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Rohn (Dragons of Kratak Book 1)

Page 12

by Ruth Anne Scott

  Rose didn’t contradict. For once in her life, she welcomed someone else taking charge and commanding the situation. Her shoulders relaxed in relief to be told what to do by this powerful man.

  Rowan pointed to Rohn, Damen, and Callan. “You three will fly as fast as you can to the nearest Keeps and tell them everything. Then you will fly on to another three and spread the word far and wide. The first three Keeps you come to must send their fastest fliers to another three Keeps, and so on, until all the Clans know exactly what’s happening and understand how to handle any ambassadors from the Allies that happen to drop in.”

  Damen and Reyna looked at each other. Callan stood up, and Haya moved to his side. “Let me go, too, Father. I can fly as fast as the boys. That will help spread the word faster.”

  Rowan smiled at her. “Very well, my child. I only left you out because I thought you might want to remain behind to look after Asya.”

  Haya glanced at Asya and Ben. “I think Asya can take care of herself.”

  “All right. Go, and bring back word that the other Clans are preparing for this invasion.”

  The group broke up. Callan and Haya went one way, and Reyna and Damen went another. Rowan and Fay sat in a corner together and talked in low tones.

  Rohn inclined his head toward the eastern entrance. “Let’s take a walk.”

  Rose started to follow him when Ben approached her. “I want to help, too, Mom. Isn’t there anything I can do?”

  “You’re already doing it, darling. You’re doing the best thing you can do by staying here and supporting Asya.”

  “You don’t think I made a mistake, do you? Do you wish I had gone back to the Allies? I know you think I would be safer there.”

  She laid her hands on his shoulders. “I think you did the right thing by staying here. You don’t know how relieved I am to be here with you, instead of halfway across the galaxy, wondering if you’re okay. You’ll never know how proud I am of you for making your own decision, even when I told you not to. You’re more a man than I ever dreamed possible.”

  He flushed with pride and took Asya’s hand. “Thanks, Mom.”

  Rose shot her eyes toward Rohn. “If you turn into a man like him, that’s more than I could ever hope for.”

  Ben and Asya disappeared together, and Rose followed Rohn to the parapet overlooking the mountains. Nothing stirred out there. Where was Rahni? Had he taken Moira somewhere? Would she ever see Moira again?

  Rohn bent down and kissed her. “So, what changed your mind? What made you decide to stay?”

  “You did. Everything you said about the Allies was true. They’re militaristic and domineering. They’ll never rest until they conquer this planet and any other they set their sights on. I couldn’t let that happen to you, and I couldn’t be a part of it.”

  “Did you tell that to the general?”

  “I told her, but she didn’t understand any better than I would have when I first came here. No one can understand who hasn’t seen it from the other side. I only wish I had seen it sooner, but I had to come here and meet you to realize the truth.”

  “I’m glad you decided to stay. I don’t think I could stand aside and watch you leave.”

  “I think Reyna and Ben feel the same way. They got attached. Your people and this planet have a way of getting under a person’s skin.”

  “Like the patterns in our skin?”

  “Exactly like that. I’ve even felt them under mine.”

  “I haven’t seen them.”

  “Maybe it just takes time to develop them. Maybe they’ll show up after I’ve been on the planet for a while.”


  “Are you sure you want me to stay? I understand if you don’t want to marry me and all that. I understand if you want to marry someone from your own people. I don’t have to stay here, at Harkniss Keep. If it doesn’t work out between us, I can go to one of the other Keeps.”

  “You’re not going anywhere!” His eyes flashed.

  “I only meant....”

  “You belong here, with me. I never met any woman like you before. I’ve been waiting a long time to meet a woman like you, and I won’t let you go now.”

  “I’m not too dominating, am I?”

  “You—dominating? Ha! You’d have to try a lot harder to be dominating.”

  She laughed. “I think I like things between us the way they are.”

