Meant to Be Yours: New Adult BBW College Romance (Derek and Jaike Book 2)

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Meant to Be Yours: New Adult BBW College Romance (Derek and Jaike Book 2) Page 11

by Marian Tee

  Her husband cleared his throat. “Sweetheart, maybe you should also give Ms. Hepburn a chance to speak.”

  His wife laughed. “I did let my mouth run away, didn't I?” She surprised Jaike by stepping forward and placing a kiss on her cheek. “Whatever happens tonight, my dear, please know that I will never hold you to blame.”

  And then they were walking away, leaving Jaike dazed and terrified. She turned to Marcus. “Please, let’s go now—”

  “Jaike?” It was Derek.

  Her tone became more insistent. “Marcus?”

  But to her horror, she found Marcus’ gaze filled with regret. “Bella—”

  “Don’t believe him, Marcus! He doesn’t deserve a chance! I chose you, remember? You can’t let him—”

  “Jaike, I love you.”

  The words had her spinning around in disbelief. “How dare you?” she gasped, stricken. “How can you even think of saying that—”

  And that was when it dawned on her.

  What this whole setup was.

  He had recreated that night for Jaike, and now he was giving her his heart on a platter.

  This night was for her to take her revenge, an eye for an eye, one crushed heart for another.

  Not making any effort to lower his voice, Derek repeated, “I love you, Jaike. I will always love you.” He knew, by the look at Jaike’s face, that she finally understood what this was all about.

  “How much?” she asked. “How much do you love me?”

  “More than anything.” His voice lowered. “If you want to truly make me pay, you should use this opportunity to let everyone know what I did to you.” A smile that didn’t reach his eyes touched his lips. “All my life, I’ve hidden that side of me so I wouldn’t hurt my father’s chances in politics. So speak of it now, and it shall be another sin I can never forgive myself for.”

  Jaike shook her head. “I won’t hurt others because of what you did.”

  “Then ask me to do anything,” Derek gritted out. “Tell me to do anything – I just want a way to make it up to you.”

  “Kneel down and kiss my feet.”

  Before she was done speaking, he had already gone down on his knees and when she finished, he was already bending down to kiss her feet. She wanted to stop him. She wanted to cry. She wanted to demand why. Why was he doing this to her when he didn’t really love her? If he really loved her, he would never have been able to do that to her. If he had been someone she could really trust, he would never have hurt her like that. Never would have treated her the way Anthony Carras treated her mother.

  Derek’s lips touched her feet.

  Behind her, Marcy whispered, “Oh, Jaike.”

  Guilt made her heart blaze with pain, but she steeled her heart, telling herself that she deserved this. That it was her right to make him pay.

  Derek raised his head. “What else do you want me to do?”

  The humility in his tone, the lack of hatred in his eyes, made her feel even more horrible. “Did I tell you to stop kissing my feet?” she heard herself snap.

  Everyone around them had already fallen silent, and photographers eagerly taking shots of what was happening were the only sounds in the room.

  Derek’s head started to lower.


  Marcy’s aghast tone made her cringe in shame. Oh God, what was she doing? Why was Derek letting her do this? Before Derek could reach her feet, she reacted instinctively, kicking him away. It was completely unexpected, and Derek fell on his back.

  She started to cry even as she screamed, “Have you had enough then?”

  Derek slowly raised himself up. “No.” His tone was raw with regret, and when he looked at her, his eyes still didn’t possess even a hint of hatred. All she could see there was love—for her.

  “I love you, Jaike, and whatever you want, I’ll do—”

  She shook her head wildly. “If I told you to crawl to me naked, will you?”

  “Yes.” Derek reached for his tie.

  He must be bluffing. Surely this was just a bluff. He wouldn’t really crawl for her, much less naked. “Don’t think I’ll stop you from doing it!”

  Derek threw his tie on the floor. “I will do it. For you. Anything you want, I’ll do.”

  “Then make it fast,” Jaike spat. “Because you’re wasting my time.”

  Derek threw off his shirt.

