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Rohn (Dragons of Kratak Book 1)

Page 4

by Ruth Anne Scott

  He squeezed her thighs and pulled her legs apart. Stroking up her thighs to the round curve of her ass, he lifted her cheeks apart and forced her in on him. She panted through pouting lips, and her eyes smoldered back at him.

  His head darted forward, and his lips closed over her mouth. She fell into his embrace, and his tongue slithered into her mouth. It sought out her tongue and tickled it to a state of high excitement. His fingers explored deeper around her backside to the crack between her legs. They gave her delicate cleft the lightest touch that brought a gush of passion bubbling from her font.

  She couldn’t fight her own body. Her raving need betrayed her into his hands. She had no choice but to bow before his demands. Closing her eyes, she let the intoxicating waves wash over her. The warm wetness of his kiss traveled down between her legs and spread her folds to invite him in.

  “You want it, don’t you, Rose? Say you want this.”

  She couldn’t speak above a whisper. “I want it.”

  “Do you want my body? Does my body please you?”


  His voice shot out hard and short. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

  She had to obey. She opened her eyes, and a lightning bolt of fear shot through her. His eyes shone bright, and they changed color along with his skin. One minute, they shone bright gold. The next, they changed to purple and back to dark silver-grey. The pupil quivered at the center. He looked right through her, to her fluttering heart.

  “Does this excite you?”


  “Do you desire me?”


  “Do you fear me?”

  She shuddered. “Yes.”

  He chuckled low in his chest. The sound washed through her and rattled her nerves. Her very fear ignited her passions. She didn’t understand him. She feared him, but she could find no safety from what scared her except in him. She could only impale herself on him and destroy her fear in the black pool of her own ravenous desire.

  He grabbed her by the ass again, and this time, his massive hands slid down inside her pants. He cupped her bare ass and crushed her against him. Her breath rasped in ragged gasps between her bared teeth. Her crotch ached for his touch, for anything he could do to her.

  He jammed his hands all the way down to her crack and found the bubbling mixture of her cunt lying engorged and ready for him. He growled into her mouth. “Ah, yes. That’s so good.”

  She let her eyes drift closed. What would he do to her? She no longer cared. Whatever he did, whatever he desired of her, she wanted.

  He grabbed her breasts with his massive hands. Trailing his tongue down her neck to her chest, he bit her nipples with sharp teeth. Her nipples tightened between his fingers when he pinched them. The tingly sensation spreading from his kiss made them stand to attention at his touch. She let her head loll back and pushed his face against her chest. His hair hung down on either side of his head to curtain off his face.

  She rubbed her flaming core against his crotch. His member swelled inside his pants, and he shoved his hips forward to answer her movements. The more she rubbed it, the more demanding her need became. She couldn’t get enough of it. She had to destroy herself on his cock.

  He pulled her shirt open, letting her breasts swing free. He buried his face between them, his hands returning to her hips. This time, when he shoved his hands down inside her pants, he pushed them down to her thighs. He bared her voluptuous ass for his enjoyment.

  She welcomed his hands. She stroked her thighs against each other to feed her desire. She ached for his swollen member, but before she could touch it, he launched himself out of the chair. At the same moment, he spun her around and shoved her down across the bed. Her ass stuck up in the air, and her face fell into the soft quilt.

  He ran his hand around her neck and pulled her head back. His raging hard cock digging into her ass. With his other hand, he yanked her arms behind her back and clasped both her wrists in one hand. He hissed against her ear. “Is this what you want? Is this what you had in mind?”

  She groaned out loud. “Yes. I want this.”

  “What? I can’t hear you?”

  She yelled at the top of her lungs. “Yes! I want it.”

  “Tell me how you want it.”

  A demon possessed her, and she shrieked out loud. “I want it hard. I want you to give it to me so hard.”

  “Do you mean like this?” He jammed his hips against her ass and slammed her into the bed. Her ass bunched against his pelvis, and her delicate cunny spread its wetness across her petals. “Is this how hard you want it?”


  “Do you want my hard prick between your legs? Do you want me to split you wide open? Is that what you want?”


  “Do you need a man to make you cry? Do you need a man’s hard prick to give you what you want?”

  “God, yes! I need a man. I need your hard prick.” Where did this language come from? What wild animal inside her spoke her deepest desires out loud, when she never let herself so much as think them?

  He craned her head back, and her spine arched at a dangerous angle. He let go of her wrists for a moment. What was he up to now? She took the opportunity to struggle, but he took hold of them again before she could free herself.

  When he jammed his hips down against her ass again, a thick naked appendage pressed between her buttocks. It plowed her crack apart and picked up the trail of her sweet juices. They lubricated his passage, and her flesh parted to greet him.

  “No, you don’t. You can’t get away from me, not when you just begged me for it.” He bit her ear, and his deep voice rumbled to the bottom of her being. “I’m gonna nail you harder than you’ve ever been nailed in your life, baby. I’ll bet you’ve never been fucked the way you should be. I can see you’re hungry for it, so I’m gonna give you exactly what you need. I’m gonna hear you moan like you’ve never moaned before. Don’t try to get away. You know you want it. You came to the right place, and I won’t let you go until I hear you scream.”

