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The Business Of Dying

Page 31

by Simon Kernick

  Mark Wells had the murder charges against him dropped and has begun legal proceedings against the Metropolitan Police for wrongful arrest, demanding an estimated two hundred thousand pounds in compensation. However, his case has not been helped by the fact that less than a month after his release he was rearrested after being secretly filmed trying to sell crack cocaine and underage girls to an undercover police officer. He’s been in custody ever since.

  And so, through all this, there’s only one participant who hasn’t been brought to justice. One Dennis Milne, multiple murderer. I was specifically and publicly named as a suspect in the Traveller’s Rest killings two days after the discovery of Raymond’s corpse, and though there’s been what police describe as a major manhunt, I’ve so far managed to evade capture. I suspect now that I’ll evade it for ever. I’ve got enough money for now and I’ve got a friend in the Philippines for whom I can do some work when funds finally begin to run low. I know I’ll always be able to rely on old Tomboy.

  Do I deserve to escape? I’ve thought about that a lot these past months. I’ve done great wrong, there can be no doubt about that, and if I could be put in the same position again knowing even half of what I know now, there’s no way I would have pulled the trigger on that cold, wet night and sent three innocent men to their graves. But you can’t change the sins of the past, you can only work to limit those of the future, and try to carry out deeds that help to make the world a slightly better place. In that, I think I have been at least partially successful. Would the world be a better place without me in it? On balance, I think probably not. But then I would say that, wouldn’t I?

  And to those who may one day sit in judgement? What would I say to them?

  Just two words.

  Forgive me.


  Find out what Dennis Milne

  gets up to next in




  Richard Blacklip wanted to kill someone.

  He’d been told before he left England that the man now sitting across the table from him could make the necessary arrangements. Mr Kane was, apparently, a fixer of such things, and in the sprawling, dirt-poor and life-cheap metropolis that was Manila, where almost anything could be bought and sold if the price was right, he had ready access to a constant supply of victims. It was now simply a matter of finding that price.

  A call to Kane’s mobile phone an hour earlier had set the meeting up, but now that his guest had arrived in the hotel room, Blacklip was beginning to have second thoughts about the whole thing. Not because he didn’t want to go through with the act itself (after all, the truth was that it wasn’t his first time), but because he was alone in a strange city thousands of miles from home, and was unsure of discussing his innermost thoughts and secrets with someone he’d only just met. Kane was supposed to be reliable, but what if he wasn’t? What if he was a conman? Or worse still, working for the police, here to entrap him? Blacklip was aware that he was being paranoid, but that didn’t mean his fears might not be justified.

  ‘Is everything OK?’ Kane’s voice was calm and controlled, designed to reassure.

  It worked, too. Blacklip smiled and used a handkerchief to wipe sweat from his forehead. ‘It’s fine,’ he answered, sounding falsely jolly, even to himself. ‘It’s just this heat. I’m not used to it.’

  The room was stifling. He’d changed into lighter clothes and turned the ceiling fan up to maximum, had even pulled down the blinds to keep out the fiery sun, but nothing seemed to be doing any good. He was conscious of the wetness under his armpits, and wished now that he’d rented a room with air conditioning. But then, of course, he was saving his money for bigger things.

  Kane said something about Westerners getting used to the heat after they’d spent some time in the Philippines, but Blacklip wasn’t really listening. He was too busy studying his guest while trying to act like he wasn’t, a task he believed he performed much better than most people. He was used to discreet observation.

  Kane was younger than he’d been expecting, probably no more than forty, and dressed casually in jeans and a light sports jacket over a cotton shirt.

  He was a lot taller than Blacklip and of slimmer build, and his tan, coupled with his narrow, well-defined features, suggested that he was a fit man who spent plenty of time outdoors. His hair and neatly trimmed beard had been bleached by the sun and contained only the faintest hint of grey. Some people might have considered him good-looking, although his eyes were narrow and a little bit too close together.

