professional smile transformed into an eager grin. He could almost hear her heart beating wildly against her ribs. He increased the wattage of his smile.

  “What do you need?” she asked, blushing deeply.

  “My best friend, Phoebe Reynolds, was a patient on this floor last week. I want to thank her nurse, but I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve forgotten the nurse’s name.”

  He watched as the red-haired dimwit turned to her computer. “What was your friend’s room number?”


  The nurse’s eyes widened. “Was your friend a private patient under Dr. Ember?”

  As Drake nodded and gave the nurse another dazzling smile, she said, “Miss Reynolds was attended by Nurse Warner. Katie’s been out of town, but you’re in luck, she just got back today.”

  Drake pulled out a pink rose, kissed it, and tucked it behind her ear. “Where can I find her?”

  Giggling, she said, “Katie’s taking inventory in the linen closet next to the restrooms. Would you like me to call her?”

  “That won’t be necessary,” he replied with a wink. “I’ll just pop in and surprise her.”


  Around noon, Zeke drove to the National Gallery of Art to take Nicole to lunch. When they finished eating, they wandered through a sculpture garden and sat down by a reflecting pool. Putting his arm around Nicole, Zeke smiled at the sight of her dusky curls being tousled by the breeze. He sighed in perfect contentment. Suddenly, he felt Nicole stiffen. She was staring at a man walking toward them.

  “Senator Richards?” Zeke asked, feeling his jaw tighten.

  She shivered. “He must be keeping tabs on where I am.”

  Standing, Zeke positioned himself protectively in front of her.

  “Zeke Masters, I presume?” the senator said, drawing near.

  Nodding, Zeke stood his ground.

  The senator tried to shove him aside. Quick as lightning, Zeke grabbed the senator’s thumb and twisted it, bringing the senator to his knees.


  Straightening her shoulders, Crystal walked toward TEMCO’s temporary headquarters. Her temper had cooled, but she still expected Marc to give her an apology.

  “He’s not getting off the hook no matter how cute he is,” she growled, opening the door.

  When she entered the room, Marc gave her an extremely charming smile.

  Crossing her arms, she glared at him. “Apologize.”

  His lips twitched. He looked like he was about to laugh.

  Crystal narrowed her eyes. “Apologize.”

  Marc’s grin faded. “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. What I said was rude. You were right. You’re the logical choice. I’m sorry I didn’t see it at first.”

  Stepping closer to him, Crystal stared at his face and nodded slowly. “I think you are sorry that you said what you did—or at least, you’re sorry that I overheard.”

  As Marc stood silently, she continued studying him. “You aren’t sure whether you’re glad to have me as your partner or not, but that’s understandable. After all,” she admitted with a ghostly smile, “I did clobber you with my butcher paper. Now that I’m not flaming mad, I can see why you’d have reservations about me.”

  As Marc remained silent, she uncrossed her arms and offered her hand. “Actually,” she said, “I’m not sure whether I’m glad to be your partner either, but I do want to nail Drake. If we’re going to catch him, we’ll need to work together, and I think we’ll make a good show of it.”

  “Thanks, Cris,” he said with a sincere smile. “I’m relieved you aren’t gonna give me the silent treatment again.”

  She smiled back. “I won’t ignore you, and what’s better, I promise not to smack you in the noggin with any more rolls of paper.”

  Chuckling, he said in a warm, teasing voice, “You can clobber me with butcher paper as much as you like. I’ll even let you pull my beard again. Now and then, I don’t mind my beard being tugged by a nice girl.”

  Blushing wildly, Crystal snatched her hand away. “You’re flirting with me. Why?”

  Marc grinned. “Was I?”

  “Don’t deny it,” she said in a chilly voice. “You have zero interest in me romantically, so why are you flirting?”

  “Does there have to be a reason?”

  “Yes, there does. And I’m pretty sure I know what it is. You’re trying to handle me, aren’t you? Make me go all gooey-kneed so you can wrap me around your finger. Well, you might as well know that I don’t like being manipulated. If you want to flirt with someone, flirt with a girl who understands the rules. I don’t.”

  “Do you want to learn?” he asked in a playful voice.

  Crystal’s cheeks flamed. “Are you trying to make me mad? I told you that I don’t appreciate being manipulated, and I meant it. Flirting won’t put me at ease—it’ll do the opposite.”

  “Before summer break, I thought you said we were going to be friends?”

“Friends don’t need to flirt. You aren’t trying to be friendly—you’re trying to be charming.”

  “Is there a difference?” he asked with twinkling eyes.

  “You know there is,” she spat. “Cut the baloney right now. I know you have zero interest in me romantically, so stop the sham. You’re just making yourself look like an idiot.” As his grin died, she added, “And just so we’re clear, I have zero interest in you romantically as well. Get it through your thick skull that this is a business partnership, and we’ll do fine. Got it?”

  “Fair enough,” Marc said curtly.


  Keeping the senator pinned and on his knees, Zeke said firmly, “I told you that Miss Cunning was under my protection. You’re going to leave her alone from now on.”

  Senator Richards looked up with a glare. Zeke put more pressure on his thumb.

  The senator’s glare transformed into a look of pain. “I don’t think you realize who I am,” he snarled.

  “I know who you are—and I know your womanizing reputation,” Zeke replied in a clipped voice. “That’s not the issue. You don’t realize who I am.”

  “You’re nobody,” Richards spat. “You’re—”

  “And you’re a fool,” Zeke growled. “I’m somebody who can take your life apart piece by piece. My job is finding out secrets, and I’m very good at my job. Do you really want me researching your past?”

  Senator Richards looked up, and for the first time, there was fear in his eyes.

  “If you contact Miss Cunning again,” Zeke said, “I will make your secrets known to every news organization in the country. I will destroy you. Understand?”

  Richards nodded.

  Zeke released the senator’s thumb. “Now get out of here.”

  The senator scrambled to his feet, stumbling in his haste to get away.

  Sitting beside Nicole, Zeke put his arm back around her shoulders.

  “Thanks for getting rid of him,” she said. “Were you serious about your threats?”

  Nodding, Zeke brushed a tendril of hair behind her ear. “I ran a GAP search on his past. He has so many skeletons jostling around in his closet that he can’t afford an inquiry into his ethics. Senator Richards is a bully, but he’s also a coward. I think we’ve seen the last of him.”


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