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Ruth McCartney’s allegations are from interviews with the Mail on Sunday (3 Dec. 2006) and Sunday magazine (14 Aug. 1988), from which her mother Angie McCartney is quoted.
Death of Jim McCartney: death certificate.
Mike McCartney on PM’s failure to attend their father’s funeral: Thank U Very Much (McCartney).
Denny Laine and Mike Robbins quoted from author’s interviews.
Deteriorating relationship between PM and his stepmother is documented in newspaper interviews Angie and Ruth have given over the years, including Angie McCartney’s Sun series ‘The Mean Side of Paul McCartney’ (6-8 July 1981) and Ruth McCartney’s interview with Sunday magazine (14 Aug. 1988) in which she says that Jim’s allowance was stopped after he died.
MPL Communications and new offices: Companies house and Land Register records.
Last meetings with John Lennon (JL): author’s interview with Elliot Mintz (quoted); The Beatles After the Break-Up (Badman), from which JL’s comments (to Playboy magazine) are quoted. Also Live from New York (Shales and Miller) and John Lennon: The Life (Norman).
Wings Over America tour: author’s interview with Howie Casey and Denny Laine (both quoted); Club Sandwich # 2 and 3 (Hammel background); the concert film Rockshow; PM’s April 1976 interview with the Sunday Times magazine and Time (31 May 1976).
LM buys Lucky Spot: Club Sandwich # 63.
First Buddy Holly Week luncheon: Club Sandwich # 1, 21 and 59.
The McCartney Year: author’s interviews, including a member of PM’s staff who wishes to remain anonymous, and Howie Casey, Adrian Grumi, Mike Robbins and Denny Seiwell.
Venice show: Club Sandwich # 1 and the Daily Express (27 Sept. 1976).
Income: MPL company records.
PM on his earnings: the Daily Express, 11 Feb. 1977.
Purchase and establishment of office at 1 Soho Square/MPL staffing: author’s local enquires and interviews. Thanks to Howie Casey, Lilian Marshall, Richard Ogden and Barry Miles.
Launch of Club Sandwich: back issues, including # 10 (Sue Cavanaugh profile) and # 79 (Bert Danher profile).
Sale of 3 Savile Row: Fifty Years Adrift (Taylor).
7 Cavendish Avenue in the 1970s: author’s interview with neighbours Brenda Fenton, Evelyn Grumi and her son Adrian (both quoted); also Joe Reddington; and the Sunday Mirror (23 May 1976).
Improvements to Waterfall: author’s local enquiries and interviews including Veronica Languish (quoted) and planning records. Denny Laine quoted from author’s interview.
Paulditz: Sunday Mirror (undated).
Purchase of Bill Black’s bass: Club Sandwich # 1.
‘Boil Crisis’: The Unknown Paul McCartney (Peel).
Recording London Town: author’s interviews and Club Sandwich # 2, 3 and 6.
US Rangers: Linda McCartney (Fields).
PM on his row with the captain of the El Toro: Club Sandwich # 26.
Denny Laine on writing ‘Mull of Kintyre’: author’s interview (quoted).
Recording with the Campbeltown Pipe Band: author’s interviews with pipe band members Ian Campbell, Jimmy McGeachy (father and son), John McGeachy and Ian McKerral.
Jimmy McCulloch leaves Wings: Blackbird (Giuliano).
Joe English leaves Wings: The Paul McCartney Encyclopaedia (Harry).
James McCartney born: birth certificate. Also 23 Sept. 1977 press release.
Success of ‘Mull of Kintyre’: author’s interviews, press coverage and PM’s commentary on the McCartney Years DVD (MPL, 2007).
Tony Bramwell falls out with PM over London Town: author’s interview (quoted).
The Rutles: author’s interview with Neil Innes (quoted).
Annie première: Club Sandwich # 8.
New deal with CBS/EMI: the Observer (24 June 1979).
Third and final version of Wings: author’s interviews with band members Steve Holley, Laurence Juber and Denny Laine (all quoted). Recording Back to the Egg: author’s interviews with Holley, Juber and Laine. The author also referred to his interview with Chris Thomas for the book Seventies.
Movie project: author’s interview with Willy Russell (quoted).
Rockestra session: author’s interviews; Club Sandwich # 12 and 44. Keith Moon’s demise, including Annette Walter-Lax quote (‘bucket of pills’), is from Dear Boy: The Life of Keith Moon (Fletcher).
Black Dyke Band: author’s interview with Major Peter Parkes.
Frank Music sweetener: Paul McCartney (Benson).