  When he reached for his belt, that was the moment she had to close her eyes, no longer able to bear the sight of Derek stripping himself of his clothes and his pride. Because of her. Because of what she was making him do.

  After throwing his belt to the floor, Derek found himself looking at Jaike. She had her eyes squeezed shut, and her body was so stiff it was as if she was made of stone. She was crying silently, and the sight of it broke his heart.

  That was when he made the decision.

  Closing the distance between them, he took hold of her face. His hands shook as he did because he knew this was the last time – this was really the last time he could touch her. For her sake, he had to let her go.

  Jaike broke down, her sobs becoming volatile the moment she felt Derek’s touch. Her eyes still squeezed shut, she demanded, “Have you given up?”


  “Then what are you doing? Why did you stop?”

  “I had to. I can’t bear to see you like this. You’re not a bad person – you never were, but if I keep forcing you to love me again, you will be. And I don’t want that. I can see it in your eyes – I can hear it in your voice, you don’t even want me to do this.” Slowly, he placed a kiss on her forehead and as he did, he whispered fiercely against her skin, “I love you. I will always love you. And because I love you, I’m letting you go. I only want the best for you, baby, and now I know…” His own voice broke. “I’m not the best for you.”

  He pulled away. “I’ll grant you your wish this time, baby. You’ll never see me again, never hear from me again. And one day, I hope that you’ll be able to forget me and find love again.” He didn’t wait for her answer. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t be able to bear it because whatever she said, it would just mean the end.

  Jaike was frozen, her mind unable to comprehend the fact that Derek was really leaving. She had won. He had given up, and she was able to prove to herself that she was right to be strong. She was right to keep him at a distance.

  But the victory tasted hollow on her tongue.

  As Derek walked further away, her vision began to blur and Jaike’s view of him became distorted. Her heart cracked bit by bit, and the more it cracked, the more she felt. She was supposed to be happy she had done this to Derek, so why could she only feel fear and despair?

  Derek was nearing the door now.

  She closed her eyes, trying to remember how he had hurt her.

  But instead, all she could remember was how much he had loved her.

  She remembered how Derek never lost his temper with her, no matter how bitchy she was to him.

  “Get out of my way, Derek.”

  “Not until you say please.”

  She bared her teeth. “Please.”

  Derek released her with a heart-stopping grin. “That was the first time I heard a girl say ‘please’ like she wanted to kill me.”

  She remembered the times she had been the one to mess up and Derek had forgiven her, unhesitatingly, unconditionally. She remembered talking about him behind his back, comparing him to Angelo and making him sound second-best.

  And all Derek had said was, “Just take it back. That’s all you have to do, baby. Take it back and admit the truth.”

  He hadn’t asked for an apology, for his pound of flesh. He just wanted her to admit the truth.

  That she was scared, that she loved him.

  Once, memories had caged her in the past. Now, the memories she had shared with Derek freed her.

  “Derek!” Jaike broke into a run. “Derek!” She was crying so hard she couldn’t see where she was going, but she didn’t stop ru
nning, flying up the staircase. “Derek,” she screamed. “Derek, come back!”

  She burst out of the ballroom’s doors, but there was no sign of Derek. She screamed and sobbed his name over and over as she slid to her knees.

  A shadow fell over her.

  Derek stood before her, breathing hard like he had just run a mile to get back to her. That was almost close to the truth since he had been about to cross the lobby’s doors when he heard Jaike screaming his name.

  She looked so pale and frightened that his own heart slammed against his chest in apprehension. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  “I’m sorry, Derek. I’m sorry for trying to shame you.”

  He was so stunned by the words, he couldn’t speak.

  When Derek didn’t say a word, her fear heightened and her tone became desperate. “I was scared. I was scared I would be like my mother because I loved you too much. But now I know – love doesn’t make us perfect to each other. It won’t stop us from making mistakes, but one thing it will always do is make us…better people.” She choked out a sob. “You made me better, Derek. You made me strong. You made me happy. And you made me want to live. I love you, Derek. Please take me back.”

