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The River of Time (The Shiva XIV Series Book 4)

Page 14

by Lyra Shanti

  “You haven’t changed since you were a child,” said Meddhi. “You could always see what was hidden.”

  Ayn looked at his father while standing up. “Yes, well, not everything,” said Ayn, pensive.

  “Are you alright, Son?” asked Meddhi. Ayn shook his head and said, “Yes, Father, I’m just tired. I think I may nap. I’ll be alright.”

  Meddhi gave Ayn a hug and said, “Please, don’t hesitate to talk to me if you need. I love you, Ayn, and I’m here for you.”

  Ayn smiled and said, “Thank you, Father. I just might take you up on that… but for now, I need rest. Oh, and if you hear anything more about Pei’s whereabouts, please let me know.”

  “Pei?” replied Meddhi. “What is happening with Pei?”

  Ayn sighed, frustrated about Zasaban’s secrecy. “Talk to my Head Adviser, and remind him that he must keep you in the loop. I know he’s trying to secure the mission’s intel to a small circle, but you were, and are my top adviser, outranking him. He should respect that fact.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more, Ayn, but I doubt he’ll take it from my words alone. However, you need rest. Go and leave everything to me. I will talk to Zasaban, and we will find Pei, I promise.”

  Ayn nodded and put his hand on Meddhi’s shoulder.

  “I love you, Son,” said Meddhi.

  “I love you too, Father,” replied Ayn.

  Watching Ayn walk away, Meddhi folded his arms and shook his head slowly, concerned for his son’s wellbeing. He could sense something was very wrong, but he also wanted to give Ayn the space he needed.

  Sighing, Meddhi looked down at Pira who was still sitting on the grass. She was wearing a beautiful spring-style dress with pink flower prints woven into the fabric. Her legs were daintily to the side, and she was looking ahead at the river.

  “May I join you?” asked Meddhi.

  She nodded as he sat down next to her. He was wearing his usual dark attire of black pants and black, silken shirt, but he felt the pull of spring’s vibrant colors as he sat next to her.

  “Do you think he’ll be alright?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” he replied. “To be honest, I’ve never seen Ayn quite this upset. Well, not since he was a child...”

  Pira then turned to him, her eyes filling up with water.



  “Is it strange that I want to be like a mother to Ayn? I am his aunt, and his mother-in-law, so… that is probably why. Yes?”

  “Yes…” he replied, unsure what to say.

  “I wish I felt as pulled to Ona. I know I should, but… I don’t know what I’m doing. Everything feel so out of place. These past few days, I can’t stop thinking about the vision I had. Strange feelings are coming over me, and I feel drawn to people I shouldn’t feel to be familiar, to you in particular. I know you are just being nice to me, and that’s probably why you kissed me, but…”

  “No, Pira, that’s most definitely not why I kissed you.”

  “Why did you do it then?”

  He shook his head and sighed. “I don’t know exactly, except that I wanted to. No, I needed to kiss you. I felt pulled, as if my entire soul needed you.”

  Pira’s glistening green eyes widened, and she grabbed onto him. “Oh, Meddhi, I felt the same! I know we were not lovers before, but… I feel as if you are the first truly familiar person I’ve met since awakening.”

  “What about Ona? Why do you seem distant from her?”

  “I don’t know,” she replied, confused. “She was just a baby when I died, right? How could I possibly remember her?”

  “What about Ayn? You seemed so close just now, even wanting to mother him. Isn’t he familiar to you?”

  “Yes, but… it’s very different with you.”


  “With you… I feel at home, and yet, also on fire. I need you, Meddhi, more than I’ve needed anyone.”

  Unable to stop himself, he grabbed her waist and passionately kissed her lips. Waves of pleasure and longing passed through them as they kissed; there was no denying their desires this time.

  As the birds watched them from the giant Saras, Meddhi soon found himself on top of her aching body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and instinctively opened her legs. Their lovemaking was inevitable, and they felt as if they were living inside of a forgotten dream.


  Ona was glad Lius had been willing to keep her hormone injections secret, but she was unsure how to seduce her husband. His mind seemed so far off lately, and when he had come in from his walk outside, he seemed worse than usual.

