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The River of Time (The Shiva XIV Series Book 4)

Page 18

by Lyra Shanti

  Zin took a deep breath and then said, “Raven, listen to me. I have powerful friends who are on route to find us. I know they’ll come and we’ll all get out of here... and soon, we’ll find a way to reverse the sickness. Don’t give up hope, my love. Please, don’t ever give up.”

  She looked up at him with sad eyes, then nodded. She had never been good at keeping hopeful, but she wanted to do it for his sake. Her black, feathery wings stretched over his pale, bare back as she held him tight, and for the moment, they felt safe and warm.


  Looking at the latest Lirhan report, Baran wasn’t pleased. Not only had two Ohrian mafia ships gone missing from Xen City’s port, but the Xen police still seemed to have ties to Ohr. No matter how much he tried to cut off the head of their kingpins and mobster-run operations, there always seemed to be another head that grew back in its place. Slavery had been outlawed officially by his and Ayn's new laws, but with Ohrian mobsters running amuck, he feared nothing would truly change there. Other than enforcing the Krian army to monitor the streets, which he didn’t know if The Council would approve, Baran didn’t know what else to do.

  “Impossible,” Baran mumbled as he paged through his computer’s three dimensional screen with his thumb.

  “What’s impossible?” asked Iliya who had been peeking into his private office.

  “Oh,” Baran said with a sigh, quickly closing his virtual screen with a wave of his hand, “it’s nothing.”

  “It doesn’t seem like nothing,” she said as she walked into the room.

  “Don’t worry about it, Iliya. So… what can I do for you?”

  “Well…” she replied, somewhat hesitant, “I was, um... wondering if we could talk.”

  Baran swiveled in his office-chair, then turned to face her. “What about?” he asked with a raised left brow.

  Feeling as though a spotlight was shining down on her, Iliya nervously twirled the bottom of her long ringlets of blonde hair. “Well, I…”

  “Yes?” said Baran, beginning to worry what was going to come out of her mouth.

  “I wanted to know if… you’ve heard from my mother yet?”

  “Oh…” replied Baran as he stood up, cracked his neck, and then stretched, “no, I haven’t. I’m sure I will soon though. Reese is the most determined, proficient Lirhan who ever lived. I wouldn’t worry if I were you, my dear. I’m sure your mother is fine.”

  “Oh… I know,” she said, forcing a smile, “I was just… wondering.”

  “I’m glad you’re calling her Mother again. It was awful when you two were fighting. I’m truly sorry if I helped cause a rift between you both.”

  “No… it wasn’t you, Baran. Everything, all of it, is all my fault.”

  Baran crossed his arms and looked at her, sensing there was much more she wanted to say. “Iliya…” he said as he walked to her. Putting his hand on her shoulder, he added, “I am just as much to blame for what happened. Please don’t burden yourself with guilt. You are young and bound to make a few mistakes. I’m the one who should have been more careful, and I am prepared to make things right again… whatever it takes.”

  “I’m not sure anything can be the same again,” she said, pouting with her face down.

  Picking up her chin, he replied, “Maybe not the same, but I hope to at least gain your mother’s and your trust once again. You are family to me, Iliya, and I do not turn my back on my family.”

  “Oh, Baran!” she blurted as she threw her arms around his neck. “Please don’t leave me!”

  “Oh, sweet girl, don’t be silly,” he softly replied. “I would never leave you. You’re still my little buttercup, after all.”

  Looking up at him with teary, doe-eyes, she said, “But I’m not that little girl you used to spoil and tease. I’ve grown up, Baran. Your buttercup is a woman now. Don’t you see that?”

  “Well, yes, your body is growing,” he said with an uneasy smile, “that much is evident... but you’ll always be like a daughter to me.”

  She puckered her lips and knotted her brow. “And what if I’m about to have a daughter of my own?”

  “What?” he replied, blindsided.

  “You heard me,” she stated, folding her arms. “I’m going to be a mother, Baran. I’m pregnant… with your child.”

  “Uh… are you sure?” he asked, unable to fully process her words.

