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Game On

Page 4

by Cheryl Douglas

  Brianna smiled and praised the courage it took him to follow his dream, but a small part of her wondered if she would have been attracted to him if they’d met while he was still pumping gas at a rural service station.

  She didn’t think of herself as a snob. Her family wasn’t wealthy, just comfortable. They’d never lived the luxurious lifestyle some of their friends enjoyed. Her parents were just regular people who worked hard and tried to raise their children to do the same. But Brianna had always been driven and she appreciated that quality in other people. Especially the men she dated. Good was never good enough for her. She always hoped to meet a man who felt the same way and would encourage her to follow her dreams and be the best she could be.

  Clint grinned as he extended his hand to Ryan. “Whatever you say, boss.”

  Brianna silently berated herself for thinking Clint was kissing up to management. He was just trying to forge the kind of relationships that would help him build a successful career in a highly competitive business. Of course he would want Ryan and his brother to like him. They were Titan Records now, and the artists they believed in would undoubtedly make it to the top.

  Had Brianna not known Ryan almost as well as she knew herself, she may have missed that hint of derision in his eye as he accepted Clint’s handshake. He was used to people sucking up to him because of his last name and he’d always hated it. In fact, she’d often heard him introduce himself as just Ryan. When people asked his last name, he’d laugh and say, “It’s just Ryan, kind of like Cher or Madonna.” Of course, they knew he was joking, but the name Spencer meant something in this town. It was associated with money and power, and though Brianna had never given it much thought before, she imagined it must be a difficult burden to bear. Maybe that’s why Ryan worked so hard to be so different from his father and brother, because he didn’t want anyone to associate him with those Spencers.

  Ryan smiled at Brianna, a genuine smile that made her grateful to be a part of his inner circle. “Shall we get this over with so we can get on with the party?”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Avery said, leading the way to J.T.’s office.

  Chapter Four

  Ryan tried to fade into the background so his artist could claim center-stage during the press conference, but it was painfully obvious that he didn’t have the experience to handle reporters with the finesse of their seasoned pros, so Ryan stepped in several times when he heard Clint faltering.

  He plastered a fake smile on his face when reporters asked questions about Clint’s relationship with Brianna, and he thought he was doing a pretty good job of pretending the question didn’t turn his stomach until Avery shot him a curious look from across the room. Apparently his poker face wasn’t as convincing as he thought.

  Ryan was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief as he watched the reporters and camera crew load up their gear. “I thought that went well,” he said to Avery when she approached.

  “We have a lot of work to do with him,” she said, speaking between clenched teeth so the man in question wouldn’t overhear. “He’s a nice enough guy, but he lacks that star quality most artists seem to be born with.”

  “Come on, Avery,” Ryan said, crossing his arms as he leaned against the edge of the desk. “It doesn’t come as easily for everyone. Some people are at ease with reporters from the start and others take a little more coachin’.”

  She looked at Clint, who was deep in conversation with Brianna across the room. “I don’t know what it is about him,” she said. “I’m just not sure he has what it takes.”

  Titan had just signed him to a multimillion dollar record deal. Ryan couldn’t afford to start second guessing their decision now. “You met him before we signed him. If something didn’t feel right, you should have spoken up about it then.”

  “I thought he was just nervous about the prospect of being thrust into the limelight.”

  “You know we do background checks on everyone associated with Titan. Mike said Clint’s story is pretty typical; small town, hard workin’ family. Nothin’ out of the ordinary.”

  “I’m not saying I think he’s disreputable. Like I said, he’s a nice enough guy.” She narrowed her eyes as she watched him tuck a lock of hair behind Brianna’s ear. “I just think he seems kind of uneasy around the press. And the way he kisses up to you and your brother…”

  Ryan grinned. “Actually, I kinda think that’s one of his more endearin’ qualities.”

  She rolled her eyes and tried to hide a smile. “You’re too much.”

  “Yeah, but you love me anyways.”

  “Doesn’t everyone?”

  Not everyone. From where he stood, the person who mattered most was falling in love with someone else. He couldn’t resist the urge to sneak a peek at them, but immediately wished he hadn’t.

  “Looks like they’re getting cozy, huh?”

  The last thing Ryan wanted to talk about was Brianna’s budding relationship with another man. “How’re Nick and Anna?” he asked, referring to Ty and Avery’s kids.

  She crossed her arms and stared him down, much like the third grade teacher who used to reprimand him for chewing bubble gum in class. “Why do I get the feeling you’re trying to change the subject?”

  “I’m askin’ because I care,” he said, smiling. Avery was shrewd. He wasn’t naïve enough to believe she was buying his act. “So, how are they?”

  “They’re good. Nick’s busy with the ranch and Anna’s looking for a teaching position. She’s just supply teaching for now, until she can find something more permanent.”

  “I’m sure it won’t take her long to find something. She’s a smart girl.” Ryan winked. “And I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt if she happened to mention her daddy was Ty McCall.”

  “Don’t even joke about that,” Avery said, holding her hand up. “She’s determined to find a job on her own. You know how uncomfortable she is being in the spotlight.”

