Vampire Captive

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by G. Bailey

  Vampire Captive

  The Alpha Brothers: Book Three

  G. Bailey


  Join Bailey’s Pack


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24


  Note From The Author.

  Stay in Touch

  About the Author

  More by G. Bailey…

  Vampire Captive © 2019 G. Bailey

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Edits by Serious Moonlight Editing.

  Cover design by Daqri at Covers by Combs.

  Created with Vellum

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  I was a blessed vampire queen until the day I decided to kill my king.

  Now I’m a captive of alpha wolves, rulers of the Luxa Pack, and it is no place for a vampire.

  They decide to keep me as a slave on this strange land across the sea, and no part of me ever wants to go back to my home.

  I ran from my world, from my people, and from everything I had ever known to a world much darker than I ever thought possible.

  I crave their blood; they crave my immortality.

  They also want my heart, and if they knew who I really was... they would want my throne.

  18+ dark reverse harem romance based in the Alpha Brothers Series world.

  Chapter 1

  I watch in the shadows as my king roughly thrusts in and out of the woman under him, his grunts only briefly heard over the sounds of her loud moaning. I stare at his long, red hair that falls around his face, his toned and muscular body underneath it. My king is handsome. Though his face may be desirable, his heart is revolting. His hands dig into her hips as he finds his completion on a long groan and shouts out my name. My king pulls out of the woman, and she rolls over, looking up at him adoringly. I knew she liked him, and I warned her more than once what he is truly like, but she didn’t listen.

  She leans up as he looks back down at her and slowly slides his hands into her hair. When he lowers his head, making her believe he is going to kiss her, my king slides his hands to her neck, and in one swift moment, breaks it. The sound of her neck cracking will be forever etched into my mind, like the sounds of many people’s deaths before her. After a while, I stopped feeling any shock at witnessing death. It’s now become a reminder that one day, my own soul will be free. Death is all that is promised to me now. Her soulless body falls back on the bed almost in slow motion as I watch, powerless to do a thing, like always. This woman was too young, too kind and now ruined.

  “Did you enjoy the show? She was your friend, no?” my king asks me, turning and slowly walking over to my place in the shadows of the room. The coldness of my shackles just reminds me that I can’t show him any emotion as I look into his red eyes. She was my friend, in a way; a maid who I had grown to like because we could laugh together. Now she is dead, like every other person who got close to me, except for my king, the only one I wish were dead. “I asked you a question, my dear queen.”

  “What answer do you wish for?” I ask him in an overly sarcastic tone as he stops right in front of me and lifts a hand, smacking me hard on the cheek. I fall to the floor, trying not to cry out.

  “You know the answer I want. Lucky for you, she was a good fuck, and I don’t want you tonight. I will return for you tomorrow, sweet Arilee.” I don’t reply to his cold, deep voice as I watch him walk out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

  Chapter 2

  “The king wishes you to wear this, my queen,” a servant woman says, holding out a deep-red dress that leaves little to the imagination. I don’t know why I bother trying to hide anything from him anyway. After he killed my father, he married me and stole my kingdom. Once I conceive and birth an heir, he will get rid of me as well. I am no use to him after that. I pray every day for a second to escape before he gets what he wants. I nod to the maid, pulling my white nightdress off and stepping into the red dress. Over the next few hours, the new maid makes my waist-length, dark-red hair fall into curls down my back. My hair matches the dress, yet I’ve always hated the colour. It reminds me of death and losing my family. It reminds me of my king and his brutal nature.

  The maid places the crown on my head, its yellow stones reflecting the firelight in the room in almost a beautiful way. If anything was beautiful and pure in this castle anymore, that is. I stand up and walk to the door, knocking twice for the guards to open the doors for me. Three guards wait outside, each holding their swords out in case I try to escape while I am not tied up for a night, though none of the guards will look at me because they remember my father, and their very existence means they betrayed their king. And their princess.

  I walk in the middle of two guards and follow the one in front down the silent corridors of the castle. The castle used to be filled with laughter, children, and love. Now, it’s an echo of its former self. The land is cold, snow falls in what should be summer, and there is nothing left but a shell of the land I loved. I follow the guard into the dining room, seeing my king standing in front of the fireplace, his red hair straight down his back, and his stance rigid as he watches the fire.

