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Page 15

by Elaine Pierson

  Cole released her and sauntered over to the door. He looked over his shoulder and smiled. “I don’t give a damn what Lacey wants. She’s going to be mine.”

  Sasha sat up in the bed and smirked at him. “Oh really, then I guess I should tell you that there’s more to your brother not wanting you to have her than just him trying to protect a human. I saw it with my own eyes. He’s in love with her. He might not be willing to admit it, but he is definitely in love with that girl. He was willing to take me on to keep her safe and that is one thing your pathetic brother has never done before.”

  Cole narrowed his eyes in disbelief. “I don’t believe you. Jesse would never allow himself to fall in love with a human, not after what happened with our mother. Not even I’m stupid enough to let that happen. I might have my fun with human women but I would never allow myself to have feelings for one of them. And I don’t believe Jesse would either. He took what happened to our mother even harder than I did.”

  Sasha stood and sashayed over to the mirror hanging over the dresser and touched the bruises on her face. She smiled at Cole through the mirror. “Believe what you want, but I know what I saw. Jesse isn’t going to let you have her without one hell of a fight. I hope that you’re up for the competition.”

  Cole stormed from the room and slammed the door shut. If what Sasha said was true, it changed everything. If Jesse really was in love with Lacey, there was no way he was going to take any chances by leaving her alone, especially not after Sasha attacked her. It was going to take something really serious to get him away from her even for a minute. And Cole didn’t think the ruse of another hunt was going to be enough.

  He opened the door to the room of his newest pack member, Steven. He looked at him asleep on the floor. Zack came up behind him. “What’s up, boss?”

  “Has he gone through his first change yet?” Cole asked and nodded toward Steven.

  “No, but he should within the next hour or so. He’s been thrashing around for a while, he must have just fallen asleep.”

  Cole shut the door. “Where is Kevin?”

  Zack rolled his eyes. “He’s not here. Whatever you need, I can do it, boss.”

  Cole considered it. “Alright, I want you to take Steven over to the abandoned building district and keep him there until he changes. When he does, I want you to let him go.”

  Zack gave him a puzzled look. “What do you mean let him go?”

  Cole smiled. “I mean exactly what I said. Once he shifts, stay out of his way. Let him do whatever he wants.”

  “What! He’ll be too unstable. He won’t be able to control himself and he’ll attack everyone that he sees. He’ll draw a lot of attention.”

  “I know!” Cole said and walked away. Zack stood staring at his back, unable to believe what he wanted him to do. Releasing Steven out into the public before he learned to control himself meant exposing what they are to the whole world. Zack didn’t really have a problem with that but he was surprised that Cole was going to let it happen.

  “Oh” Cole said and turned around to see the look of total shock on Zack’s face. “Make sure that you call Jesse’s little snitch, Jaden, and let him know one of my newly changed wolves has escaped and is terrorizing the city. Tell him that Steven has already killed several humans and make up a gruesome story. If I know my brother, he’ll do everything in his power to stop him.” Cole smiled and said to himself, “even if that means leaving his woman unprotected.”


  Lacey woke up and tried to sit up in the bed but a dizzy spell hit her and she fell back to the pillow. She looked over at Jesse asleep in the chair and felt a tingle in her chest. The memory of the last time she saw his face before she blacked out came to her. He had looked terrified. She didn’t want him to be afraid of her. She had never been in love before but she was pretty sure that what she felt for him was love and she wanted him to love her too, not fear her.

  Slowly, she got out of bed and knelt down beside Jesse’s chair. His hair was hanging over his eyes as he slept. She reached out and brushed it away. The cool touch of her hand startled him. He jumped and opened his eyes. “Lacey, you’re awake.”

  She smiled and eased down on his lap. “You didn’t have to sleep in the chair. You could have slept in the bed with me.”

  Jesse wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. “I didn’t want to disturb you. You needed your rest.” He gave her a worried look. “How do you feel?”

  She let out a deep breath. “I’ve been better. I’m a little weak but at least the headache is gone.”

