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Fated Hope

Page 7

by Sariah Skye

  He pushed the robes lower, the collar reaching my elbow, exposing my entire shoulder, and his touch skipped to the right, barely grazing the top of my breast. My breath hitched, as his finger came dangerously close to the taut flesh, hardening the closer he came. “I know it’s not typical for dragons when they’re human to have large breasts. But yours are perfect. They are soft, and inviting. I know you were so insecure about them, always wearing big hoodies or sweaters even in the summer, because drakes would torment you about them. It’s ridiculous. I thought they were amazing.” He pushed the fabric of the robes completely away, and they fell on the side completely to my waist. He continued tracing a line from my chest, down the side of my body, carefully skimming over the edge of one breast.

  I bit down, hard, on my lip, to keep a moan from escaping. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for my body to betray my insecurity yet, but the heat building between my legs was telling me that I was quickly getting over it.

  Maxxus eyes hooded, as his touch lowered even deeper, barely grazing the edge of my nipple, that was hard, and straining against the now painful lace of the white bra it was trapped in. I knew he was watching me, gauging my reaction as he trailed lower and lower.

  Even though my brain wanted to scream out of fear, my heart and my body wanted nothing more than to give in to him.

  His hand landed on my stomach, and I tensed.

  Most dragons had completely flat stomachs. Mine was soft, and bulged out, especially when I sat. Normally, I didn’t let it bother me. But memories came flooding back—things I hadn’t recalled in years—of young drakes, taunting me for it, calling me ‘ham guts’ because, like a pig, I had a round belly.

  Maxxus pulled away for just a moment, giving me a moment to relax.

  “I know you’re insecure about it,” he said, as he gently stroked a couple of fingers just to the side of my belly button. I gasped, and instinctively tried to suck it in. “But, just so it’s clear…I think it’s sexy. Nothing against others, but I like the softness. The roundness you hate makes you look so feminine, down to this, and the curve of your hips,” he said, his voice growing husky as he spoke. He rested a hand on one of my wider hips, pushing the robes aside. “Your strength without being harsh. It’s amazing. Everything about your body is amazing; I spent so many nights, alone, thinking about it, dreaming of the time when I may catch a glimpse of your skin.” He brushed his fingers down, down down, near the silken hair between my thighs but never quite getting close enough; brushing over my knees and the front of my legs, finally, resting his hand on my ankle.

  I sighed, but it was more of a quiet moan. My head lolled back and to the side as my back arched, wishing he’d replace the now heated skin with—his fingers, his cheek, his mouth, his tongue—anything—to suppress the fire that was stoking slowly as the anxiety quickly disappeared.

  “Leorah, I will understand—honestly—if you don’t want to be with me right now. Or tomorrow. Or next week. Or next month. I have waited for you—again—for years, and you’re worth waiting for again. Until you finally understand that nothing you do could disappoint me. I love your body, I love your mind, I love you with all your flaws and your strengths, and I always will. I’ve been alone for a long time, I know how to take care of myself if need be.” My eyes opened to see him wink playfully. “I won’t deny that I want you—so bad—right now. But I want you to be sure, to not be scared. You could trip over me, bang my head against a wall, blast me with fire accidentally—I wouldn’t think anything of it. Just so that I could be with you. Entirely.”

  My pulse rushed and involuntarily I rested my head against his chest. He sounded so controlled, but his heart told a different story. It pounded and thrashed against his ribcage. I knew he was having a hard time keeping it together.

  He wrapped his arms around my upper body and leaned into me; the warmth of his skin was a fire against my sensitive skin. My hair stood on end, and every pore in my body was aware of him: where he was, how he felt and how I felt with him next to me.

  He perched his cheek on the top of my head and just held me close, rocking me ever-so-carefully, and he said nothing.

  My breath grew rapidly, and his earthy scent, mixed with the lavender of the potion began to relax me, and quiet that nervous voice in my head. The voice that told me I wasn’t good enough. The voice that made me fear and hate being around others.

  The same voice that now was calling out for Maxxus, and willing me to just give in.

  “Maxx…” I said quietly, nervously.

