Meant to Be Yours: New Adult BBW College Romance (Derek and Jaike Book 2)

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Meant to Be Yours: New Adult BBW College Romance (Derek and Jaike Book 2) Page 5

by Marian Tee

  Looking at Jaike, he asked, “Are you going to do it, baby?”

  Swallowing, she answered by reaching for the straps of her swimsuit. It was a plain navy one piece, nothing fancy, but the way Derek was looking at her now made Jaike feel like she had the skimpiest bikini on. Her fingers shook as she clumsily pulled the straps down. Her cheeks were on fire as she wriggled out of it, knowing this made her breasts bounce and jiggle in front of Derek.

  When she was done, she took her time folding her swimsuit before placing it on the marbled tiles surrounding the pool. It only bought her little time, and in the end she had no choice but to look back at Derek.

  The hungry desire in his gaze made her swallow. Never, never had a man looked at her the way Derek was looking at her now, not even Angelo. It was as if he would give up everything just to have a taste of her body, and the knowledge that she affected him that much made her desire grow to the same heights. Right or wrong, she wanted him that much, too. Oh God, how she wanted him.

  His gaze moved downwards and Jaike realized that he was staring at her naked breasts. When she looked down, a whimper of embarrassment escaped her at the sight of her aroused nipples. The lapping water only made her nipples more sensitive, and her breasts started to ache hard.

  “I’m going to do a lot of things to your body. It’s going to make you scream – I like hearing you scream, so be sure to scream as loudly as you can, baby. Do you understand?”

  Jaike’s voice was breathless and obedient as she whispered, “Yes.”

  “What I’ll do to you will make you want me to fuck you so bad. It’s going to make you want to come, but that’s where your punishment lies.” Derek closed the distance between them. “No matter what I do, you are absolutely forbidden to come.” His voice hardened, a Dom who expected his Sub’s full obedience and trust. “Do you understand?”

  She whispered, “Yes.”

  And her punishment began.

  It started innocuously enough, sweet, tender kisses rained all over her face, the kind that made her tremble and feel like crying again because it reminded her of words Derek had once spoken.

  Hurry up and fall in love with me.

  And then his lips took hers again, and his passion took a darker turn. The kiss was rough and deep, and with his hands starting to move, there was absolutely no chance for Jaike to stay in control. As she felt Derek’s hands cupping her breasts and kneading them, she could only cling to him, pressing her breasts deeper into his touch while she kissed him back.

  Their tongues tangled as he began to tweak her nipples, pinching and then rubbing, twisting and then stroking. It was pure torture, beautiful and painful, and she couldn’t get enough of it. She could only sob for more.


  He lifted his head back, his fingers still torturing her nipples. “Please what?”


  “Say it.”

  “Please kiss my breasts.”

  His smile was a work of art, devastatingly beautiful and undeniably cruel. “No.” And his hands were gone from her breasts, making her scream in frustration.

  Laughing at the sound, relishing the proof of Jaike’s desire, he held her by the waist and started walking, forcing Jaike to walk back until she hit the wall of the pool. “Stretch your arms against the tiles.”

  She did as asked, her arms and body forming the shape of a T.

  “They’re to stay like that until I say otherwise. Do you understand?”

  She nodded. “Ye—” The word turned into a strangled moan as she felt his fingers on her pussy. Being in water had it wet, but when he started to stroke her folds with his fingers, her pussy became wet from a different kind of moisture.

  The way he touched her was pure torture as well. Sometimes, it was long and leisurely, other times it was brisk and hard. Either way, it had her pussy trembling badly, yearning painfully for his penetration.

  “Please, please, Derek, please.” She wanted his fingers, his cock – oh God, she just wanted him to make her pussy feel full.

  But he only smiled, in a way that turned his face into something cruelly beautiful. For some reason, it just made Jaike want him even more, and a part of her wondered if this was why Diana had been so in love with Anthony Carras. There was just something so liberating in giving yourself completely to a man – especially if it was a man who knew exactly what to do to make a woman’s body sing.