  Jesse could hear the exhaustion in her voice. He was quiet for a minute. “I thought that I lost you. When I found you outside the café...I’ve never been so scared in my life. You looked like the life had been drained out of you. Promise me that you won’t use your powers anymore.”

  Lacey didn’t have the strength to argue or use her powers even if she wanted to. So she nodded her head in agreement. “I won’t. I promise. But you have to promise me that you won’t leave me alone until I get my strength back. I’ve never felt so weak before and I don’t know how long it will take to build my strength back up.”

  Jesse hugged her close to his chest. “I promise I won’t leave you unprotected.” He wanted to tell her that he loved her and that he was never going to leave her alone again, but he couldn’t. He just couldn’t get the words out. He was afraid that once he told her how he felt everything would change.

  Lacey laid her head on his shoulder and ran her finger along the scar on his neck. She loved everything about him, even the scar that he hated. And it was getting harder and harder to keep her feelings to herself.

  A loud rapid knock hit the wall by the open doorway. “Come in” Jesse said.

  Tyron walked in with a deadly serious look on his face. “We have a problem.”

  Jesse quickly stood up with Lacey in his arms. He sat her down on the bed before joining Tyron in the hall. Lacey stayed were she was and listened to what was being said. The more she heard, the more color drained from her face.

  “One of Cole’s newbies escaped and has already killed several humans. Jaden said the last time he was spotted he was near the abandoned buildings district on the other side of town. Cole isn’t bothering to look for him and if we don’t find him soon, god only knows how many more people he’ll kill” Tyron said.

  Jesse ran his hand down his face. If the newbie was captured or killed by the humans and he changed in front of them, then the whole world would know about werewolves. Jesse knew that he was going to need everyone in his pack to help capture the newbie. He glanced over at Lacey. She was staring at him with a worried look. It was obvious that she had heard what Tyron said just by the look on her face. “I’m going with you” she said.

  Jesse wanted to argue and tell her that she couldn’t go but if he did, she’d be left alone and unprotected. He couldn’t allow that. He nodded and turned to face Tyron. “Get everyone ready. We leave in five minutes.”

  Tyron turned to leave the room.

  “Tyron, how is the newbie doing?” Jesse asked.

  He grinned. “He’s alright. He handled his first shifting like a champ. He finally told us his name, it’s Kyle. And you were right about his age, he’s only seventeen. He was scared at first when we told him what he is now, but he got over it quickly when Kindal walked into the room. Once he saw her, he’s been all smiles. I think he has a crush on her.”

  “That’s good to hear but I still want him chained up before we leave. He can’t be trusted on the outside yet” Jesse said as he put his shoes on.

  Tyron left the room. Jesse watched as Lacey changed clothes and put on her shoes. He went over to her and rested his hand on her cheek. “When we get outside I want you to stay close to me at all times unless I tell you differently. And no matter what, don’t use your powers. My pack and I will keep you safe.”

  Lacey placed her hand over his. “I know you will” she said and kissed him on the neck, right beneath his

  “We have to go” Jesse said and took her hand in his. They joined the rest of his pack outside in the garage.

  Lacey stood quietly at Jesse’s side while he barked orders at everyone. “Scotty, Devon and Tyron, you three take the motorcycles and spread out in town. If you see the newbie or catch his scent anywhere, call me and let me know where you are. Trevor, I want you and the women with me. We’ll go to the abandoned building district and look for him there.”

  Jesse looked at each of his friends. “Be careful and don’t take any chances. If he won’t let you take him alive, kill him. We have to get him off the streets one way or the other.”

  Within seconds, Scotty, Devon and Tyron were on their motorcycles and out of sight. Trevor jumped behind the wheel of the jeep and Jesse rode shotgun. Lacey got in the back between Tonya and Kindal.

  Tonya looked at her with a motherly smile. “Are you feeling alright, Lacey?” she asked and touched her hand to Lacey’s forehead.

  Lacey turned her head away and Tonya’s hand fell from her face. She didn’t want anyone to worry about her, especially not when they had so much to worry about already. She knew that she didn’t look good and she didn’t feel good either but she kept it to herself. “I’m fine. Just a little tired.”