  Ayn had said he talked with Lius himself earlier and that the doctor gave him favorable news about his fertility, but then he went to their bedroom and lay down for a nap. He seemed exhausted, and it worried her greatly.

  All along, she had guessed it was her own body that was causing the problem when it came to getting pregnant, so she went behind Ayn’s back and had taken hormones, despite his previous objection. However, Ayn was never in the mood; he was always tired or stressed about Pei’s mission on Ohr. She was starting to feel like they were doomed never to have children.

  Looking in on her husband, she saw him on their blue satin bed in his purple, silken sleeping-robe, lying on his back with his arm over his forehead and eyes. He seemed terribly sad, and as she looked at him closely, he looked like he might be weeping.

  “Ayn?” she said softly as she entered their bedroom. “My love… what’s wrong?” He didn’t answer, but slowly shook his head and quietly cried. “Come on, Ayn, talk to me,” she continued as she gently sat next to him. “Is it about Pei? Don’t worry, my love, I have a strong feeling he’s alright. I somehow know when he’s in danger, and I can feel he’s safe. Trust me, honey. Plus, Reese called me yesterday from her ship, and she’s almost on Ohr. She’ll find him, Ayn, I know she will.”

  Ayn sniffed, still covering his eyes with his arm, and muttered out, “I’m glad you and Reese are friends again. It made me sad when you weren’t.”

  Ona got a chill from his voice. He wasn’t alright, not in the slightest.

  “Ayn, that’s it. I demand you tell me what’s wrong.”

  He didn’t respond, which annoyed and frightened her. No, I won’t let him do the silent routine, she thought. She shook her head, then pulled his arm off his forehead. “Ayn, if you love me, you will talk to me right this instance.”

  Ayn looked at her with slightly swollen eyes and half-smiled. “You really love me, don’t you, Ona.”

  “What? Of course I do! What is wrong with you? Did something awful happen? Please, tell me, honey. I can’t stand to see you like this.”

  Ayn sat up and wiped his eyes. “I… don’t want to upset you,” he mumbled.

  “My love,” she said while taking his hand, “your silence and tears upset me far more than anything you could say. Please, tell me whatever is troubling you.”

  Ayn took a deep breath, then exhaled. He really didn’t want to tell her what the doctor had informed him, but he almost felt as if he had no choice.

  “I have… I mean, I guess I have had it for a while…”

  “Had what?” she asked, confused.

  “Plasma Sickness… Undaniasis. I am in the second stage according to Lius, and I guess it makes sense since I’ve been so easily winded lately. I thought it was stress, but… I guess it’s more. He wants to treat me right away with several surgeries. Ona, I want to be brave, but I’m terrified. I don’t want to die the way my mother did. I know your mother died that way as well, but you were a baby still and probably don’t remember her pain. I saw my mother’s life slowly slip away from me, Ona. She looked horrible at the end - like a ghost. It was something I carried deep inside me my whole life, and I can’t imagine doing that to you, my beautiful wife. I don’t want to leave you! Not yet, not ever!”

  “Oh, Ayn!” cried Ona as she grabbed onto him. They held each other desperately for a few moments before Ona pull
ed away slightly, looking directly at him, and said, “You will not die, my love. I won’t let you. I will work night and day with Lius to perfect the treatment, and I will be at your side with every surgery. The testing we’ve done so far has gone well, so I think there’s a good chance we can regenerate your cells. You’ve got to be strong, my husband, and I know you will live through this.”

  Ayn tried to smile as he nodded, but it wasn’t enthusiastic.

  Ona could tell he didn’t believe her words. “Ayn,” she added, “I know you don’t believe in the Gods, and I can’t say I do either, but… I believe in you. I believe in the strength in your soul. You have such great power inside you, my beautiful husband… my king. Between your soul’s strength and my own stubborn will, I fully believe you will make a recovery. You have to have faith.”

  “Pfff,” muttered Ayn, “that’s what Lius said.”