  “Hmm?” He lifted his head, and gave me a questioning look through his heavily-lidded eyes.

  “How many times did we make love? Do you remember? Before our memories were erased?” I asked, with actual curiosity.

  He seemed taken aback by the question, but it distracted him enough so I could pull myself carefully out of arms, and off his lap and stand before him.

  “It wasn’t very many. That first time by the river, and another two, or three times in the shack. That was it, I think. Why?” he asked, thoughtfully, thinking back.

  Crossing my arms over myself, I fingered the edge of the remaining robes. Carefully, ignoring the near-panic and the flight-response in my head, I pushed it aside, and down my arm, allowing it to fall down my back, and carefully pool at the ground. I sucked in a breath, and stood there before him, wearing only my bra and panties.

  Maxxus’ eyes widened as he took me in. A low growl rumbled at the back of his throat, and his hand twitched. He wanted to reach out, but was afraid to scare me, I think.

  “How about four?” I asked hintedly, crooking my hip with invitation and biting my lip, hoping that somehow, I looked alluring.

  “Four?” He repeated, mouth agape. His breathing quickened as I stepped towards him.

  “Yes. Four.” I climbed on top of him, straddling his lap with my legs, and lowered myself against his lower body. Wetness pooled between my legs as I felt his hard length twitch against me, with only two layers of thin fabric between us.

  “Whatever you desire, your highness.” Maxxus wrapped his arms around me, pressing his fingers into my back, pushing me towards him. “We can go slow, my dear.” He sought out my lips with his, and we crashed against each other, calm at first, and growing in hunger as the kisses intensified.

  I put my hands on his broad chest, needing to feel his strong heartbeat under them; his heart not able to betray him if he wasn’t truly enjoying himself. As I parted my lips, inviting him in, his heartbeat quickened. When I scratched my nails into his pectorals, it quickened again. When I bit down on his lip, he moaned and I thought it was going to leap out of his chest.

  “Leorah…” he said, kissing me once more feverishly on the corner of my mouth, before moving over to my jawline. He licked a gentle trail down, and over my neck, stopping just short of the lace that barriered him from my aching breasts.

  I reached around to unfasten the clasp and release them, but it wasn’t quick enough for him. He yanked aside the strap, freeing the top of my breast and he bit gently, licking over the spot where his teeth just were, soothing the pain with easy pleasure. His tongue dipped into the cup, under the lace and sought after the hard nipple, and suddenly I couldn’t get it unhooked fast enough.

  I let out a moan, my head rolling back as I arched my back more severely, giving him better access. Still fumbling with the hook, I grasped, and pulled on each wing as hard as I could until it gave way. I whimpered as it did, wanting nothing more for it to be gone.

  Maxxus ripped it out of my hands and with one tear, pulled it away from my body, freeing my heavy breasts from their lace prison and tossing it across the room somewhere. The sudden chill tortured my hard nipples, a shocking contrast of cold and hot, but he quickly replaced it with his mouth; the other, with his strong hand.

  “Oh gods…” I panted, my breath coming quicker as he sucked and teased at my taut nipples; a heady sensation of pain and pleasure. “Maxxus…” I whispered. Suddenly, he was just too far away;
my fear easily replaced with a consuming arousal that could not be shaken.

  He would tease one nipple, and thumb the other hard bud and switch; the conflicting sensation sending me reeling until I couldn’t stand it anymore; the need that stoked inside me, at my core and between my legs was so consuming, the room spun. I saw nothing but Maxxus, his gorgeous body and his sexy smile as I wriggled loose.

  “What are you doing?” he said, smirking.

  I pointed at the head of the bed. “Move back,” I trilled, my tone deep and seductive as I demanded.

  He raised a brow, but obliged. “Whatever you want, Highness. What else do you want me to do?” he asked, a gleam in his eye.

  I grinned. “Take off your pants.”

  “Are you sure?” He replied tauntingly. He brushed a hand over the waistband of his underwear teasingly. “You want me to take off these pants?”

  His flirty teasing sent me to new levels. “Either you take them off, or I’ll rip them off,” I said, with a low growl.