  The way Jaike looked at him, the sound of her begging him for release – all of it had Derek clenching his teeth hard. He wanted so badly to give in, but he controlled himself ruthlessly, knowing that this kind of anticipation would make their eventual union the kind that neither of them would ever forget.

  When Jaike felt his thumb against her clitoris, that was the moment she realized nothing before it had been punishment. This was the real test, the real struggle of preventing her body from claiming the release it now so desperately sought.

  “Derek, please.” She clutched the tiles hard, feeling like her mind was about to break at the effort it took to control her body from coming.

  “How badly do you want it, baby?” His voice was raspy with suppressed need, and she dimly realized that he was suffering as much as she was. Another Dom would have rightfully taken his release while withholding it from his Sub, but not her Derek. Not her Dom.

  “I want it,” she whispered.

  His smile turned feral with his possessive need for her as he demanded, “How much do you want it? Tell me.”

  She tried to lift her hips to get him to fill her pussy, but this only made him press her hips back to the wall, his fingers leaving her pussy completely abandoned.

  Jaike cried out. “Please!”

  “Tell me!”

  Her hips tried to lift itself up against his hold, but it was no use. Breaking down, she screamed, “I want you! I want you so much I think of you every minute of the day!”

  No sooner than she had said the words, his body slammed against hers, making Jaike gasp. When she felt Derek holding his cock and teasing the entrance of her pussy, her gasp turned into a keening cry of need.

  Her fingers dug into his hard shoulders. “Oh God, please. Please give it to me.” But no matter how she twisted and writhed, she could only have the head of his cock brush against her slick folds, touching it but never quite entering.

  “Do you want my cock, Jaike?”


  “Say it then.”

  “I want your cock.” She sobbed the words out. “I want your cock, Derek.”

  “Do you think you’ll get it now?”

  She glared at him, frustration and desire warring inside her.

  He repeated his question, in a commanding voice this time, making it clear he expected an answer.

  She tried to take him by surprise, pushing her hips forcefully against him. But it only made him laugh, easily keeping his cock from sliding into her warm pussy.

  Jaike snarled, “No. I obviously won’t get your cock inside me.” God, she so wanted to come. It was all she could think about, and it made her body shake like an alcoholic suffering from withdrawal symptoms.

  “Are you mad at me, baby?” He came back to her, holding his cock and using it to rub circles around her folds.

  Jaike sobbed, “Yes.”

  The way she was staring at him made him grit his teeth. This was supposed to be her punishment, dammit, but why did it feel like he was cutting his nose to spite his face? His voice harsh with desire, he demanded, “Do you think I’m being cruel? Do you think you don’t deserve this?”

  She wanted to say yes, but she couldn’t. She could only cling hard to his body, begging him with her hips, seducing him by brushing her naked breasts against his chest. “No,” she choked out, her voice echoing throughout the vast pool center.

  At her answer, he carried her up, taking Jaike by surprise. The next thing she knew, he had her seated on the edge of the pool, her legs dangling in the water. Mind confused, body aching, she looked do
wn at him and saw her suffering mirrored in his gaze.

  “Am I the only one you can think of right now?”


  “Do you know now – do you fucking understand that I am and will always be the only one who can make you feel like this?”

  Tears pricked her eyes, but she blinked them away as she whispered, “Yes.”

  “Good.” He lifted himself up with effortless grace, and Jaike couldn’t stop herself from staring at his naked form as Derek seated himself next to her.

  Tipping her chin up, he told her, “We’re going home now.”


  “I won’t let you come here.”

  “What?” This time, she sounded like she was about to cry.

  “A punishment is a punishment, and bad girls like you need to learn your lesson.” He helped her up to her feet, satisfaction warming his body when he saw the way desire had her wobbling on her feet.