  “Well, it’s true,” said Ona, petting his cheek. “You don’t have to have faith in the Gods, but have faith in us - in you and I. If you can’t do that, can you at least have faith in me? I won’t let you die, my beloved. That is a promise, and a fact.”

  Ayn looked at her with sad eyes of deep blue and gave a slight nod. “I believe in you, Ona… I just… don’t know if I have any strength left right now. I can’t feel where Axis is, and Pei is missing. Everything feels vacant and wrong. I used to feel a sense of purpose, but… I can’t feel what my path is leading to. Am I supposed to die, Ona?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she said with a gentle tap to his face. “You’re supposed to be with me and have children, and live for many, many years to come. I know Axis will return, and I also feel Pei will be found. I know I don’t have scientific proof, but I can feel it. You should too, honey.”

  “I will try,” said Ayn lethargically.

  Ona smiled and stroked his face. “Good,” she replied as she brought him to her bosom. “Now, just focus on what you still have.”

  “What do I have?”

  “You have me, for starters! You have me, body and soul, forever and always.”

  Ayn smiled and reached up to kiss her chin. He adored her strong, proud chin.


  “Yes, my one and only, my God among men?”

  Ayn slightly laughed at her response and said, “I believe in you… and in the regeneration treatment you and Lius have discovered, I just… wish I could sense my own fate.”

  “I told you, honey, your fate is to be with me… and give me children - a boy and a girl specifically. I’ve seen them in my dreams; I know they are real, already waiting in spirit form to be born.”

  “Really?” asked Ayn, perking up. “You’ve already seen them in dreams? How often? Is it like when you saw me in your dreams?”

  “Yes, very much like that. It’s been at least three or four times now, so I know they are meant to be. We just can’t give up.”

  Suddenly smiling wide, Ayn grabbed her waist and said, “Let’s make them now then!”

  Ona laughed, surprised by his frisky change of mood. Giggling as he began kissing her neck, she said, “Are you sure, Ayn? Do you feel up to that?”

  Ayn gave her a grin and replied, “I am up for it, yes.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “I love you, my silly, gorgeous, godly king!”

  Ayn said, “I love you too, my beautiful, brilliant queen,” and then kissed down her body. He wasn’t really feeling physically strong enough, but he desperately wanted to give her children - now more than ever. He was terrified of her dream not coming true, and he would do anything to see it come to fruition.

  Pushing himself to forget his fears, Ayn undressed his wife, and then himself. He proceeded to slowly make love to her with one thought driving his body and mind: I must live. I WILL live!

  Chapter 12: Into the Deep

  Zin couldn’t get to sleep. Restless and unable to quit his brain from replaying the recent events, he tossed and turned in his silver-colored bed.

  He was worried about having said too much to Miara, as well as what happened to Pei. He hadn’t heard from the general in almost a week. Zin didn’t want to admit Pei was right, but ever since the general had left for Tirlen, Zin had an uneasy feeling of being watched, even in his own private areas of the palace. I should have gone with him that night, thought Zin as he fought back his paranoia.

  Darting up, he made the decision to take half of a sleeping pill. He didn’t want to be completely knocked out, but he knew he had to have his wits about him in the morning. He was to meet with delegates from the Eastern borders of Iniya: a country steeped in mafia dealings. Zin would have liked to ignore that territory altogether, but on Ohr, the rich and the politically connected could not be ignored. He had no choice; he needed to seem the confident king, despite how he was feeling.

  If I am ever to take power away from Vax - at least until I can fully expose his crimes - I have to convince those egocentric lords that I am on their side… even if I’m not, thought Zin as he yawned while trying to get comfortable once again on his bed. After a few minutes of silence, Zin slipped into a dream world.

  He saw himself standing on a precipice on a deserted moon. He wondered if he was on Hun’s dead moon, which somehow survived the blast of the nearby sun’s explosion. It was orbiting in space, lifeless and lost.

  Having the sudden urge to climb down the cliff side, Zin looked and saw the steep drop into the rocky crater below. The sight made him hesitate for a moment as he weighed his options. Then, out of nowhere, he felt a gust of cold wind push against his back, causing him to fall face-forward toward the bottom of the crater.

