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Submission is Not Enough Kobo

Page 43

by Lexi Blake

  “We’re stuck until Adam gets that door open again. Unless there’s another way out.” Hutch looked back at Theo.

  “It’s hard to remember.” Theo moved around the room, sliding his hands over the walls. “I know what she used to say about always having a way out. She never took us anywhere there weren’t tunnels or a secondary route out. She liked secret passages.”

  Ian didn’t sound concerned. “I think it’s safe to say we took out the security dudes. I feel no regret. They’re Collective stooges and likely knew exactly what was going on here. We managed to trap the lost boys in a room, so hopefully they stay put. By now, Adam’s talked to Case and he and Mike are on their way.”

  “How did you keep this from everyone?” As long as they were stuck here, she had a few questions. “Or was it just the two of us?”

  “Nah,” Big Tag replied, following Theo with his flashlight. He kept it level with his chest so Theo could see but it wouldn’t blind him. Theo kept up his slow examination of the walls. “I couldn’t let the whole team know in case the Agency came a calling. Mike and Adam didn’t know a damn thing when I asked them to get on a plane and meet me. They didn’t even know where they were going until they were in the air.”

  “How are you taking down The Collective if you’re not handing over the information to the Agency? Are you going with the feds instead?” Erin had her worries about that. “You know if they think releasing it will hurt the economy, they might choose to bury it. Some of the companies involved have powerful lobbies.”

  “I’m not giving it to the feds,” Ian replied. “I’m doing something way worse.”

  There was only one thing she could thing of that was worse. “Shit, you’re going right to the media.”

  “We’re giving it to Mia,” Hutch continued. “And I’m releasing it to some of my hacker friends to make sure it gets as much coverage as possible. There won’t be anywhere to hide and the government won’t be able to cover it up.”

  Theo stopped, running his hand over the seemingly smooth wood again. “I think it’s here. Hold on.”

  He pushed against the wall and it gave way. He disappeared into the tunnel.

  “Hey, don’t go without us,” Erin called out.

  “He’s not going anywhere with you at all,” a wholly unwelcome voice said.

  The lights blinked back on just as Theo walked out of the tunnel, Hope McDonald behind him. She had a gun pressed to the back of his head.

  Erin leveled the semiautomatic Hutch had given her, but she couldn’t get a decent shot. Theo’s bigger body was covering her, only the top of her head visible. “You’ve got nowhere to go, McDonald.”

  Hutch and Big Tag had her in their imperfect sights, too. They were in an even worse position than she was, and now they didn’t have the added benefit of that flashlight to blind her with. Damn Adam’s quick skills.

  “You’re wrong,” McDonald replied. “I’ve always got an escape route and I’m taking Theo with me.”

  Erin felt her heart flutter. She knew how awful it had been for Theo. He’d been more than willing to do anything so he wouldn’t come under her power again. If he moved the wrong way, that gun could go off. It could blow off half his skull. He could be so reckless, so careless with his own life. “Theo, I’m going to ask you to stay calm.”

  He looked over to her, his eyes finding her. “Not a problem, baby. I know you’re going to handle this. You’re going to wait and be patient and you’ll come for me. I’m not doing anything but waiting on you. Do you understand me?”

  Despite the horror of the situation, a peace descended on her. He wasn’t struggling, wasn’t panicking. He was quietly waiting for her to get him out of the situation. Earlier, he’d covered her body with his own, not knowing how the explosion would play out. Now he was ready to do whatever it took to come back to her.

  He loved her. She had to remind herself sometimes, but every time she did it hit her like a bolt of lightning. He loved her. She had no idea why the universe had sent her this glorious, amazing man, but there was no fucking way that bitch got away with her prize.

  McDonald had claimed this was between them. Well, she was about to find out who the winner was going to be.

  “I’m going to back up and close off this tunnel. I’ve got men waiting at the end so don’t think Theo’s getting away. If I hear you open the door behind me, I’ll shoot him and leave you the body,” McDonald explained.

