Goalie Interference (NHL Scorpions)

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Goalie Interference (NHL Scorpions) Page 13

by Worrell, Nikki

  After devouring two slices of pizza each and some cheese fries, Crystal and the triplets fell asleep on the couch watching The Lion King.

  Vlad and Zoe had some time to themselves as they did the dishes. The rest of his family was busy packing for their early morning flight. “So, how was your day? Was it awful when Crystal lost the kite?”

  “Well, I know this sounds really bad, but I was glad it happened. She ran to me, Zoe. She actually ran to me. Granted, she burst into tears, but she ran to me for comfort. Hell. She’s going to have me wrapped around her little finger in no time at all. I don’t think there’s anything I wouldn’t do for her. We briefly talked about my buying her a pony. A pony, for Christ’s sake!” He tried to act outraged, but his sappy smile gave him away.

  “Sounds like progress. Vlad, things like that are going to affect her more than they would another child for quite a while. We see it as having to buy another kite. She sees it as something that left her and can’t be replaced. She understands that you didn’t know about her in her head, but her heart most likely feels like you abandoned her. It’s going to take time, but it sounds like you had a good day. She certainly doesn’t seem as leery of you today.”

  “No, she’s not. She’d still prefer you, I think, but it’s progress. She mentioned wanting to stay here tonight. Do you think it would be the wrong thing to do if I told her no? I don’t want her to think of you as the good guy and me as the one she’s stuck with.” Shit, that didn’t sound right. “No, wait. I didn’t mean that I don’t want her to love you, of course I do …”

  Zoe raised her hand to stop him. “Vlad, please, don’t think about us right now. I get it. Concentrate on your daughter. I’ll tell her that I have to leave on business or something, and she can’t stay tonight. But, so she knows I’m not leaving her, are you okay with my telling her that she can stay another time?”

  When Zoe had raised her hand up to him, he realized that he still hadn’t placed a ring on her finger. He wanted to rectify that as soon as possible. Maybe that was something he and Crystal could do together. Girls liked jewelry. “Absolutely. Thanks again, Zoe. I love you. Have I told you that today?” Crystal walked in on them kissing.

  “Ew, yuck.” She walked right back out again, shaking her head in disgust.

  Zoe and Vlad burst out laughing. “Well, that was a typical eight-year-old reaction.” Vlad followed Crystal back into the living room to see what she needed.

  “Where are the girls?”

  “They got called upstairs to pack their things.”

  Vlad waited for her to tell him what she wanted, but she stayed quiet. “What did you want when you came into the kitchen, honey?”

  She looked up at him with those cornflower blue eyes that looked so like his mother’s, but didn’t answer him. He didn’t get it. One minute she was hugging him, and the next, she wouldn’t even answer a direct question.

  “Well? Did you need me?”


  Vlad clenched his teeth, searching for patience. “Did you need Zoe?”


  “Crystal, you must have needed something. What is it?”


  “Okay. I give up.” Vlad threw up his hands and stormed out of the room. He passed Zoe on his way out and continued walking right out the door until he was standing on the deck listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shoreline.

  A couple of minutes passed before the door opened, and Vlad turned to see his mother standing there. “Did you lose your patience, Vladimir?”

  “Yes, Mother, I did. I don’t know what the hell she wants from me. I don’t know what to do, and when I ask her, she doesn’t answer me. God, am I an idiot for thinking I can be a father to her? I don’t even know how to break through to her.”

  Emma started laughing. She was actually laughing at him! “I don’t find this even remotely fucking funny, Mother.”

  She tried to erase her smile, but he could still see it tugging at her lips. “Of course not, dear, but watch your language. You don’t want your daughter to hear you talking like that. And your father would backhand you. Are you done now?”

  She could always make him feel so small. Rolling his eyes at himself more than her, he said, “Yes, I’m done.”

  “Good. Now, let’s see if we can think this through. Your daughter lost her mother and came to live with a father she never knew existed. It’s her first holiday alone. She’s only been here for one day and one night. Let me say that again. One day and one night. And in that short amount of time, she has actually turned to you twice.”

