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The River of Time (The Shiva XIV Series Book 4)

Page 33

by Lyra Shanti

Lan / län /: The formal Deiusian name for a teacher.

  Leahana Hessen / lē' – ə – hä' – nə hes' – ən /: The wife of Lius Hessen who was supposed to be queen of Sirin, but was exiled to Deius as a young girl by the Ohrian government that had overthrown Sirin. She died when her daughter, Srah, was only a baby.

  Lesnia / les' – nē - ə /: Ohrian city where the palace of Lod Enra presides.

  Dr. Leono Quine / lē – ō’ – nō kwīn /: The Ohrian doctor who is in charge of the secret Dome deep under the ocean of Ohr.

  Linthil / lin’ -- thil /: Ohrian diamonds found in the deep underwater caverns of the most ancient oceans of their planet.

  The Lirhan / lēr' – ən /: The elite unit of soldiers under Atlar’s command. Their fighting style is of ancient origin and known as one of the most dangerous within the galaxy.

  Lius Hessen / lī'- əs hes' – ən /: Doctor, scientist and adoptive father to Ayn. He is father to Srah.

  Lod Enra / läd en' – rə /: Former King of Ohr. He is father to Zin.

  Loda La / lō' - də lä /: Queen of Ohr and wife to Lod Enra. She is the mother of Zin.

  Luceon / lü' - sē - ən /: Owner of the lounge that Zin plays at. His sister, Velna, calls him "Luc."

  MahMah stew / mä' – mä /: A traditional, Deiusian stew, mildly spiced and usually made with root vegetables such as potatoes and carrots.

  Matana / mä – tä’ -- nä /: Ancient Deiusian moon goddess of Judgment in the Afterlife. She is the twin sister of the sun God, Siri. She was banished to the afterlife after Siri found out about her love affair with Otho, their half-brother. She had twins (by Siri) and another set of twins (by Otho), and according to Deiusian myth, the four of them mated with the people of Deius, creating a mix of two types of races: the pale and the tan.

  Meddhi / me' – dē /: Ayn’s father and General of Deius.

  Miara Vax / mē – ä’ -- rə vaks /: The daughter of Kurin Vax, the Prime Minister of Ohr.

  Miss Lahrki / lär' - kē /: Dr. Hessen's trusted servant and personal chef.

  Moiya / mɔɪ - yä /: A female Sarax on Avoraleen of the Dru-Ahm galaxy.

  Niss-Hana / nis hä' – nä /: Siri's queen and wife who used to be Adin's lover. She was known as Nissa to those close to her.

  Octian / äk' - ti – ən /: Eldest councilman of Kri. He is the eldest brother of Atlar.

  Ohr / ôr /: A planet in the Un-Ahm galaxy whose natives are of amphibian origin.

  Om / ōm /: An ancient Deiusian water goddess. She controls the night, the rivers, oceans, and the places unseen. Mate of Ah and mother to Siri and Uramay.

  Ona / ō' – nə /: Queen of Deius, wife of Ayn. She is the daughter of King Atlar and the late Queen Pira.

  Ona Flower / ō' – nə /: The sacred white flower of Deius. It represents purity and love.

  Osha / ō' – shə /: A Tirleni goddess who is associated with the deep ocean on Ohr.

  Oswa Ocean / oz' – wə /: A vast ocean in Southern Ohr.

  Otho / ō' – thō' /: An old Wolf-God from ancient Deiusian myth, half-brother to Siri and Matana.

  Parevian Sea / par – ev’ – ē -- ən /: An ocean in Kri near the Eastern side of the islands in its Western hemisphere.

  Pei / pā /: First General of Deius and is like a brother to Ayn.

  Pira / pēr' – ə /: Younger sister to Queen Amya. She married King Atlar and became queen of Kri. She is Ona’s mother, but died from Plasma Poisoning when Ona was only a small child.

  Plasma: The liquefied version of the electromagnetic energy that surrounds the Un-Ahm Galaxy. It powers most modern civilizations of the known planets.

  Quay-Karah Mountains / kwā kär’ - ə /: The snowcapped mountains of Deius. They are named after the ancient goddess, Karah, who supposedly saved the first man created by the Sun god, Siri, from heating to death in summer.

  Rami: Son of the ancient Deiusian Gods, Om and Ah. He was the god of fire and forbidden to love his sister and goddess of fertility, Uramay, but gave her children nonetheless. Their children were Matana and Siri.

  Rax / rax /: Axis’ son with Srah.