  “Yes, I went to the doctor. I was quite late, so I went and found out I’m going to have a baby girl. It’s real. It’s happening, Baran. The question is, what are you going to do about it?”

  Stunned, Baran replied without thinking. “I’m not doing anything! This is your choice, Iliya, though I suggest you terminate the child before anyone finds out.”

  Shocked at his callous response, she yelled, “You coward! How dare you?!”

  At first Baran felt defensive and angry, but when he looked at her pain-filled face, his heart melted. “Iliya… I’m sorry, I just… don’t think you understand what you’re up against.”

  “That’s what Mother said, but honestly, I think it’s really you and her who don’t want to deal with this. I know very well what I am doing. I love this baby, Baran, and I am keeping it. Now, you can either stand by me with the courage I know is inside you somewhere… or you can hide like a coward and force me to do this all by myself. The choice is yours. Either way, I’m going to be strong and have my baby girl.”

  Turning around, she exited the room with her chin high in the air. Baran was left with his ears ringing and his heart aching.

  “Oh, Gods,” he said aloud, “please, help me through this.”

  The Gods didn’t answer, but his wrist-communicator did. It was Reese, and her security encrypted message read: “All is well. Tirleni found. Mission underway. Stay posted.”

  Baran took it as a sign that, somehow, everything was happening just as the Gods had planned. He took a deep breath and nodded.

  Messaging Reese in return, he wrote, “Good job, General. Now find the Dome and report before acting. Don’t do anything rash.”

  He wanted to add something more personal, but thought better of it. From this point on, he thought, I must accept that I’ve lost her. She is my Lirhan general, nothing more.

  “Courage,” he whispered to himself as he powered off his communicator.

  Leaving his lonely office, he decided to go after Iliya. He didn’t know what he could say, but he knew he had to try. As he walked into the marble hallways of the palace, he began imagining himself as a father. Against his cynical tendencies, his mind envisioned a little baby girl, wrapped in a pink blanket in her mother’s arms. In his vision, Iliya looked like an angel and their beautiful little child was smiling and happy. Could this be our future? he asked himself, averting his eyes from the other statesmen and servants, for he was not in the mood to play the part of their stoic Minister.

  Baran soon found himself at Iliya’s door. Her living quarters were next to Reese’s old room, and it brought back instant memories. Gulping, he rang Iliya’s door.

  “Go away,” she said through the door’s communicator.

  “I shall not,” he replied.

  Iliya opened the door with an annoyed sigh. “What do you want?” she asked while walking back into her room with folded arms.

  “Iliya…” he said as he walked inside, closing the door behind him. “We need to talk.”

  “I’m done talking,” she said, turning to face him. “I’m having the baby, Baran - our baby. There’s no talking me out of it.”

  “Alright,” he replied.

  “What does that mean?” she asked skeptically.

  “It means that I accept your decision. Furthermore, I’d like you to be my wife.”

  Shocked, Iliya’s jaw fell open. “What?” she said, blinking.

  “Iliya,” he said as he got on one knee, “I know I don’t have a ring, and this is probably not how you imagined being proposed to, but… will you marry me?"

  Absolutely stunned, she remained s
ilent and slack-jawed.

  "Let’s have this child together, sweetheart," he continued. "What you said just now reminded me of what Atlar once said. He told me that life is an adventure, and we must be courageous for whatever twists and turns it takes us through. You reminded me to be brave, and I realize now that I need a woman to do that for me. So, my sweet, strong Iliya, will you go through this life with me as bravely as we both can be? I will if you will.”

  She squealed in delight and shouted, “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  He smiled as she hugged him tight. Terrified, but hopeful, he held her hands and kissed them. Rising to his feet, he said, “We will go on this adventure together, my dear, and I will never leave you. This, I promise.”

  “Oh, Baran! I love you! I promise to be the best wife in the world.”

  “Just be yourself, honey,” he replied.

  "I can do that," she said with a smirk. Her expression quickly changed to a worried look as she said, "What about seeing me as a daughter. That's just creepy and weird. I really hope you only said that out of fear of becoming a father."