  I saw his breath hitch at my forwardness, but he began to oblige. Slowly, torturously, he slid his hands under his shorts, and my breath was ragged as I pictured just how close his hands came to himself underneath. Just when I thought I was going to explode, he pushed them down, releasing himself and pushing the clothing to his knees. Carefully, he stretched out his legs and pulled them off completely, like a teasing strip show, and flung them on the ground.

  “Better?” he asked, with mock innocence.

  I bit my lip so hard, I drew blood, as I took him in. Every part of him was gorgeous and strong.

  And mine.

  My legs clenched together as I admired his body. “Yes…” I purred, climbing over the top of him, and pressing my own body against him.

  Maxxus panted. “Leo?”

  “What?” I growled.

  “I’m fine with being patient, but if you could be so kind…please just cut to the chase—just this once? I’m about ready to explode,” he panted, inhaling deeply and tilted his head backward. He clenched his jaw tightly as I shimmied over the top of him, teasingly.

  “Aw, so nice. I thought dragons were supposed to be beastly and forceful,” I tormented him, reaching between us, and gathering him in my hand.

  He gasped, moaning loudly. “Oh my…”

  He was smooth and hard at the same time, and fit perfectly in my hand as I gripped him tightly and slowly stroked up and down, watching him with morbid pleasure as he gasped.

  “Leo…” His hands sought me out, but I slapped them away, content to torture him.

  I had the sudden desire to make him beg, but I wasn’t that cruel. Instead, I carefully slipped off my damp underwear, kicking them aside before straddling him.

  “Maxxus?” I said, positioning myself over the top of him.

  “Huh?” he asked, barely audibly as I taunted the end of him between my legs.

  “I love you.” With one quick motion, I slid down on to him and I cried out loudly as he filled me to the brim.

  Maxxus moaned and panted. I smiled to myself, feeling satisfied that I brought that look of pleasure to his face, the flush to his cheeks. I made his chest and forehead glisten with sweat, and the inside of my body made him—all of him—tremble with delight.

  I slowly began to rise and thrust myself on him, to allow my body to reacquaint to the feel and size of him. We fit together so well I was surprised I was able to live without him so long…and I questioned how I could ever think of trying to fit with anyone else.

  Maxxus was panting, and gripped my hips tightly with each movement and I sighed, content with the sensation of intensity as it grew between me, stoking the fire hotter with each push.

  Maxxus let out a growl, followed by a long moan. His hands gripped my hips so hard, I yelped, keeping me from lowering myself on him again.

  He grinned at me with carnal intent.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, as he carefully pulled himself out of me. I whimpered, feeling empty and longing for him again.

  “Leorah, I love you…and any other time, I don’t care—but I am going to be the one to make you come this time. Hard.” He grabbed my shoulders and flipped me around and underneath him so fast I cried out with surprise. He kissed me, long and deep, biting at my lip and massaging my tongue with his, so hard my mind went fuzzy.

  The room was still spinning as he smirked, running his tongue across my bottom swollen lip. I whimpered and panted as he trailed kisses down my body, taking adequate time to pay attention to my breasts—cupping and fondling, sucking and biting gently—before releasing them reluctantly to the chill in the room, making a trail of kisses down my stomach and forcefully pushing my legs apart.

  I moaned, long and breathless as his tongue lowered between my legs. I writhed and bucked under his mouth, gripping his shoulders, crying out for more as I felt the tension ebb, praying for final release.

  His mouth was replaced with fingers as they plunged deep inside me, and I cried out once again, digging my fingernails deep into the skin of his back. He growled, throwing his head back momentarily before replacing his mouth on the engorged area.

  I panted, crying out his name, begging for release and just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, when I was on the brink, he stopped.

  “Maxx!” I protested, as he positioned himself over me again.

  He laughed seductively as I protested, still eager for my release.

  “I can’t believe after all this time, I’m finally with you,” he breathed into my ear. I felt my heart soar at his words, and I grabbed his neck with both hands, pulling him towards me. I placed my mouth over his, feverish for his kiss, longing to be close with him again.