  “Yeah, I know you’re right. But why the hell won’t she answer me when I ask her a question? I’ll bet she’ll talk to Zoe. Seems she’ll always talk to Zoe.” Apparently he was mad at Zoe now?

  Emma gave him an indulgent smile. “Vlad, she’s a little girl. She lost her mother. I think it’s very natural that she would gravitate toward Zoe. Good thing she’s your girlfriend, isn’t it?”

  “That’s another thing. She’s not just my girlfriend. She asked me to marry her. We were going to tell you all at brunch this morning.”

  “She asked you? Oh, Vlad, that’s wonderful!” She leaned over and hugged him. “We love her. She’s perfect for you, you know.” He could tell his mother was a bit confused though. “If you’re so in love with this woman, why are you mad that Crystal likes her? I’m not understanding this, Vladimir.”

  “Because. She’s my daughter, not Zoe’s. Her mother already kept her away from me. I’m not going to let Zoe swoop in and be the parent. I’ve lost enough time with her!” Jesus, he sounded like an idiot. He knew he did.

  “You need to talk to Zoe. It seemed to me that you were more than happy to have her help earlier, but now you don’t want it. You can’t be mad at her for doing what you asked. We all saw the helpless way you looked at her when Crystal first showed up.”

  “Hell, I know that, Mom.” He shrugged his shoulders as he walked over and gripped the railing, staring out into the night. “I guess I’m jealous. It’s like there’s a girls’ club and boys aren’t allowed. I want her to come to me. I want her to want to be in my club.”

  Emma put her arm around her son and stood at the railing with him. “She will, sweetie, but you have to give her time. And you need to dig deep and be more patient with her. You’re an adult. We can process things quicker than children. It’s only been a day, Vlad. One day.”

  Vlad bowed his head and reached up to cover his mother’s hand with his own. “Thanks, Mom. I’ll try harder. I want her to feel safe and happy. Of course patience has never been my strong suit, and obviously you need a lot to be a parent.”

  “I know you will. And yes, you absolutely do.” She patted his arm and left him to gather his thoughts.

  Vlad and Crystal did wind up spending the night at Zoe’s. Crystal asked him if she could, and he simply said yes. He knew he’d have to work on saying no to her someday, but today wasn’t that day.

  Vlad’s parents had left to go back to his place to spend the night, taking Ruslan and Anna with them. The triplets stayed to be with Crystal as long as they could. Sipping coffee in the kitchen, Zoe asked, “So, where are you going to sleep, Vlad?” She wasn’t worried about what Crystal would think if they slept in the same bed. She knew a lot of people would frown on that, but they shouldn’t be concerned about other people anyway. She and Vlad were in a committed relationship and had plans to marry, but she’d leave it up to him.

  “Next to you, if you let me. Hell, we’re going to be married soon. Is it that big of a deal?”

  Zoe smiled. “No, I don’t think it is. But there won’t be any sex tonight. We have to be available for Crystal. She can sleep in with the other kids. We can make a fort for them or something so they can all sleep on the floor together.”

  “Sounds like a plan. But why no sex?” Of course that was the first thing Vlad thought about when she said he could sleep in her bed. “I’ll be quiet. You’re the loud
one anyway.”

  “So? You like me loud.” She knew he’d agree. She wasn’t disappointed.

  “Yes, ma’am, I do.”

  Zoe laughed as she pushed him away when he advanced on her, a lecherous look in his eyes. “You need to be aware if your daughter needs you. She’ll probably be fine being with the girls, but you never know. She needs all of your attention for a while.”

  Vlad wasn’t happy, but he relented. “Fine. No sex.”

  After a night spent tossing and turning, Vlad felt like he’d been run over by a Mack truck. He resisted the urge to check on Crystal a dozen times during the night, but only because Zoe flung her leg over him and reassured him that Crystal would come to them if she needed too. But as soon as he heard sounds coming from the girls’ room, he was up and knocking on their door.

