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Submission is Not Enough Kobo

Page 29

by Lexi Blake

  “I think I promised you something about those pretty tits of yours.”

  She clenched her teeth because he had. He’d promised to clamp them, and her nipples tightened in anticipation. He flipped her over suddenly, her body twisting and the world shifting positions. He frowned as he looked down at her and she realized that the bra was about to bite the dust. “If I promise I won’t move, you could untie my hands and ease the bra off.”

  His knife was already doing its work. “I told you.”

  Damn it. She was down to four now as he cut the bra off her body. He flicked the straps and she was naked to his eyes.

  He stared down at her, her breasts outthrust because her hands were tied behind her back. Her knees bent to her left and she was absolutely sure she looked about as submissive and vulnerable as a woman could look to a man.

  “I’m not saying my safe word, Theo.” She couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was still wearing his normal T-shirt and khakis as he loomed over her, but she knew what was under all that fabric. He’d been right earlier. She’d taken in every inch of his gorgeous, athletic body when they showered together. She’d memorized the whole of him from his broad shoulders to his muscular legs. There wasn’t a piece of him she couldn’t recall because she took him in every chance she got.

  “Then you’ll get more of me than you’ve ever had before, brat.” Theo stared down at her breasts, his eyes hot as embers. “I’m not stopping tonight. I need you, too. Maybe I need you more than you need me. Maybe I’ve fooled myself all along, but I’ll have you at least once if you let me.”

  She would let him. Already, she could feel herself sinking into that place where she didn’t have to think about anything but her body and the sensations coursing through her. It was easier, faster because it was him, because he held the cane and the key to her pleasure.

  One night. She could wake up in the morning and be wide-eyed and reasonable. That was when she would talk to him about a contract, but tonight she would sink into him, pretend briefly that they could work. He rolled her over, putting her on her belly.

  “I think I promised you something and then I proved to be a terrible Dom by allowing myself to be sidetracked by this gorgeous ass.” His hand came down and then the cane, the one two crack making her skin sing and the air leave her lungs. He laid the cane down and spread her cheeks.

  Erin fought the urge to try to wriggle away. She’d agreed to this, still agreed to his topping her this evening, and that meant her body belonged to him until she stated otherwise. He was inspecting her, every inch and private part. She should have known the bastard would get nasty once she gave over. It was always the uptight ones who turned pervert when they had the chance.

  The good news was she was a total perv herself. The fact that he was staring at her asshole made her heart start to race.

  “Tell me something, brat. Has anyone taken this pretty hole before?”

  She had to disappoint him. “Yes, Sir. I’ve had anal sex before. Not a lot here that’s virgin.”

  His hands dropped, allowing her cheeks to come back together. “Oh, I can think of a few things, but you mistake me. I don’t give a damn about your experience. I want you all the same. I don’t care how many men you’ve had before. I only care that I’ll be the best of them, the one who takes the finest care of you, the one you remember to your dying day.”

  He would be perfect if only he would stop with the sentimental shit. She would have to ignore it, to view it as one of his peccadillos that had little to do with her and everything to do with himself. She could ignore it all and focus on the feel of his hands, his ability to give her the sensation she required to get through this day.

  He picked her up and flipped her over like she weighed nothing at all. It made her feel delicate and feminine when she usually felt neither. Not even close. She was tough and rough, but here when finding her submission, she could pretend she was a BDSM princess.

  And damn but he was a Dom prince. At some point while she’d been face down, he’d dragged off his T-shirt and for some reason his khakis always rode low on his hips, showing off the gorgeous notches she wanted to lick and worship. He stood over her, his blue eyes roaming her body. His face had a nice amount of scruff on it since he’d barely left her side at the hospital. He’d forced her to eat, begged her to sleep, watched over Teta when Erin couldn’t.

  He’d been perfect.

