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Forever Eva [Sequel to When Kat's Away] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 10

by Missy Martine

  Tony watched as she hurried up the stairs. No one said a word until they heard the sound of the bedroom door close.

  Zach picked up the empty pizza box. “So, where are you taking her tomorrow?”

  “Andrew Matthews works with me on the force. His family has a small place outside of town, and they have horses suitable for riding. He said he’d saddle me a couple of gentle rides and have them ready in the morning.” Tony shrugged. “I thought I’d give her a little taste of home with some horseback riding.”

  “A taste of home, huh? Does that mean you’ve finally decided to believe she came here from the past?”

  Tony barked out a nervous laugh. “Let’s just say I’m beginning to be open to possibilities. I haven’t found any traces of here in the States. And, my father always told me when logic doesn’t give you the answers you seek, it’s time to start looking at the illogical.” He snorted. “And as far as I’m concerned, you can’t get more illogical than time travel.”

  “I thought I’d stop by the courthouse on my lunch hour tomorrow and see how the search is going for those records.”

  “Do you really think you’re gonna find anything?”

  “Who knows? But I can tell you this. I’m getting to the point where I don’t care what the records say. I wanna be with Eva no matter what.”

  Tony frowned and took a step toward Zach. “What do you mean, no matter what?”

  “I mean, I’d want to be with Eva even if she went back to 1899. If fate sends her home, then I’ll do everything in my power to go with her.”

  Tony cleared his throat and lowered his gaze. “Have you and she—you know.”

  Zach shook his head. “No, but we came close today. We pulled back before we went too far.” He studied Tony for a moment. “I may be wrong, but I think she’s waiting to see if you accept her. You have to know she’s angling for the three of us to be together, like her family back home.”

  “I’m not sure I can do that, Zach. I guess I’m a little old-fashioned. I’ve never been in a threesome.” He paused for a moment. “Have you?”

  “No, not a threesome, but there’s something you should probably know about me.”

  Tony cocked his head, his brow wrinkled. “What?”

  “I’m bisexual.”

  Tony blinked twice. “Excuse me?”

  Zach laughed. “You heard me. I’m bisexual.”

  Tony took a step back and swallowed hard. “Let’s be really clear on what you’re saying.”

  Zach sighed. “It means that I don’t believe there should be rules regarding who you love. I’ve had relationships with women and men equally, just never one of each at the same time.”

  “You’ve had sex with a man.”

  “A couple of them, actually. They weren’t serious relationships, but they were enjoyable.”

  Tony dropped into a chair and felt the muscles in his stomach tighten. “I don’t know what to say. I guess you know that I’m not gay.”

  Zach sighed again and sat down on the couch. “I don’t label people like that. I think feelings have to come first, and then sex can enter the picture. If you’ve got feelings of love or desire for someone, it shouldn’t matter what sex they are.” He paused for a moment and then leaned forward. “I think you should know that I’ve been attracted to you for some time. It doesn’t mean I’d ever do anything about it, unless you gave me some indication that you’d be receptive to it. I just think you should know how I feel before we progress in our relationship with Eva. We already know that nothing is gonna shock her with her family background.” He stood and moved toward the stairs. “Don’t worry, Tony. I’m not gonna suddenly jump on you. I just want you to think about getting to know Eva better.”

  Tony watched Zach climb the stairs. What am I gonna do now?

  Chapter 7

  Eva sank down into the warm water and groaned. Tony was so different tonight. “Maybe he’s finally coming around,” she whispered. She reached out and flipped the switch to turn on the swirling water and grinned. “Mama, I can’t believe you didn’t try harder to get back here and just bring Papa Beau and Papa Zeke with you.” She sunk down, letting the water swirl over her breasts, and thought back to the time she spent with Zach on the swing. She could almost feel his hands on her flesh. Slowly, she raised her hand and let her fingers slide over the rigid nipple.