  “Yeah, you’re totally in love with him.” Calm had settled over Erin. She was in the best position. McDonald seemed far more worried about Ian than her or Hutch. She edged a foot to her left, quietly trying to improve her line of sight.

  McDonald sniffled. “I do love him. I love him so much I won’t let him go back to you. He’s miserable and confused around you. I won’t sentence him to that kind of life.”

  “I’m fine, doc. I’ve got a real nice view.” He smiled Erin’s way. “Are you cold again, baby? You know I love it when you don’t wear a bra.”

  She didn’t really have to but it was nice to know he had something to focus on. “You know what danger does to me. You’re probably going to have a good time tonight.”

  “You know it,” he replied. “After we put the baby to bed. I don’t care where we are, we’re going back to London tonight. We’re getting our boy.”

  McDonald moved back, but Theo stayed still.

  That tiny distance opened a pinhole between them. If she was off, she would kill her soul mate. If he moved in the slightest, he would take the bullet instead of McDonald.

  Erin didn’t hesitate. Her whole life had been one long prep for this moment. If her father hadn’t been such a bastard, she might not have spent long hours trying to please him. She might have found another interest besides the gun range. She might never have gone into the Army, might never have found her way to McKay-Taggart and to Theo. If one thing had slipped, she wouldn’t be here for this moment. She’d worried she wasn’t the right woman for him, but she took her shot and proved she was the only woman for him.

  Faith. She had to have a little faith in herself. In him.

  A neat hole split Hope McDonald’s forehead and her eyes went blank.

  Theo took a deep breath as she fell behind him.

  “Holy shit,” Hutch said. “What the fuck was that?”

  Theo crossed the space between them and had her in his arms before she could take her next breath. He held her tight. “That was how a warrior princess saves her man. Hello, beautiful. That was a hell of a shot.”

  She let the gun drop to the desk beside her and wrapped him up in her arms. He was warm and safe and alive. It was more than she could have asked for. He was here. “I love you.”

  “I love you, baby.” He held her close.

  “That was a freaking shame,” Big Tag complained as he stood over the body. “You couldn’t have clipped her, Argent? I was planning on getting my torture on. In a nasty way, not a happy, fun way.”

  It had been too easy, but nothing would have stopped her from saving Theo. “She died knowing who won. I’ll take it.”

  The door came open and Case and Michael Malone rushed in.

  “You’re too late, boys,” Big Tag said with a sigh.

  Case nodded. “Yeah, that’s obvious. There’s like twelve dead guys out here. I thought we were trying to keep the body count down.”

  Big Tag shrugged. “I said I’d try. And hey, I think we managed to not kill the lost boys, so I’m calling it a win.”

  Hutch looked at Big Tag, his cool finally vanishing. “Can I come home now, Ian?”

  Ian stood in front of Hutch, putting his hand on the back of his head like she’d seen him do with his brothers whenever he wanted to get a point across. “We’re all going home, brother. It’s time to come home and let your family take care of you. You have no idea how proud I am of you.”

  He hugged Hutch, doing that manly back-pounding thing.

  “He’s getting hormonal in his old age,” Theo whispered.r />
  “It’s manopause,” Case agreed.

  Ian stepped back. “I can still shoot the two of you. Are we clear?”

  Michael nodded. “We are. Case and I have made sure we cleaned every drive in the building and we destroyed the drug. We can call in Ten and Ezra and get these boys back to the States. Try to figure out where they belong.”

  It would be a long road for those men, but McKay-Taggart would do everything they could to help them.

  Theo took her hand. “You ready?”

  She was ready for anything as long as he was by her side.


  Loa Mali

  Six months later

  Theo let his head drop back, the sun warming his face.

  “Daddy! Daddy, play!”

  He couldn’t help but smile as he opened his eyes and his world was filled with grubby kiddos. He sank down to the sand beside his son. “Hey, buddy. You ready to build some sandcastles? How about the rest of you?”

