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Tough Luck: A New Adult Billionaire Romance (The Vegas Billionaire Obsession Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Grey, Chloe

  “That was helpful,” I told him as we left to head to our vehicles. “And by helpful, I mean completely confusing. I didn’t understand a word, except our names. That’s bad, isn’t it?”

  “No,” he laughed. “Not at all. All the lawyer said was what I told you before. Yes, there were details on the asset distribution, and other drab minutia. But I’ve already told the head lawyer to make time for any questions you have.”


  He reached into his briefcase and pulled out a stack of papers. “And the will is public record. Here’s a copy. You’ve got a lawyer you trust, right?”


  “Good. Take this to them and have them give you the run down, just so you’re comfortable.”

  “Thanks Max.”

  “And congratulations.”

  “For what?”

  “You’re almost officially a billionaire now.”


  “Come on. It’s not like I just told you you’ve got a terminal illness. Cheer up. Let’s go for drinks, big brother. Time to celebrate.”



  The minute I got back to Texas, I knew I didn’t want my life to go back to what it was. I enjoyed my newfound body, confidence and attitude. I had quickly grown accustomed to enjoying some of the finer things in life. I was ready to make some changes, starting with getting a new car. Everyone seemed surprised that I chose a red hot Ferrari. Everyone but Monica. She came with me to shop for it, and reminded me I deserved it.

  It was my first big purchase since winning the lottery. It felt good signing on the purchase document, knowing it was a small gift to myself. The only thing missing was Drew. All week, he would try to get me to talk to him, but I wasn’t having it. He had enough time to drop the bomb on me about being married—at least, I think he was married. I guess I was so angry when he laid it all on the table, I couldn’t really remember. The point was he didn’t tell me soon enough.

  How could he have slept with me, followed me to Vegas, make me feel so special, and then tell me all that, like it was nothing? When I finally broke down and told Monica, her reaction surprised me. All she wanted to know was when his divorce would be settled. She didn’t think it was a big deal. How could she not think it was a massive deal? She told me Drew was for real, and he had only been sweet to me, and nothing else mattered. Some bestie. She must have fallen for her co-anchor’s slick talking and smooth moves. Whatever it was, she gave me no encouragement when it came to how I cut him out.

  One afternoon, as we sat for lunch after work, my phone rang. I had glanced at the screen and saw Drew’s number was scrolling across the caller ID. I had been ignoring his calls and text messages, figuring eventually, he would take the hint and leave me alone. This time, Monica prodded me to answer it. I held the phone and stared at it. I almost answered it, but then I put it back down.

  “Screw him,” I mumbled.

  “You’re being silly about this, Les.”

  “Really? Why am I suddenly wrong? I didn’t hide anything from him, Monica. I don’t even feel I know him.”

  “You knew what you needed to know.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “He’s a good guy. He adores you. He puts your needs before his own. He flew over a thousand miles to be with you. What else do you need to know?”

  “He flew out there to be with his brother.”

  “That’s semantics, Les. You’re missing the point.”

  “And what’s the point?”

  She stood up and left her share of the bill on the table. “You know what? I’m not talking to you about this anymore, Les. I don’t know what else I can say for you to open your eyes. Let’s just change the subject.”

  “Fine,” I answered, and left some cash before following her outside.

  “Are we still going house-hunting now?”

  “Definitely. I can’t stay at my apartment anymore. And I’m tired of crashing on my bestie’s couch.”

  She held me around my shoulder before I opened my car door. “You’re welcome to crash with me anytime.”

  “Thanks Monica. Look, I don’t mean to be hard on Drew. He just hurt me, you know? I still feel like a fool for not knowing.”

  “I know. His timing sucked. But that doesn’t change a thing.”

  “What about his wife?”

  “He’s divorced, Les. Or wrapping it up in court. You told me yourself he hadn’t seen his wife for over a year.”

  “And his brother? I practically dry humped the TV that night at his place when the Billionaire Takes a Wife special was on, and he never told me he was related to Max. And seriously? He’s rich, and he didn’t tell me that either.”

  “Who tells someone they’re dating every last detail the second they meet? I don’t know about you, but I don’t. And I would never tell them what I had until I knew I could trust them. You’re looking at this all wrong. He told you everything. He just didn’t tell you the day he met you.”

  “You know what, Monica? You’re right.”


  “No, not about Drew. You’re right that we should change the subject and not talk about it anymore.”


  “Can we still go for drinks later?”

  “Oh you couldn’t talk me out of that, Les. Now I need a drink.”

  Chapter 12


  I took Monica’s advice and went home a little early on Friday. Except for buying a new car and finally receiving the first after-tax payout of lottery winnings in my account, the week had been torture. Drew respected my wishes and left me alone—and I hated it. I started wishing he would fight for me. But then again, I had been so hurtful and out of control when we had our argument back in Vegas.

  I drove to my apartment for the first time this week. I had been staying at Monica’s, as I was tired of people showing up at my door on Monday when we got back from Vegas. For now though, this was still my home. What I needed was to take a shower, put on some comfy clothes, climb into bed and stop pining over Drew.

