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3013: CHAOS (3013: The Series Book 8)

Page 6

by Laurie Roma

  But then he’d met Katra.

  Nothing could have prepared Jaden for meeting the female Dragon Warrior. From the moment he’d seen her at his daughter’s claiming ceremony, he’d felt a strange connection to her. All it had taken was one look at the beauty to make his body tighten with need. He’d wanted to take her. To simply throw her over his shoulder and carry her off so he could make her his.

  But how could he when she was from another species?

  His head had vehemently been against his attraction to the Dragon Warrior, but his body ached for her. Never before had the sight of any female made him react so strongly, and the feeling was unnerving. He’d tried to fight it. Hell, he’d done his very best to avoid being in the same room with her, but nothing he did seemed to help.

  She was not like the females of his world, but everything about Katra appealed to him. She was a warrior, strong and true. Whenever she was near him, her elusive scent called to him. Just looking at her was enough to make his cock harden to the point of pain. He’d spent his entire life fighting against the slave traders on his world, but for the first time he’d been tempted to take what wasn’t his. The thought had sickened him, however, his body still burned for her with the heat of a thousand suns.

  He wanted to sink his hand into the black silk of her hair to see if it was as soft as it looked. Wanted to feel it stroking over his skin as he pulled her lithe body against his. The husky, seductive sound of her voice sent shivers down his spine whenever he heard it. It made him wish he could listen to her for the rest of his days. She had a regal bearing about her that told him she would make the perfect lady to rule by his side, but he’d forced that impossible thought out of his mind. He needed to stay away from her, to keep himself as far away from temptation as possible.

  But that was easier said than done.

  Jaden’s energy was depleting every day, and soon it would be dangerously low. He should have taken another female to his bed to help him forget about Katra, but just the thought of touching someone else made his skin crawl. He needed more sustenance than what he’d been getting by training and fighting with his men. Blood lust would only keep him going for so long, and since he was so powerful, he needed a strong feeding source to keep him healthy.

  All Tarins could sense other individual’s energy to a certain degree. They existed on it, but Jaden’s skills were more advanced than the majority of his kind. His ability to sense the energy and feelings of others was a well-hidden secret, and helped make him the strong leader he was. He could read people’s energy to know if they were lying, if they were angry or happy without them saying a word. Some were able to mask their emotions from him, but it gave him an added advantage that few others had.

  The ability was something his daughter had inherited from him, although her skills were far greater than his own. Only a few of his most trusted friends, as well as his daughter and her bonded, knew the extent of what he was capable of, and he knew all of them would take his secret to the grave. He had always appreciated his gift, using it for the benefit of those under his protection. It was something that was ingrained in him, a part of him that he’d never regretted…until he’d felt Katra’s pain.

  Jaden could sense her attraction to him so strongly, he could almost taste her on his tongue whenever she was near. Knowing she wanted him as much as he wanted her was like a blade through his heart. He knew every time he turned away from her it hurt her, and he hated the pain he was causing her, but he couldn’t see how it would work between them.

  It was obvious that Katra didn’t understand the reasons why he tried to keep away from her. She thought he was rejecting her because she was a Dragon Warrior. Whenever he looked at her, he was reminded about her different heritage. Her glowing silver eyes were a dead giveaway that she was not of his race, but the truth was, all the unique qualities that made her different just seemed to make him want her more.

  Jaden couldn’t give in. If he touched Katra, there would be a war the likes of which the universe had never seen. Because he damn well knew that once he had her, he would never let her go. He was already fighting a civil war. How could he possibly risk his people in a war with the Dragon Warriors if he claimed Katra and refused to let her leave?

  No, he couldn’t claim her for his own, but just the thought of another male touching her golden skin made a growl of rage tear from his throat. Turning away from the window, Jaden’s long strides took him across the length of the room before he even thought of moving.

  Fuck it. Being close to her without having her was slowly killing him, but not being near her was driving him absolutely insane.