  “When we get home, that’s when I’ll let you come. That’s when I’ll make you mine and we’ll fuck each other’s brains out.” He kissed her hard. “But before that, you are not allowed to come. Not even a single drop of come, or I’ll be extremely disappointed.”

  His words made her want him even more, and she mulishly wondered if that had been Derek’s intention all along for saying it.

  “Tell me you understand, Jaike.”

  She growled, “Yes.”

  Her tone had him smiling. “Are you furious with me?”


  He laughed. “That’s good. That’s going to make tonight even more pleasurable. So keep getting mad at me. It only means I’ll be the only thing you think about.” He pulled her to his side. “Now, let’s get you dressed.”

  It was pure torture once more, with Derek caressing her body as he helped her dress. His hands would brush deliberately against her breasts, but he wouldn’t touch her nipples. He would accidentally stroke her pussy but his fingers would never go inside, not even the tips.

  The torture went on when he asked her to dress him. It required her to look at him, really look at him, and the beauty of his naked form only served to sharpen her desire, the sensation so strong it was painfully acute.

  Helping him put his shirt on made her want to lick his nipples, but she knew without being told that doing so would be dangerous. Anything hotter than what she was doing now and she would come. She just knew she would.

  Getting him to wear his jeans had her kneeling and at eye level with his cock. It was so hard, so long and big, it made her dizzy just thinking about how it would feel to have Derek’s cock pounding into her.

  By the time he was fully dressed and he had pulled her back up to her feet, Jaike’s lips were completely dry, her throat parched. She told him half-seriously, “I think I want you so much, I’m dehydrated.”

  Derek blinked at the unexpected words before barking in laughter. Taking hold of her hand, he pulled her to him, saying soothingly, “I’ll get you something to drink right away.”

  She glared at him.

  He laughed harder. He couldn’t help it. “I know you want, err, something else to, err, eat—” He paused, waiting for her to protest, but she didn’t.

  Ah, God, did she really want him that much?

  Just the thought that she did made it nearly impossible to walk, his cock almost bursting out of his boxers and making his jeans feel painfully tight. “Dammit.” He cupped her face and made her look at him. “You’re trying to punish me too, aren’t you?”

  She shook her head. “I can’t even remember my name. I just know I want you—”

  He kissed her again, harder this time, his tongue sweeping in. He couldn’t help it, knowing she was being honest with him. This would teach him about trying to punish his lovely Sub. Every time he did, it was obvious it would only backfire on him, leaving Derek even more frustrated than Jaike was.

  Outside the pool center, he told her, “Stay here and wait for me. I’ll get you something to drink and then after that, we’ll go home and we’ll fuck. Right away. Understood?”

  She could only nod, wide-eyed. It wasn’t as if his tone allowed for any argument.

  As he started to leave, Jaike noticed the bodyguards around them. She recognized some of them by face and knew they were all Derek’s. “Derek?”

  He stopped walking and turned back to her. “What is it?”

  “I...” She hurried to him, not wanting any of his bodyguards to accidentally hear her as she muttered self-consciously, “Why won’t you ask any one of them to get my drink?” It wasn’t that she wanted him to act like a spoiled brat. She just wanted him close to her.

  Derek only had to take one look at Jaike’s face to know why she had asked the question. His teeth gnashed against each other as he did his best to suppress his need for her. Goddammit, why was it taking her so long to understand the truth about her feelings? What had happened to her in the past that had made her fearful and distrust her emotions so much?

  Just one word from him, and he knew his father’s expert staff could uncover every skeleton in her closet. But he would not do that. He wanted to earn Jaike’s trust, wanted to wait until she was the one to tell him about herself – he wanted to feel like he deserved it when the day would come and she would tell him that she loved him. All of him, even the side he could only reveal to the girl he loved.

  Looking down at her, he admitted the truth in an uneven undertone. “I’m doing my best to make things normal between us. From the very first time we met, you held my being a Christopoulos against me.”


  “Don’t deny it. You did.”