  "Yes," he replied, embarrassed, "that isn't really how I see you anymore. I am definitely afraid, that is true, but... I want children, Iliya, and I want a wife who can support and love me. You are full of fire, but you are also a motivator. I see great potential in you, I always have. As for seeing you like a daughter, I suppose I've been in denial. You are still young, but I realize you are no longer a child. I'm sorry, Iliya. Please, understand, I am just terrified I'll be the kind of father mine was, and I'm doing my best to fight those fears."

  Iliya put her arms around him and said, "Baran, you are nothing like Raifar was. From what I’ve heard, he was cold, calculated, and domineering. You, however, are loving, noble, and kind. I see the warmth in your heart, my love. You just need to see it as well. Don't worry, I'll help you."

  Looking at her beautiful blue eyes, Baran saw, not a spoiled child, but a strong, wise, queen-like woman of stature.

  "Why haven't I truly seen you before?"

  She grinned and said, "Because you're dumb. I still love you though."

  He laughed, then looked at Iliya with hunger in his eyes. He didn’t fully understand what he felt, but he couldn’t deny his intense attraction for her. Unable to hold back, he passionately kissed her lips. He then picked her up from the floor as she instantly wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Needing each other desperately, they celebrated their new promise with lovemaking until the dawn.


  Is this wrong? she silently asked herself. Looking over at Meddhi, who was naked and peacefully laying on his back in her peach-colored bed, Pira felt swollen with love, yet confused and a little guilt-ridden.

  It didn’t feel wrong to her heart, but as she slid her bare leg over his, she couldn’t help but question what she was doing. Her need for him was beyond her control, and she wasn’t sure if she loved or hated such helplessness.

  With his eyes closed, he held her thigh and smiled. Feeling him rise, Pira leaned in close to his ear and whispered, “Do you need me again, my beautiful man?”

  Meddhi grinned and then quickly turned to her, grabbing at her hip. “What is it you do to me, Pira?”

  She giggled and said, “I don’t know. What is it that I do? You tell me.”

  Slipping inside her, he released a sigh, and then bit his bottom lip. He moaned, then replied, “You… make me… want to die!”

  She gave a wily smile and said, “No.” Swiftly, she got on top of him and added, “I make you want to live!”

  Meddhi smiled, bending his head back in ecstasy. As they slowly moved together, feeling each other’s souls through their bodies, Pira began to cry. She wanted to give him the greatest pleasure of his life. She knew she could do it, and she wanted to love him for the rest of his life. The feeling was almost too intense. Who IS this man? she asked herself as she began to climax.

  Meddhi, sensing how near she was to orgasm, opened his eyes and licked his lips. He could feel his inner dragon coming to the surface. He hadn’t felt it since he was a young man with Amya, and he wasn’t prepared for how hungry he’d been through his years of repression. He sat up, growled, and then bit at her neck. Pira moaned, and then exploded like lightning.

  Meddhi climaxed right after feeling the electricity in her womb. The dragon inside him roared as he grabbed her breast and uncontrollably shouted, “Pira! You’re mine!”

  Pira wickedly smiled with an instinctive sense of pride. “And you’re mine!” she claimed in return with a gentle scratch to his chest.

  Meddhi, exhausted from his intense release, fell on his back and let out a moan. Pira felt like a conquering queen, and lay down on him, still softly clawing at his chest. “Mine, mine, mine,” she said with a grin.

  Can I claim him? Is this allowed? she questioned silently. She worried her sister, Amya, would be enraged from the afterlife, possibly to the point of haunting her. However, she almost didn’t care. The need for Meddhi was too strong. Pira began to justify it further in her mind by thinking, You had your chance, Sister, and you never claimed him when you could. You could have fought those stupid priests. You could have fought for your true love and married him before he became a high priest… before you died. Why did you keep it all so secret? How silly it all seems now.

  Meddhi looked down at Pira, sensing her far away mind. “What are you thinking, my lovely angel?”

  She shook her head and looked up at him. “I don’t want to ruin the moment.”

  He sighed, held her hand, and said, “It’s alright, sweetness. Please, talk to me.”