  She let out her breath with a moan as she used her thumbs to rub back and forth across the aching tips. Fiery sensations whipped through her as her fingers played across her pebbled nipples. Closing her eyes, she ran her hands down over her belly, her legs trembling when she encountered the wet, silky hair between her thighs. Gently, she pushed two fingers inside her woman’s place and squeezed her thighs together, trapping her hand inside.

  A harsh groan escaped her lips as she let her legs fall open. She’d learned how to bring herself pleasure when she was still a young girl. Her mama had encouraged it, telling her that she’d never be happy in an intimate relationship unless she could show a man how to please her. Filling her thoughts with erotic images of Zach and Tony, she found her clit and rubbed the slick flesh in tiny circles. Her nerves screamed with pleasure as her body strained toward a peak. Her legs stiffened and then shuddered when she pinched her clit between her fingers and tugged. “Oh, yes,” she cried out as a kaleidoscope of colors swirled behind her eyes. Breathing raggedly, she slowly relaxed, letting the force of her climax race thorough her body.

  When her breathing finally slowed, she quickly washed her sated body, turned off the Jacuzzi, and opened the drain on the tub. She glanced in the mirror as she dried off, her face a flaming red. “I hope nobody heard me.” Sighing, she hung up her towel and then climbed onto the large bed, pulling the covers up to her neck. It made her feel naughty to lie naked between the cool cotton sheets. “If I could just get Tony to have feelings for me like Zach does, I’d be happy to stay here forever.”

  * * * *

  Eva looked around as Tony drove the truck into the circular drive in front of a small white house. She could see the wooden fences of a corral and the dust puffing under the horse’s hooves as they circled the enclosure.

  He pulled the truck over and turned off the engine. “Surprise! We’re going riding today.”


  “Yeah, I thought it might make you feel more at home.”

  Eva squealed and threw her arms around his neck. She paused for only a moment and then pressed her lips to his. It only took a second for Tony to take over the kiss, turning it passionate. She stiffened when she heard a strange male voice.

  “None of that, now. You’ll scare the horses.”

  She pulled back and looked out the window. A tall, broad-shouldered man dressed as a cowboy walked slowly across the yard with a small dog yipping at his feet, his cowboy hat pulled so low she couldn’t see his eyes.

  “That’s Andrew Matthews,” Tony said. “We work together on the force.” He gestured out the window. “This belongs to his family.” He opened his door and motioned for her to get out. “Come on. I want you to meet him.”

  Eva jumped out of the truck and joined Tony where he leaned against the front, letting her fingers twine with his. The smell of manure and dust pierced her very soul, and a sudden longing for her family left her breathless.

  Andrew stopped in front of Tony and held out his hand. “Glad you and your lady could make it.”

  Tony shook his hand. “Thank you for letting us come out and borrow a couple of your horses.” He turned to smile at Eva. “Sunshine, this is my good friend Andrew Matthews.” He turned back to Andrew. “And this is my special lady, Eva Bennington-Martinson.”

  Andrew held out his hand and smiled when Eva placed her hand in his. “Pleased to meet you, ma’am. Please feel free to treat my home like your own while you’re here.” He motioned toward the corral. “Come on over and take a look at the two horses I picked out for you today.”

  Eva tuned out the men’s conversation as she stifled a yawn
and rested her chin against the smooth top rail of the corral. She hadn’t slept much the night before, unable to stop wondering about Tony’s surprise. In the corral were two beautiful horses. One was golden brown, and the other midnight black with white around each foot.

  Andrew moved closer. “They’re both geldings and pretty tame. They’re suitable for beginner or more advanced riders. The brown’s name is Wanderer, and the other is White Sox.” He turned to look at Eva. “Do you ride?”

  “Oh, yes. I definitely ride.” White Sox snickered softly and made his way over to the fence. He gave a low whicker, tossed his head, and stepped closer to Eva. “Good boy.” She rubbed his silky muzzle. Wanderer trotted over, stretched out his neck, and nudged her in the chest with his head before trotting off.

  Andrew laughed. “I guess White Sox has picked you for the ride today, ma’am. Hope that’s okay with you.”