  “No doubt, it can’t be easy livin’ in Ty’s shadow.” Ryan knew from experience that famous parents often cast inescapable shadows.

  “We just want her to be happy.” She smiled. “She’s so sweet and shy, not at all like Nick.”

  Nick McCall was a few years younger than Ryan, so they barely crossed paths in high school, but Ryan respected his work ethic. Ty bought back the land that had been in their family for generations when Nick agreed to try his hand at making it a successful enterprise again. Ty was thrilled when his son attacked the challenge as though he was born to do it.

  “I should give Nick a call, see if he’d like to get together for a beer.”

  Avery smiled. “I’m sure he’d love that.” She watched Clint leave the room. “I should catch up with him before he leaves.” She reached up to give Ryan a kiss on the cheek. “Just for the record, I know you and your brother are working hard to make your father proud.”

  “Thanks, that means a lot comin’ from you.” Avery had been with the company since its inception three decades ago and she remained one of his father’s closest friends. He knew she wasn’t one to blow smoke. If she didn’t mean it, she wouldn’t say it. “You mind tellin’ the old man that, so he’ll quit questionin’ every artist we sign.”

  Avery laughed as she patted his arm. “Some habits die hard, kid. Your dad’s letting go; it’ll just take some time. You have to remember, this company was his life. It’s not easy to hand over the reins, not even to your own kids.”

  “You ever think about retirin’?” Ryan hoped not. She was still the best in the business, and he knew they wouldn’t be able to find anyone with her skill and connections to assume the role.

  “Are you kidding? I’d go crazy if I retired. I’ve already told Ty I plan on working until I can’t work anymore.”

  Ryan grinned. “I’m glad to hear it.” He glanced at Brianna, who stood off in the corner checking her emails.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow at the office, Ry.” Avery waved to Brianna as she crossed the room and closed the door behi
nd her.

  Brianna looked up and smiled at him. Damn those dimples. “I’m surprised you didn’t head out with Clint,” Ryan said.

  “He said he needed to have a word with his drummer.”

  “You havin’ fun tonight?”


  She didn’t sound convinced. “You sure about that?”

  “He asked me to meet his parents tomorrow night. They’re in town to take him out to dinner to celebrate.” She frowned. “Doesn’t that seem kind of weird to you? I mean, we’ve only been out on one date.”

  Ryan thought it sounded like a man who’d already decided what he wanted. This was worse than he thought. “So, are you goin’?” Please say no.

  “I guess so. I couldn’t think of a good reason not to go.”

  Ryan could think of several. I need you. I want you. I’m in love with you, girl. Can’t you see that it’s tearin’ me to shreds, watchin’ you fall for someone else? “You could’ve told him the truth, that his invitation creeped you out.”

  She laughed. “I didn’t say that! I just thought it was a little strange, especially since he told me he hasn’t introduced his parents to a girl since high school.”

  Ryan got a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. There was no way to put a positive spin on this. A man didn’t invite a woman to meet his parents unless he thought the relationship had potential. “If I were you, I’d just tell him the truth. You think it’s too soon.” He knew he was being selfish, thinking about what was best for him, but he couldn’t sit by and do nothing while she got in deeper with this guy.

  “No, I’ll go. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” She slipped her phone into her purse. “Did you ever find out what was bothering your brother?”

  “You’re not gonna believe this.” He raked a hand over his face. “Erika broke up with him tonight.”

  Brianna’s mouth fell open. “You can’t be serious. They’ve been together… forever. They’re perfect for each other.”

  “I thought so too. I guess Erika doesn’t feel that way anymore.”

  She sank down in an armchair. “Oh poor Evan. He must be devastated.”

  “Yeah, he was a wreck. I put him in a cab and sent him home. Told him I’d handle things here.”

  “Did he say what happened?”

  “They’ve been havin’ a hard time ever since he took over as president of Titan. He worked a lot before, but now it’s just out of control. He might as well sleep in his goddamn office.”

  Brianna nodded. “I know. He’s there when I get there and when I leave. And I thought I put in long hours.”

  Ryan knew Brianna worked more than her fair share of overtime, but she never asked to be compensated. He intended to ensure her next bonus would allow her to put a down payment on the condo she’d had her eye on. “It’s bound to take a toll on a relationship after a while, right? I mean, no woman wants to feel as though she’s always second to her man’s career.”

  “Yeah.” She looked down at her hands, almost as though she was afraid to look him in the eye. “That’s why I’m not so sure about this thing with Clint. I mean, I like him and everything, but he’s going to be traveling all over the world, meeting beautiful women in every city. Am I crazy to think a guy like that would even want to remain faithful to a girl like me?”

  “A girl like you? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Ryan sat down on the coffee table in front of Brianna, bracing his hands on his knees. “You’re beautiful, smart, sexy… that guy would be damn lucky to have you.” Hell, I would be damn lucky to have you.

  “I don’t know. I just have to wonder if I’m setting myself up for another let down.”

  He reached for her hand, prompting her to look him in the eye. “What are you talkin’ about, Bri?”

  “I just want a kind, decent guy who loves me.” She sighed. “That shouldn’t be so hard to find, yet every guy I meet feels like the wrong one.”