  He drew near. He turned her away from him and circled her waist with his arms. He whispered in her ear. “Do you think a dominating woman would have let me bend her over the bed and nail her that way? Would a dominating woman like it when I held her hands behind her back and fucked her sweet, tight cunt? No, you’re not dominating. You’re mine.”

  He rubbed his prick against her ass, and her lower lips oozed their nectar into her pants. “Come on, baby. Give yourself to me one more time. I want you. I can’t keep my hands off you. Are you wet for me? Do you want to cream all over me again?”

  She fought the temptation to give in. “Don’t you have to leave right away? Don’t you have to warn the other Clans?”

  “They’ll find out soon enough. The others are fast fliers. Pretty soon, everyone will know. They’ll know long before the diplomatic team gets here, and they’ll find us united. They won’t be able to go behind anybody’s backs.”

  “You shouldn’t leave this to the others. You have a job to do, too.”

  He bent her forwards and purred into her ear. His hand groped down between her legs and came up hard against her clitoris. Rose moaned and writhed against his touch. His big middle finger massaged the spongy tissue around her opening until it ached. “Let’s get out of here for a while.”

  “Where to?”

  He nodded toward the wilderness. “Out there. Somewhere we don’t have to worry about anybody hearing us or seeing us.”

  “When did you ever worry about that?”

  “Come on. We’ll go so far away they’ll never find us.”

  “How will we get there? We could be gone for hours, and you’re in a hurry.”

  “I’ll fly. I have a nest out there on the mountaintop. I’ll fly you there in a few minutes.”

  She stared at him. “You...have a nest? Do you mean like Rahni’s nest?”

  “Just like that. We all have them. The nest gives us a place to rest when we’re flying around the mountains and we don’t want to fly back home. The lava rising inside the cone keeps us warm.”

  She studied his face at close range. “I still can’t imagine you as a dragon.”

  “You’ll get used to it. Come on. Climb on my back and we’ll go.”

  He gave her another kiss and stepped back. She flattened herself against the stone wall and held her breath. In front of her eyes, his neck stretched to an impossible length. His legs got thicker and longer and bent forward at the knee. His toes elongated and curled into sharp claws.

  Rustling leathery wings unfolded from his back and beat the air. His spine arched and bent forward, and he dropped to the ground on his hands. His fingers flexed, and rapacious claws sprouted from their tips.

  His head bobbed on the end of his long neck, and a serpent’s tongue darted out when the jaws snapped open and shut. His tail whipped through the air. He lifted his head to the sky and let out a piercing shriek.

  Rose summoned all her willpower to push herself off the wall. This was Rohn, the man she loved. Whatever he was, she wanted him. She wanted to accept him, to understand him, to embrace every part of him, no matter how strange. She would learn, like he said, to get used to this.

  She came near and let her fingertips touch his greenish scales. The swirling patterns of his skin didn’t show up here, in his dragon form. They lay hidden under the surface, waiting for the transparent skin of a man to make themselves known.

  An electric thrill ran up her arm when she touched him. He grumbled deep in his chest and turned his shoulder toward her. His green sides rose s
traight up in front of her in a sheer wall.

  Rohn bent his head down next to her knee. She put her foot on it, and he boosted her up onto his back. She had to shift around for a minute before she found a secure place for herself in the hollow where his neck met his body. His muscles rippled under her, and the electric energy welled up from his body into her crotch.

  She slid around on the slippery scales, but when he lifted his head and spread his great wings, she slotted into that hollow. Her legs wrapped around his neck, and she sat in perfect security. She couldn’t fall off if she tried.

  He flapped his wings and rose into the air. They soared high above the Keep and made a complete circuit around the mountain. The wind blew Rose’s hair back from her face, and the sun shone warm on her skin. She laughed and sang to the skies in sheer delight. She swayed to and fro with his movements, and hot desire seethed through her body with the power of his flight.

  Rohn banked and headed east, over endless forests and craggy mountains. In an instant, they left Harkniss Keep far behind. Rose looked back to see three more dragons taking off and separating in different directions. Then the whole scene faded away into the horizon.