  I got in and went straight to my bathroom. After a long shower, I found an oversized sweatshirt and yoga pants and towel dried my hair. I didn’t even feel like watching TV anymore. As I was about to hop into bed, I saw the three gift bags Drew had given to Monica to pass to me before we left Vegas. I had set them down when we came back from the airport, and as I had not been back home since, I never had the chance to see what it was.

  I looked inside the largest bag. It was a two-piece hot pink lingerie set, and underneath were about six black lace panties. I laid them all out on the bed and sighed. There was a card at the bottom of the bag from Drew. It read:

  Dear Leslie.

  I saw this in a store window and had to get it for you. I hope you like it, and can’t wait to see you model it for me.



  P.S. These panties look just like the ones I ripped off your gorgeous body on Friday night. I got you six, just in case it becomes a habit. Wink.

  Some of my anger melted away, and I couldn’t help but try it on. I stripped down naked and carefully put on the lingerie. It fit me perfectly, complimenting my curves. I turned to check it in the mirror, scoping out all the angles and how it fit. I silently wished Drew were there to see me in it.

  I had to check the other two bags. The next one had a long, suede Tiffany necklace box, with a neat bow on one end. I held my breath as I opened it. It was a rose gold necklace with a heart-shaped pendant, lined in brilliant, round diamonds. Pinned at the opposite end of the box was a matching pair of heart-shaped diamond studs. It was stunning. The note with this was shorter, and read, ‘A small symbol of how I’ve come to care for you, Leslie. Love, Drew.’

  It took my breath away. All of a sudden, I regretted being so terse with him. His confession to me had been so unexpected, with so many revelations, I was afraid I couldn’t trust him. Deep down, though, I had already fallen hard for Drew, and I ha
d to admit, I believed he cared for me.

  I rushed over to my phone and sent him a short text that I was sorry and wanted to talk, if he was free to come by. I placed it on my dresser and looked over at the third bag. I was hesitant to look inside. Before I could check, I heard the doorbell. I groaned. A big part of me wanted to ignore it, fearing it was the usual flow of pseudo-strangers, apartment building tenants, and old acquaintances stopping by to wish me well. But I held out the hope that Drew might have already been on the way, and had shown up to beg me to forgive him.

  With that thought in mind, I hurried out of my bedroom opened the door without checking. Shit. It was Brad again. I told him I didn’t want to talk to him and he needed to leave, but he was able to wedge his shoe in the opening before I could close it. I don’t know what had gotten into him. He pushed the door open with his full body weight, and it caught me off guard. He stepped inside and closed the door, looking at me with darkened eyes.

  Fear may have kicked in. As I stepped back, I lost my balance and fell back on my ass, scrambling backward on the floor. I’m not sure why I reacted that way.

  “Is that any way to greet your boyfriend, Les?”

  “Brad. You need to leave, okay? You’re not my boyfriend.”

  I got to my feet and turned to run toward the bedroom to get my phone. Brad was not himself. He yanked back by my shoulder before I could get more than a few steps.

  “Stop it Leslie. I just want to talk. Don’t you want to talk to me?”

  “No. Don’t touch me. You need to leave now!” I shouted.

  “That’s not very hospitable.”

  By now I was officially scared. His fingers dug into my shoulder as he walked me over to sit on the sofa.

  “Let me go, Brad! You’re hurting me. Get out now before I call the cops, okay?” This was getting her nowhere. I needed to think, to keep him talking. I needed to calm him down. “You’re right, Brad. I’m sorry. What did you want to talk about?”

  His eyes flicked down my face, paused on my lips and then down my body. I was exposed, horribly exposed in this little negligee.

  “I like your little outfit. Why didn’t you wear stuff like that when we were together?”

  I nearly rolled my eyes, but didn’t want to set him off. Calm. Control. Keep talking. “Tell me what you want, Brad.”

  His composure changed in an instant.

  “We need to talk!” He yelled, his face turning red. I jumped at the suddenness of it.

  I swallowed hard. “Talk about what?”

  He laughed. “You’re trying to squeeze me out of these lottery winnings, Leslie. I played those numbers with you for years. And just because I didn’t throw my share of the ticked cost the last few times, you want to cut me out? Just like that?”

  “Are you serious right now, Brad?” I said between clenched teeth. Suddenly it was me losing my temper. “How could you think you deserve a penny of this when you didn’t pay for the ticket?”

  “You don’t get it, do you? It’s the principle of it, Les.”

  “What principle is that, Brad? What kind of principles do you have, breaking up with me on a text message? Look I’m not going to dredge up the past, but you are not entitled to a penny of this money. Now get out.”

  He stood up and looked down at me. He folded his arms and took a broad stance, like he wanted to intimidate me. It was working. “I’m not going anywhere this time, Les. Here’s want you’re going to do. You’re going to forgive me, and I’m going to move back in with you. We’re going to go back to the lottery office and you’ll add my name to the ticket claim.”

  “I said get out or I’ll—”

  “I’m talking here!” he yelled.