  She moaned, all right. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He was right. She’d never encountered a man like him before. No Allies man would dare touch a woman like this, let alone talk to her like that. No man she ever had anything to do with would consider dominating a woman. They wouldn’t dare touch a woman without getting her express permission, and here he was, taking what he wanted.

  That alone turned her on beyond anything she thought possible. He molded her in his hands and made her exactly what he wanted. He made her his instrument, a receptacle for his pleasure, and she welcomed the chance with pure joy. What had she been playing at, all the years she wasted her time with weak, tepid men? What had she been, when she waited for those men to ask her for her permission to touch her?

  She was just as dead as they were, but she came to life now. He brought her to life with his hands and his rough voice. He shifted back and angled his cock between her butt cheeks. He dug it into the moist channel between her legs. He found the glorious pathway to her verdant garden. The slippery syrup led him home to the burning doorway underneath.

  He hovered around her opening for a long moment. Rose’s mouth hung open in anticipation. Would he? Could he? Did he dare? She didn’t have to ask. He would conquer.

  He dallied there and watched her shocked face. He listened to her strained breathing and her mews of tense desire. Then he pumped his hips forward in one masterful stroke and drove his dripping cock into her raging depths.

  She screeched to the heavens, but he never hesitated again. He slid his shaft all the way in to its very limit and pounded it down to the hilt again. Rose’s flesh stretched to receive him. The pain and tension drained away, and sparkling delight gushed around his member.

  He pounded his cock into her fissure. Her pants held her thighs together so she couldn’t spread her legs. His ridge plowed along her most sensitive areas and sent waves of hot
sensation lapping out from her pelvis to every cell in her body.

  She cried out louder with every stroke of his piston. She no longer tried to get away. She undulated her body to match the rhythm of his movements. She couldn’t keep still. She pushed back into his thrusts.

  He quickened his pace. His hips slapped against her ample ass and sent tremors through her whole body. His balls touched her clitoris with every swing, and her heavenly juices trickled down the wrinkled skin to disappear into her pubic hair.

  Every slithering course of his prick into her moist cavern brought fresh ripples of delectable delight flowing from her cunt. She couldn’t hold back the unstoppable waves crashing over her, and she didn’t try. She stretched to ride them, to suck them closer, to push herself over the edge into unfathomable completion.

  He buried his face in her neck and sank his teeth into her shoulder. Her voice rose to a fevered pitch, and she crashed down into the foaming torrent of climactic orgasm. At the same moment, he bellowed into her ear, and his molten lava filled her to the brim.

  Chapter 6

  Rose came out of her room and looked to the right and to the left. She didn’t notice her sister Reyna standing right there until Reyna spoke to her. “Rose? Are you all right?”

  Rose sighed and pushed the hair out of her face. “Hmm?”

  Reyna frowned. “Rose! I’m talking to you.”

  Rose started out of her reverie. “Sorry. What?”

  “Did you hear me just now? I asked if you were all right.”

  Rose started walking. She didn’t know where. “Sure. I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

  Reyna fell in at her side, but her frown deepened. “You don’t look fine. Something’s the matter with you.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  Reyna laid a hand on Rose’s arm. “Look at me, Rose.”

  Rose turned her misty eyes on her sister. “What is it?”

  Reyna studied her. “Something happened to you. What was it?”

  Rose started walking again. She spoke from a million miles away. “Nothing happened. I have to find Moira. Have you seen her?”

  “No, I haven’t. What do you want her for?”

  “I want to talk to her about the argument we had with the Krataks during the meal. She should know about it.”

  “I wouldn’t exactly call it an argument. We disagreed on a few things, but I’m sure we’ll clear that up in the course of our stay.”

  Rose shook her head. Beside the time Reyna stopped her and specifically told her to, Rose hadn’t once looked her in the eye. “We could be starting things off the wrong way with the Krataks. Moira should know about it, one way or the other. She should know how things are going.”

  Rose walked a long time before Reyna said anything. “How did your examination with Rohn go?”

  Rose looked all around her, at the tapestries on the walls, at the stone structure, everywhere except at Reyna. “Hmm? Oh, it went fine.”

  Reyna tried again to stop her, but Rose kept walking. “You keep saying everything’s fine.”

  Rose looked back and forth on both sides of her. She spoke under her breath. “I have to find Moira.”

  “Moira will turn up eventually. You know how she is. She goes off by herself, but she always turns up.”

  “It’s not like her to miss a meal like that, and we just got here. I must find her. She could be in danger.”

  Reyna stopped in her tracks. “What’s your obsession with Moira?”

  “She’s the Allies representative. We can’t do anything without her.”

  “What are you talking about? We’re scientists. There’s nothing stopping us from doing our work.”

  Rose stopped walking and spun around to face her sister. For the first time since she came out of her room, her eyes shone with the same old clear determination Reyna knew so well. “Moira needs to know about every detail of our interactions with the Krataks. She’s responsible for representing the Allies to the Krataks and reporting all our movements to the Allied Command when we get home. You know that.”

