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Vampire Kingdom 2: The Pact

Page 10

by Leigh Walker

  “I’m glad you did.” I threw my arms around his neck. “Thank you for last night. It’s funny that we had our first date after we were already engaged.”

  He beamed at me then kissed my forehead as he gently laid me back on the bed. “Just because we’re doing it out of order doesn’t mean we aren’t doing it right.”

  I grinned at him. “You know, I think you’re correct.”

  He winked at me as he stood to go. “Of course I am. I’ll see you later, okay?”

  “Okay.” Other words were on the tip of my tongue—like Please don’t go, Come back, and I have feelings for you with a capital F, which is actually an L—but coward that I was, I held them all back. I watched him go and missed him as soon as I was alone again.

  What would it be like to never have to say goodbye? To know that Dom would always return to me, night after night for the rest of my life? I stared at the fire as I considered it. Then I looked at my ring, the diamond and sapphires sparkling in the glow from the flames. Since I’d lost my mother and Iz, I had considered happiness, real happiness, to be gone from my life for good. But there I was, with trouble all around me, yet I was happy.

  As I burrowed into the blankets, I realized that I truly missed Dominic. I ached for him. He had been gone for less than a minute, and already, I was counting down until I could see him again. I stared at the fire then my ring again. He was going to propose to me in two days’ time.

  What if I actually gave this a chance? What could happen?

  There was only one way to find out.

  The time passed too quickly and without enough Dominic. The council, it seemed, was in an uproar about the queen’s various plans. They were meeting around the clock in an effort to establish the parameters of her latest decrees before the guests arrived.

  I felt a bit cheated of my precious forty-eight hours, but to his credit, the prince came to see me whenever he could. Our new habit, our unspoken rule, was to be as close to each other as possible during our limited time. To that end, Dominic and I sat on my bed as he told me about the council’s challenges.

  “The way it stands right now, they are still in opposition to the blood slaves’ attendance at any activities outside the palace walls. They think it would be too shocking for the villagers.”

  “They might be right about that.” I sank into his embrace, curled against his broad chest. “What would they say about the slaves who are missing?”

  Dominic stroked my hair and wrapped a tendril around his finger. “The villagers’ memories are half vanished. I’ve no doubt that they wouldn’t even notice the missing girls, though it pains me to say that. We’re the ones that erased them. Still, I think they would be excited to see the candidates again, especially as esteemed guests of the palace. Honestly, I don’t think it would do any harm.”

  I nodded against his chest. “I think the candidates would like to come. They seemed excited at the prospect.”

  “They haven’t left the palace since they were selected—for some of them, it’s been decades inside the grounds.”

  I shivered. “I can’t imagine.”

  Dom continued to stroke my hair. “We could do something for them someday. If we had more authority.”


  He glanced down at me. “Like release them.”

  I sat up a little. “Would you do that? Would you give them their freedom?”

  “Of course I would,” he said immediately. “The way I see it, my kind should only drink from transfusions and volunteers. Slavery is an antiquated and vile concept. The only reason I’ve stood for it for so long is because it’s better than the alternative, in which my mother attacks and drains any human she can get her hands on.”

  “Well, you’re right about that.”

  He held me close as we talked late into the night, about the council, about the slaves, and about the queen. My eyelids started to get heavy.

  “You need to sleep,” he finally said.

  Being human was so inconvenient. “I don’t want to. I don’t want to miss a minute with you.”

  “I’ll be here, Victoria. I will hold you in my arms all night and listen to the beating of your heart. We’re together.” He leaned down and kissed me, deeply and slowly, and I melted against him.

  “Dominic.” My breathing was heavy, and not just because we were close. It was because of my feelings—I could barely put them into words.

  “What is it, sweetheart?”

  I clung to him. “I don’t ever want you to let me go. I don’t want to be apart from you.” That was the truth. Though it was mine, hearing the words aloud shocked me—I didn’t realize I could be so bold. I kept my face pressed into Dom’s chest, embarrassed, holding my breath.