  Kenzie jumped up and down, the ruffles on the back of her bathing suit bouncing. Kala stared up at her sister like she didn’t quite understand the exuberance. Aidan and Tristan were busy trying to get Carys’s attention. The younger kids were all inside the main house, taking naps.

  Faith and Ten were up there, too, looking after the babies, preparing for their own. He thought Faith found some solace in rocking the babies. Though she didn’t talk about it, he was sure her sister’s death had made her emotional. It didn’t matter that she’d been evil. They’d shared a good portion of their lives and Faith would miss the good times she’d had. Still, she seemed to find comfort and joy in the child growing inside her.

  Kenzie went straight for the pink buckets, but she seemed more interested in throwing the sand around than anything else.

  Kala had picked up a small plastic shovel, considering it carefully, as though trying to decide what kind of damage she could do with it.

  Yep, that was Ian Taggart’s daughter. Kala was as serious as her sister was fluffy. Theo was eager to see what their new baby brother would be like. Seth Taggart was eight weeks old and already looked like his father.

  TJ came over and plopped down on Theo’s lap as the other kids began digging and filling buckets with sand.

  He could hear Li and Avery splashing around a few yards away. God only knew what they were doing under the cover of the waves, but it had put a smile on Avery’s face. Ian and Charlotte were lying under an umbrella, sipping drinks with Simon and Chelsea.

  Tomorrow he and his brothers would get on a boat and take the boys out for their first fishing expedition. The king of Loa Mali, who was happily hosting the party, had promised them great fishing off the coast.

  Of course, Theo would be the guest of honor. After all, he had hauled all these people on his honeymoon.

  Three days before, he’d watched as the most beautiful woman in the world had walked up this beach in a white wedding dress, escorted down the aisle by Liam O’Donnell. He’d stood there with his brothers and his best man. TJ had been adorable as he’d watched his mom and dad get married.

  It was one memory he would never have to fight for.

  Jesse Murdoch strode up. “Hey, Theo, Robert’s heading out. I thought you might want to say good-bye. Besides, I totally want to build sandcastles with these monsters.”

  Theo got up, shifting TJ off his lap. He kissed his son’s head. “I’ll be right back, buddy. You guys don’t go too hard on Uncle Jesse. He’s a delicate flower.”

  He took off toward the main house before Jesse could get him for that bit of snark.

  Robert stood on the massive porch that overlooked the water. He stared out over the Arabian Sea, his focus clearly not on his immediate surroundings.

  Robert still remembered only flashes of his past. He’d described them to Theo as murky and dream-like. None of them had led him to information about himself. Was he staring out and wondering if there was anyone in the world who missed him? Who longed for him?

  Theo hoped not because it was obvious Robert had a thing for the London team’s therapist. He lit up when Ariel Adisa walked into a room.

  “Hey,” he said quietly.

  Robert turned and smiled. “Hey. I can’t tell you how much fun I’ve had, but I’ve got to get back to London.”

  “I thought you were coming back to the States with us?”

  “Change of plans,” he said. “I’m going to work with the boys in London. Ezra’s worried the Agency is getting a little too interested in them. They show no signs of memory. Not even Owen. The doc was right. She found a way to do it with one dose.”

  And wouldn’t the Agency love to figure that out. Since the files had been destroyed, the six men who’d been in the building that day were all that was left of McDonald’s research. Taking them into custody might be a good way to study them. “You should follow Ezra’s lead. He’s a good man.”

  Ezra and Ten had helped them bring down The Collective. When the story had broken, they’d been the one who put pressure on their bosses and people they knew inside the government to take it seriously.

  The trials would begin soon, but Theo had no doubt justice would be served. The group itself had already fragmented and started making deals. They would no longer be effective as an entity.

  The Collective was done.

  “We’re setting up at The Garden,” Robert explained. “It’s going to be our base for now. Ariel thinks she might be able to reach them with some pointed therapy and hypnosis. We’ll work some jobs for McKay-Taggart and other agencies to earn our keep. If the heat gets too much, we’ll reconsider.”

