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Page 11

by Janet MacDonald

  “I need you to try to at least make an attempt to get into Ashton’s good graces.” He took a puff of the smelly cigar. Kaiden always hated the smell.

  “And why exactly would I care to make nice with a vampire?” he asked. He eyed his father more carefully. Lycans and Night Watchers didn’t get along at the best of times.

  “Because, unlike Caleb, you at least have what it takes to run my small empire after I’m gone. I’m not a young man anymore, Kaiden. I need to know I can entrust you with everything I’ve built,” he told him flat out.

  Kaiden stared at him. Sure his father had aged, but he’d never thought of him as someday being gone. “Are you dying?” he demanded.

  “We’re all dying, Kaiden, but no, I’m not planning on it happening in the near future. I just have to get everything in order to ensure the right son takes over.”

  “So you’re just going to cut Caleb out all together…and Mom.” He snarled. He was now angry that his father could do such a thing, but it didn’t surprise him either.

  “I never said I was cutting them out. Nevertheless, Caleb doesn’t have the heart for the business, and well, your mother and I haven’t been together in many years.”

  Kaiden sat in one of the chairs and gave him a steely look. He’d never wanted this, and he knew Caleb didn’t either. But if he didn’t agree, then it would fall into the hands of someone else. That person may not have the good sense to change things.

  “All right, I’ll make nice with the vampire. Anything else I need to know?” His father smiled. The smile told him there was more.

  * * * *

  Caleb stood in the window looking out over the water. It was so beautiful there, he almost hated the thought of leaving. He was ready to go and now all that was left was to get Kitty safely tucked away in the basement safe room. He really wasn’t looking forward to it. Yet it was the only way to keep everyone safe from his mate until they returned.

  Thoughts of her drifted into his mind. Last night they’d mated as lycans, and today he’d wished they would have time to make love as humans again. Everything about her made him smile. He’d fallen hard for her. Kitty, however, seemed to be unsure of how to take all of this. He hoped she’d grow to love both him and Kaiden. If she didn’t, it would make for a rough relationship.

  Others within the pack would take notice and try to steal her from them. It would be foolhardy for them, but a wolf would take advantage of such a situation. If Kitty didn’t get pregnant soon, her urges would make her susceptible to other males as well. It was something he hadn’t told her, knowing full well it would only make her madder at them.

  The bedroom door opened and a stench drifted into his room. Death and decay wafted toward him. He knew it was the vampire.

  “What do you want?” he asked without turning.

  “I was just informed by a…friend…you would be challenging the pack leader in the Barrens,” Ashton stated from behind him.

  “A friend, eh. So what does that have to do with you?” He snarled. He turned to look at him.

  “I have a haven in the Barrens. It’s my main feeding grounds. It would make things so much easier for us both if we worked out the details of the territory there. I’d hate to eat one of your pack by accident,” he said with a smile.

  “It never stopped your kind from trying in the past. Why the sudden need for it now?”

  “The Barrens isn’t a friendly place, you know that. A mutual friendship between your pack and my coven would be beneficial to both of us. An alliance between the lycans and the Night Watchers would make it so much safer for both our kinds.” Caleb had to wonder what the real angle was.

  With an ally like Ashton in the Barrens, it would make life a little easier. The changelings, witches, fae and others would be less likely to try to push the rest out. For the most part, the other Night Denizens there had only made for minor nuisances with the pack over the years. Yet, as of late, there was an increase in the population of supernaturals to the area. Almost as if they sought refuge from something.

  Caleb’s contacts had been pretty close-mouthed as of late. As had Tim’s. For some reason, the Denizens acted skittish, and even Caleb felt a little less than comfortable traveling within the rest of New York City. The Barrens didn’t have that feeling to it and he now figured the Night Watcher felt the same way.

  “All right, we can sit down and work out an accord once I’m alpha and this thing with Kitty is settled, but not before then,” he told Ashton.