  “Victoria.” He kissed my hair, my cheek, and my neck. “I won’t ever let you go, not as long as you’ll have me. Look at me.”

  I looked into his dark eyes.

  He cradled my face in his hands. “I love you, Victoria. I will always love you.”

  I kissed him, hungrily, and he sank his hands deep into my hair. We kissed for a long time. As soon as one kiss ended, another began, an endless loop laced with heavy desire. It was not enough, but it was still everything. Dominic wrapped me in a firm embrace, and true to his word, he didn’t let me go.

  It was a long time before I fell asleep, but when I did, it was in his arms. When I woke up the next morning, he was gone. He’d left a note on my pillow.

  Dearest Victoria,

  I am so sorry, but I was called away while you were sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you. I hated leaving you, especially because you were snoring so adorably.

  I look forward to seeing you at the ball this evening. I intend to hold you in my arms all night then properly snog you until dawn. That is, if you choose to oblige me.

  Counting the minutes until I see you again.



  PS — I would like to note that it’s a testament not only to my unbridled ego but also to my loyalty that I am able to say, again and in writing, that I love you. Even though you didn’t say it back. Even though you might never say it back. I love you and am yours forever.

  I clutched the note, a rush of feelings flowing through me. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry—but I did know the truth.

  I was in love with the prince. And I had no idea what to do.



  The day dragged and dragged, with Dominic in meetings and the blood slaves kindly but firmly urging me to lay off the carbs. But finally, it was time to get dressed for the ball. I had my choice of three exquisite dresses, all made especially by the seamstress. The first was emerald-green and strapless, with a diamond brooch in the center of the bust-line. It was very glamorous, and when I was zipped into it, I felt like a movie star about to attend a premiere. The next gown was royal blue and had one strap—I felt regal when I tried it on, somehow taller and more grown-up.

  But my favorite, by far, was the last dress I tried on, classic black satin. The gown wasn’t something I would normally choose, but as soon as I put it on, I knew. It had spaghetti straps and a low, plunging neckline that directly met the gown’s fitted waist. The skirt was full, making me feel every inch a princess. The dress showed off my curves in a way I’d never seen before, making me feel sexy, elegant, and sophisticated.

  I came out of the dressing room and smiled nervously at Mistress Olivia. “What do you think?”

  She put a hand over her heart. “Oh, dear child. The prince will collapse if he sees you in that!”

  I smoothed the skirt. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I laughed.

  Mistress Olivia opened her mouth then closed it. “It’s a good thing,” she said after a moment. “You look incredible, my lady.”

  I went to the mirror. “I think my hair would look best in a bun, don’t you? That will show off the back of the dress.”

  Mistress Olivia shook her head. “There is no back of the dress.”

  “Ha! Fair enough.”

  She helped me with my hair and makeup, working silently and carefully, muttering to herself every once in a while.

  “Is everything all right?” I asked.

  “Oh yes, of course. But you are stunning in that gown, and your hair and makeup must be up to snuff. I want you to look perfect tonight—I have a feeling about this ball!”

  I frowned. “What sort of feeling?”

  “It’s a good one.” She beamed at me. “We haven’t had a party here in ages, and everyone is excited for it. I think this will be a night neither you nor His Highness will ever forget. And you look so beautiful, Victoria. I’ve never seen you so radiant. His Highness will be dazzled.”

  “T-Thank you.” Touched by her words, I went to the mirror again when she’d finished. I almost didn’t recognize myself. My hair was pulled back into a low, elegant bun. My makeup was subtle, but the black shadow she’d used on my lids set off my eyes. My curves were on full display, and for a moment, I fidgeted. I was showing quite a bit of skin. “Are you sure I’m not too…exposed?”

  “Now, now.” Mistress Olivia tsked. “Don’t you dare doubt yourself. That gown is tasteful by any measure. Do not frown at the body the gods gave you, my lady. Celebrate it.”