  Raifar / rā' – fär /: Baran’s father and First General to King Atlar.

  Reese: General of the Lirhan army, as well as adopted mother of Princess Iliya

  Ri / rē /: A serpentine God from Deiusian myth who is silver-colored and represents truth seeking, freedom, and knowledge.

  Sarax / ser' – aks /: The Sirini name for the beings known as Sphinxes.

  Saras Tree / ser' – as /: A giant tree with long, hanging branches located at the temple's river in The Holy City of Deius. It is considered spiritually significant by many Deiusians.

  Shiva / shē' – və /: The ancient name of the kings on Deius. It began with the reign of Adin.

  Siri / sēr' – ē /: Adin’s younger half-brother who was named after the sacred Deiusian sun. He was the ruler of Sirin during Adin's time, but was eventually written into history as the murderer of Adin.

  Sirin / sēr' – in /: The mostly abandoned and desolate planet, which was named after Adin's brother, Siri, and is the original home of the exiled, dispersed Sirini people.

  The Sirini / sēr' - in' – ē /: The cat-like people who are dispersed throughout the galaxy.

  Siya Dragon / sī' – ə /: A giant, red dragon of Deiusian legend.

  Srah / srä /: Dr. Hessen’s daughter who is half-Sirini. Now Queen of Sirin.

  Sri Unda / srē ün' – də /: A female Deiusian scientist who discovered how to apply the many uses of electromagnetic energy. She coined the term “plasma” and began a movement to stop using the previous methods of attaining energy, such as oils and chemicals. She wrote a book called “The Magnetic Connection” that became very popular during the reign of Adin.

  Sterek / ster' – ek /: Sirin general of The Tah who was an ex-slave. He is a technological genius and is Fola's twin brother.

  The Tah / tä /: The new Deiusian army.

  Thali / thä' – lē /: A half-sphinx Goddess of Sirini legend

  Tirlen / tēr' - len /: Small island town on Ohr.

  Tirleni / tēr' – len - nē /: The indigenous island people of Southern Ohr. They are sometimes referred to as “Tails,” though that term is considered by Tirlini and their supporters to be an offensive slur.

  Tokani / tō' - kä - nē /: An ocean-dwelling mammal similar to a dolphin or a small whale.

  Umara Hessen / ün - mä - rə /: Lius Hessen's sister and mother to Emelanthia. She was Dryndi High Priestess before Emelanthia took the title.

  Un-Ahm / ün äm /: The galaxy also known as “The Un.” It currently consists of five planets: Deius, Sirin, Ohr, Kri, and Xen.

  Undaniasis / ün' - də - nī' - ə – sis /: The scientific term for Plasma Sickness.

  Uramay / ür - ə - mā /: Daughter of the ancient Deiusian Gods, Om and Ah. She was forbidden to love her brother, Rami, but had children with him nonetheless. Their children were Matana and Siri.

  Varvin / var' - vin /: Zin's music teacher when Zin was a child

  Viha / vē' - hä /: The plasma enriched swords used by the advanced soldiers of the Lirhan army

  Weema / wē' - mə /: A Deiusian woman who helps run an abandoned temple in the outskirts of the Holy City.

  Whinley tree: An old, long-branched tree on Sirin. It once was in abundance, but is now rare to find.

  Xam the First: Thali’s father and Sarax-king of Sirin.

  Xam the Second: Adin and Siya’s son, and brother/lover to Irix.

  X-314 (Xen) / zen /: An outpost planet originally colonized by the ancient kings of Deius. It is now unofficially run by the Ohrian mafia.

  Xen City / zen /: The main city on the planet X-314.

  Yol Notama / yōl nō - täm' – ə /: The fallen leader of the resurrected “Tah” rebellion. He was close friends with Meddhi in their youth.

  Zasaban / zas - ə - ban /: The red-skinned Hunian who once taught Zin, but now advises Ayn. He has psychic powers most do not comprehend.

Lod Zin / läd zin /: The Ohrian King, close friend to Ayn.

  More Books by Lyra Shanti

  Shiva XIV

  Book 1 of The Shiva XIV Series

  The Veil of Truth

  Book 2 of The Shiva XIV Series

  The Riddle of the Gods

  Book 3 of The Shiva XIV Series

  The Dragon Warrior of Kri

  The story of how Meddhi became a hero

  All books available on paperback and Kindle at

  About the Author

  Lyra Shanti is a poet, novelist, songwriter, and playwright who currently resides in Florida with partner and spouse, Timothy, and their two crazy cats. For more information about Lyra Shanti, go to:




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