  She turned red. “I didn’t mean to.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, baby. I’m not mad at all about it. If anything, it just makes me want you more. At least I can be sure you’re with me for my body and not my money.”

  She opened her mouth to protest—

  He asked wickedly, “Unless of course you’re with me for another reason?” His blue-gray eyes gleamed. “Perhaps because you’re in love with me?”

  She shut up. That was something she wasn’t ready to talk about, and if it meant admitting she was with him for his body, well, so be it.

  He laughed. “My stubborn Sub. One day, you’ll realize how well I know you.”

  “I already know.” She couldn’t help sounding disgruntled. “And I still don’t understand how it happened. How you know me so well…”

  He kissed her on the forehead. “I know you that well because you’re meant for me. And soon, you’ll realize that you know me just as well.” He stepped away. “Now, be a good girl and stay here while I get a drink for you like any other normal boyfriend would do.”

  She couldn’t help but smile as she watched him walk away. Normal boyfriend? There wouldn’t ever be a time someone like Derek Christopoulos could be described as normal. Not someone as perfect as he was.

  “Ms. Hepburn?”

  She looked back in surprise and saw one of Derek’s bodyguards holding her bag.

  “Sorry!” She had been so…so…so sexually infatuated with Derek she hadn’t realized she had forgotten her bag at the gym.

  “We’re happy to carry it for you, Ms. Hepburn. But I heard your phone beeping inside it and it might be an important call.”

  “Oh. Thank you.” Taking the bag from Derek’s bodyguard, she unzipped it and rummaged through the contents for her phone. “Aha,” she exclaimed when she found it, unaware that doing so made Derek’s entire security team exchange grins. Most of them had been with Derek since birth, and it was their first time to see their employer date someone as refreshingly genuine as Jaike.

  It was Marcy, sending her a text message.

  Don’t freak out. And I mean it.

  I just heard the news, and I made sure to confirm it before texting you.

  Angelo and Rosie have broken up – and the people who were there heard him say very clearly that he still loves you…and that he’s only loved ever you.

nbsp; The phone slipped from her hand.

  “Baby? What’s wrong?”

  Her head jerked up. She was so stunned to see Derek back that she could only wordlessly accept the bottled water he handed to her. By the time she recovered, he had already crouched down and was reaching for her phone.


  But it was too late.

  Derek would have given the phone back immediately to Jaike if one of the words on her screen hadn’t jumped out at him.

  It was a name.


  Chapter Six

  “Say something.” They were the first words she spoke since Derek had read Marcy’s message on her phone. He had been just as silent, unbearably so. And he hadn’t touched her the whole time, not even once.

  A small part of her had been grateful for his silence. It had allowed her some much-needed time to think. She just couldn’t understand why Angelo would say something like that. He loved her? He was still in love with her? He was the only girl he had ever loved?

  The thought sent a painful, bitter twinge to her heart.

  If all those were true, then why had he betrayed her like that?

  She looked at Derek again. “Derek—”

  He shook his head, not looking at her as he said curtly, “Not here.”

  By the time they reached her room, her heart was in her throat and it didn’t help that there were even more people looking at them now. News definitely traveled at lightning speed in Christopoulos University, especially when it had to do with a guy like Derek.

  When she got home, she wasn’t even surprised that Derek had somehow managed to have all his things moved in it. Again, without her permission – but this time she didn’t give a damn. All she cared about was knowing what Derek thought about Marcy’s message. She wanted to ask him about it, but after his cutting response a while ago, it was hard to find the courage to talk about it again.

  So instead she found herself babbling, “Did you get your friends to help you get your stuff in here?”

  His back to her as he locked the main door shut, Derek only shook his head in response.

  Her heart sank a little at that, but she refused to feel defeated. She felt so panicky, and she didn’t like it. She knew she had nothing to be guilty about, but even so, it was how she felt. She had already hurt Derek once when she told him she wished he was Angelo. She didn’t want him hurt like that ever again.


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