  A knock came at the door, and we looked at each other, her face showing that she felt as nervous as I did.

  “His Royal Highness, Prince Dominic Allard,” the guard announced.

  “Just a moment.” She took me by surprise by reaching for my hand and squeezing it. “You’re beautiful, my lady, and never doubt that you are loved. We all love you.”

  “Mistress Olivia!” My eyes filled with tears. I did not remember her from the past nine years, yet she was so familiar, and she was always a comfort to me. “I love you too!”

  “Gah, by the gods, you’ll make me cry.” She wiped at her eyes then grimaced at me. “Mind your mascara!”

  The guard knocked again.

  “Yes, yes, come in,” Mistress Olivia said as she squeezed my hand one last time.

  I braced myself as the door opened, and two guards dressed in ceremonial tunics came in and lined either side of the door. The prince himself entered next. He was wearing a black ceremonial uniform with a gold emblem of his family crest embossed across the chest. He seemed taller and more dashing than I’d ever seen him, his dark eyes shining in the firelight.

  His jaw dropped when he saw me in my dress. “Victoria.” He bowed his head. “You’re stunning, my lady.”

  I smiled as I curtsied. Adrenaline coursed through me, and I had to hold myself back from running to him. “You look very handsome. I’ve missed you.”

  My voice came out husky, and both Olivia and the guards looked away, giving us a moment.

  Dominic beamed then held out his hand for me. “Will you do me the honor of accompanying me to the ball?”

  “I will, Your Highness. It’s my pleasure.” I took his hand, and my whole body tingled from his touch.

  The prince bowed to Mistress Olivia on our way out. “Thank you for your help.”

  She winked at him. “It’s an honor, Your Highness. Have a lovely evening.”

  I felt like I was walking on air as we made our way down the hall. The prince held me close to his side. “Victoria, you’ve never looked so beautiful, and you are always beautiful. I’ve never seen a dress quite like that—I’m a bit obsessed.”

  “Well, then. I might have to wear it again for you sometime.” Happy heat flooded my body.

  “I might make you promise,” he growled.

  I had butterflies as we got closer to the entrance of the grand ballroom. Music and laughter floated down the hall; it sounded as though the party was already in full swing. I hesitated. “I’ve never been in the ballroom before. Not to mention I’ve never been to an actual ball. I never even went to my prom.”

  “What’s a prom?” Dom stopped and held both my hands, giving me his full attention.

  “It’s a dance they have in high school. Everyone gets dressed up.”

  “And you didn’t go?” he asked.

  “No.” I ducked my head. “After the accident… I guess I wasn’t really into socializing.” The truth was, as a teenager, having a social life was a lot of work. Popularity at my high school had been sink or swim. I’d never been popular, but after my mom and Iz, I couldn’t see the point of continuing to tread water. Everyone treated me different, and maybe it’s because I was. The prom, homecoming, and all the other traditions that my classmates got excited about seemed pointless to me.

  But tonight was different, and I knew it—I was genuinely looking forward to the ball. I smiled at the prince. “I’m excited for this.”

  Dominic smiled back, his handsome face bathed in the light from the nearby lanterns. “Is it selfish of me to be pleased that this is your first formal dance?”

  I squeezed his arm. “Not at all.” He was my first everything, and that was exactly how I wanted it. Perhaps fate was on my side, after all.

  We reached the entrance, which was lined with guards in full uniform, and the jubilant noise from the party spilled into the hall. The ballroom was dramatic and expansive, with an enormous crystal chandelier in the center of the sky-high ceiling. Hundreds of candles lined the tables against the baby-blue walls, giving the crowded room a magical, ethereal shimmer. The blood slaves were lined up on one side of the room, dressed in their finest gowns. They were chatting with each other and giggling as they drank champagne from crystal flutes. On the other side of the dance floor, the vampire guards and council were mingling, drinking wine from goblets, and many of the guards were eyeing the girls.