PM on his good fortune: the Observer (24 June 1979).
Heather McCartney problems: author’s interviews and background reading including PM’s comments in Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now (Miles) and the Daily Mail (12 June 1980).
The move to Sussex: author’s interviews with Rosemary Crouch, Veronica Languish, Barry Miles and Ray Fooks (quoted).
LM quoted on the vegetarian epiphany from the 1989 World Tour book; Laurence Juber quoted from author’s interview.
Purchase of Lower Gate Farm/Blossom Farm: Land Registry and local council planning records.
Eric Clapton’s wedding party: Boyd’s and Clapton’s autobiographies and Eric Clapton (Schumacher). GH’s affair with Maureen Starkey: Wonderful Today (Boyd).
Jimmy McCulloch dies: Knocking on Heaven’s Door (Talevski).
Still planning a Band on the Run movie: author’s interviews with Lord Puttnam and Willy Russell (quoted).
GH hated school: I Me Mine (Harrison).
Royal Court shows: author’s interviews including Howie Casey (quoted).
PM on playing Beatles songs: quoted from the Evening Standard (26 Nov. 1979).
Steve Holley quoted on the Christmas shows, and throughout the chapter, from author’s interview.
Glasgow Apollo Show: author’s interviews with Wings and pipe band members including Ian Campbell (quoted).
The Concerts for Kampuchea: author’s interviews with Wings members (quoted). PM on Julian Lennon’s failure to show: Club Sandwich # 37/38.
Japanese bust: author’s interviews with musicians Howie Casey, Steve Holley, Laurence Juber and Denny Laine (all quoted).
Philp Sprayregen quoted from author’s interview.
Fear of rape: PM to Playboy (Dec. 1984).
Donald Warren-Knott quoted throughout from author’s interview.
LM quote - ‘the only one …’ - Woman’s Own (26 July 1980). Also ‘You take drugs, don’t you?’
PM in Holland quoted from Sunday Mirror (21 Jan. 1980).
BL Parker quoted from Daily Telegraph (26 Jan. 1980).
I also referred to PM’s interview with the Sunday Times (18 May 1980); the Sunday Times (Nov. 1984); The Beatles After the Break-Up (Badman); and McCartney: The Biography (Flippo), re Kenneth Lambert. Conspiracy theory: The Lives of John Lennon (Goldman).
Making McCartney II: the author referred to PM’s explanations of the songs in Club Sandwich # 19; also the Sunday Times (18 May 1980).
Laine and Holley tour: Club Sandwich # 22.
PM on the revived Rupert project: Daily Express (7 Nov. 1980); also author’s interview with animator Geoff Dunbar (quoted).
PM’s wedding present to Howie and Sheila Casey: author’s interview with the Caseys (quoted).
Hot Hitz and Kold Kutz: author’s interviews with Holley and Juber.
Hübers story breaks: Sunday People (30 Nov. 1980). Also author’s interviews and correspondence with mother and daughter.
JL death/PM reaction: author’s interview with Denny Laine and Joe Reddington (both quoted). Background reading: Fifty Years Adrift (Taylor); Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now (Miles); John Lennon: The Life (Norman). Also author’s interviews with Al Kooper who spent the day after the assassination working in the studio with GH at Friar Park.
LM - ‘I could tell …’ - quoted from Linda McCartney (Fields).
PM’s ‘it’s a drag’ reaction quoted verbatim from his TV interview outside AIR Studios.<
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Cremation and mourning of JL: author’s interviews and The Lives of John Lennon (Goldman).
Bill Harry quoted from author’s interview.
Working with Eric Stewart: author’s interview with Stewart (quoted throughout).
Recording in Montserrat: author’s interviews with Steve Gadd (quoted) and Denny Laine. Also All You Need is Ears (Martin) and Club Sandwich # 24.
Dylan buys bullet-proof vest: Down the Highway (Sounes).
Run-in with photographers: Daily Express (19 Feb. 1981). No comment from PM was published.
‘Take it Away’ had been intended for RS’ album: Ringo Starr: Straight Man or Joker? (Clayton).
PM on recording with Stevie Wonder: The McCartney Years (MPL Communications, 2007).
RS’ wedding and reception: Club Sandwich # 24; Ringo Starr: Straight Man or Joker? (Clayton).
Denny Laine leaves Wings: author’s interview and Club Sandwich # 24.
PM’s criticism of Michael McCartney and Derek Taylor: Fifty Years Adrift (Taylor).
PM’s quoted account of other conversations at the reception: The Beatles (Davies).
