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Into the night: The rogue series book one

Page 6

by Toni Goode

  Five Years Ago…

  “Are your eyes closed?” Alana said with a big smile as she walked over to Nicholas. Her long blonde hair bouncing over her shoulders as she got in front of him.

  “Yeah. Can I see now?” He asked with a smirk.

  “Not just yet and no peeking.” She laughed as she took the two long pieces of paper out of her back pocket. “Ok put your hand out.” She grinned.

  “It’s not going to bite me, right?” He asked nervously.

  Alana couldn’t help but to roll her eyes. “You know for an Alpha you’re awfully afraid of things that bite.” She laughed.

  “I don’t mind if you bite me.” He smiled and she laughed.

  “Ok seriously. Put your hand out.” She said and he did just that as he kept his eyes closed. He felt a piece of paper sit on it. “Ok now open and look down.” She said with a gitty excitement that she always had.

  Nicholas looked at his hand a bit confused and then he looked at her shirt. Foo Fighters. He looked back at the concert ticket in his hand. “No way. You got us tickets?” He said with excitement.

  “Who is the best girl friend in the world?” She beamed and seconds later he was scooping her up as he kissed her senselessly.

  “It smells really good in here.” Emma said as she snapped him from his thoughts. He walked over to the table and put the food on it. “I hope you don’t mind that I found some clothes in the room.” She said as he glanced at her.

  “That’s fine.” He said as he tried not to look at her. He had forgotten about the clothes in that room. He had moved them there after the accident because he couldn’t bear to look at them, but he also couldn’t throw them out. Now seeing Red sit there at the kitchen table in his dead ex fiancée’s clothes, he wished he had put them somewhere else.

  Nicholas was good with pushing his feelings deep down inside. He had first learned to do it when his father died and secondly when Alana died nearly three years ago. They were to be married. They even had a date set in October of that year. The fall was always her favorite time of the year. She loved to watch the leaves change colors.

  “The pancakes are good.” Emma said as he finally looked up at her now, snapped from his thoughts.

  “Good enough to tell me more information?” He asked as he ate a mouthful of food.

  “I don’t know why I have to tell you more. It’s all really irrelevant. I’m not a criminal if that is what you are worried about.” She said as she ate some of the pancakes.

  “Ok so if you aren’t a criminal then why can’t you tell me your pack name?” He raised an eyebrow. Emma sighed heavily. “Listen I am grasping at straws here. You wont even tell me your real name and to be honest if you went on any other pack’s territory, they wouldn’t be so kind.” He said seriously.

  “And I appreciate your kindness.” She said honestly. He dropped his fork to the plate as it clinked loudly. Emma swallowed hard. He leaned back in his chair.

  “Should I just bring you down to the station and finger print you?” He asked as she shook her head ‘no.’

  “Ok fine I will tell you.” She finally said but she had no intentions of being truthful. She thought of a pack that she remembered her father talking about. “The Lunar Pack.” She said as he blinked a bit in shock as if he didn’t hear her right.

  “The Lunar Pack, you belong to them?” He asked and she suddenly felt like she should have mentioned another pack name because he looked angry. “Wow, this all makes sense now.” He said as he ran a hand through his hair. “You said you left because you didn’t like their ways?”

  “We had different opinions.” She swallowed hard.

  “What were they doing? What is that bastard Anthony up to now!” He yelled and she nearly fell out of her chair.

  After Nicholas’ witnessed his father dying, the Alpha responsible Anthony had let him go so that he could warn other packs to stay away. Nicholas had stayed away ever since but now knowing that this girl ran from that pack only fueled his hatred for Anthony. He had been looking for a good enough reason to fight their pack and maybe now he had one.

  “Tell me everything.” He said seriously and she wanted to take it all back now. Why couldn’t she have mentioned another pack?

  “There’s um. There’s not much to tell.” She began as he stood up now and his chair skidded some.