  Chapter 17

  Rohn flew a lot longer than a few minutes. He covered miles upon miles of territory with every flap of his wings, but he never stopped. He passed whole mountain ranges and never got tired.

  Rose looked down on rivers tumbling over waterfalls and winding through prairies. Bottomless canyons of sheer stone cut through dense forests. At last, Rohn left the forested mountains behind and entered a strange country. Cold seas crashed against rocky coastlines. Islands dotted the far distance, but they showed no sign of inhabitants.

  Rohn banked and flew up the coast to another range of mountains. Rose didn’t see any openings that would indicate Keeps, but at this height, she couldn’t be sure. He swept inland and circled a mountain higher than the others. He landed on his big back legs and Rose slid down to the ground.

  A nest exactly like Rahni’s, constructed of woven tree branches, rested on the summit. Her feet sprang on the spongy bed. Hot air billowed up underneath it and warmed her.

  She turned to Rohn, but he didn’t change back into a man. He stared at her with his serpent’s eyes. A shock of fear stabbed her heart.

  His head floated closer to her, and smoke trailed from his nostrils. He rumbled deep in his chest, and the sound vibrated through the ground, up her legs and into her crotch. Her lips opened at the sound.

  He moved his head closer. The hot, smoky breath from his nostrils burned her nostrils. Her heart pounded in her temples. His very presence exuded danger—and excitement.

  She put out her hand to touch his smooth, scaly head. He nudged her hand and ran his head along her palm. She yanked her hand away in alarm, but he pressed his head up under her hand again. He wanted her to touch him.

  Her fingers grazed his forehead and back behind his sharp pointed ears. He rumbled again, and his eyes drifted half-closed. She let her hand linger longer on his head. She touched him all around his neck and under his lower jaw.

  Her hand got used to the scaly sensation of his skin. That hard armor made sense to her, the longer she came in contact with it. She stepped to his side and ran her hand down his neck and down to his chest. He purred with delight and let her touch him all over.

  His skin excited her. His size and the powerful beat of his wings frightened her, but the same fear that made her heart patter, made her squishy and hot between her legs. When would he change back into a man to take her?

  All of a sudden, his head darted around to his side. He ran his long neck along the back of her legs. The scales caressed her thighs and brought a gasp to her lips. What was he doing?

  She didn’t have time to wonder. He hooked his head around her waist and wrapped his long neck around her body. He squeezed her from behind. At the same moment, his tail slithered around from the other direction. It ran around her ass to her waist and up between her breasts. He ran his tail along her neck and circled it with a sinewy, constricting grip.

  She caught her breath. Was it fear or excitement that made her pulse thump in her chest? She couldn’t tell the difference anymore. His touch sent her head reeling. She could barely stand up, and her cunt ached for his penetrating intrusion.

  She laid her head against his heaving sides, and the scales brushed her cheek. She fought for breath, he excited her so. His massive, powerful presence dominated her whole consciousness. He encompassed her, and she succumbed entirely to his will.

  His tail lashed around her from behind. His scales scraped her skin with smooth, delicate strokes, but the rippling muscles underneath held her immovable in their grasp. He slid his head along her hip and down to her legs. He pressed his hard, ridged forehead into the furrow between her butt cheeks and lifted her onto her tiptoes.

  A moan ripped from her throat. Oh, yes. Let him take her like this. Let him mount her on all fours like an animal. She would turn her ass up to his whiplike spike and let him take her. She would be the dragon’s consort. Her body yearned for it.

  He hooked his ears around her waist and spun her away from him. At the same moment, his spiky tail glided between her legs. The points along its length bumped against her crotch, and she yelped in surprise.

  Then he turned his neck sideways and retracted the smooth surface between her legs. He rubbed her crotch back and forth with his smooth, muscled neck until she pressed her dripping box down onto it in naked lust. She rode it back and forth to drive herself to the heights of pleasure.

  His tail ran to its full length between her legs, but this time, it didn’t retract. It kept going, up between her breasts. It wrapped around her neck to circle her shoulders. With a powerful jerk, he bent her forward at the waist with his tail still wedged between her legs.