  A bead of sweat ran down from Kane’s hairline, making swiftly for an eyebrow. He flicked it away casually. If the humidity in the room bothered him, he didn’t show it. He stopped speaking about the Filipino weather and focused his eyes on Blacklip. He looked ready to do business.

  It was now or never, the moment of truth.

  Blacklip took a deep breath, aware that he was about to take a huge risk, but equally aware of the potential reward. The pleasure he’d get from it. The hunt. The act. The kill.

  ‘You know what I want,’ he said at last. ‘Can you get it?’

  ‘You want a girl?’

  ‘That’s right.’

  Kane nodded agreeably. ‘Sure, I can get you a girl.’

  Blacklip cleared his throat, felt a joyous tingling sensation going up his spine. ‘She has to be young,’ he said, savouring that last word.

  ‘Whatever you’re after, I can get it for you. For a price.’

  The tingling in Blacklip’s spine grew stronger, spreading to his groin as he pictured what he was going to do. His mouth felt dry and he licked his lips.

  Kane waited, his face registering nothing more than mild interest.

  ‘Anything? You can get me anything?’ Blacklip’s voice had dropped to a whisper, his mind now entirely focused on the task ahead. His whole world had become reduced to the few square feet of this tiny, dimly lit room, its stifling heat temporarily forgotten.


  The word was delivered calmly, yet decisively. Blacklip knew the fixer did indeed mean anything. Even murder.

  So, with a shy, almost childlike smile, he shared his bloody fantasy. Occasionally he stole brief glances at the man opposite him to check that what he was saying wasn’t going too far, but each time Kane smiled back, reassuring him that everything was fine, that there was nothing wrong with what he wanted.

  When he’d finished, Blacklip gave Kane the sort of look that a dog gives his master. Asking to be understood. Begging for his bone.

  ‘I see,’ said Kane, after a short pause.

  ‘Can you do it?’

  ‘It’ll cost a lot. There’s the logistics of it, for a start. And the risk.’

  ‘I didn’t think they’d be missed in a place like this. After all, there’s plenty of them.’

  ‘True, but the authorities are cracking down. That’s not to say I can’t do it, but it will cost.’

  ‘How much?’

  ‘Five thousand US.’

  Blacklip felt a lurch of disappointment. ‘That’s an awful lot. I don’t think I’ve got that sort of money. I was hoping for nearer two.’

  Kane appeared to think about this for a moment, while Blacklip watched him, praying he’d take the bait.

  ‘I’ll see what I can do,’ Kane answered eventually. ‘But I’m going to need a deposit so that I can set things in motion. Obviously this sort of thing requires a lot of effort. Can you give me two hundred US now?’

  ‘Please tell me you’ll do it, Mr Kane,’ Richard Blacklip said quietly.

  ‘All right,’ Kane sighed, appearing to come to a decision. ‘I’ll do it for two thousand.’

  Blacklip got to his feet. ‘Thank you very much,’ he said with genuine appreciation. ‘Now let’s find this money, shall we?’

  He stepped over to the bed, pulled open his suitcase and rummaged inside.

  Then he turned round.

  And looked straight at the black pistol po
inted directly at his chest.

  Fear stretched Blacklip’s pudgy features into a grotesque parody of an astonished circus clown. His legs went weak and the wallet he was holding fell uselessly to the floor. The banknotes he’d already removed fluttered down after it.

  His first thought was ‘Police.’

  But no one else was coming into the room. There was no other noise. And jutting out from the pistol’s barrel was a fat cigar-shaped silencer that couldn’t have been police issue.

  The man who’d introduced himself as Kane wasn’t moving, or telling him he was under arrest. He said nothing and his expression remained impassive.

  ‘No, please, please,’ Blacklip begged, his voice high-pitched. ‘Mr Kane, what are you doing? I’ve got money. Don’t kill me. For God’s sake.’

  The gunman pointed the revolver purposefully in the direction of Blacklip’s groin, his finger tensing on the trigger.