  “Listen, your Alpha Anthony is one sick bastard! Is he still messing around with the humans?” He was fuming as she blinked in shock.

  “What?” She said with confusion.

  “Never mind, it doesn’t matter. It’s about time I pay Anthony a visit.” He said as he roughly pushed his chair in.

  “What? No. You can’t!” She said abruptly as he spun and looked at her.

  “You know what he is like. What he is capable of. He thinks that he is untouchable, but he is about to get a reality check!” He snapped as he walked out of the kitchen and she jumped up now too. Emma chased after him.

  “Please. You can’t do this ok. I can’t go back.” She said quickly.

  Nicholas looked at her now. “You won’t go back. Don’t worry about that. Anthony is finally going to get what he deserves!” He said through gritted teeth but before Emma could say anything his phone began to ring. He answered it abruptly. “What!” He yelled into the phone and then he ran his hand through his hair. “Ok, fine. When?” He said as Emma watched him. Her heart was racing. If he went to this other pack, then he would find out that she lied but why did he hate that pack so much? That confused her. Technically most packs got along just enough to not have an all-out war but this level of hatred he was showing was beyond confusing. “Sure, I am on my way.” He sighed. “I said I am leaving now.” He said as he hung up his phone and sighed heavily.

  “Everything ok?” She swallowed hard.

  “No. Everything is not ok and now I have an emergency meeting to get ready for.” He huffed as he spun from her and began to go upstairs.

  “Wait. You can’t go to that pack. I told you in confidence.” She practically whined as he stopped on the stairs.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not planning on telling him about you.” He said quickly and she swallowed hard. He turned from her and then stopped once more. “I will help you get to New York.” He said and then he continued walking as she stood there completely stunned. Ok so maybe this wasn’t so bad after all?

  Chapter Six

  Emma cleaned up the kitchen and made her way back in the living room. He came back down the stairs and looked at her as she sat there.

  “I will be back in an hour and then I will escort you to New York. I would appreciate it if you would not bring any attention to my house.” He said seriously and she shook her head. “Good.” He said and then he left as she sat there. It almost seemed as though everything would work out. Once she got to New York, she would be home free.

  Nicholas drove his truck down the dirt road that led towards the town hall. His mind was on the Lunar Pack though and specifically on Anthony. He would have his day with Anthony. It was just a matter of time. Right now, he had to take care of this emergency meeting. He would go to see Anthony tomorrow. It had been a long-awaited meeting and one he looked forward to.

  As he got to the town hall, he had seen the cars from various other Alpha packs that they had an alliance with. This had to be something big. He made his way inside town hall and he was immediately greeted by one of his oldest friends, Steele. He ran a rogue refugee camp a few towns away. Steele had been a member of Nicholas’ pack before he decided to go off on his own. He had always been compassionate when it came to the lost wolves in the world and so he made a place for them to go to. He stood at nearly seven feet tall and his hair was jet black and long. His body was broad and strong. His features were hard and yet he was as gentle as a puppy.

  “Well look what the cat dragged in!” Steele said as he walked over to him and the men shared a quick hug. “You’re looking like shit.” Steele added with a smirk.

  “Thanks.” Nich
olas said sarcastically.

  “We will have to talk in private later about your little secret.” Steele said with a smirk and then more voices were heard as the other Alpha’s came walking over. Nicholas looked at Steele as he greeted the other men. He wondered how he knew. Steele always did know everything that went on.

  There were four other Alpha’s there. The Alpha of the Grey Pack was a man named Gene. He was an older looking Alpha with grey hair and a thinner build. Soon his oldest son, Alexander would be Alpha.

  The Alpha of the River Pack was a man named Jaime and he was around Nicholas’ age. A young Alpha as well since his father had recently passed. He had very short dark hair and a massive muscular build. He was the only pack that allowed polygamy as he had five wives currently.

  The Alpha of the Storm Pack was a man by the name of Jessie. His hair was currently blue, and his pack was a bit different than the others. They followed somewhat different traditions and piercings was one of them. He had five piercings in his face alone.