  Jaden still wasn’t used to the automatic doors opening on their own, but right now he welcomed the expediency of the technology so he didn’t have to slow down to wait. He hated the confining walls of the Stargazer. No matter how nice the space vessel was, he felt like he was enclosed in a small metal box. It amazed him that something as simple as a mineral from his planet allowed them to travel at such high speed, but he was grateful for whatever got him on solid land again as quickly as possible.

  Feeling like a caged beast, Jaden ignored the wary glances cast his way by the crew members he passed by as he stalked down the corridor. It was obvious by his expression that he wasn’t in the mood for conversation, and he was glad everyone kept their distance.

  Damn her with the fires of Tartarus, he felt like a bloody idiot tracking her down.

  During their time on Earth, Katra hadn’t left him alone. Every time he turned around, she seemed to be there, watching him with those glowing silver eyes. She’d made a mockery of his attempts to stay clear of her. Even when he couldn’t see her, he’d sensed her, and that had pissed him off even more.

  It had made him feel like prey being stalked by a hunter…and Jaden was no one’s prey.

  Then they had boarded the Stargazer, and everything had changed.

  Jaden had intended on avoiding Katra for the duration of their journey back to Tartarus. It had been a good decision, the only smart choice, but all his careful planning was destroyed once he’d felt the weight of her absence. As soon as they’d stepped onboard, Katra had made herself scarce, while he had been confined to his quarters with his illness. It should have given him comfort to finally have the space he’d wanted, but now she’d become some sort of obsession, and he couldn’t stand being away from her.

  Jaden’s steps slowed as he approached a large area used for recreation. His temper flared as he heard the sound of laughter coming from the room when the automatic doors slid open, and two of the crew walked out. The men saw him and nodded before hurrying on their way.

  He entered the large recreation room and looked around. There were several sitting areas sectioned off, with plush, comfortable chairs and tables of various size for people to use. Some of the off-shift crew members were relaxing together, but Jaden dismissed them after a cursory glance. Turning to the right, he saw Katra standing near a table with his warriors and a few of the elites that had accompanied them. He didn’t like how easily Katra fit in with the males. Hearing the husky, seductive tone of her voice had fire burning through his veins, and he didn’t like the thought of other males having a similar reaction to it.

  Just as he knew she would, Katra looked up, and her gaze met his before the others were aware of him. A strange exhilaration shot through him at that direct stare. Jaden was so used to the black eyes of the Tarin that he found her glowing ones absolutely mesmerizing. He could see them brighten like two silver stars, glowing so intense they were all he could see.

  For a moment, it was as if only the two of them existed in that room. Flames of need scorched his body, and his cock lengthened and thickened, pressing against the confines of his pants. His reaction to her annoyed him, but he was getting used to constantly walking around with a perpetual erection while in her presence.

  Struggling to keep his expression neutral, Jaden walked over to join the group. As he drew closer, he noticed they were looking a
t a holographic image of his planet that was hovering over the table they were standing around. Normally, he would have been just as fascinated by the image as Isak and Ryodan were, but Jaden only had eyes for Katra.

  Ryodan and Isak bowed their heads to their lord, and Matt Malloy and Lieutenant Dean Caporele lowered their eyes deferentially as they greeted him, but Katra did neither of those things. She remained still, watching him as if looking for something. He didn’t know what she was seeking, but a few seconds later, her glowing eyes dimmed slightly, and her energy pulled back.

  Katra had been doing that since the very first day she’d met him. Every time he was around her, she seemed to keep her emotions and energy under ruthless control so he couldn’t read her at all. He had no reason why, but it made him very angry. She looked away from him, back to the hologram floating above the center of the table.

  “How are you…err…I mean, I’m glad to see you looking so well, my lord,” Isak said, then looked down, away from Jaden’s glare.

  “Jaden, do you see this?” Excitement filled Ryodan’s voice.