  Derek’s head spun at what Jaike was saying. Letting her go had been the most painful thing he had done, but he had done it for her. Now, with her in front of him, it felt surreal, and he could only shake his head—

  Jaike’s heart broke as she saw Derek shake his head. Was she too late? She couldn’t be, could she?

  “Please.” She tried to think of a way to keep him with her, to make him see that their love was worth another chance, and only one thing came to her.

  Slowly, she lowered herself.

  When Derek saw Jaike bending down, her lips about to touch his own feet, the sight of it had him groaning and breaking free from his momentary paralysis. “Jaike, no!” He slid down to his knees and hauled her into his arms. “I love you, baby. I love you.”

  Her arms wrapped tightly around him, her whole body shaking. “I love you,” she blubbered back to him. “I love you so much it s-scares me.” She choked on her tears. “But w-what’s scarier is n-not h-having y-you in m-my l-life.”

  “Never, baby.” He rained hungry kisses on her face. “You’re mine, remember? You were meant to be mine, and I’m meant to be yours.”


  Years later

  A certain award-winning restaurant in Miami was closed to the public one Tuesday night, the entire place reserved for the intimate birthday celebration of Senator Richard Christopoulos’ only son. The whole night had been filled with music and laughter, the invitation list made up entirely of Derek Christopoulos’ friends. Media presence was zilch, and outside the restaurant, bodyguards were stationed at every corner to ensure the occasion remained private.

  Inside, everyone’s attention was glued to the screen as Derek was presented with a surprise collage of video greetings from his closest friends.

  First was his own cousin Leandro Christopoulos, a famous ex-biker, together with his equally famous girlfriend, Bobby Granger, who had long made a name for herself in the field of philanthropy. “Happy birthday, cousin,” Leandro drawled in his Greek-accented voice. “Bobby and I regret not being there to celebrate your birthday with you.”

  Bobby inserted, “Actually, I would have loved to attend, but this man beside me—”

  Leandro countered, “—acts only as a concerned father-to-be would. The doctor has told us that she requires rest—”

  “Which means, you know, avoiding strenuous physical activity. Flying back to America for your cousin’s party is not stressful—” The rest of her words was cut off by Leandro’s kiss.

  When Leandro pulled away, “As you see, cousin, women become more disobedient when they are expecting. A fair warning to you – I expect the same from your lovely, stubborn Jaike.”

  The whole room burst into laughter.

  Another couple showed up on the screen. “Happy birthday, Derek.” Throughout his greeting, Nick Christakos’ voice remained crisp and cool, as expected from someone who had started building his business empire at eighteen. Beside him was a stunning brunette, who despite having recorded the greeting at a nightclub was made to wear sunglasses by her fiancé. It was a puzzle to the media but a running joke among their friends. Everyone knew that Lilac had the most expressive violet eyes, something that Nick jealously kept to himself by having Lilac wear dark glasses as often as possible.

  Lilac only spoke at the end, her stammer barely evident as she said with a smile, “H-happy birthday, Derek. T-thank you for being a w-wise advisor to Nick.”

  Beside her, Nick was rolling his eyes. “Just because he’s older doesn’t make him wise.”

  “That’s n-not it at all. I’m s-saying he’s w-wise because he knew you l-loved me before you realized it yourself.” She gave him an impish smile. “Wise, right?”

  A pause, then Nick said seriously, “I think the shades aren’t enough. I should have you wear a mask next time, too. I don’t want others to see you smiling, either.”


  Nick’s twin and his own girlfriend Keanne were up next. The greeting was recorded straight from Keanne’s vineyard in France. They stood barefoot in front of the camera, with Jason’s jeans rolled up to his knees. The color of their feet made it clear they had been stomping on grapes before the recording.

  “Ciao, Derek et Jaike! Joyeux anniversaire!” She rattled on the rest of her message in French.

  When she was done speaking, Jason said, “Happy birthday to my good friend Derek. Since I know you don’t speak French, let me translate my girlfriend’s message. She says ‘happy birthday, and may the day come that Jaike realizes she’s engaged to a frog and not a prince—”

  Keanne gasped. “That was not what I said!”