  “Of course I know it, but she’s only been gone for a few hours, at the most. I don’t see why you’re getting so wound up about her being missing.”

  “In those few hours, she missed what could turn out to be the pivotal interaction between us and the Krataks. She didn’t hear what we said or what they said in response. I should tell her what happened. Besides, I want to ask her about something.”

  “Is it something about Rohn?”

  Rose’s head shot up. “Why do you ask about him?”

  “I’m just wondering, since you took him back to your room to examine him. Did something happen during your examination? Was he hostile toward you, the way we suspected the men would be?”

  Rose whirled away. “I don’t want to talk about Rohn or my examination of him.”

  Reyna hurried to catch up with her. “I just wondered, since that’s the only thing that’s happened between that meal and now. You want to find Moira so bad, and your examination of Rohn is the only thing you could want to talk to her about.”

  Rose spat over her shoulder. “Will you shut up about Rohn? I just said I don’t want to talk about him. Nothing happened during my examination of him, and even if it had, Moira is the last person in the world I would want to talk to about it. I already told you. I want to talk to her about our conversation during the meal. Can’t you understand that?”

  “You said you wanted to talk to her about the conversation during the meal. You said you wanted to report it to her in case it turned out to affect relations between Kratak and the Allies. Then you said you wanted to talk to her about something else. If it isn’t your examination of Rohn, what is it?”

  Rose rounded on her sister with flashing eyes. “I swear to God, Reyna, if you say Rohn’s name one more time, I won’t be responsible for the consequences. Now, leave me alone. I have more important things to do than talk to you about this. I have to find Moira, and you’re making it impossible.”

  Reyna stared at her sister. “What on Earth is the matter with you, Rose? I’ve never seen you like this. You’re out of your mind.”

  Rose didn’t answer. She whirled away and marched off down the passage. Reyna stared after her, but didn’t follow. In a few minutes, silence descended around Rose. Only the echo of her own feet on the stone floor clashed against her ears.

  Reyna was right. She never lost her composure like that. What was wrong with her? What could make her lash out at her own sister with such ferocity? She didn’t recognize herself. Her warning to Reyna rang in her ears. She really would have flown at her sister and in all likelihood, done her some violence if she persisted in interrogating Rose about her examination of Rohn.

  She didn’t have to look very far to find the answer to those questions. She threw her back against the chilly stone wall and gasped for breath. What had she done? What had she become in that room? What had Rohn done to her, to turn her into this raving maniac?

  Her mind seethed in desperate fury to understand what had happened. He destroyed her whole world and replaced it with his own version of insanity. She could find no place for herself in it, nor could she make sense of anyone else in it. How could she relate to her sister, her friends, her teammates—even her home world—after what he’d done, after what she’d done with him.

  She’d reduced herself to a rabid animal with him. She let him overpower her and take her in the most brutal fashion. Not only did she let him do it, she’d actually enjoyed it. She experienced such an Earth-shattering climax, it rewrote every rule she could conceive about how reality worked. Male and female couldn’t exist like this. She couldn’t make herself the object of a dominant man, a man who took what he wanted with no consideration of the female sensibility.

  He wasn’t without consideration, though, was he? When she thought about it, she had to admit that. He cared what she wanted. He understood better than any man she’d ever encou
ntered what she wanted and how to give it to her. He even asked her point-blank if she wanted it, and she panted and begged him to do it.

  She loathed herself for groveling like that, and yet, when she thought back on her own behavior, on the words she said and the positions she took while he penetrated her secret openings, the memories turned her on all over again. She longed to run back along the passage, to seek him out and beg him to do it all over again, to force himself on her and bend her to his will. She longed to submit to his dominating power and let him possess her, body and soul.

  She lay against the wall in a ferment of drunken desire. Her hands itched to touch herself, to bring herself to another thundering climax, but her own body stood as an indictment to her insatiable appetite. She was nothing but a bottomless pit of carnal lust. Underneath her professional exterior, her decorated career, her leadership positions, she always had been. She had never been anything else, and now Rohn tore back the veneer to reveal her true self hidden underneath.

  She pushed herself off the wall, but she forced herself to hurry on her way in search of Moira instead of back toward her room. Rohn wouldn’t be there anymore anyway. After he finished with her, he leaned against her ass for a long time with his pulsating cock still plunged in her depths. Then he straightened up, put his tool back in his pants, and left the room without a word. He left her lying face down on the bed in an intoxicated stupor of drifting daydreams.

  When Rose came to herself, he was already long gone. Where had he gone? When she came out of her room, she realized she didn’t even know in which direction his room lay. She couldn’t find him if she wanted to.

  She strode through the great hall and into a passage on the other side. All these passages looked the same after a while. She quickened her pace, but kept enough control over herself not to break into a run.

  She didn’t really care about finding Moira. Any of the others could tell Moira what happened during the meal, and she didn’t need to know about it right away. It could wait. Reyna was right about that.


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