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HUNTER (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 11)

Page 9

by Samantha Leal

  When she heard him coming down the stairs, she sat up and smiled.

  “That’s so much better,” he said as he walked in rubbing the back of his neck with a towel, his tanned skin pinked and glistening. “Thank you,” he sat down next to her and she could have swooned, he smelled so fantastic.

  “Where do you want to take me?” she asked playfully as she swung around on her stool.

  “I was thinking we could head over to The Bullet,” he raised an eyebrow. “Faith’s apparently going over after one of her jazz nights.”

  “Oh great,” Paige smiled. “It would be nice to catch up with her.”

  “Or,” he paused, “we could go somewhere of your choice. I don’t want to go all alpha male on your ass and shout the odds.”

  “But I like that,” she grinned. “And you do it so well.”

  “Okay then,” he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “We’ll go to Tanner’s. Reckon you can handle it?”

  Tanners. The strip club…

  Paige knew her eyes were widening and she could see the amusement on his face. He was playing with her, she could tell. He was expecting her to say no and be a princess. He was expecting her to act sensible and say that it wasn’t her scene.

  But she wasn’t going to let him win that game.

  “Okay,” she smiled chirpily. “Sounds awesome. I’ll get my coat.”

  She rose from the stool and walked over to the back door and pulled her denim jacket down from the pegs. Hunter was watching her with a smile dancing across his lips, as if he knew what she was up to but also wanted to play along.

  “I know you’ll love how naked the women are and how enthusiastic the men can get,” he said. “It’ll be right up your street.”

  “It sounds it,” she said as she slipped her jacket over her shoulders. “Maybe I’ll even get a lap dance, or even better, maybe I could enquire about a job.”

  Hunter held his face straight for a moment before he burst into laughter and Paige wasn’t far behind him.

  “Okay, come on, where are we going?” she asked him.

  “Your back yard,” he said with a wink.

  And Paige nodded and smiled, “That sounds perfect.”

  He led her out to underneath the stars again and they pushed two sunbeds together and lay down side by side. The moon was even brighter than it had been the night before and they were both licked by the silver light.

  Paige opened a bottle of wine and drank it slowly, whereas Hunter sucked on beers and played with her hair.

  “So why Hunter then?” she asked him. “That’s a pretty regular name, not as daring as Ax, or Bull, or Lynx… How come you just used your regular name?”

  He went quiet for a moment and then rubbed his temples.

  “If I tell you then you have to swear you’ll never breathe word of it to another soul.” He looked at her sternly.

  Paige nodded with a furrowed brow.

  “Of course,” she assured him.

  “My real name isn’t Hunter,” he told her before he took a swig of his beer. “It’s Eugene. But fucking hell if I’d ever let anyone call me that.”

  Paige rolled onto her side and started to laugh.

  “Eugene?” she asked him, trying to keep her face straight. “Are you serious?”

  “Deadly,” he curled his lip. “Hence why I no longer speak to my parents.”

  “God, I don’t think I would either if they gave me a name like that.”

  “Nope,” he agreed.

  “It sounds like you have a bit of an inner geek inside of you too,” she said affectionately. “Maybe that’s why we had such an immediately strong connection.”

  “I don’t think so, babe.” He wrapped his arm around her. “I may have my head screwed on, but I’m as dark and dangerous as they come.” He wiggled his eyebrows and Paige leaned forward and kissed him.

  “Even if you were, I wouldn’t mind,” she smiled. “You’ve yet to see me fully geeking out in work mode, glasses and all.”

  “Glasses?” he nodded with approval. “The sexy secretary look…”

  He growled and pulled her closer to him and kissed her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her. Their bodies were both red hot with lust and as Hunter’s kisses grew hungrier, Paige found herself unable to resist him any longer. He ran his fingers through her hair and then down her neck to the top of her breasts and gripped them with his big rough hands. She gasped and let her head roll back as he moved his kiss from her mouth to her throat and right up to her ear. He was an expert at it, he knew exactly where to touch her, which spots to press to make it feel oh so good.

  She opened her eyes and looked at him, he was so handsome and daring, so incredibly confident and self-assured. It made her even more intimidated, but she was becoming addicted to the feeling.

  He pulled her to the side and rolled so that she was underneath him, and when he pressed down on her hard, she could feel his big, rock hard cock beneath his jeans. She moaned and wrapped her legs around him, gripping him to her so tightly she felt as if she never wanted to let him go. Hunter ran his hand up the full length of her side from her waist right up to her chest, goosebumps prickled up all over her and she trembled. His kisses became more rapid and hungry and Paige was feeling it too. She couldn’t wait any longer, their passion and lust had been growing for what felt like an eternity. It was as if it would destroy her if she didn’t finally give in.

  Just as she was about to let her own hands travel down to feel his muscular abs and work her way toward his belt, suddenly a noise cut through their passion and made them both jump.

  The harsh trill of a cell phone was blaring out across the back yard and when Paige looked onto the ground she could see it was crawling out of the side of Hunter’s leather jacket and flashing on and off, ringing furiously.

