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A Soldier's Promise (Crystal Lake Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Laura Scott

  He chuckled, and she realized that, in all the time they spent together, she’d rarely heard Derek laugh. “I borrowed a car from Claire’s parents and you don’t lock your doors in Crystal Lake, remember?”

  That wasn’t what she meant, but she was so thrilled to see them she didn’t care. “I’m just surprised to see you, that’s all,” she managed. “I wasn’t expecting this.”

  “It’s great to see you, too,” he said in a low, husky tone. For a moment, his gaze bored into hers, but then he smiled and reached for her hand. “Come on, I want to show you what I managed to get done today,” he said, tugging her toward the townhouse.

  She didn’t understand how he’d gotten anything done, considering it was a long drive up from St. Louis, but when he opened the front door with a flourish, she realized he’d completed one entire wall with new drywall. “Derek! This looks amazing!” Then she scowled. “You did this with your sore ribs, didn’t you?” she demanded.

  “I’m fine,” he assured her, grinning from ear to ear. “But it looks great, doesn’t it? If I do say so myself,” he added modestly.

  She shot him an exasperated grin. “Yes, it does.”

  “Come on, let’s eat. I have some marinated chicken breasts on the grill, and hope you don’t mind, but Lexi and I helped ourselves to your garden to put together a salad.”

  “Of course I don’t mind,” she said. How could she when she was still reeling from the knowledge that Derek had come back? To see her?

  Or maybe just to repay a debt. As she followed Derek outside to the patio, she glanced back one more time at the finished wall and told herself not to get too excited about his being there. Now that she really thought about it, she figured he’d only returned to finish his part of the deal. Not that she’d expected anything more from him, but she sensed his pride wouldn’t allow him to leave the job undone.

  And if that was the case, she had no idea how she’d manage to protect her heart long enough for him to finish the stupid townhouse.


  Derek found it increasingly difficult to keep his gaze off Julie as they ate the meal he’d prepared. The moment she’d arrived home, he’d wanted nothing more than to sweep her into his arms and kiss her soundly but had held back for two reasons. First of all, because she’d left St. Louis so abruptly, which made him wonder how she felt about him and secondly, because he knew Lexi was watching.

  Hopefully, Lexi would be tired from their trip and go to bed sooner than later. He wanted, needed a little time alone with Julie.

  As soon as they’d finished dinner, though, Julie jumped to her feet. “Since you cooked, it’s my job to clean up,” she said as she stacked the dirty dishes together. “Why don’t you and Lexi enjoy the sunset? This won’t take long.”

  Was it his imagination, or did she seem nervous? “Lexi, let’s help Julie carry everything inside.”

  His daughter was eager to assist, and soon they had the patio table cleared off. Because Julie was so determined to do the dishes, he went back outside with Lexi.

  “Did you see that, Daddy?” Lexi said with excitement. “That was a firefly!”

  “There’s another one,” he said pointing off to the right. As darkness fell, the winking lights from the fireflies became more noticeable. He had to laugh as Lexi ran around the yard, chasing the flashes of light and trying to capture them in the palms of her hands.

  “It’s so great to hear her laughing,” Julie said as she came back outside.

  “Yes, it is,” he agreed. He leaned over and captured her hand to guide her into the chair beside him. “Hopefully, all that running around will tire her out,” he added dryly.

  Julie gently pulled her hand away and laced her fingers together in her lap. “You didn’t have to come back to finish the townhouse, Derek,” she said softly.

  Did she really think that was the only reason he came back? “Yes, I did, because that was a good excuse to see you.”

  He heard her soft gasp of surprise and grew a bit concerned. Was it possible she didn’t feel anything for him after all? The morning before, when he saw her crying in the courtroom, he thought for sure she cared about him. Maybe even had started to fall in love with him.

  The way he’d fallen in love with her.

  “Daddy, I caught one!” Lexi shouted.

  “We have to talk,” he said to Julie before getting up and crossing over to Lexi. It took some finagling, but he coaxed her into letting the lightning bug go so the little guy would be free to fly through the night with his friends.

  “Time for bed, Lexi,” he said. “Say goodnight to Julie.”

  “G’night, Julie,” Lexi repeated, running over to give her a hug. “See you in the morning.”

  “Sounds good,” Julie said. “Goodnight, Lexi.”

  He took his daughter inside and waited patiently for her to use the bathroom, brush her teeth, and then say her prayers, a new ritual for them.

  Lexi closed her eyes and pressed her hands together. “God bless Mommy up in heaven, Grandma and Grandpa in St. Louis, Daddy and Julie here in Crystal Lake. Amen.” Lexi opened her eyes. “That’s everyone, right, Daddy?”

  “That’s right, baby-doll. I love you.” He gathered her close for a tight hug and a kiss. “Sweet dreams.”

  “G’night, Daddy.”

  He headed back outside to Julie, trying to ignore the sudden attack of nerves. Thankfully, Julie was still sitting right where he’d left her, head tipped back as she gazed up at the stars.

  “It’s so beautiful up here,” he said as he sat beside her. “Lexi was not happy when she discovered she couldn’t see the stars in the city.”

  “I’m so glad everything worked out for you, Derek,” Julie said softly.

  “I accepted a new job,” he said.

  “Really? That’s wonderful! I’m so glad Robert changed his mind.”

  Robert? Did she really think he’d planned on staying in St. Louis? “Julie, I accepted the dispatch job here at the Hope County Sheriff’s Department. I start next Monday.”