  Jesse looked over the seat at her. He couldn’t get over how weak she appeared. It worried him. “Lacey, I changed my mind. I think its best that you stay in the jeep. One of the girls will stay with you.”

  “I will” Kindal quickly volunteered.

  Lacey sat up straight in the seat to make herself look stronger than she felt. “No, I want to stay with you. I’ll be fine.”

  Jesse shook his head. “I won’t be able to help in the search if I’m worried about you collapsing from exhaustion.”

  Trevor pulled the jeep over to the curb and got out then opened the backdoor for Tonya. Jesse gave Lacey a pleading look. “Please stay here with Kindal. We’ll find the newbie as quickly as we can and I’ll be back here in no time.”

  Lacey knew there was no point in arguing with him. It would just waste everyone’s time and she’d still end up sitting in the jeep. “Okay” she said weakly and gave him a small smile.

  Jesse turned to Kindal. “Keep her safe.”

  “Of course” she said and put her arm around Lacey and squeezed. “She’s safe with me.”

  Jesse got out of the jeep and ran to catch up with Trevor and Tonya.


  Cole stalked around the woods outside of Jesse’s warehouse, excitement radiating off of him. He was finally going to get what he wanted. Lacey.

  Kevin came up beside him. “Zack called. He said that he just spotted Jesse and Trevor. They have Tonya with them. And one of the other spotters saw Devon, Scotty and Tyron riding through town. So Kindal must be inside with the girl.”

  Cole smiled. “How do I look?”

  Kevin lifted his lip in disgust. “You look like Jesse.”

  “Good” Cole said and started for the door of the warehouse. “As soon as Kindal opens the door, she’s going to know I’m not Jesse. We might be identical twins but we have different scents. I want you to yank her outside and I’ll rush inside at the same time. Hopefully, we’ll be quick enough that Lacey won’t notice anything. Once I’m inside, I’ll get close enough to her and inject her with this.” He held up a syringe filled with a clear liquid and looked at Kevin. “This shit better work. When she realizes that I’m not Jesse, she’s going to be pissed. And if I get thrown against the wall again, you’re a dead man.”

  “It will work. She’ll be unconscious within minutes” Kevin confirmed.

  Cole knocked on the door and waited for Kindal to open it. Nothing happened. He knocked again, louder this time but still no answer. He looked at Kevin. “I don’t hear anyone inside.”

  “Neither do I” Kevin said and turned the knob. It was locked.

  “Knock it down” Cole ordered.

  Kevin took a step back and kicked the door with all his might. It flew open and crashed against the wall behind it. Cole entered the warehouse and looked around. The place was empty. He stood at the bottom of the stairs and listened for movement upstairs but there was none. “Where is she?” he growled.

  Kevin stormed into the kitchen area. He held his hand up and pointed at the door a little ways from the kitchen. “Someone is in there.” He sniffed the air. “It’s one of us.”

  Cole walked past him and opened the door. Kyle was sitting on the bed with a chain secured around his left ankle. Cole walked over and lifted his head up to get a good look at him. “I know you. You’re one of the humans from the last hunt.”

  Kyle jerked his face out of Cole’s hand. “I was human until one of you freaks bit me, now I’m one of you.”

  Cole looked over his shoulder at Kevin. “Why wasn’t I told that one of the humans Jesse saved had been bitten?”

  “I didn’t know that he had been” Kevin said.

  “What is your name, boy?” Cole asked.


  “Well Kyle, it doesn’t look like Jesse is treating you very kindly. And since it was one of my wolves that bit you, technically you belong to my pack” Cole said and motioned for Kevin to remove his chains.

  Kyle shook his head. “I don’t want to go with you. I want to stay here.”

  Cole looked at him dumbfounded. “You can’t be serious. Jesse has you chained up like a damn dog. Why would you want to stay here?”

  “Because he won’t let me become a monster like you!” Kyle yelled.

  Cole knelt down in front of him and smiled. “You’re already a monster. Now you can come with us or I can just kill you but I won’t let Jesse have you.”

  Kyle dropped his head in surrender. He didn’t want to die. “Alright, I’ll go with you” he muttered.