  “Ah, very good. I can see you’ll make an excellent alpha of the Barren pack,” Ashton stated and turned and left.

  * * * *

  Kitty was outraged as she paced back and forth in the enclosed space. The brothers had tricked her into the room. Had locked her in after telling her they would be leaving for a few days. It was nothing like the cold damp basement of the farmhouse with the homemade chain-link cage. This one had everything. It was set up very much like a luxury hotel suite. With a little living room and a separate tiny kitchenette and bedroom. It had air conditioning, a TV, bathroom, miniature well-stocked fridge and cupboards. A microwave and coffee pot sat on the short counter off to one side. There was nothing she’d need, but it still felt as if she was caged in.

  Today was her birthday. Although the brothers didn’t know it, this was not how she’d intended to spend it. Everything was in place for the party as well as the fundraiser. Now it was a washout. She’d never be able to transfer the funds into the charity or be able to get rid of Gregory. Kitty wasn’t sure how he managed to get her labeled as being legally incompetent. She was sure he had no plans of ever letting her money get away from him, and it was the one way to ensure he kept his hands on her funds.

  Caleb and Kaiden had explained their plan. If it worked, all that could change, but they also told her afterward she’d have to become a new person. Erase who she was and give up that life. It was something she’d already planned on, just not like this.

  It’d always been a dream to have someone in her life she could love and raise a family with and grow old together. Now she had two men. Both who wanted her pregnant right away, without even giving her a real chance to get to know them. It was so surreal, she honestly believed she’d wake up from this strange dream in her own bed, but so far it hadn’t happened.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Caleb, Kaiden and Ashton had landed in the JFK airport nearly twelve hours ago. Never before had Caleb witnessed a vampire in action. As the two guards tried to get them to show their credentials, Ashton simply told them the blank pieces of paper they looked at were passport and diplomatic papers. The men believed him.

  Every single security measure in place was taken care of prior to them landing. The three of them were passed off as couriers delivering embassy parcels. It had diplomatic immunity, and therefore, by-passed all security checks and inspections.

  As the three of them waited across the street from The Grill, they talked lightly about how they would handle Trites and Henderson.

  “I made the call, so hopefully he’ll show up,” Caleb told them.

  “You’re assuming he isn’t planning on bringing a hoard of cops with him.” Kaiden snarled. Caleb could easily tell his brother didn’t like this plan.

  Kaiden wanted both Trites and Henderson dead. Caleb couldn’t blame him. A part of him wanted Trites dead too. After all, the scumbag had wanted to assault their mate and kill her. They still didn’t know what he might have done to her growing up. Those thoughts had him nearly shifting again.

  They waited patiently for them to show up. The only one out of the three of them who wasn’t on edge was the vampire. Caleb had to wonder why the shipment of his crates had gone so easily. If a half-demon wanted something from Ashton, Caleb had imagined the best time to hit the shipment would have been in transit, but nothing had happened. Now the crates of old musty artifacts were safe inside one of the vampire’s havens. His priceless treasure was guarded by a burly redheaded man named Dean. That particular Iris
hman was not a vampire to cross, and Caleb knew it.

  A luxury sedan pulled into the parking lot across the street. Caleb saw both Henderson as well as Trites get out. They looked the area over and then walked toward the side door where they’d been told to go to the meeting. Several members of the pack were strategically placed around the four city blocks that surrounded this area. If the cops or Feds came anywhere near there they would know in advance.

  They got out of the car and headed over to the upscale tavern. Caleb knew the plan already. He’d hold Trites and Kaiden would grab Henderson while the vampire did his mental manipulation on them. All he was doing was ensuring Trites made Kitty’s faked mental condition disappear and the two of them would forget ever having met either Kaiden or Caleb. Then they would come back to New York. Kitty’s tale would be of a botched kidnapping, which she’d escaped from. She’d explain about a made-up man, whose face she’d never seen. Caleb hoped it would work.