  “It’s based off the scans we have on file,” Malloy stated, moving over slightly to make room for Jaden at the table.

  Jaden pinned the man with a steely look as the move had Commander Malloy pressing closer to Katra. He didn’t like the other male standing near her, and had to fight the urge to toss the man across the damn room. “It is a good representation.”

  “We wanted to get more familiar with your terrain before we arrive,” Lieutenant Caporele said, raising a hand to swipe the air so the globe slowly rotated.

  The semi-transparent globe floating over the table was a 3D model of Tartarus. It was a deep red, with lighter shades of coloring representing where water was located, and darker hues were the large landmasses of mountains were. Jaden could see where his palace, Rego Palace, and the Hades Outpost were located from where the little black icons were on the globe, but he would have known where each was simply by viewing the terrain.

  There were several smaller bodies of water scattered throughout the planet, but Jaden’s holding and most of his allies were based in the east, situated near the only ocean. What they considered the west was mostly mountains and barren regions. The landscape created a natural division of territory, making it easy to tell what area belonged to which lord.

  At least, it used to.

  Since the war began, many of the lords and slave traders opposing the Coalition of Eight had fled to the mountains, seeking refuge within the vast ranges so they could avoid detection. It made it difficult to track them down, but Jaden was determined to do exactly that. He studied the globe and saw a few blue X’s on it. From their location on the globe, he knew those were places where he and his allies had previously fought with the enemy.

  “What are these blue dots?”

  Malloy reached out with both hands and separated them a bit, making the entire globe increase in size. “Those are locations of potential targets we’ve marked from intel we’ve gathered, and from information you and Lord Rego have provided. The X’s mark where we have confirmed sightings or encounters with the enemy.”

  Katra glanced at the elite soldier. “Once we land, I can fly over the potential targets and—”

  “No.” All eyes turned to Jaden when he growled out the word. “You will not.”

  Her glowing eyes flared with heat. “I do not recall asking for your permission.”

  They glared at one another, like two opposing forces, their strength of will battering against each other in a silent battle. By the gods, he wanted to grab hold of her and shake some damn sense into her. His world was a dangerous place, and just the thought of her going out alone filled him with dread.

  “Lord Tor, we were only talking about doing some reconnaissance so we can—” Malloy’s words cut off as Jaden emitted a low terrifying sound, and the elite took a slow step back. Malloy raised his hands in the universal sign of surrender, but Jaden’s gaze never left Katra.


  There was no mistaking his meaning. Isak and Ryodan gave low bows after Jaden barked out his command, and all the males turned and silently headed toward the doorway. Malloy and Caporele were smart enough to rouse the other crew members, taking everyone with them as they left, so the room was cleared out.

  Once Katra and Jaden were alone together, he straightened to his full height and used his most lordly tone when he said, “Tartarus is my world, and my word is law. Once we land, you will obey.”

  “Keep dreaming, Tarin.” Katra turned on her heels, and headed for the door.

  Dismissed. She’d just fucking dismissed him. No one had ever tried the like with Jaden before. His people knew better, and anyone else would have been too concerned of his formidable wrath to even consider it.

  Katra was ready for it when he grabbed her arm and spun her around so she was facing him again, but she hadn’t been prepared for what would happen when he touched her skin for the first time. Energy surged up her arm from where his hand touched her and sent such a strong jolt of lust racing through her system that it made her snarl. She had to fight back the need to throw herself at him and take what belonged to her.

  Jaden’s expression was furious as he shoved his face close to hers. “You will obey,” he repeated in a snarl of his own. “Or I will keep your sweet ass confined to the human outpost. I won’t have you flying off on your own and getting into trouble.”

  “I am a Dragon Warrior. I do not need your protection.”

  He flung her arm away from him as if touching her had burned him. “You do need protection…from yourself. You think you’re invincible, but you can still be killed.”