  Ryan wanted to tell her there was a very good reason for that, because the right guy was sitting in front of her, praying for her to notice him, but it was too soon to make that kind of declaration. She’d never said or done anything to indicate to him the attraction was mutual. Except for that one kiss they’d shared years ago. He knew it wasn’t the alcohol causing him to hallucinate that night. She gave as good as she got, in spite of her claim that the beer was to blame.

  “Honey, you just have to follow your heart, trust your instincts…” He grinned when she smiled at him. “That sounded like a dumb-ass cliché, didn’t it?”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “That’s why I love you, Ry.” She reached over to hug him. “No matter how bad I feel, you always make me feel better.”

  He closed his eyes as he inhaled her scent. He’d bought her that perfume for her birthday last year. Another reminder that the years were slipping away and they were no closer to the kind of relationship he wanted them to have. If anything, they were growing further apart with a new obstacle in their path. “I love you too, Bri.” He only prayed that one day she would realize that he loved her the way she needed to be loved: with his whole heart.


  Ryan walked into Erika’s veterinary clinic the next morning, hoping she wouldn’t turn a pit bull on him for sticking his nose where it didn’t belong. He’d always had a good relationship with his brother’s girlfriend, but he knew questioning her about their break-up so soon was crossing the line.

  “Can I help you?”

  Ryan gave the attractive man in a white lab coat and scrubs a once-over. He was probably the other man his brother had been referring to last night. “I’m lookin’ for Erika Carlton.”

  He raked a hand through his cropped blond hair and leaned on the filing cabinet as he stared Ryan down. “Are you a friend of hers?”

  “Yeah.” Ryan wanted to ask why he thought it was any of his business, but he didn’t feel up to picking a fight before he’d had his first cup of coffee.

  A pretty brunette Ryan recognized from the last time he’d visited the clinic with his brother came out of one of the exam rooms. She smiled when she saw him. “Hey, I remember you. You’re Evan’s brother, right?”

  “That’s right, and you’re…” He snapped his fingers and pretended he had a clue who she was.


  He grinned. “That’s right. How could I forget?”

  “Are you here to see Dr. Carlton?”

  “If she’s not too busy.”

  “She is,” the guy in the lab coat said, giving the receptionist a meaningful look. “She’s tending to that terrier with the obstruction.”

  “But I was just in there-”

  “Ryan, what are you doing here?” Erika stood in the doorway that separated the veterinary clinic from the doggie daycare and grooming facility. “If Evan asked you to come-”

  “He doesn’t even know I’m here. I was hopin’ we could talk for a minute.” Ryan’s heart went out to her. Her green eyes were swollen as though she’d been crying all night, and she looked exhausted, despite the fact it wasn’t even nine a.m.

  “Sure,” she said, sighing. “But I only have a few minutes.” She glanced at the watch Evan had given her for her last birthday. It was a diamond Rolex she’d insisted was too expensive and impractical for her line of work.

  If Ryan didn’t miss his guess, she’d been hoping for a smaller box containing one big diamond and a promise of forever that never came.

  “I have an appointment soon.”

  “No problem,” he said, following her down the hall. “This won’t take long.”

  Once inside the small, cluttered office, she pointed to a coffee maker on top of the filing cabinet. “Help yourself.”

  “Thanks,” he said, reaching for a stack of paper cups. “Can I get you one?”

  She shook her head before pressing her fingertips to her temples and wincing. “I’ve already had three, not that it helps.”

  Ryan set the coffee on a small table and reached for her. She di
dn’t hesitate to step into his waiting arms. He stroked her hair as she sobbed softly on his shoulder. “You wanna talk about it? People tell me I’m a pretty good listener.”

  She tried to pull away, but he held her tighter. If he’d ever met a woman in need of comfort, it was her. “It’s okay,” he said, quietly. “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

  “Oh, Ry,” she said, sniffling. “What’s the use? It’s not gonna change anything. It’s over. That’s just the way it has to be.”

  “It’s obvious this isn’t what you want, and I know it’s not what Evan wants. Can’t you find a way to work it out?” He led her to the small sofa tucked away in a corner. Pushing aside a homemade throw covered in pet hair, he encouraged her to sit down before claiming the seat beside her. “You can’t throw away five years just because he was a jackass to you on your birthday.”

  She laughed through a sob as she reached for a tissue from a box on the coffee table. “It’s not just that. It’s everything. There’s no place for me in his life anymore.”

  “That’s not true.”

  She looked at him a long time, daring him to contradict her again. “Isn’t it? You know better than anyone how much time he spends at the office. He doesn’t have time for a life outside of Titan anymore, and he sure as hell doesn’t have time for me.”

  “Erika, you have to know how much he loves you.”

  Her lips tightened, as though she was making a valiant attempt to control a tremor. “Not as much as he loves his work.”

  Ryan placed a hand on her shoulder, wishing he could deny her claim, but he knew she was right. Evan was obsessed with taking Titan to new heights and nothing, not even the woman he loved, could stand in his way. “I know he’s been busy lately…”

  She leaned back and closed her eyes. “That’s an understatement.”


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