Angie McCartney’s story: the Sun (6-8 July 1981).
Row over the birth certificate and PM quote: Sunday Mirror (5 Nov. 1995).
Purchase of the shellac disc: author’s interview with John Duff Lowe (quoted). Thanks also to Colin Hanton. PM quoted from the Anthology (book).
PM’s new house at Blossom Farm: planning applications.
1981 riots: Chronicle of the 20th Century (Crystal, ed.). Paul’s reaction: Club Sandwich # 72.
Lew Grade sells Northern Songs: McCartney Yesterday & Today (Coleman); The Times (4 Jan. 1982 [PM quote]) and the Sunday Times (22 Aug. 1982).
PM on Michael Jackson calling: Harper’s (Nov. 1984).
Working with Jackson: author’s interview with Joe Reddington (recalled dialogue between PM and Jackson re: horse riding); McCartney Yesterday & Today (Coleman); and PM’s interview with Rolling Stone (5 Nov. 1987 [recalled conversation with Jackson re initial phone call]).
Reunion with Peggy Lipton: Breathing Out (Lipton).
Heather’s teenage years: Evening Standard (20 Nov. 1981), her interview with the Sunday Times (28 Nov. 1999 [Heather quoted]); Club Sandwich # 25; PM in his 1989 tour booklet (on Heather dating Billy Idol); author’s interviews with Tony Bramwell (quoted), Steve Gadd, Evelyn Grumi and the Languish family of Peasmarsh.
Riding accident: author’s interviews; PM quoted from the Daily Mail (11 May 1982).
PM takes up jogging and painting: quoted from interview with the Sunday Express (4 May 1997); also Paul McCartney Paintings (McCartney).
PM commissions Rupert and the Frog Song: author’s interview with Geoff Dunbar (quoted).
Making Give My Regards to Broad Street: author’s interviews with Lord Puttnam, Willy Russell and Peter Webb (all quoted). Also Eric Stewart. PM’s interviews in connection with the picture including the Sunday Times magazine (4 Nov. 1984) and Sunday magazine (30 Sept. 1984). Background reading and the quote ‘a musical fantasy drama …’: Club Sandwich # 28.
Financing: author’s interviews and MPL company records.
Anita Howarth (née Cochrane): press coverage in the Sun (28 Jan. 1983) and other papers; author’s interview with Peter Brown. Anita Howarth is quoted from the Daily Star (1 Feb. 1983).
McCartneys burn The Love You Make: interviewed in Playboy (Dec. 1984).
Hübers case: press coverage and author’s correspondence with Bettina Hübers and her mother Erika.
PM loses at High Court: Daily Mail (15 Feb. 1983).
Jo Jo Laine story: Sunday People (17 April 1983).
PM blanks Jo Jo: author’s discussion with her son Boston O’Donohue.
PM talks about Heather McCartney’s punk phase: in the Sunday Times, for example, 16 May 1980.
The McCartneys buy their Arizona ranch: author’s local research, Pima County real estate records and interviews with neighbours including Bob Bass and Erwin Eldon (both quoted).
PM - ‘not that good with words’ - Club Sandwich # 26.
Lord Puttnam on PM: quoted from author’s interview.
Hübers loses paternity case: quoted from author’s interview.
Barbados bust: author’s interview with Eric and Gloria Stewart (quoted, and recalled dialogue).
PM talks about his drug use: Daily Star (19 Jan. 1984).
THE PIPES OF POT: Daily Star (18 Jan. 1984).
LM quoted from the Guardian report of her UK court appearance (5 Jan. 1984).
Denny Laine’s story: the Sun (31 Jan.-3 Feb. 1984).
Final preparations and release of Give My Regards to Broad Street: author’s interview with Peter Webb (quoted).
Hog Hill Mill: property records and author’s interviews with neighbours and those who have visited the studio.
Reunited with Ann Ventre: author’s interview.
Death of Meatloaf drummer: author’s interview with his Cavendish Avenue landlady Lisa Voice; also Knocking on Heaven’s Door (Talevski).
Release of Broad Street: author’s interviews with Spencer Leigh, Eric Stewart and Peter Webb (all quoted). Review: Daily Mail (30 Nov. 1984).
The necessary fifth draft: PM quoted in his 1989-90 Paul McCartney World Tour booklet.
Rupert and the Frog Song: author’s interview with Geoff Dunbar (quoted).
Ivor Novello Awards: BASCA.
Making Press to Play: author’s interviews with Carlos Alomar, Hugh Padgham and Eric Stewart (all quoted).