  “I am more than capable defending myself—”

  “Your magic be damned!” Jaden raged. “What good will your magic do if someone cuts off your head? I will not have your death on my hands. Don’t push me on this, Katra.”

  Perhaps that was the problem. She hadn’t pushed him enough to deal with what was between them. Well, that was going to change. Katra’s glowing eyes flared bright with challenge. Reaching up, she used both of her hands to shove him back a step, then watched his eyes go comically wide with shock.

  “Do you really think me so unskilled that I cannot defend myself without my magic? Maybe I should show you just how capable I am.”

  She went to push him again, but he gripped her wrists. Turning around, she caught him off guard when she used the momentum to flip him over her shoulder. She’d expected him to fall flat on his back, but he used his own agility to twist and land on his feet. The move impressed her.

  Damn, she wanted him.

  “What in thunder do you think you’re doing? I’m not going to fight you, female.”

  “Aye, you are. Show me your strength, if you dare,” Katra taunted. She could see a battle light enter his dark eyes, and it aroused her. Wanting to goad him further, she raised one hand and gestured him forward with two fingers. “Come, warrior. Do not worry, I will not hurt you…too much.”

  He came at her fast. It was as if a switch had been turned off inside of him, and she was seeing the real Jaden for the first time. The thought thrilled her, and she struggled to hold back a grin as she countered each move with precision and skill.

  It took great effort not to use her magic, but she was determined to meet him on even ground. They fought for supremacy, but both of them were careful not to really hurt the other. It was like they were doing some strange sort of dance, moving and counter-moving without thought. The restraint they used made the fight more a kind of ferocious foreplay, each of them testing their opponent’s weaknesses, while marveling at the other’s strengths.

  Chairs and tables were overturned as they continued to fight. They moved around the room, leaving destruction in their wake. His heavy muscles made it difficult to match his sheer strength, but she was faster and more agile than he was. She ran at the wall and used it as a springboard to launch herself over his head as he pulverized a table that was in h
is way to get to her.

  Katra thought she had propelled herself far enough, but she underestimated Jaden’s determination. In one motion, he turned, grabbed her around the throat and spun her around, slamming her back against the wall. Instinct had her striking out, but she pulled her punch before she made contact so she didn’t take his head off. Still, she ended up clipping him as he jerked his head to the side, right into the path of her fist.

  “Enough!” Jaden snarled.

  Their gazes met and held, both of them breathing hard. A small trickle of blood appeared at the side of his mouth from where she’d hit him. Katra wanted to lean in and taste him, to take him inside her so they would always be connected, except she couldn’t move. Couldn’t look away from his stormy eyes. Aye, he was angry, but there was something else in his dark gaze.


  She could feel his straining erection throbbing against her stomach as his large body pressed against hers. Feeling the hot, hard length of him made her knees go weak, and had her body slickening with wet heat. She let out a low moan, and couldn’t help rubbing herself against him. His answering curse was all the warning she got before his mouth slammed down on hers.

  Jaden knew he was damning himself, but he couldn’t stop from taking her lips in a heated kiss so intense his entire body felt as if it would burst into flames. One arm wrapped around her, pulling her closer so he felt her full breasts press against his hard chest. He wished he could rip away his body armor so he could feel her skin-to-skin, wanting to be as close to her as possible.

  Letting out a low growl, he swiped his tongue over her lower lip, demanding access. She tried to turn her head away, but he refused to let her escape. His arm around her waist tightened like a steel band, and his other hand moved from her neck to wind her long, black hair around his fist. She let out a gasp as he pulled her head back, and he pushed his tongue deep, taking full possession of her mouth.

  Stars exploded behind his eyes, and a shiver of desire wracked his body as his tongue stroked against hers. The taste of her seemed to seep into him, so deep he was afraid he would always crave it…crave her. His throbbing cock pulsed, and he felt like his rigid shaft would explode any minute. Even through the material of his pants, feeling her against him was electrifying.


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