  They stepped inside the back room, and both Trites and Henderson became very alert. Both eyed Ashton with suspicion. This room was separate from the rest of the building and there was only the door they’d come in through. Ashton had explained it was soundproof. Apparently, he used it to conduct business he didn’t want others to overhear. There wasn’t much in there other than two chairs and a small desk. The walls looked like cinder blocking and the overhead lights were a set of incandescent bulbs.

  “Who’s this?” Trites demanded. He stared at Ashton.

  “He’s our mediator.”

  Caleb and Kaiden rushed the two men. They’d been expecting an ambush, and Henderson tried to dodge Kaiden. His brother slammed the smaller man into the wall with such force the wind was knocked out of the thin man. Trites pulled a gun and managed to get one shot off, which slammed into Caleb’s shoulder. It instantly enraged him and he accidentally broke the man’s arm, ripping the gun from him.

  After the short scuffle, it was an easy chore to restrain the two. As they held them securely, Ashton ensured both men would do as he commanded and also forget this meeting had ever taken place. The Night Watcher’s eyes turned an eerie icy-blue as he used his powers over the two, and Caleb felt the energy he expelled in doing so. His father had been right about Ashton being one of the most powerful vampires in this city. He was glad he was on their side.

  * * * *

  The steady retort of gunfire overwhelmed her ears. She heard people screaming and men shouting orders. Doors were being kicked down in the house upstairs. The villa was under attack. To Kitty, it sounded as if a war had been waged against the area. Overhead it sounded as if someone was destroying the house. Fear made her pace, she even tried to get out, but the door was securely locked.

  From just on the other side of it she heard people tossing stuff around and breaking things. A man screamed close to the room as a gun fired, and she heard a body hit the floor. Someone beat on the door handle with something metallic. The sound echoed inside, and Kitty backed away from the door as it opened.

  Two men with guns stepped in. They didn’t look like any of Caesar’s men, and they leveled their rifles at her as a third walked in. Dressed in combat fatigues and black leather boots, the man stared at her. He was tall, pale and there was a strong sense of power emanating from him.

  “Well, well. Look what we have here.” He smiled as he eyed her.

  “Who are you?” she demanded. She put on a brave front, even though fear filled her.

  “I’m not someone you want as an enemy…call me Zanagan,” he said. He stepped closer, and she saw his eyes turn an inky black, including the whites.

  He moved so quick she didn’t even get a chance to try to avoid his grasp. His hand reached out and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her right up to him. His men chuckled, and it sent a chill down her spine.

  “Where is the necklace?” He growled. His grip hurt as he squeezed tightly.

  “You’re hurting me,” she yelped.

  “No, my lovely, I haven’t even begun to hurt you.” The cold icy tone sent a chill down her spine. He tore at the front of her blouse, popping the first several buttons, sending them flying. He pushed the fabric away, revealing her naked chest just above her breasts.

  “Where is it?” he snapped and jerked her arm hard.

  The necklace she’d been wearing, she’d hidden for some reason under the large boulder where she and Ashton had sat and talked just two days ago.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kitty hadn’t meant to say it. She wanted to tell him where it was so he’d hopefully leave her alone. Yet those words wouldn’t come out of her mouth.

  “Well, let me try and refresh your memory…men, see if you can’t jog this lovely morsel’s recollection.” He pushed her toward them and they looked her over. She knew what it was he wanted them to do.

  Horror took over her as their hands gripped her and pulled at her clothes. Mortified, she fought to get free from them, and Zanagan laughed.

  “I think they’re really going to enjoy you.”

  Something deep in her soul twisted in rage. It wouldn’t allow them to touch her like that.

  “Oh, god, no…”

  * * * *

  They’d been gone two days and tonight they would be returning to bring their mate back. Kaiden was eager to go, but he a few meetings, which he needed to attend first. With the prospect of him being beta to the Barrens pack, he needed to come down and meet with the vampire. It really wasn’t something he was comfortable with. After all, the thing could turn a man’s mind to mush simply by making eye contact. That bothered him.