  The Alpha of the Green pack was named Phoenix. He had a long mohawk that he had pulled back into a pony tail. He wore a brightly colored poncho and a bunch of wooden beads on his neck. His pack was mainly hippies and they ran a strictly “Green” pack with solar panels. They grew their own vegetation and they didn’t use outside companies like the other packs did. They were completely self-sufficient.

  They all greeted each other as they walked into the large conference room. There was a large mahogany desk in there with room for twelve people. They all took a seat as they began to pour whiskey into their cups.

  “So, I am sure you are all wondering why I called this meeting?” The Alpha from the Grey Pak, Gene spoke. They all nodded their heads. “There have been rumblings of a war with the Nightfall Pack. Word is they are about to join with the Midnight pack. A union of marriage between Lawrence and Charles’ daughter.” He began as they all began to whisper among themselves.

  “I thought that was just rumors. The packs wouldn’t merge without letting the council aware, would they?” Phoenix said quickly. Everyone knew there were still rules with the council. Everything always had to go through them especially something as big as a union of packs.

  “It wouldn’t be the first time that Lawrence has tried to play against the rules. You do remember when his wife died, he had literally lined up all the women in his pack, ages thirteen through twenty-five. He did this so he could pick another bride and he wasn’t against a child bride.” Nicholas snapped angrily. The wolves never involved children. The women they mated were always over eighteen years old. They all had standards even though some packs had less morals.

  “Yeah I remember that. How old is the new soon to be bride?” Steele asked.

  “I can’t remember. I only met her once when she was just a small child. Beautiful girl though. The brightest red hair I have ever seen.” Jaime grinned. “I bet she is gorgeous now. I wouldn’t have minded a taste of that.” He grinned.

  “Red hair?” Nicholas asked as his mind flashed to the girl at his place. Red.

  “If she knew what was good for her then she would take off while she can.” Jessie laughed some.

  “Charles would never allow it. I heard he is strict as hell. Poor girl won’t know what hit her.” Jaime shook his head.

  “So, what do you say that we do?” Steele asked.

  “Go to the council and let them know what has been going on.” Phoenix said seriously.

  “Or we could just go straight to the source.” Jaime smirked.

  “Lawrence would see that as an act of defiance. No, we have to be smarter than him.” Jessie said seriously. “We should send a spy in.”

  “Actually, I can do one better.” Steele began as they all looked at him. “I just happen to have one of his pack members staying in my town. A young guy by the name of John. He came to me a few days ago in search of asylum.”

  “That could work.” Jaime said with a grin.

  “Id have to talk to him. I mean he just left there. I’m not quite sure he will want to run back so soon. Plus, he is dealing with a broken heart over some girl.” Steele added.

  “Oh, young love. There is nothing quite like it.” Jaime grinned.

  “Let’s meet up in two days. See if you can get him to go along with the plan Steele.” Phoenix said with a smile as they all got up and began to say their goodbyes.

  Steele walked over to Nicholas. “How about a beer old friend. We have a lot to get caught up on.” He grinned and then the guys both left together.

  They headed to O’Malley’s. It was the small neighborhood bar in town run by the one and only Max O’Malley himself. He had run the place since Nicholas could remember. His father used to bring him and Sal to the bar when they were just children. He taught them how to play pool and darts.

  Nicholas and Steele took a seat across the fairly crowded bar. “Man, this place brings back memories.” Steele said as he looked around the bar and then back at Nicholas.

  “Well you are always welcome. You know that.” Nicholas said as they each sipped their beer.

  “I’ve heard you have been quite the busy man over the last few days.” Steele finally said as Nicholas shook his head.

  “Sal told you, didn’t he?” Nicholas said quickly.

  “You know your brother is always worried about you.” Steele began. “So, who is the girl?”

  “I don’t know.” Nicholas said as he sipped his beer. “She won’t tell me anything.” He said seriously.