  “You did? But why? You promised to let Robert and Gladys see Lexi on a regular basis. It’s an eight-hour drive from here to their home in St. Louis!”

  “I’ve promised them they’ll get plenty of time with Lexi,” he assured her. “But I happen to like it here in Crystal Lake. And so does Lexi.”

  “I...don’t know what to say,” she whispered. “I never expected you to come back here permanently.”

  He heard the doubt in her tone and decided enough was enough. He rose to his feet and pulled her up, too, so that he could wrap his arms around her. He gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face and cupped her cheek with the palm of his hand. “Julie, tell me that what I’m feeling isn’t one-sided,” he said in a pleading tone. “Tell me that you have some feelings for me, too.”

  “Oh, Derek.” She wrapped her arms tightly around his waist. “I do, but are you sure about this? I feel like I should pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.”

  “I’ve fallen in love with you, Nurse Julie,” he whispered before claiming her sweet mouth with his. After a long moment, he lifted his head to catch his breath. As far as he was concerned, he could stand here under the stars and kiss Julie all night long. But he still needed to know that she felt the same way. “Lexi loves you, too. Is it too much to ask that you give us a chance?”

  He could feel her draw an unsteady breath and tried not to fear the worst. “No, it’s not too much to ask,” she murmured. “But I was engaged once before, and, well, things didn’t work out. So I have to be honest and tell you that this all feels like too much, too soon. You’ve always lived in the city, Derek. Living out here, it’s nice, but the pace is slower. The winters can be long and brutal. I don’t think you really understand what you’re getting yourself into by moving up here.”

  “Enough with the weather report,” he interjected with frustration. “Julie, I’ve spent a long time searching for someone to share my life with. As much a
s I cared about Claire, I didn’t love her the way I should have. I’m sorry if some jerk hurt you, but don’t make me pay for his sins. Do you really think I’d risk my daughter’s future if I wasn’t sure about how much I love you?”

  There was a long pause before she lifted herself up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you, too, Derek,” she confessed before she kissed him again.

  “Thank you, Lord,” he said when he was able to breathe again. “You have no idea how hard I’ve been praying for this ever since you left me back in St. Louis.”

  “Me, too,” she whispered. “Welcome home, Derek.”


  Ten months later…

  Julie stood in the entryway of the small church, not the least bit nervous on her wedding day. The sun was shining, and there was a cool, May breeze coming off the lake. Lexi stood in front of her, wearing a miniature white gown and a ring of flowers in her hair.

  “Ready, sweetie?” she asked when the organist began “The Wedding March.”

  “Yes, I’m ready.” Lexi took her role of being the flower girl very seriously, holding on to her white basket of rose petals as if she were afraid she’d drop it. Julie smiled when she watched Lexi start down the aisle, dropping delicate red and pink petals along the way.

  She glanced at Zack, who was discreetly pulling at the necktie of his tux. Her brother was escorting her down the aisle and standing in as Derek’s best man. He’d come a long way over the past few months, and she was thrilled at the change in his demeanor. “Ready?” she asked.

  “I’m ready if you are, Sis.” Zack held out his arm, and Julie took his elbow, knowing their parents were there in spirit, gazing down from the heavens above.

  She started down the aisle, not even noticing all the people who’d crowded into the small church. She only had eyes for Derek, who was breathtakingly handsome in his tux, standing straight and tall as he waited for her next to the pastor. As amazing as Derek looked in a tux, she thought he looked just as handsome in his new deputy uniform. He’d been promoted four months ago after two of the older officers had decided to step down into the dispatch positions, leaving the younger guys to the more grueling police work. She was so proud of everything Derek had accomplished in the past ten months. They’d put the side-by-side townhouse up for sale and had their eye on the perfect three-bedroom house on the lake. Plenty of room for more children, Derek had promised.

  Looking at him now, she was humbled to see the love shining blatantly from his eyes.

  And she knew the same expression was on her face as well.

  “Take care of her,” Zack said as he handed Julie over to Derek.

  “I will,” he promised.

  She took Derek’s hand and smiled up at him. She was the lucky one in this union, and as she exchanged vows with Derek, she knew that God had answered her prayers, too.

  She was blessed to have finally found what she’d always wanted. A home and a family with Derek and Lexi.


  Did you miss Book 1 in the Crystal Lake Series?

  Healing Her Heart

  is available now!

  Dear Reader,

  I am having a lot of fun writing this Crystal Lake series and I hope you enjoyed visiting the town and the characters here. Wisconsin is truly a beautiful state and while this town is fictional it reminds me of the fun summer vacations we took as a family.

  I’m currently working on the next book in the series, which will be Zack and Merry’s story. I hope you check back with me soon, either through Facebook, Twitter or my website at to see when this book will be released. I always enjoy hearing from my readers so drop me a line and I always answer every e-mail or letter I receive.

  Until next time…

  Yours in Faith,

  Laura Scott

  Other Books by Laura Scott

  Crystal Lake Series (listed in order)

  Healing Her Heart

  A Soldier’s Promise

  Coming Home

  Worth The Wait

  Christmas Reunion

  Other Love Inspired Suspense Books

  The Thanksgiving Target

  Secret Agent Father


  Proof of Life

  Identity Crisis*

  Twin Peril*

  Undercover Cowboy*

  Her Mistletoe Protector*

  Wrongly Accused (SWAT Series)

  Down To The Wire (SWAT Series)

  Under The Lawman’s Protection (SWAT Series)

  *Stories with Linked Characters

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  Dear Reader

  Books by Laura Scott




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