  Cole patted his head. “That’s a good boy. Now tell me, have you seen a human girl here. Her name is Lacey.”

  “No, I haven’t seen her. But she was here, I could smell her. She left with the others.”

  “Damn it” Cole growled and stormed from the room. Kevin followed him. “What are you going to do now?”

  Cole rested his hands on the kitchen table, then punched a hole through it. He turned to Kevin. “Take Kyle to Sasha, tell her to keep an eye on him. I’m going after what’s mine.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Jesse and Trevor had the newbie cornered in the alley behind the old paper mill. He was in his wolf form and was highly agitated. He paced the small area between the dumpster and Trevor. He growled and snapped at Jesse when he took a step toward him.

  “It’s alright. I know you’re scared. We’re not going to hurt you. We’re here to help you” Jesse said in a calm voice.

  Steven continued to pace in front of him. He was confused and didn’t know what to do. The last thing he remembered was being mauled by wolves in a room somewhere. And when he woke up, he was lying next to a dumpster. Soon after that, he was in excruciating pain. He had felt like every bone in his body was breaking. He must have passed out from the pain. When he woke up later and tried to stand, he had four legs instead of two and was covered in fur. He’d been running around frantically ever since.

  Jesse tried to keep Steven’s attention focused on him so that Trevor could sneak close enough to tackle him to the ground. He held his hand out and took another step. “Listen to me, we can get you out of here. I will take you somewhere safe until you shift back to your human form, then we can talk and explain what is happening to you.”

  Steven stopped pacing and looked at Jesse.

  “That’s right, just come with me and everything will be okay” Jesse coaxed.

  Steven considered his options. He was about to agree to go with Jesse when he noticed Trevor coming toward him out of the corner of his eye. He quickly turned on him and clamped his jaws down on his arm. Trevor yelled in pain.

  Tonya came from her hiding spot in the woods a few feet away when she saw Trevor get bitten. She started to
ward him but was attacked from behind. She screamed as she fell to the ground. Jesse looked over at her and saw one of Cole’s men on top of her in his wolf form. He ran over and knocked the wolf off of her. The wolf growled and darted back into the woods. Jesse helped Tonya up and they both hurried over to Trevor.

  By the time they got to him, he had managed to get the newbie under control. His shirt was wrapped around the wolf’s mouth and he was holding him in a tight grip around the torso.

  “Nice job. How’s the arm?” Jesse asked.

  “Fine” Trevor said through gritted teeth. He looked at Tonya with worry in his eyes. “Are you alright?”

  She nodded. “I’m fine.”

  Jesse grabbed Steven’s back legs. “Let’s get him back to the jeep before someone sees us.”


  Lacey jumped in the seat when she heard Tonya scream. She reached for the door handle.

  “No!” Kindal yelled. “You have to stay here.”

  “I can’t. Tonya is in trouble. I have to help her.”

  Kindal thought for a second, indecision clear on her face. She knew that she couldn’t let Lacey out of the jeep but Tonya did sound like she was in trouble and Kindal couldn’t just leave her out there alone if she needed help. She looked at Lacey. “I’ll go check on Tonya. Promise me you’ll stay in the jeep until I come back or Jesse returns.”

  “I promise” Lacey said in a rush. “Now go, she needs help.”

  Kindal jumped out of the jeep and ran in the direction that she saw her friends go earlier. Lacey stared out the window, following Kindal’s movements until she was out of sight. She sighed with frustration that she couldn’t do anything to help. She didn’t want any of her friends to get hurt.

  Lacey was starting to get restless in the jeep. With every passing second, she grew more anxious. She had to know that everyone was okay. She was about to break her promise and jump out of the jeep and go looking for Tonya when she saw someone come out of the darkness toward the jeep. Once she realized who it was, she let out a small gasp and opened the door and ran toward the man.

  “Jesse!” she yelled in relief before she jumped on him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You have no idea how worried I was. I’m so glad that you’re okay. I heard Tonya scream and I got scared.”

  Lacey was so relieved to see Jesse that she didn’t notice how stiff his body was or the fact that he wasn’t hugging her back. She pulled back from him and looked at his face. “Jesse, is everything alright?”


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