Brian Moses on school dispute: quoted from author’s interview. I also referred to Moses’ letter to the Teacher (24 May 1985) and the Daily Mirror (6 June 1985), from which I quote: ‘I had always admired him …’
Live Aid: video tape of the show; Is That It? (Geldof), from which I quote Bob Geldof’s letter to PM; PM’s comments in Club Sandwich # 41 and the Independent (14 Dec. 1990).
PM’s and GH’s phone row: PM to Sunday Express (28 Oct. 1984).
Michael Jackson buys ATV Music: the Guardian (16 Aug. 1985).
Hugh Padgham quoted from author’s interview.
‘Press to Play’ video: Club Sandwich # 80.
Eric Stewart quoted from author’s interview.
PM hires Richard Ogden: thanks to Richard Ogden. Also Club Sandwich # 45.
LM to the Duke of Edinburgh: PM in Hello! (15 Aug. 1998).
LM’s friendship with Carla Lane: author’s interviews with Carla Lane (quoted throughout [also recalled dialogue between LM and Chrissie Hynde]).
LM’s horses: author’s interviews and the documentary Appaloosa, an MPL production broadcast on BBC2 (July 1994).
Ferdinand the bullock: Club Sandwich # 73.
Bob Languish quoted from author’s interview.
James McCartney speaks at school about vegetarianism: Ray Fooks to author.
Animals rights songs: Carla Lane and the CD Wide Prairie.
LM’s cookbook: I referred to quote from Linda McCartney’s Home Cooking, and my discussion with Richard Ogden.
Making CHOBA B CCCP: thanks to Richard Ogden; also Club Sandwich # 49 and ‘How the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin’, a BBC Storyville documentary broadcast 7 Sept. 2009.
Fan club members given tickets for TV shows: Club Sandwich # 46. Last Resort: author’s interview with Steve Nieve (quoted).
Aunt Ginny dies: death certificate.
Mike Robbins quoted from author’s interview.
Christmas presents: author’s interview with Joe Reddington (quoted).
Elvis Costello on working with PM: the Independent (18 June 1992).
New band: author’s interview with Robbie McIntosh and Hamish Stuart (quoted). Also Club Sandwich # 50.
Wix - ‘almost a veggie’ - Club Sandwich # 53.
Band pay: author’s interview with McIntosh.
PM’s continued hurt about Denny Laine interview: au
thor’s interviews with band members.
The Beatles inducted into the Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Fame: author’s interview with Danny Fields (quoted); McCartney: The Biography (Flippo); PM interview with Rolling Stone, (15 June 1989) and www.rockhall.com.
Founding LIPA: author’s interview with Mark Featherstone-Witty (quoted [including ‘a right bastard’]); his books Optimistic, Even Then and LIPA in Pictures: The First Ten Years; and Club Sandwich # 60. Thanks also to Richard Ogden.
1989-90 world tour: author’s first-hand experience and interviews with tour members including Geoff Baker, Robbie McIntosh, Richard Ogden and Hamish Stuart (quoted). Also the tour booklet (PM quoted from).
Collaboration with Barry Miles: author’s interviews with Miles.
Heather McCartney’s problems: author’s enquiries in Arizona, including interview with Beverly Wilk (quoted). Press reports in the Sunday Mirror (12 Nov. 1989) and Daily Express (13 Nov. 1989) and Heather’s comments to the Sunday Times (28 Nov. 1999), Daily Telegraph (4 Feb. 1999) and The Times (7 Aug. 1997 [quoted]).
Pottery connections in Rye: author’s local enquiries.
Visa deal: Richard Ogden and Rolling Stone (8 Feb. 1990).
Ian James reunited with PM: author’s interview with James (quoted).
Knebworth show: the bootleg.
World tour statistics: Club Sandwich # 55/56.
Appearing in Bread: author’s interview with Carla Lane.
PM’s dialogue with Carl Davis, and Davis on authorship: Sunday Times magazine (9 June 1991).
The Liverpool Oratorio: Club Sandwich # 58 and the MPL documentary Ghosts of the Past (PM quoted). Thanks also to Carl Davis.
Walked out of La Bohème: Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now (Miles).
Ray Connolly interview: Club Sandwich # 12.
Schuller quotation from The Rest is Noise (Ross).
Collaborating with Miles: author’s interview with Miles (quoted).
Making ‘Pipes of Peace’ video: Club Sandwich # 32.
MTV Unplugged: author’s interviews with Robbie McIntosh and Hamish Stuart (quoted). Also discussions with Richard Ogden; and the recording of the show.