  Brad was completely unstable. He was past talking down. I needed an out. I slowly looked around for anything I could use to defend myself. Nothing.

  “You tried to hurt me, Leslie, cutting me out of the money like that. Don’t make me hurt you back.”

  He’s insane.

  I flinched as he leaned down toward me and took my face in his hands.

  “Do you want me to hurt you?”

  “You’re already hurting me, Brad. Let me go. Please. Just leave.”

  “Answer me!”

  I shook my head, which was difficult considering he held it in the vise of his hands. He dropped them and smiled. “Good.”

  He stepped away again and began to pace back and forth. “I can’t believe you’d try to steal from me.”


  “Yes steal! You want to know why I came to see you that day last week? I wanted to see if you’d tell me the truth about the lottery and offer me my fair share. You kicked me out, remember?”

  “You’re not making any sense, Brad. You haven’t played in months. You left me, remember?”

  He looked up at the ceiling. “Leslie. Leslie. Leslie. What am I going to do with you?”

  I stayed silent.

  “Of course it doesn’t make sense to you. You’re a liar and thief. Now we’re going to get dressed now, and we’ll head to the lottery office and fix this. Today.”

  “Brad,” I tried to reason with him, “The lottery head office is in Austin. Even if we left now, they’d be closed by the time we got there.”

  “Minor details, Les. We’ll leave now, stay in a motel in Austin tonight, and wait for them to open tomorrow.” He faced me and his eyes flicked down my body again, desire gleaming in his eyes. “Oh, and make sure you bring what you’re wearing. You look like a sweet piece of ass in this. I’ll make sure I take care of you tonight.”

  He dragged me off the couch and held on to my arm as he walked me back to the bedroom. His grip wasn’t tight, so I tugged my arm at an angle, and pulled away. I turned to run for the front door, but he grabbed me by the hair and yanked me back to him.

  I struggled as he turned me around and pushed me against the wall beside the front door. He grabbed my hands and held them tightly over my head. I tried to knee him, but he just laughed against the side of her face.

  “Please don’t, Brad.”

  “Don’t what? Don’t do this?” He licked up the side of my cheek. “Or this.” He nuzzled my ear. “Or…”

  I opened my mouth to scream but he covered it with his own. I screamed into his mouth and tried to turn away, but he was too strong. The sound was muffled in his kiss, and I could barely breathe.

  “Hush now,” he said, taking my wrists into one hand and sliding his other hand down my arm. “Before we go, I’m just going to take a little of something else that belongs to me.”

  He cupped my breast, and pressed his hips against mine. I begged him to stop, but he wouldn’t. He had me pinned to the wall, unable to move. He slid one strap off my shoulder, and pulled down one cup of the nighty, staring at my breast.

  “This is still mine, Les.” He moved his lips in and latched onto my nipple, forcing my body to feel things that had been dormant since he left. I shook my torso, trying to force him off, and he looked up from my breast.

  “I know what you want, baby. Just wait. I’ll give it to you hard tonight when we get to Austin. Just the way you liked it.”

  Chapter 13


  As he was about to pull me to the bedroom so I could get dressed, the doorknob turned, and the door pushed open fast. Brad jumped back from me and turned toward the door. It was Drew. He rushed in and skidded to a stop when he saw Brad. He looked at me, noticed my little nightie, and his face turned to ice for a second.

  “Call 9-1-1, Drew!” I screamed to pull him out of his shock. “Call the police now!”

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “Brad’s hurting me, and he refuses to leave. Please just call the cops!” I begged.

  “Drew,” Brad called to him. “You might want to get the fuck out of here before I body slam you again. I’m just clearing up a little business with my girlfriend here, so move along, will you?”

  “Let her go,” Drew said calmly.

e again?”

  “Let her go and get out. The cops are already on the way.”

  “Nice try, buddy. You think I was born yesterday? Just get the fuck out or you’ll see what I can do when I’m serious.”

  “Let her go now. Be a man. Fight me instead.”

  Brad turned at Drew’s insult. It was enough for me to pull away, and I ran to stand behind Drew.

  “Oh, now you think you’re a hero, huh?” He said, walking slowly towards us.

  “Me? No. But the police will take care of it. Listen for a second. Do you hear that?” There were sirens blaring in the distance, approaching fast. “I called them from the hallway. It’s good that you’re sticking around, too.”

  Brad laughed as he walked to the door. “You know what, Leslie? I’ll be back. Count on it.” He left, slamming the door behind him.

  Drew turned and pulled me tight against his chest. I was trembling and clinging to him, and my hands fisted into his shirt.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I think so.”

  “Did he hurt you?”


  “Why did you answer the door?”

  “I—I thought it was you. I had just read the notes you left with these gifts,” I admitted, barely able to catch my breath.

  “Come sit down.”

  He walked me to the kitchen and got me some water. My hands were shaking so much I could barely drink.

  “How did you get here so fast, Drew? I just texted you a few minutes ago.”

  “I was already downstairs when I got the text. I needed to see you, to try and get you to give me another chance.”

  I was still shaking, and looked toward the front door again, as if Brad would show up again.


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