  ‘Why are you doing this? There’s been a misunderstanding. Please.’ He felt a wetness travelling down his trouser legs. Ignored it. Desperation rose up in him like bile. He wanted to do something – anything. Scream, run, charge down his tormentor. But nothing moved. He was rooted firmly to the spot.

  Pissing himself in fear.

  The gunman looked him in the eye. In that moment, Blacklip knew there was no hope.

  But he had to try. ‘Whatever they’re paying you,’ he whispered, ‘I’ll double it.’

  ‘I’m choosy who I work for,’ said the gunman, and pulled the trigger.

  Blacklip felt a sudden burning sensation like an electric shock. He gasped and fell back onto the bed, his hands grabbing at the wound.

  He managed one last word, uttered with a final hiss of venom as rage overcame fear for just one second.


  Then the gunman stepped forward and put two more bullets in Blacklip’s head.

  A splash of blood like aerosol hit the wall, and the gunman turned and walked from the room.

  Part One



  One Year Later


  I was sitting in Tina’s Sunset Restaurant, watching the outriggers shuffle lazily through the clear waters of Sabang Bay, when Tomboy took a seat opposite me, ordered a San Miguel from Tina’s daughter, and told me that someone else had to die. It was five o’clock in the afternoon, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and up until that point I’d been in a good mood.

  I told him that I didn’t kill people any more, that it was a part of my past I didn’t want to be reminded of, and he replied that he understood all that, but once again we needed the money. ‘It’s just the way the cookie crumbles,’ he added, with the sort of bullshit ‘I share your suffering’ expression an undertaker might give to one of his customers’ relatives. Tomboy Darke was my business partner and a man with a cliché for every occasion, including murder.

  Tina’s was empty, as was usually the case at that time of day. It was right at the end of the collection of bars and guest-houses that pass for the small tourist town of Sabang’s main drag, and tucked away enough that few of the tourists ever used it, so I’d known as soon as Tomboy had asked to meet me here that something was up. It was the sort of place you went to when you wanted to talk without anyone else listening. So I talked. ‘Who’s the target?’

  He paused while the beer was put down in front of him, then waited until Tina’s daughter was out of earshot. ‘The bloke’s name’s Billy Warren,’ he said quietly. ‘He’s on the Thursday flight out of Heathrow, arriving in Manila Friday morning.’

  ‘Today’s Wednesday, Tomboy.’

  ‘I know that,’ he answered, running his fingers through what was left of his hair. ‘But you know what they say. Time waits for no man.’

  ‘What’s he done, this Warren?’

  ‘No one’s saying anything at the moment, it’s all very hush hush. But he’s running away from something – something serious. Just like you. Except this time, someone wants to kill him for it. He ain’t going to be whiter than white, put it like that.’

  ‘How much are they offering for the job?’

  ‘Thirty thousand US. A lot of money.’

  He was right, it was. Particularly here in the Philippines. The business we ran – a small hotel with dive operation attached – didn’t take much more than that in a year, and thanks to Al Qaeda’s continued efforts to mangle Western tourism in the Far East, things weren’t likely to improve much in the year ahead. By the time we’d paid the staff, the local authorities and covered our running costs, we cleared maybe a third of that in profit. Paradise is nice, but it rarely makes you rich.

  I took a sip from my beer. ‘Someone must want him dead very badly.’

  He nodded and pulled a soft-top pack of Marlboro Lights from his pocket, lighting one. ‘They do. Not only that, they want him to disappear. No trace.’

  ‘That’s not going to be very easy in Manila.’

  ‘It ain’t going to be in Manila. As soon as he arrives, he’s getting a cab down to Batangas, and a boat across to Puerta Galera.’ Puerta Galera was the nearest main town to us and Mindoro Island’s main port. ‘He’s got a room booked at the Hotel California on East Brucal Street. It’s already been paid for. He’s been told that you’re going to meet him there to give him instructions and a briefcase full of money. What you need to do is get him out of the room and take him for a drive. One that he don’t come back from.’