  Kaiden and Caleb sat inside the Liars Den, talking to Ashton and Dean. Both of them had agreed to a meeting with him and his coven to reach an agreeable alliance. Just like himself, Caleb had felt the uneasiness that lay heavy in the air of New York. The ever increasing number of Night Denizens relocating into the Barrens was also a concern. Something was definitely going on, and the four of them made a pact to investigate once they had Kitty back there and settled into her new role.

  “Well, boys, I have a few loose ends to tie up before we go back,” he told them.

  “Really? Like what?” Caleb asked.

  “I need to get the van out of the impound yard and back to Mom before she kills me.” Kaiden stood and downed the last of his drink.

  “Hold up and I’ll come with you,” Caleb said.

  “No, I got this. Besides, don’t you need to get things ready at the flat for Kitty and settle something with Tim?”

  Kaiden stepped outside and headed for the subway station. He hadn’t lied to his brother. He planned on going to get the van, but first there was someone he needed to deal with before they left New York. He was glad his brother had been easily discouraged from tagging along. This wasn’t something Caleb needed to be part of.

  Kaiden’s meeting was across the street from the City View nightclub. He’d told the other man he wanted to talk about a very prosperous endeavor. Just as he’d thought, he’d agreed to meet. After he looked up and down the hall to make sure no one was around, Kaiden lightly knocked on the door. He’d had the foresight to get a good friend to hack the security feed there. It left him basically free from electronic detection. He heard footsteps coming toward the door and waited patiently.

  “You’re late,” Trites snapped.

  “Sorry, I had to take the bus over here and there was a traffic jam.” He lied as he stepped past the man.

  He looked the hotel room over and saw Trites was alone as Kaiden had asked. The bathroom door was to the right of Kaiden, next to the door. The only other exit was the sliding glass doors, which led to the veranda outside. It was open, letting the night time sounds of New York fill the room. The cold air drifted in and sent a shiver down Kaiden’s spine. Why the hell the man would have the door open was beyond him, but it would help with his plan.

  With a smile, he waited until Trites moved farther into the room before he got into a position that placed him between Trites and the doo
r out to the hallway.

  “So you say you have a simple plan to get us both rich and it involves my niece?” he stated. He walked over to the mini-fridge and pulled out a small bottle of hard stuff, which he opened awkwardly as his dominate hand was in a cast. A smile crept over his lips at the memory of his brother snapping it. He wished he could have had that pleasure. By the looks of the several empty tiny bottles littering the top of the nightstand, Trites had been drinking since he’d gotten there.

  “No, not really. I just wanted to get you alone.” He snarled as he took a step closer.

  The look of horror on Trites’ face was clear, and as Kaiden partially shifted, the other man’s eyes went wide in shock. Fear did stupid things to people, and Trites wasn’t a smart man. The rumbled growl from Kaiden’s chest as he showed his enormous fangs in a snarl at the cowered man was all it took.

  The resounding screams from the street ten floors down told Kaiden there were lots of witnesses of Trites’ fall. He grabbed a facecloth from the bathroom and used it to open the door out into the hallway. There was no way in hell he’d ever let anyone harm his mate. He hadn’t killed Trites. The idiot ran out the only place he could, tripping over a bistro-styled chair and went over the balcony ledge.

  It hadn’t been how he’d planned it. He’d been going to throw him over himself. Either way it was done and that only left one more to take care of.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kitty opened her eyes. Her body hurt everywhere, and as she tried to stand, the warm sand beneath her shifted. She’d slid a little down the dune just before the large boulder by the river that snaked out into the bay. Bodies lay close to her. She saw some had been shot, but the majority of them had been torn apart. The smell of blood and death was heavy in the air. She looked down at her naked body and saw sand stuck to the blood she was covered in and it was ground into some of her wounds.


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