  She let that float away because she couldn’t go there. The minute she started to think about how good it had felt to have him watching her, how she’d trusted him enough to fall asleep with her hand in his, she would lose it and she couldn’t lose it.

  Above all she had to stay tough. Weakness wasn’t acceptable. Not even for a moment.

  “I believe you promised me clamps, Sir.” She needed to get his mind back on the play. They were fine while he was topping her.

  Though hadn’t he been doing that for days? Since the moment they’d gotten on the plane to Frankfurt. He’d been bossy and wouldn’t take no for an answer when he thought she wasn’t comfortable. Sometimes he was sneaky about it, but now that she was staring up at him, she could see he’d been quietly topping her the whole time.

  He loomed over her. With her hands bound behind her back, her breasts were thrust out. Her nipples were already hard points. He reached down and gripped the right one, twisting it with a wicked turn.

  Erin whimpered. Maybe he was normally a quiet top, but he seemed fairly fierce today. That was what she needed, his hardness, his unrelenting will to dominate her.

  “I promised I would make these sweet buds hurt. That’s what you want, right?” He twisted her left nipple and she couldn’t help the short shout that came from her throat. “You like this. It gets you hot.”

  Everything about him got her hot, but it was far better for him to believe she was only interested in the D/s. “Yes. This is what I want. This is why we probably can’t work. You’re not this guy.”

  He frowned, reaching down into the kit he’d snagged from the closet. “You let me worry about what kind of guy I am. I don’t think you would be able to tell a good man from a bad one if he had it tattooed on his forehead.”

  She opened her mouth to reply in the snarkiest fashion possible but he stopped her by leaning over and dragging his tongue over her nipple. He laved it for a moment, spreading a wildfire through her system. That sensual mouth she’d longed for sucked at her breast, drawing the nipple between his teeth and then nipping her hard.

  Erin gasped and squirmed as he tortured her breasts, going from one to the other and lashing her with his lips and tongue. While one breast was enjoying his affections, the other was tormented by his hands. He pinched at her, twisting the nipple in the most sensual of fashions.

  She moved with him, offering him more and more.

  That was when he slipped the clamp on.

  Erin gasped, the alligator teeth of the clamp biting into her flesh. It was hard and rough and perfect. Even with her feet bound securely, she could feel her toes curl, and he went to work on the other breast.

  He clamped her other breast and then stepped back, looking down on his work.

  She was completely at his mercy, trussed up and open for him. Nowhere to go. No way to fight back. He had her totally and utterly.

  It wouldn’t work if she didn’t trust him. She would fight and win, but she didn’t need to now because he would stop any time she asked him to. All she had to do was say one word and everything ended, but she wasn’t going to say it.

  God, she might never be able to tell him no again.

  “I’m going to get you up now,” he said, his voice dark and deep. “I’m going to get you on your knees and you’re going to apologize for the hell you’ve put me through. I don’t want words. Words mean nothing from you. Your words come from a place I can’t understand so I want action. I want the solace of your lips and tongue. Can you do that for me?”

  Get that gorgeous cock in her mouth? Hell yes, she could do that.r />
  “Please, Sir. I want it.” She was far gone now. She wanted nothing more than to serve him and then he would reward her. He was that kind of guy. That kind of Dom. There would be no punishment after this if she behaved. Only pleasure.

  When he picked her up, she was sure she would find heaven.

  * * * *

  Theo settled her on the ground, his dick throbbing in his khakis. What the hell was he doing? This was exactly what he’d promised he wouldn’t do. He wasn’t going to allow her to see him the way she saw all the other men in her life. As someone who used her and discarded her because she wasn’t worthy. Some dickwad—or several—had convinced this amazing woman she wasn’t worthy when she was.

  He’d watched her for days as she attempted to save that child in any way she could. She didn’t have the medical knowledge so she’d offered her will, her energy. She’d opened herself when he knew how fucking hard that was for her. She’d done it because the child had needed her.