  “Fuck,” he said as he sat up with a pant and looked at the screen. He looked concerned almost immediately and Paige instantly sensed the change in him.

  “I’m sorry, babe” he said as he got to his feet. “I have to take it.”

  He held the phone to his ear and barked, “This better be good, what’s happening?”

  He paused and Paige could hear the sound of someone else speaking on the other end but their voice was too quiet to make out what they were saying.

  “Are you fucking serious,” Hunter sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

  Paige could tell something was wrong. His face had suddenly darkened and become drawn.

  “How has this been allowed to happen?” he snapped. “Does Bull know?”

  The tiny voice on the other end of the line raged on.

  “I’m on my way,” he said as she reached down to the ground and grabbed his jacket before slinging it over his shoulders. He ended the call and sighed heavily, before he turned back to Paige and shook his head.

  “I’m so sorry, babe,” he said.

  Paige looked at him wanting answers, but she knew he wouldn’t give her any. He looked worked up and angry, completely shaken and ready for a fight.

  “It’s okay,” she said as she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to disguise the fact that her nipples were hard and engorged underneath her t-shirt. “Honestly, if it’s something important you don’t have to say another word. We can speak tomorrow.”

  Hunter bent down and cupped her face. He kissed her longingly and grunted.

  “Fuck, could you be any more perfect?” he whispered as he pulled away from her and took a step backward. His eyes didn’t leave hers as he walked back toward the door, and when he slipped inside, Paige finally breathed.

  She wasn’t upset, but she was more than disappointed. She reached for the remainder of the wine and filled her glass. The night had been perfect, just the two of them again, talking and getting to know each other even better and now he was gone. It had been almost about to happen, and then the phone had rang.

  She took a swig of the wine and then set it down and rubbed her eyes. When she looked at
the time on her cell phone it told her it was approaching midnight, so instead of moping out there, wishing he was still with her she gathered up their things and took them back into the house.

  As she tidied away the remainder of their date night, she decided she would just have to let him come to her. She was tired, the weekend had been busy and hectic and more than a little exciting, and she was ready to rest. She needed to lay her head down and prepare for the week ahead.

  In her room, she stripped all of her clothes off and slipped on her silky black robe. She tied it at the waist and looked at herself in the mirror as she removed her earrings. The silk felt almost as good against her skin as Hunter had, but she still wished it was him clinging to her instead.

  She climbed into bed and turned out the light. It had been another exciting evening, one she would never forget. But for now, she had to focus on the day ahead, and try to get some sleep.


  In her dream, she was laying out in the desert sun, the heat blazing down on her and the soft breeze licking every inch of her skin. She was naked and her pussy was engorged and dripping wet. She opened her legs and gasped, waiting for him to come for her. Waiting to feel his touch again. She rolled her head back and clamped her eyes shut, shielding them from the sun as it beat down on her, just as hard as she wanted him to fuck her.

  When she felt his hands on her shins, she trembled, but as he worked his way up to her thighs, parting them slowly and slipping his fingers into her moist, juicy sex, she had to firmly root herself to the ground to stop herself from convulsing. It felt so, so good. She had never been touched like that before, and as he worked his thumb over her clit and massaged her, she found herself on the brink of a crashing wave.

  Somewhere in the distance, the hammering began. Hard, hard, harder. It was loud and fierce, banging and crashing.

  Thump, thump, thump.

  And then her name.


  She sat bolt upright and gasped, her hair sticking to the back of her neck, her nipples hard and sore, and her body a quivering mess. She was in bed and the darkness was all around her, she thought she had dreamt it all, but then it came again.


  She swung her feet over the side of the bed and adjusted the robe, tying it again at her waist and pulling her hair around one side of her neck so it trailed over one shoulder.

  “Paige!” the voice came again.

  A voice she was relieved to recognize.

  She ran down the stairs as fast as her legs would take her and as she unbolted and threw open the door, Hunter dived in to meet her, sweeping her up in his arms and kissing her so hard and passionately it once again took her breath away.

  “I couldn’t wait until tomorrow,” he breathed as he slammed her up against the wall and took hold of her by the wrists, pinning them high above her head.

  “Good,” she panted, “Because neither can I.”

  He kissed her again and kept her pinned there as he pressed himself against her and ravaged her. Their movements were so fevered and hungry, it was almost animalistic. She had never felt so much attraction to someone, had never wanted to rip someone’s clothes off as much as she did in that moment and she had never wanted to feel someone inside of her as much as she wanted Hunter.

  He released her hands and brought them back down to her sides and then he lifted her up into his huge, muscular arms and carried her toward the stairs.

  “I want to take you properly,” he said to her as he began to climb them, two at a time. “I want to lay you down and savor every inch of you.”

  Paige kissed him on the neck and breathed in his intoxicating scent. She couldn’t believe she was there with him and this was about to happen, but she had never wanted anything more.

  She pointed to her door at the top of the hallway and he carried her along. As they stepped inside and he saw the bed, he took her to it and threw her down before he climbed on top of her and ripped his t-shirt off over his head. When she saw his torso properly for the first time, heavy and heaving and covered in tattoos, it made her pussy twinge even more. Without his clothes, he looked even more like a god, so much stronger and powerful than he did even in his leathers.