  “Girls? You awake?” He heard lots of giggling and mumbling. He assumed that meant yes. “Get up and get dressed. You only have a couple of hours before you have to be at the airport. Come downstairs for breakfast when you’re done.”

  He really wanted to peek in at his daughter, but Zoe convinced him otherwise. Girls needed their privacy, even at that age, she told him.

  Vlad was in the kitchen, fresh from the shower, when the girls came running in. “We’re starving, Vlad! What’s for breakfast?”

  “Let’s see. I have eggs, bacon and toast—hmmm, we just need something sweet.” He looked around the kitchen with a devilish look. He slowly moved toward the girls, and the triplets backed up a step. They knew that game.

  Lena spoke up first. “Oh, no. Not the tickle monster!” She looked at her sisters and Crystal. “Run!”

  The girls took off into the living room, screeching in joy as Vlad chased them. He caught Sasha first and threw her on the couch, tickling her mercilessly. She squealed in delight. When he felt a pillow slammed into his head, he turned and grabbed the culprit, but in doing so, he lost his hold on Sasha.

  In no time at all, he found himself pinned down by the girls as they tickled him. He laughed until his sides hurt. “Okay, uncle. I cry uncle!” He looked up to see Zoe watching them. Crystal was just about to hit him with the pillow again when he pleaded for help. “Help me, Zoe. These girls are too strong.”

  Zoe walked over and sat down next to Vlad. “Okay girls, I’m here to help.” She pinned Vlad’s arms down and let the girls tickle him until he had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.

  He was just wriggling around to get up when Crystal fell and landed on his hip. “Fuck!”

  Zoe immediately let go of his hands and picked Crystal up to get her off him. Vlad rolled over to try and mask the pain radiating from his hip.

  “Oh my God. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Crystal stared at him in absolute horror. She’d obviously not meant to hurt him.

  She walked over to Vlad, who was just starting to get up and held her hand out to him. “I’m sorry. I’ll help you up. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “I know you didn’t, sweetheart. I’m sorry I yelled like that. And such a bad word. I had surgery on that hip a while ago, and you just hit a bad spot, that’s all. I’ll be fine.” It was starting to feel better already. He was afraid that he might have damaged something, though.

  Just as it looked like she might burst into tears, which he didn’t think he could stand, the doorbell rang. “That must be your grandparents. You want to go get the door for me?”

  Crystal looked around and saw everyone looking at her. “Okay.” Her footsteps could be heard all the way to the front door as she ran to answer it. The triplets quickly followed her.

  Vlad looked at Zoe. “Fucked up again, didn’t I?”

  “Nah. One bad word isn’t going to ruin her for life, but really, you should try to take that out of your vocabulary. At least when you’re around children. Are you really okay now?”

  He stood up and took a couple of steps. He could feel a twinge of pain, but it was okay. “I think so. I’ll call the doctor tomorrow just to make sure.”

  When everyone had left to go to the airport, Crystal lost some of her bravado. She seemed to be more comfortable when there were more people around.

  The couch in the living room was still a mess from their playtime earlier. Crystal was just putting the cushions back in place when he walked in.

  “Hey, Little Bit. I need your help.” He looked around to make sure Zoe was still upstairs in the shower, out of hearing distance. “You know Zoe and I are getting married, but I didn’t buy a ring for her yet.”

  She interrupted him. “You didn’t buy her a ring? You’re supposed to have the ring when you ask her to marry you. That’s how the princes do it.”

  Vlad gave a short laugh and a smile. “You’re right, of course, but Zoe asked me to marry her. I still want to buy her a ring. She has work to do today, so how about if we go shopping, and you can help me pick one out? Would you do that?”

  “I like jewelry, so yes, I’ll help you.”

  The mall was huge. It was a sprawling building with stores and restaurants intermixed. Right in the middle was a burger joint that housed an arcade and an indoor mini golf course.

  When Crystal saw the giant dinosaur standing next to the mini golf sign, she gasped. “I love dinosaurs,” she whispered reverently.

  “Do you? Would you like to play mini golf before we buy Zoe’s ring?”