  And now this was all she would allow him to do to ease her grief.

  He was a bastard because he didn’t care in that moment. All that fucking mattered was the fact that he was going to have her. He was going to sink himself inside her and he knew he wouldn’t ever want to come back out again.

  She didn’t have any trouble finding her balance despite the fact that her hands and feet were bound, a testament to both her long knowledge of the lifestyle and the fact that she was a magnificent physical specimen. She’d nearly taken him out and he’d been prepared for her. Had she caught him unaware, she would have easily taken him down.

  It was stupid, but that did something for him. She was a serious alpha female and the fact that she was kneeling in front of him, ready to suck his cock made him feel about ten feet tall. She wouldn’t bow for just any man. Hell, she wouldn’t bow for him in an everyday setting. If he got his way and made her his, he would understand that the woman needed her place of power in their relationship. He would happily let every other man in the world call him pussy whipped. He wouldn’t care because he loved her. He’d fucking loved her from almost the moment he’d met her.

  “Sir, I can’t actually open your slacks. Should I try with my mouth?”

  “Hush.” He wanted to remember this moment. Their first real sex. He’d taken care of her a few times, but had nothing for himself. Then he’d been a dumbass and withheld his cock, though he’d given her plenty of affection. He would never withhold affection from her. Not ever. Even when she didn’t deserve it, he would give affection to her because she’d so obviously been deprived. He was her man. It was up to him to lavish her with everything she’d had too little of.

  Too little love. Too little praise. Too little attention.

  That’s where he’d miscalculated. She viewed play sessions as positive attention. She needed permission to receive affection because she’d had so little of it before. She needed this and she might need the sex.

  He would put aside his desire for some words in the face of her needs. He would sleep beside her every night after he’d brought her to a screaming orgasm and he’d wake her up in the morning with his cock deep inside her. He would be all over her and she wouldn’t be able to deny him. If he had his way, she would forget that there had ever been a time he hadn’t been on top of her, surrounding her, protecting her.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful I think you are?” He knew she didn’t want the sentimental crap, as she would put it, but he couldn’t let the moment go without telling her how gorgeous she was. She deserved to know he thought she was the most beautiful thing on the face of the earth.

  “Thank you, Sir.” But her eyes trailed away.

  He caught her chin, forcing her to look at him. “If you don’t believe another damn word I say, believe that. I’ve chased you from the minute I saw you. Give me the benefit of not being a complete idiot to chase something I don’t want so desperately. I know you don’t believe me, but I’ve never lied to you. Not once.”

  She remained perfectly submissive, but she wouldn’t look up at him. He let his hand find her hair. Perhaps if he told her enough, showed her how much he wanted her, she would believe. He had to make her believe because he was fairly certain if he couldn’t, he would lose her to her own insecurities.

  He wasn’t about to lose her. Not when he’d worked so fucking hard to get this close. Now that he was here, he could feel the warmth she kept hidden from the world. She was scared and he was going to show her there was no need to be afraid with him.

  He was her safe place. He simply had to prove it to her.

  He’d gone about it all wrong though. She needed to serve, needed to submit in this one place, and he hadn’t given her the chance. She might accept his worship of her if he gave her a place to give back. She wasn’t the kind of woman who wanted everything to be one-sided. Erin had to belong. Erin wanted so desperately to have a place for herself and he hadn’t given it to her. He’d let his own fears keep them apart.

  No more.

  He leaned over and kissed her forehead and then stepped back. If this was what she needed, he could give it to her. No one else in the world would balance her the way he would.

  And no one would move him the way she could.

  Perhaps he’d started this BDSM journey because she needed it, but there was zero chance that he wasn’t moved by the way she looked tonight. Her body was tied and trussed for his pleasure. She was open to him in the way she could only be when she was in this space.

  Her breasts were small but perfect, the nipples a deep red from the tight clamps he’d placed on her. He couldn’t leave them for long, but he would enjoy this moment of perfect submission before finding their connection.