  She lay there, meek and timid as a kitten, wanting him to overpower her and to exert himself. He knew what he wanted and she wanted him to take it. Having him in full control was such a turn on for her, she lifted her hands up to beside her head and just held his gaze. Offering herself to him and giving him permission to do with her whatever he wanted.

  Hunter never let his eyes leave hers and she watched him as he slowly reached for the top of his jeans and undid his belt, before pulling them down to reveal the biggest, hardest, most perfect cock she had ever seen. She gasped at the sheer size of it. She had no idea how she would fit it inside of her, but she knew that when she did, it was going to feel incredible.

  Hunter kicked off his jeans and knelt back on the bed. He ran the tips of his big, rough fingers all up her legs, to the tops of her thighs and Paige held her breath. He found the ties for the robe and began to undo them, and as he slid his hands inside and opened it wide, exposing her beautiful naked body he had to stop himself from gasping. She heard a grunt come from between his lips and he exhaled.

  “Just perfect,” he said as he leaned forward and parted her legs fully with his hands. He knelt between them and pulled her pussy right up to his face. Paige held her breath, totally at his mercy. And when he brought his mouth to her and let his tongue lick the full length of her slit, she groaned with pleasure. A heat rolled over her entire body, her face felt red hot and her heart raced. Her skin felt on fire, and with each little nibble and lick, she was so close to the edge she had to will herself to hold on.

  When she couldn’t take it anymore and she had to wail with pleasure, Hunter pulled away and climbed up on top of her, rubbing the tip of his dick up and down her pussy. The feeling of having him right there, about to penetrate her was one of the most incredible experiences of her life. She couldn’t move, and she couldn’t breathe. With one hand, he held himself there, ready to spear her, and with the other, he pinned her hands high above her, keeping her completely at his mercy.

  “Oh Hunter,” she panted as she bit her lip and opened her legs wide.

  He smiled wryly and leaned in to kiss her, before he put his full weight on her and slid his massive length right up inside of her. As he filled her, Paige was a complete mess of desire and ecstasy. The sensation of them being joined was more perfect than she ever could have imagined. It was as if they had been built for each other.

  Hunter gripped her throat as he fucked her hard and slow, and Paige looked up into his eyes. She knew she loved him already, and she had the feeling that he loved her too. There was something so powerful about their connection that it was clear it was going to be impossible to break. And now they had sealed it with physical love, it was as if nothing would ever tear them apart.

  Hunter’s thighs were tensed and he powered into her again and again. With each thrust, he seemed to reach new places, he discovered new parts of her and opened her up to new sensations with each passing second. Paige was a quivering mess, on the verge of the most intense and welcomed orgasm of her entire life, and as Hunter seemed to sense her growing pleasure, his built up too.

  He withdrew from her for a couple of seconds and then as he looked into her eyes, he flooded her with his full length again, hard and powerful. They both came at the exact same time, exploding and falling over the edge together. Paige clung to his big, broad shoulders and trembled beneath him as he filled her with his seed and he groaned and moaned and panted, “Oh fuck!” as he emptied himself inside her and collapsed onto her chest.

  Hunter kissed her on the forehead and wrapped his arms around her. Both of their skins were sticky and sweaty, stuck together, and fused by their love and passion. They did fit together, they were meant to be. There could be no other explanation for why it felt so incredibly right.

bsp; “Paige,” Hunter gasped as his chest heaved in and out. “You have no idea what you do to me.”

  She kissed his cheek and ran her fingers through his hair, holding him close and never wanting to let him go.

  “Nor you me,” she whispered as she closed her eyes.

  It was the most perfect ending to the most perfect weekend. She never could have anticipated that she would feel this way, and yet now she couldn’t imagine it any other way.

  “I’m sorry I had to go,” he said. “I didn’t want to leave you and I was so mad at the guys, but…” he trailed off and Paige could tell that their perfect moment was maybe about to change.

  “What happened?” she said as she nuzzled into the crook of his arm.

  “They called me because something was kicking off back at the clubhouse,” he said as he pulled her in closer. “The Iron Riders had showed up completely unannounced and there was a significant chance that things may have erupted.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, her heart beginning to race again.

  “The last time The Iron Riders showed up at our clubhouse in the middle of the night it was because they wanted blood,” he began. “And they got it. They’ve done nothing but cause us hell for decades and now things are even worse.”

  “Oh my,” Paige said, worry flooding through her.

  “But this time, thankfully, it was different,” he said with a half-smile.

  Paige could tell the tension that had been with him earlier had gone. His face softened and he kissed her again.

  “What happened?” she asked.

  “They came tonight because they want to make peace,” Hunter said. “And that’s exactly what happened.”

  Paige looked into his eyes and could see the relief wash over him.

  “I was so afraid when I left you here,” he held her. “I didn’t want to leave you and go back there, who knows what could have happened. I didn’t want anyone to come after you, all I could think of was what if they know where I’ve been and they go looking for her.”


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