  Screaming, Zin thought he would be instantly crushed, but he instead found that the crater had a hidden opening, and it was filled with water. It was a deep, dark, and cold water that seemed to go on forever.

  He hadn’t used his gills since he was a young child and had been forced by his father to take swimming lessons, but in this moment, he had to use them or he would drown. Not wanting to risk suffocation, Zin forced himself to breathe through his sensitive, out-of-practice gills.

  At first, he felt like he was gulping down boat-loads of salt water, and his instinct was to spit it out of his mouth. However, as he swam through the cold darkness, his gills opened wider, and he felt better, breathing from the air in the water.

  Beginning to enjoy the feeling of freedom as he swam through the water, Zin’s eyes adjusted, and he saw a bright light emanating from the darkness. Curious, he swam closer to the light. It was warm and made him feel happy and calm.

  As he swam even closer to the light, he saw his mother waving to him from inside the brightness. She was wearing a beautiful dress made of green silk and her long, silver hair was flowing in the water.

  “Come with me, my sweet son,” she beckoned. Zin wanted nothing more than to follow her into the warm light.

  I’ll be right there, Mother, Zin mentally replied.

  Swimming up to her, he touched her extended hand. He was about to be pulled into the light when he remembered his mother was missing, and presumed dead. He then shook his head and pulled away.

  Her kind, gentle face turned ugly and cruel as her hair and dress turned a dark blue. “You will come to me NOW!” she commanded.

  Zin shook his head and began to swim away. Who is this woman? Surely, she’s not my mother. She’s a monster, he thought as he swam as fast as he could.

  As he sped up, so did the cruel woman who was swimming fast behind. Just then, he felt her cold, slippery hand grab at his back heel. He looked back and saw her now, not as his mother or even a woman, but as a strange squid-like creature with many arms and tails. She had a fierce mouth too with sharp teeth and a hanging red tongue.

  Appalled, Zin pulled his foot away and tried to kick at the creature. She then grabbed his kicking foot with one of her blue tentacles. He screamed as the tentacle burned his skin; the pain was debilitating.

  The squid-creature smiled wickedly as Zin heard her say, “Now, my prey, you wi
ll become one of us! Become part of me or die!”

  As he saw her about to devour him whole, Zin screamed and woke, kicking.

  Wait, where am I? he thought as he focused his eyes. Like the dream, it was dark and something was trying to wrap him up in something slimy and smooth. Am I still dreaming? No, I can’t be. This feels too real!

  He tried again to focus his eyes as he kicked and screamed. His brain began to wake up fully as he realized that intruders were in his room and had covered him inside some kind of bag. Zin suddenly remembered that some members of the mafia used skin-bags, which were bio-engineered bags made of actual skin. It could bond with their victim’s skin, and then cover them with fluid-filled nutrients. “No!” screamed Zin as the bag covered his entire body from his legs upward - his mouth last.

  Once inside the bag, Zin’s struggle stopped. He suddenly felt calm and warm… just like when he swam to the light in his dream. He let the liquid inside the bag fill his lungs, and he was happy… just to be alive.


  Reese flung her sturdy, brown hide-backpack over her right shoulder and then activated her plasma-goggles. When first arriving on Ohr in a cloaked Lirhan spy-ship, she had immediately gotten the goggles altered at a surveillance tech-shop in Lesnia. They could not only pick up heat and light, but could now pick up sound and even genetic particles. They could also recognize who it came from if one had the data to program into its system. Reese had samples of Pei’s blood on file, as well as his voice. She would feel creepy about that fact, but if it meant saving his life, she figured her slight creepiness was worth overlooking.

  “Where the hell are you, Pei?” she whispered to herself as she scanned the Tirleni beach with her shiny white goggles. She didn’t pick up much except some residue plasmic energy.

  Deciding to search for whatever tracks she could find in the area, she scanned the beach itself. The goggles gave her hand-held computer information about every single plasma particle it could find. Reese felt overloaded, but sorted through it all, looking for matches with Pei’s genetic and voice patterns. Unfortunately, there was nothing specific - only vague matches.


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