  Rose cried out in agony. What was he going to do to her? Why didn’t he change back into a man and take her the way he always had before? She sobbed and cried for the Rohn she knew and loved, the Rohn who could make her convulse with rampant desire, who could make her submit to his masterful hands.

  The dragon held her bent over that way, with his tail running up between her legs and around her neck and shoulders. His head weaved back and forth and came down behind her. Something wet worked its way into the back of her pants and down between her cheeks to taste the spicy sweetness in the tangled forest below.

  Rose panted and moaned. His tongue squirreled up between her lips to explore her delicate hole. It pushed its way in, just a fraction of an inch, just enough to make her writhe in torment.

  The dragon turned, still holding her bent and powerless in that vulnerable position. Would he mount her like this, in his dragon form? Would his body damage her with its spikes? Every corpuscle seethed in anticipation and anxiety, but she couldn’t resist the flickering tongue lashing over her engorged tissues.

  The dragon leaned over her, and his scaly chest scraped her back. The tail holding her flexed against her breasts and danced over her nipples. He opened his mouth and bellowed into her ear. She screamed in fright and felt the sharp protrusion wedging between her legs to take her from behind.

  In the blink of an eye, Rose went limp in his grasp. She no longer cared if he took her as a dragon. Let him take her. Let him make her his own. Let her become the sex object of this giant serpent. Her body belonged to him, and anything he did to her would bring her pleasure.

  Even baring herself to him, becoming the craven vixen of a fire-breathing, scaly monster made her seethe in naked lust. She wanted nothing more than to stay in this nest, for him to come back to her after his day’s hunting, and take her all over again. She would get on her knees and back up to his powerful hammer, and she would love every minute of it.

  In the instant she released herself to his whim, when she gave herself over to him, body and soul, she discovered the arms of a man holding her, lying between her breasts and running up to the meaty hand around her neck. R
ohn’s voice murmured in her ear. “So sweet. So delicious. So raw and open.”

  She gasped in surprise. He had changed, just like that. His other hand delved down between her legs to spread her lips and work his thick finger into her ravenous hole.

  “Yes, baby, yes. Bend over for me. That’s right. You know you want to ride my hard cock. You’re my sweet little pet, aren’t you? Oh, yes. God, you’re so wet. Does my cock turn you on? Do you want to ride my cock right now?”

  “Yes! Yes! I want it now. I’m yours. Make me ride it. Oh, God, please, yes.”

  He worked her pants down, and she kicked them off. He lifted her shirt up over her head and weighed her down with his bulk until she collapsed on the nest of branches. He held her around the chest and laid his back against her from behind. He pulled her leg up over his hip and angled his pelvis into her waiting cunt.

  He turned her head around to kiss her, and their lips remained locked while he drove his piston into her welcoming channel. He plowed her twitching lips apart and bumped his cock into her hole. She closed her eyes, and her mouth hung open under his devouring kiss. He beat a steady rhythm against her box with powerful thrusts.

  His free hand delved down into her molten cunt and circled her clitoris with delicate swirls. He teased it and tickled it to raw erection while his shaft stimulated her G spot inside her channel. Every pump of his piston brought a gush of clear syrup flowing over her lips and ass.

  She lost all awareness of where she was and what he was doing to her. She became aware only of the bright golden light bursting out of her, from her crotch, from her stomach, from her heart, from her mouth, from her eyes, and from every orifice in her body. The clear light came from a divine source beyond thought. She embodied it and returned it to the universe cleansed, even as it cleansed her of all fear and anger and hatred.

  The light poured from her like a prayer or a song. It took on a life of its own. That light and nothing else would bring Kratak into the fullness of its sovereign power. She acted only as a conduit to manifest that light to the world. Each and every person on Kratak lived a life of light. They would combine all their lights together to create something wonderful and unique in the galaxy. Then everyone, even the Allies, would have to stop and stare at it and acknowledge the beauty and majesty of it.


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