  At the far end of the room, on a raised dais, the king and the queen were sitting on opulent golden thrones. Queen Danica presided over the party in a crimson gown, a dazzling diamond-and-ruby necklace around her throat. A jeweled tiara adorned her hair, which she was wearing up in an elegant twist. King Declan was wearing a ceremonial uniform similar to what Dominic had on. But I barely noticed the king, as he was eclipsed by his wife’s stunning, austere beauty.

  The queen’s gaze fell on Dominic and me as we stood in the entrance, and she immediately rose. “Silence!” she commanded.

  The room fell quiet, and Dominic pulled me closer.

  The queen motioned toward us. “I am thrilled to announce my son, His Royal Highness, Dominic Allard, and his bride-to-be, the Lady Victoria from Margate. Please welcome the happy couple to the ball. Tonight, we celebrate in their honor.”

  Everyone in the crowd cheered, lifting their glasses in a toast to us. “Hear! Hear!” they roared.

  With happy smiles on our faces, Dominic and I joined the party. The prince was greeted heartily by a line of soldiers, and the sacrifices exuberantly waved me over.

  Dom whispered in my ear before he let me go. “We must say our hellos and accept our congratulations, but I will see you in exactly one minute. I’m afraid I cannot ever bear to be apart from you, but I find it quite impossible with that dress.”

  I fluttered my eyelashes at him. “Yes, Your Highness. I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Oh, you are wielding your magic over me.” Dominic grinned. “I see how it is.”

  “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.” But of course I did, and I intended to enjoy every second of it. He watched me hungrily as I sashayed across the room, and I chuckled, enjoying my newfound power. I might wear this dress every day for the rest of my life.

  Alexandra and Elise were on me in an instant.

  “Your gown is stunning!” Alexandra said.

  “His Highness cannot stop staring!” Elise added.

  “You both look lovely. Those gowns are to die for!” Elise was wearing a fitted, backless white sheath, and Alexandra was wearing a pale-pink taffeta dress with a skirt that billowed out in tulle ruffles.

  “The seamstresses really outdid themselves.” Alexandra nodded in the direction of the queen. “I heard they were under direct orders to give us the
most beautiful gowns they could.”

  “Well, that’s…nice.” The word “nice” tasted funny on my lips in reference to the queen.

  “I don’t think nice has much to do with it.” Alexandra kept her voice low. “I think she’s up to something.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “Look at the guards. They’re openly staring at us.”

  I nodded. “So I noticed.”

  Alexandra leaned in closer. “They wouldn’t dare to approach us in public unless they’d been given express permission. The only time we’re supposed to interact with them is when we have our royally sanctioned parties. That’s the only time they’re supposed to feed from us or make any sort of advances.”

  I glanced at the guards, who were indeed staring at the women and smiling. “So what do you think the queen’s doing?”

  “I’m not sure,” Elise said. “But at least she’s not draining us then filling us up with someone else’s blood.”

  “Are the guards making you uncomfortable?” I asked. “I could have the prince intervene.”

  “No, not at all,” Alexandra said. “We have a lovely relationship with the guards. Most of them are wonderful. Many of the candidates have feelings for them, you know. They’ve formed real attachments. They would love the opportunity to be open about it.”

  I glanced at Queen Danica, who was whispering to her husband. “Does the queen know about this?”

  Alexandra shook her head. “I don’t know. But perhaps she’s aware of more than we’ve believed, and now she’s somehow using it to her advantage.”

  The queen clapped her hands, calling for our attention. “I would like to invite my son and his fiancée to have the first dance. Guards, sacrifices, you may join them on the dance floor at the start of the second song. I want everyone to relax tonight. There are no worries—be free. I want you to enjoy yourselves, everyone. Eat, drink, and be merry.”

  “She’s definitely up to something,” Alexandra whispered. “Be free and enjoy yourselves? Since when?”


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