  She laughed as she felt the soft fuzz of White Sox’s lips nuzzling her hand. “That’s fine by me.” She wished she had a carrot or an apple to give to the delightful animal.

  “Okay, then,” Andrew said. “Let’s get them saddled up for you two.” He turned to Tony. “Mom packed you a lunch and put it in the saddle bags, and Dad said to take your time today. He recommended heading toward the creek south of here. It has plenty of shade for a picnic, and I packed you a blanket so you have somewhere to sit.”

  “Thanks, Andrew, and be sure and thank your folks for us.”

  “I will, don’t worry.”

  They saddled White Sox first. She watched as Andrew slung the saddle in place and immediately reached under his belly and grabbed the cinch strap, drawing it up and tightening it in place. She glanced over at Tony in time to see him pull his cinch tight and climb on Wanderer’s back. He looked so handsome in the saddle, so natural, like he was born to it.

  “Do you need help mounting, Eva?” Andrew asked.

  She grinned, put her foot in the stirrup, and vaulted onto the horse. Shifting in the saddle, she took a firm grip on the reins.

  Andrew laughed. “Guess you really don’t need any help.” He took a step back. “You guys have a good time and be careful.” He turned his gaze to Tony. “Do you have your cell phone with you?”


  “We have full coverage over the ranch, so just give me a call if you run into any trouble.”

  “Will do.” Tony grinned at Eva. “Are you ready?”

  “Which way are we going?”

  He pointed south toward an area where trees laden with leaves hemmed the clearing. “There’s a path through the woods that follows the creek.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I grew up here, Eva. There’s not much about this area that I don’t know.”

  She grinned. “Okay.” She tightened her hands on the reins and nudged her calves into White Sox’s sides, urging the horse into a gallop. She felt her smile widen as she rose up in the saddle, her hair streaming behind her, the air rippling her clothes. This was the best part of it, the best part of her world. This was when she could fly so fast, not even the wind could catch her.

  * * * *

  Tony grinned as he watched Eva gallop away.

  “She sure knows her stuff,” Andrew said.

  “That she does.” He shifted in the saddle to ease his growing discomfort as he felt himself harden with desire. It would be a long, painful day if he couldn’t get himself under control.

  “You’d better get a move on, or you’ll lose her.”

  Tony chuckled and prodded Wanderer with his heels, urging the gelding forward. Wanderer lunged forward into an even lope and slowly began to eat the distance between the two horses. Tony could barely hear the hoofbeats echoing far in the distance.

  * * * *

  Eva brought White Sox to a slow walk and watched as the wind shuffled through the leaves, waving the heavy pine trees. The sun was warm on her face, the breeze ruffling her clothes and brushing through her hair. Without the sounds of civilization, she could almost believe she was back home. She heard the clop of hooves as Tony brought Wanderer up beside her.

  “Do you hear that?” he asked.

  Eva pulled back on the reins. “Whoa, boy.” She listened and heard the sound of water. Tony urged Wanderer forward, and she followed him through the trees. It wasn’t long before they found the water. The wind ruffled the grass as water trickled over stones and roots in the creek.

  Tony slid from his saddle, the creak of leather echoing across the field. Eva patted her horse’s hide as she dismounted. She followed Tony and led her horse down to the water, allowing him to drink. “Well, what do you think?”

  Eva smiled. “It’s perfect.”

  Tony took both horses and loosely tied their reins to trees near the water and close to a patch of grass for them to graze. “I’ll get the picnic things, and you pick a spot to eat.”

  She turned and surveyed the area. After a moment, she walked over to a shady spot and lay back in the sweet-smelling grass, lacing her fingers behind her head. Clouds gathered in the azure sky above, the slow-moving swirls shifting into different shapes. She smiled and felt an almost childlike joy at the scene. Fingers of air raked through the plush meadow grasses, stirring up the scent of wild strawberry and goldenrod.

  “You look like you’re a million miles away. What are you thinking about?”

  Eva looked up and watched Tony spread a blanket out on the soft grass. “I was thinking how perfect this is. It’s so much like where I’m from. It’s easy to pretend I never left.”