  “No, that’s okay.” She looked back down into her lap, like she had said something wrong.

  Vlad pressed his lips together, fighting for patience. “Look, Crystal. I know this is all hard for you. I know you’d rather not be here with me, but I’d like to do things with you. And I want you to tell me what you like to do. I want to know about the things you like and don’t like. So, I say we go play mini golf. There’s only one thing I need you to do for me.”

  She looked up at him when he didn’t say any more. “What do you need me to do?”

  He patted his right side. “Well, this hip is still a little sore. Would you pick up my golf ball for me? I don’t think it’s good for me to bend like that a lot right now.”

  She smiled shyly at him. “I can do that for you.” She seemed to like the fact that he needed her help.

  “Good, let’s go.”

  The dinosaurs inside the mall were huge. There were quite a few types placed strategically next to potted plants and even some trees. Vlad could certainly see why so many people enjoyed going there. He was not a shopper himself, but he had to admit, the place had everything.

  After dodging T-Rex legs and a flying Pterodactyl who simply did not want to let his ball through, he gave up all pretense of being good at golf. His hockey buddies would have a field day with him. Hockey players were supposed to be good at golf. It was, after all, their summer sport. Most of the guys held golf tournaments for charity in the off season. He secretly hated the game, but he enjoyed seeing Crystal’s concentration as she tried to dodge the closing legs and flapping wings.

  When her ball hit Rex’s leg for the third time, she sighed like a grown up and placed her hand on her forehead in disgust. “I can’t do this, Dad. It’s too hard.”

  Vlad instantly felt a burning pressure in his eyes. She’d called him Dad like it was a normal occurrence. He wanted to pick her up, swing her around, and hold her tight, but he was learning and knew that would make her uncomfortable, so he didn’t say anything about it.

  “Don’t look at me. I can’t do it either. Rex has my number for sure.” Vlad looked around and rubbed his chin. “I have an idea. How about if we try it together?” He’d get that damn ball through if it killed him!


  Vlad walked over and stood over her so that they could grip the golf club together. “I’m not sure. Maybe like this? I know. Let’s line it up, and then close our eyes and just go for it.”

  She looked up at him, doubt in her eyes. “Okay, but I don’t think it’s going to work.” They did as he said.

  “Okay. No peeking. Ready? One … two … three!” They whacked the
ball and heard a solid thunk as it hit Rex’s leg. “Dammit,” he mumbled.

  Crystal laughed. “We’re not very good at this, are we?”

  He looked into her eyes and smiled. “I think we’re doing okay, Little Bit. I think we’re doing just fine.”

  It was like someone flipped a switch. He felt her body stiffen, and she stepped out of his arms. “Let’s just go get Zoe’s ring, can we?” He thought he saw her lip trembling.

  There was no one else in their general area and he carefully got down on his knee. “What’s wrong, Crystal? We were having fun. Honey, what happened?”

  He could tell she was fighting so hard to be happy, but it just didn’t work all the time. He saw a tear escape and resisted the urge to pull her to him. In that tiny voice she used, she told him what she was feeling. “It’s just that when I start to feel happy, I feel sad. My mom is dead. Why should I feel happy?” She clenched her little hands as another tear escaped.

  “Ah, honey. It’s okay.” Zoe had told him to let her feel what she was feeling and to accept it. She told him to let Crystal know that he was okay with her being sad. “You’re going to feel sad a lot for a while. That’s okay. Your mom was a wonderful mother.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I know you. Your mother did a great job with you. You’re a fabulous little girl, and that’s because of how your mom raised you. I’ll tell you something else. She’d want you to be happy. If you think about it, you know it’s true. Just because you feel happy doesn’t mean you don’t miss your mother.”

  Crystal listened to what he said. “So Mommy would be mad at me for being sad?”

  “No!” Christ! Was he fucking this up, too? “No, honey, not at all. Nothing that you feel is wrong. It’s okay to feel sad, but it’s also okay to feel happy. Your mom would understand the sadness and be proud of how much you love her, but she would also want you to find happiness and live a wonderful life.”


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