  Jason looked at her in sham innocence. “My bad. I guess I’m the one who doesn’t speak French.”

  Seated at one of the corner tables in the restaurant, Keanne shook her head as she watched her and Jason’s video greeting. “It’s clear to see you had so much fun ribbing him, mon coeur.”

  “True,” Jason said unrepentantly. “My way of saying ‘asshole’ to the man who always sided with my older brother.”

  Her eyes narrowed and she asked sweetly, “Perhaps you’re still holding a grudge for the time Derek thoughtfully warned you off Lilac?” She was of course only teasing. She was long over her jealousy of Lilac, whom Jason was once attracted to.

  Jason cursed under his breath at Keanne’s look of hurt. Him and his big mouth. “Actually,” he said hastily, “I didn’t mean to say he was an asshole. I meant he was an angel, for helping me realize how lucky I was to have a girl like you.”

  More video greetings followed, from the President of the Afxisi club and his bride, the Prince of Darkness and Derek’s best friend, who had also been unable to attend tonight’s dinner because it happened to coincide with his regular scheduled trip to New England.

  The last video was from Jaike.

  From the audience, Derek’s heart swelled with love and pride at the sight of her. They had been together for years, but every day, the feelings he had for her just kept growing. A smile curved on his lips as he watched Jaike swallow and clear her throat several times. Although this was a self-recording, Christien had been in charge of the editing. This, Derek realized, was what Christien had texted him about.

  Happy birthday. I apologize for not being able to make it to tonight’s party, but I have made sure my gift for you will be fantastic. It is Jaike as you – and the others – have never seen before.

  Jaike was looking at the camera. “I have no idea how to rewind this thing or restart the recording, so please just cut it?” She paused, as if waiting for Christien to answer. A moment later, she laughed to herself. “Oh my God, I forgot I was talking to the camera. I’m so nervous. Can you tell?”

  Derek could – and everyone else in the room probably did.

cleared her throat one more time. She looked down at the piece of paper she held in her hands. “I’m going to read my message. I hope it’s okay. I’m just not good at impromptu speeches. Actually, this isn’t even entirely original since I based it on Martin Luther King’s speech.”

  Derek barked in laughter. Oh yes, that was his Jaike all right. She was asked to give him a personal greeting on his birthday, and she had to base it on a freedom fighter’s speech.

  She took a deep breath. “Here goes.” One last deep breath. “I have a Dom.”

  Silence – from the video and the entire restaurant.

  A second later, the screen showed Jaike moaning in embarrassment, and the whole crowd burst into laughter. “Oh my God, oh my God, cut that out. I meant I have a dream. A dream! Please cut that out, Christien. Please?”


  From the restaurant’s AV control room, Jaike let out a moan that was exactly the same as what she had done in the video. How could Christien not edit that part out? She knew it. She just knew she shouldn’t have trusted Derek’s friend to do things properly. It didn’t matter that the world thought him extremely serious and professional. Yeah right! He was Derek’s friend, after all. Of course he’d be up to mischief.

  The door behind her suddenly opened, and then Derek was there, grinning at her. “You have a Dom?”

  She covered her face in embarrassment. “Shut up!”

  Laughing, he kicked the door shut behind him and a second later, Jaike found herself swept up in his arms.

  “Derek,” she protested laughingly. “Put me down!”


  Gazing down at him, she said wonderingly, “You look so happy. What happened?”

  He rolled his eyes. “You really have to ask? You called me your Dom in front of everyone.”

  She groaned, hiding her face against the crook of his neck. “Don’t remind me, please.”

  “I’ll always remind you of it. I’ve never been so fucking happy to hear something in my entire life. Something like that should be rewarded.”

  Something about the tone of his voice had her pulling away so she could peer at his face. When she saw the wicked glint in Derek’s eyes, she immediately shook her head. “Oh, no. Derek, there are still guests out there, and they’re probably looking for you—Derek!” He had her back against the door, his hand going under her dress. A second later, she heard the sound of ripping fabric and knew he had just torn her panties away.


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