  That was the key. Finding the balance between the D/s she needed to feel safe and the affection in their everyday lives she was so thirsty for. He had to find a way to make her believe that she deserved both. He’d learned it was different for all couples. Some needed nothing more than the space to play and explore limits. Some needed a twenty-four seven hard contract to feel like they had sanctuary. Nothing was wrong as long as it was right for the couple.

  Figuring out what Erin needed was the question of his life because the answer would set them both free. Free to love and be together as they’d been made to be.

  It was pretty nice that it would start with a blowjob.

  He unclasped the button on his khakis and shoved his boxers and slacks down. His cock bounced free. The damn thing knew exactly what it wanted. Hard and pulsing, it was ready for the feel of her mouth. He kicked off his boots and managed to get as naked as she was. He didn’t want anything between them. She watched him silently as he undressed, her eyes on his body. Next time he would demand she undress him. There was an eagerness in her eyes that told him though she enjoyed the bondage, she wanted to play more of a part.

  He gripped his cock, already hard and wanting. “I want you to get me ready to fuck you, brat. There’s nothing I want more than to get deep inside you.”

  “Anything you want, Sir. And I apologize for what I said before. There’s no limp dick here. I was mistaken.”

  She was a brat who wanted to make him insane, but he would play with her. He stroked his cock, making sure he was hard before he stepped up. She licked her lips, her tongue dragging across the bottom of her mouth and making his spine straighten.

  “Damn right you were and if you spit bile my way again, I’ll have to show you exactly how hard I can get for you. Kiss my cock. Drag your tongue over me and get me even harder for you.”

  Her eyes were up, a light in those emerald orbs. This was what she needed to hold back the horrors of the last few days. She needed respite, but had to be pushed to take it. Topping Erin would require careful thought and all his attention. Her self-destructive tendencies could be curbed if he gave her the right amount of dominance and affection.

  She didn’t play with him. No. His girl went right for the kill. She rolled her tongue over him, starting at the tip and draggin
g all the way to the base before starting back down again. Heat flashed through him, burning him in the best way possible.

  He let his fingers find her hair, pulling it out of the sensible ponytail she usually wore and setting all that soft stuff free. Her hair brushed the tops of her breasts and he decided from now on she would leave it flowing and free for him. Only for play. It wouldn’t work while they were patrolling, but it would be one more thing that was special for when they were alone. One more way to let her know she didn’t have to be practical with him.

  Besides, he couldn’t control her with her hair in a bun. He couldn’t tug her this way and that. There was so much about her needs that called to him. She needed permission to enjoy herself on a sexual level, needed her partner to take charge. He could do that.

  “Suck me, brat.” He tugged on her hair, watching as her skin flushed. He tugged again and she whimpered. “You like that?”

  She nodded. “I love it. It feels so good.”

  She leaned forward again, her lips opening. He watched as his cock started to sink inside. Her tongue laved the underside of his cock, licking pleasure along his flesh. His whole body was tight with anticipation as she sucked the head between her lips. He tugged her hair again, forcing her to take more of him. She hummed around him, her head bobbing easily, going with the pressure of his hands in her hair.

  Erin found the rhythm he set and worked over his cock with determination. Her tongue whirled as she sucked hard. She wasn’t dainty about it. She enjoyed what she was doing and it showed in her enthusiasm.

  He’d never had a woman have so much power over him. Her smile made his day. If he saw her frowning, he couldn’t stop until he’d turned it around for her. He’d never wanted anything in his life the way he wanted this woman. She was it for him and he knew he wouldn’t find anyone else like her. Strong and smart and precious.

  “Take it all.” He wanted to feel her everywhere. He wasn’t going to come down her throat. Hell, no, he was getting all the way inside her tonight. He was going to stroke into her and finally bring them together, but he wasn’t about to skip on how good her mouth felt.


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