  ‘If I accept the job.’

  ‘Yeah,’ he said with some reluctance, ‘if you accept the job. But you know how things are at the moment. We need this cash. Badly. I wouldn’t ask you if we didn’t, you know that.’

  ‘We’ve been in this place how long? A year? And you want me to take someone out five kilometres down the road. Don’t you think that’s just a little bit risky?’

  ‘No one’ll ever find the body. We’re getting fifteen grand up front. All we need to do is provide photos proving it’s been done and we’ll get the balance of the cash. And that’ll be the end of it.’

  That’ll be the end of it. I’d heard that one before. ‘Last question. Who’s the client?’

  ‘Pope. Same as last time.’

  ‘No doubt doing it on behalf of someone else?’

  Tomboy nodded vaguely. ‘No doubt.’

  The mysterious Mr Pope. An old criminal contact of Tomboy’s from London, he’d first got in touch a year ago with a business proposition, having tracked down Tomboy all the way to Sabang, which must have taken some doing. The business proposition had been the execution of Richard Blacklip, a British paedophile on the run from the law in the UK who was heading to Manila on a false passport. Someone Pope knew – apparently one of his victims, who was now an adult – wanted Blacklip dead, and Pope had asked Tomboy if he could organize someone reliable to carry out the task.

  It might have seemed like a strange request for most people, but Tomboy Darke had been a career criminal all his life (albeit more of a ducker and diver than a man of violence) and had spent many years moving in the sort of circles where such things occasionally happened, and where people weren’t so hesitant in asking the question.

  And, of course, Tomboy had known just the man.

  I sighed loudly, not wanting to get involved in a repeat performance.

  He took a huge gulp from the neck of the beer, dragged on the cigarette and looked me right in the eye. ‘I know you don’t want to do it. I don’t much want to do it, to be honest with you. But this is big money, and I’m telling you, this bloke’s no angel. He’s fleeing London for the back-end of nowhere, meeting someone to get a caseload of cash off them so he can start a new life a long way from prying eyes. Does that sound like someone with a clear conscience to you?’

  He had a point there, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s never to take anything you’re told at face value. I’d made that mistake before, and it had almost cost me my life. In the three years since I’d left England, I’d
tried to put all that behind me, to start afresh. Just like this guy Warren was trying to do. But you can never escape the past for ever, as he was about to find out.

  I continued looking at Tomboy and he continued looking at me. I was thinking that there might be a way round this. A way of getting the money, doctoring a few photos, and not having to kill anyone. I suspected that he was just thinking about the money. Even so, I told him what he wanted to hear.

  ‘All right,’ I said. ‘I’ll do it.’


  Tomboy drank the rest of his beer and ordered another one from Tina’s daughter. He then spent the next few minutes flirting with her while she leaned against the table opposite, a cloth in one hand and a smile on her face that was wide enough to be friendly but had little in the way of depth.

  He said he bet that all the boys were chasing after her, and told her what a pretty young thing she was. She was a pretty young thing too but I doubted if she was a day over sixteen – while Tomboy was, if my memory served me correctly, the grand old age of forty-two, which made the whole thing look a little tasteless. He winked at me now and again, between jokes and compliments, just to demonstrate that it was nothing more than light-hearted banter, but I could see the hint of desperation in his act. He might have thought he was messing about, but, like a lot of men whose looks are fading as their waistlines expand, he needed to believe he still had that elusive ‘something’ the girls always go for. Unfortunately, he didn’t. As well as being about three stone heavier than he had been back in the old days in London, the booze had reddened his nose and cheeks and scattered them with clusters of broken veins, while his precious blond locks – the pride and joy of his youth – had been reduced to a few desperate strands on top and a scraggy ponytail at the back.

  But that didn’t stop him. He asked Tina’s daughter what she liked most in a man. ‘Apart from the obvious,’ he added, chortling.


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