  “You know you were never a good liar Nick. I saw the look on your face when red hair was mentioned.” Steele raised an eyebrow.

  “Listen this is between me and you ok? I don’t know who this chick is, but she does have red hair. She claims to have come from the Lunar Pack.” Nicholas said just above a whisper as he leaned against the table.

  “No shit. The Lunar Pack is bad news man. You know that.” Steele said with a shake of his head. “Let me meet her. You know that I can read people.” He added.

  “That could work. I will warn you though, she is a bit feisty.” Nicholas smirked as he took a sip.

  “Sounds like you are fond of her?” Steele raised an eyebrow.

  “What? No. She is just some chick. She is lucky I didn’t kill her on the spot.” Nicholas said with a shake of his head.

  “You can fool other people with your words but not me Nick. You wouldn’t hurt her. You wouldn’t hurt anyone. That’s one of the things that I like about you. You’re honest and fair.” He said with a grin.

  “Oh, here we go. Should we start singing kumbaya now?” Nicholas said sarcastically.

  “You’re an ass, you know that?!” Steele laughed.

  “Yeah well takes one to know one.” Nicholas smirked and then he looked up as he watched Martin walking over to him.

  Martin looked at Steele then to Nicholas. “We need to talk in private Sir.” He said quickly.

  “Martin, you remember Alpha Steele? Show some respect.” Nicholas said sternly as Martin looked at Steele. Martin wasn’t a big man by any means. One of the shortest wolves in the pack actually for an adult male that is. He had short blonde hair that made him stand out among the others not to mention he was quite the opportunist. He only did things that would benefit himself. He was barely a beta status as a wolf, but he was part of the pack and would be treated as such.

  “I’m sorry.” Martin bowed his head. “It is great to meet your acquaintance again Sir.” He added as he looked at Steele.

  “Likewise. I am going to get something a bit stronger to drink.” Steele said as he got up and walked up to the bar.

  “This better be important.” Nicholas said seriously.

  “Sir I am concerned about the girl from the other day. Have you disposed of her yet?” Martin asked as he sat in front of him.

  “I have always kept this pack’s safety as my first priority.” Nicholas said honestly.

  “So, you got rid of the girl then?” Martin raised an eyebrow.

/>   “I did what I had to do.” Nicholas sipped his beer.

  “Ok.” Martin said as he stood up. “Sorry to interrupt your reunion.” Martin said as he looked over at Steele who was walking back to the table with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. “Good day Sir.” Martin said as he walked past them and towards the back of the bar. Once he was down the hallway, he was met by another pack member named Bryson.

  “What did he say?” Bryson asked with wide eyes.

  “It doesn’t matter. He is lying and I will expose him if it’s the last thing I do.” Martin said quickly as he began to head to the back door.

  Bryson quickly walked after him. “We still have a deal, right? I want to know that I will be protected once the shit hits the fan.” He said as Martin turned to look at him.

  “Don’t worry I keep my promises and once Anthony gets control of this pack. Well let’s just say that we will both be handsomely rewarded.” Martin grinned and then both men left out the back.

  Steele and Nicholas finished off the bottle of whiskey but with their amazing metabolisms, they were barely drunk. More like tipsy. They went back to Nicholas’ house and they both stood outside it.

  “I haven’t been back here since.” Steele’s voice began to trail off and then he looked at Nicholas. “Alana’s void is still felt by all of us. She really was a remarkable woman.” He said seriously as Nicholas nodded.

  Three Years Ago…

  “Where is she? I came as fast as I heard.” Nicholas said nearly frantic as he stood in the hospital waiting room. His physician brother Sal was standing in front of him.

  “It was a freak accident. There was nothing more that I could do.” Sal said with sadness in his voice. “It happened quick. She didn’t feel anything, that much I do know.”

  “What? I’m not even understanding you right now brother. I want to see my fiancée. Where is she!” Nicholas snapped angrily as he pushed past Sal. One of the nurses by the name of Christina ran up to him.


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