  He put a hand out. “Anything you need, brother.”

  Robert shook it before he looked behind Theo, his brows rising and lips curling in a smile. “I think I need something like that. Hello, Mrs. Taggart.”

  He let go of Robert’s hand and turned. Damn but that was a beautiful sight. The latest Mrs. Taggart walked toward him, her hair spilling around her shoulders and that gorgeous body in an emerald green bikini. He didn’t mind Robert’s appreciation. She was all his. Everyone else could look. Hell, she was a damn work of art, but she belonged to him.

  She gave him that smile that lit up his world. “Where’s TJ?”

  Theo glanced down to the beach. The kids seemed to have given up on building sandcastles in favor of crawling all over their Uncle Jesse. “They’re busy burying Jesse in the sand. We’ll have to dig him out later. I think some of the London contingent is leaving.”

  A brow arched over Erin’s left eye as she looked at Robert. “Ariel told me she was heading out today. She thought she was going alone.”

  Robert managed to go only the slightest shade of pink. “It’s a long flight. She shouldn’t be alone. Besides, I do need to get back to the guys. They’re adjusting to the real world. It can be hard.”

  Didn’t he know it. Luckily, he’d had a goddess to show him the way. “I’m going to miss having you around, but I wish you all the best.”

  “We’ll miss you,” Erin corrected. “And please let us know if you need anything. Tell Nick hello for me. I wish he could have come.”

  “I think a wedding was hard for him to attend,” Robert explained, picking up his bag. “Someone had to stay behind and watch over the boys. Nick pretty much insisted it be him. I also worry he’s feeling guilty about what happened to Owen. He thinks he should have seen it.”

  “He couldn’t possibly have known,” Erin replied.

  She’d done something shocking a few days after they’d gotten back to London. He’d worried she might seek some revenge against the Scot, but he’d found her in Owen’s room, feeding him soup when he was too weak to feed himself. His body had a particularly bad reaction to the drug. It had taken his strength and his memory. He was only now starting to walk and move with purpose again.

  “You’re far more forgiving than I expected you to be,” Robert said, taking her hand in his. “I thank you for not making this harder.”

  Erin shook
her head. “No, I wouldn’t do that. Owen did something terrible, but I understand why he did it. And he’s paid a terrible price. I don’t hate him. That surprises me, too, but I have to say it’s so freeing to forgive him. I hope he recovers, though I don’t know if I hope he remembers. It might be too painful.”

  Because he’d lost the very things he’d sold his soul to protect. That whole group had a hard journey ahead, but they had a great leader. They had Robert, and he wouldn’t give up on any of them.

  After all, Robert hadn’t given up on him.

  Robert waved as Ariel appeared. He rushed to grab her suitcase and they walked off toward the front of the house where the car would pick them up.

  Erin slipped her hand into his. “So, Mr. Taggart, I think we should go and check out the hot tub. It looks like Adam and Jake are helping Jesse with the kids. Everyone else is out on the beach. We’d have it all to ourselves.”

  She winked his way and started toward the decadent frothing tub.

  Theo followed because he was a man who knew never to turn down a good offer. “I think we can find something to do, Mrs. Taggart.”

  She laughed as he started to chase her.

  He would never stop. She was worth the work.

  * * * *

  London, England

  The Garden

  Nick sat down in front of his laptop, calling up the files on the men McDonald had experimented on. The men she’d ruined. He glanced at the coffee mug Teresa had left for him when she’d brought in the morning mail. The sub was one of the few in The Garden he hadn’t fucked. Not because she wasn’t pretty enough. He actually had different ideas of pretty than most men. He liked a woman with personality. Her smile was more important than her breasts, and damn a woman who could hold her own intellectually did something for him.

  Teresa was lovely, but he tried not to screw anyone he had to work with.

  Not anymore.

  The coffee smelled rich and inviting, and he was still thinking about the vodka bottle at the bottom of his desk.


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