  “Please…” I pleaded into his mouth.

  “Whatever you say, your highness.” With one motion that made me cry out loud, he was inside me again.

  I gasped, once again feeling complete and he cautiously quickened the pace, gauging my reaction to make sure he wasn’t hurting me. Frustrated with his slow pace, my hands sought his firm backside and I pressed him towards me. “Maxx…please.”

  Wrapping his arms around me, still mastering my mouth expertly, he quickened the pace. The tension between my legs grew beautifully, the fire hotter as he moved with expert precision: never too hard, never too soft. Enough.

  He was more than enough.

  My cries of pleasure were muffled by his kiss as I hit my apex, and came undone under him. I shook and shattered and grunted, burying my face in his neck, breathing in his heavenly scent as the feeling ebbed for several long, beautiful moments before subsiding.

  Maxxus grunted and tensed, biting my earlobe as he had his release, moaning loudly in my ear.

  We stayed that way, motionless, wrapped in each other’s arms, moistened with sweat and the air heady with our lovemaking, just enjoying the feel of each other as we calmed into a sated feeling.

  Maxxus flopped on top of me, and I giggled. He groaned.

  His hair was mussed, face sweaty and red, but he smiled happily.

  He kissed the tip of my nose but offered no words; his expression conveyed a thousand words.

  I returned the smile, beaming under his stare, feeling beautiful and confident for the first time in a long while.

  We were silent, motionless, faces buried in each other’s shoulders as we finally calmed from the height of passion; my heart slowly returned to normal and I yawned sleepily, feeling secure in his arms.

  I’d say our souls merged together in that moment, but it was then I realized: they were already one. And had been, for a long time.

  The memories of hundreds of tender moments, laughter and happy times played like a movie reel in my mind, and I sighed happily, feeling content even under the weight of him.

  Trailing my fingertips absently over his back, taking care not to irritate the claw marks I’d left on him I kissed his cheek.

  He turned his head and grinned at me, his eyes searching mine, his soul finding me. The moment was intense, as
intense as our lovemaking, and it made me cry out with surprise.

  “Leo?” he asked, in a small voice.


  He cocked a brow. “Five?”

  My eyes widened in surprise. “Five? Are you sure?”

  “Oh yes.”

  I laughed, and said, “Yeah right,” as he entered me again, strong as before.

  I gasped in pleasant surprise. “Oh yeah. Five.”

  Before the sun broke the horizon, bringing morning to the world, we made it six.

  Chapter 6

  I was completely dazed in the morning, sated but happy from our nightly exertion. I kept catching Maxxus’ eye as he grinned like a fool. We tried not to be too obvious as Kiarra fussed over my clothes and hair. I knew she knew what happened overnight, but like a dutiful near-sister-in-law, friend, and personal attendant, she played oblivious and didn’t say a word.

  However, she did insist that Maxxus and I should appear somewhat official when we arrived in Castle Danger today. There were many displaced dragons, and having the king and queen of Anarach would be a bright point for them; a real show of support. Of course, this was met with skepticism from me, the heavily-ridiculed pink fairy dragon. I didn't know how my appearance would make a difference. She assured me that they were in full support of our monarchy and most of them quite proud to have known us before we were crowned. No matter how I insisted our reign was only temporary, Kiarra still insisted our presence would be inspiring.

  Okay, then.

  I didn't want to wear anything fancy, so we compromised. Kiarra agreed on letting me wear some simple black boots with kitten heels, a pair of my flared black dress pants from my array of 90s apparel and a pale pink button up blouse. I have no idea where she found the blouse—probably another rounded up item from my mother. My mother was wasting no time in spoiling me with clothes that she hadn't done while I was growing up. Apparently, she was a budding seamstress herself. Her skills didn't rival Hildie’s in Castle Danger, but the things she made were quite tasteful, albeit very simple. Tailored pink robes with a heavy hood were draped over the top of the outfit and, since we didn't have official crown jewels of our own, Kiarra insisted that we wear the same circlets we did at our bonding ceremony. You know, to stand out as royal. “Every queen needs a tiara!”


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