  “It’s just… this bond between us, Meddhi. I know you feel how strong it is too.”

  “Yes, I do,” he replied, playing with the tips of her fingers. “Does it scare you?” he asked.

  “Yes, a little,” said Pira. “Doesn’t it scare you too?”

  “Maybe… but I am trying to let it happen naturally. Pira, I’ve learned life is too short to hold everything back. I spent too long in my life keeping my true feelings deep inside a cage. I won’t let others dictate my life anymore, nor will I let the past shape my future. I want to live in the present, and let my heart guide me. Will you do the same?”

  Pira sighed and sat up. “Meddhi… can I ask you something?”

  He nodded, propping up his arm behind his neck.

  “Did you ask my sister to marry you… before taking your vows as a priest?”

  He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Why are you asking this?”

  “I don’t know,” she replied, “but I feel the need to hear your answer.”

  He sat up and said, “No, I didn’t. But you have to understand… I was training to become a priest. I had been in training since I was ten years old. Plus, I was of lower blood. I wasn’t royal in the slightest. I came from gypsies, Pira. I had no chance with someone like Amya. Of course, you were there and had a similar situation with Yol, but… you don’t remember any of this yet, I guess.”

  She shook her head and said, “No… I can’t. I only remember that secret meeting in the night with that dark-haired man, but I swear I can’t remember Yol. I’ve seen pictures of him, but I… don’t remember loving him. Meddhi, this is going to sound crazy, but… do you think I might not be the same soul as Pira? I know I have her body, and some things are familiar, but some things aren’t and I just-”

  “Stop,” he interrupted her. “Enough. You are in denial and not ready to remember, that is all.” He then got up and put on his pants. She could tell he was annoyed, and it made her instantly regret expressing her doubts.

  “Meddhi… please, don’t be angry.”

  “I’m not angry,” he replied, emotionless, as he put on his black, long sleeved shirt.

  She looked at him, still naked and sitting on the bed. “What are you feeling then?” she asked, slightly pouting.

  He sighed and folded his arms. “I… don’t know,” he said, annoyed. “Pira, I told you that it took me
roughly three years to remember the life I had before Doctor Hessen brought me back from death. Believe me, I barely remembered a thing. I couldn’t even remember Ayn as a child or my great love for my queen - nothing. Actually, compared to me, I think you’re doing remarkably well.”

  She gave a sigh and softly replied, “Maybe.”

  Meddhi sat on the bed in front of her and held her hand. “Trust me, Pira, you are going to remember everything. It will just take time, that’s all. Be patient, my love.”

  She looked at his dark-blue eyes and wanted to believe his words. Unfortunately, her doubt wouldn’t lose its grip on her mind. “Meddhi, I wasn’t always your love, and you know it. What has changed? Why now?”

  Meddhi shook his head and replied, “Does it matter? All that matters is that I adore you in the here and now, and I want to love you for as long as we both live. Isn’t that enough?”

  She sighed with tears forming in her green eyes. “Oh, Meddhi,” she whispered. She wanted to say more, but nothing came to her lips.

  “Just love me in return, that’s all I ask,” he said as he held her firmly to his chest. She felt warm and safe, losing herself in his strong embrace.

  “I cannot imagine loving anyone else,” she said through tears, “but I feel selfish… and confused.”

  “It’ll pass,” he replied, lifting up her chin. He wiped her tears, then softly kissed her full lips. “My gods, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered, looking astonished.

  She smiled and said, “If I am, it is only to please you, my most handsome, God among men.”

  Wanting to make love to her yet again, Meddhi found himself laying her down. Drowning... he thought, I am drowning in this woman. Passionately kissing her lips as he slowly moved in time with her body, he succumbed to the need and unhooked his pants.

  So be it, he silently stated. I will let myself drown… and then be at peace.

  Pira too felt as if she were drowning, though she wasn’t as placid about the idea. She had no control over herself when it came to loving him. Quivering and soul-shaken, she took him inside, over and over again until they finally collapsed and fell asleep in each other’s arms.


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