  He sighed. “Are you wishing you’d never come here?”

  Eva sat up and drew her knees up, wrapping her arms around them. “Not at all. If I hadn’t been pulled through with Timothy, I’d never have met you and Zach. I’m not sorry at all, but I’m wishing I could show you what it’s like in my world.”

  Tony watched her for a moment and then went and took several wrapped packages and two canteens from the saddlebags on Wanderer’s back. He quickly walked back and deposited them on the blanket. Running his fingers through his hair, he knelt and held out his hand. “Why don’t you come join me, and we’ll see what Andrew’s mother packed for lunch?”

  Grinning, Eva scooted over and sat next to Tony, close enough their thighs were pressed together.

  Tony began unwrapping their sandwiches. “Tell me about your home.”

  “What do you wanna know?”

  “Anything and everything. History was never my best subject, so I have no idea of what it was like over a hundred years ago. Was it safe? Did you have to fight Indians or outlaws? Were there police or sheriffs or someone to administer the law? Hell, did you even have laws?”

  She laughed, unscrewed the top of her thermos, and took a long drink of what turned out to be sweet tea. When she’d drunk her fill, she replaced the top and leaned back on her elbows. “When I left, the Indian fighting was mostly done. The occasional renegade would cause trouble, but none near here. Most of the Indians had been rounded up and put on reservations years ago.”

  “But you said one of your brothers is an Indian.”

  She nodded. “Yes, he is. Win’s pure Shoshone by blood, but every bit my brother by heart.”

  “How did he escape going to the reservation?”

  “Well, I did say most of the Indians had been relocated. My parents sheltered him from the time his parents were killed. The government didn’t actually go town to town looking for any Indians that stayed behind. As long as they were peaceful, and didn’t cause any trouble, they pretty much left them alone. A small group of Shoshone made their home not too far from here.”

  “And if they did cause trouble?”

  “Then the sheriff would step in. Even as small as we were, Hamilton still had its own sheriff. And if anything too big for him to handle cropped up, he just pulled together a posse to help him out. Papa Beau and Papa Zeke rode with him a couple of times when some fool thought it’d be smart to rob the mine’s payroll.”

  * *
* *

  Tony watched the light shine in Eva’s eyes as she talked about her own time. Her own time! Hell, am I really beginning to believe her story? He watched the light filter through the strands of her strawberry-blonde hair, emphasizing the red streaks, and felt his erection harden painfully. He wanted this woman, needed her, almost as much as his next breath. He’d never met a woman he thought he could spend his life with, but he could clearly see himself waking up to this beauty year after year.

  “Are you listening to me?”

  Tony jerked his thoughts back to the present and gave her a sheepish grin. “Sorry, my mind was wandering.”

  “Then it’s your turn to tell me what you’re thinking about.”

  “I was just thinking about how beautiful you are.”

  A slow blush moved its way up Eva’s neck. She lowered her lashes and seemed to struggle for something to say. Tony took her hand and pressed a kiss against her fingers. “Does this mean you’re finally ready to believe I’m telling the truth about coming through the portal?”

  He slid one arm around her back and pulled her close. He bent his head, letting his lips graze her ear as he whispered. “Every day I’ve gotten closer and closer to accepting that time travel is possible. And every day you’ve wormed your way further into my heart. Now, I’m at the point where I don’t care where you’re from, as long as you’re willing to stay with me.”

  Eva caught her breath and looked up. “And you’re okay with Zach being a part of us?”

  He let his lips trail across her cheek and hover at the corner of her mouth. “I’m willing to try, just for you.”

  She hesitated for just a moment and then pressed her closed lips against Tony’s mouth, skating her palms upward, clutching his shoulders. He felt a hard, sexual pull deep in his belly when she looked up at him, so innocent, so trusting. He cupped the back of her head to hold her in place, gripping his fingers in her silky hair, drawing her chin upward, and capturing her lips with his. His heart slammed against the walls of his chest as his erection pressed against her stomach.


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