  “Leave us,” my king demands. The guards instantly bow and quickly walk out of the room. I stand still, knowing I can’t sit down or move until he says so, or he will punish me. The whip marks on my back are a painful reminder. “Come here.” I used to flinch when he demanded me to come close to him, but now I walk over and stop at his side. I place my hands behind my back, holding my own hand to comfort myself in a little way.

  “Tell me something about yourself. Before I took you as my queen, that is,” he coaxes. I watch him closely, wondering exactly what game he is playing. When he first took my kingdom, he tried to pretend to be nice to me—until our wedding night, that is. That night, he forced me to feed on him as he stole my blood, my body, and darkened my soul.

  “What would you like to hear?” I ask him.

  “Anything. I want stories to tell our child one day of its mother,” he explains his reasoning, and I gulp down the sickness I suddenly feel. I know one day my king will realise I’ve been sneaking out herbs from the gardens in the day and making a tea that prevents pregnancy.

  “My father taught me how to fight with daggers. My mother thought it was a terrible thing to teach a princess, but Father believed every man or woman should know how to protect themselves, even a princess,” I tell him.

  “Daggers, you say?” he replies, resting a hand on one of the daggers clipped to his belt without thought, I guess.

  “Yes. Also
archery and some mild swordplay,” I reply. “He used to say a woman should always know how to protect herself.”

  “Well, I should hope our child only inherits that from you. Come here,” he demands, and I walk to stand right in front of him. My king pulls his dagger out of his belt, and I flinch as he holds it to my neck. He carefully runs the sharp tip up my neck, over my jaw and stops at my cheek. He applies more pressure, and I wince as the dagger cuts in. I feel my blood pouring from the wound, the sweet scent filling the room and causing my fangs to slide out.

  “You’re so attractive when you are like this. Weak. Desirable. Under my total control like you should be,” he remarks and grabs my arm with his spare hand, and lowers the hand with the dagger. My king pulls me against his body, his hand bruising my arm with how tight he holds me. “Are you scared of me?” he asks, and it’s only then I see the drunken gaze in his eyes and smell the strong stink coming off of him. I slowly place my hand on his chest and slide it down his stomach, keeping my eyes locked on his.

  “You like me scared?” I ask, playing the innocent as he places his hand on the back of my neck and grins at me before pulling my lips to his. The kiss is brutal, unforgiving, and his teeth clash against mine as he demands more of me. When my hand finds his trousers, I slide my hand to the left a little and grab the sharp dagger, pulling it out of his hand and cutting my own hand by doing so. He stops kissing me, but it’s too late as I slam the dagger into his lower stomach, and I push up through his ribs, finding his heart. His hand tightens on the back of my neck, his lips parting in shock.

  “You b-bitch…” he croaks out as I pull the dagger out and grin in a similar way he just did to me.

  “That was for my family. This… well, this is because you’re a fucking bastard and you need to rot in hell,” I spit out before slamming the dagger into his neck. My king croaks, choking on his own blood as he falls to his knees. For a moment, I just enjoy watching him fall to the ground, but the thud of his body reminds me how much trouble I am actually in now. My king might be dead, but his stepsons will take the throne when they return because I don’t have an heir. There is only one thing to do: I need to run.

  I pull the dagger out of the king’s neck, knowing I need to keep it in case I’m seen on my escape. I slide the dagger into a deep pocket in my dress before running to the window. I quickly undo the locks and push the window open, looking down at the harsh sea below. The castle lies on the very edge of the kingdom, and no one knows what is out there other than more seas. I pull myself up to stand on the edge, knowing that what is out there is a better death than my life in here. I look back once more at my dead king, and I smile. I’m free after this, either way.

  “Goodbye,” I whisper, touching the side of the castle wall. I’m not saying goodbye to my king, but the home my parents brought me up in, the land I am going to run away from and never save. I jump out of the window, the harsh wind blowing against me as I fall and fall. I feel drops of water on my cheek before the cold sea swallows me whole, pulling me into its deadly, beautiful depths.

  Chapter 3

  “Who is she? Where did you find her?” a deeply seductive and somewhat cold voice asks me as the sounds of waves and birds calling fill my ears. I can smell nothing other than saltwater, sand, and something that reminds me of fox blood, but I can’t place it. What are these people? How far did the sea take me? My eyes feel stuck together as I try to open them, and I soon give up on that effort.

  “Just here on the beach, Alpha Tiryn. I don’t know where she came from, but she doesn’t look like anyone I’ve seen before. Her skin is so pale, and her hair is blood red,” another man replies, though he doesn’t sound as attractive as the other man.

  “Leave and tell no one about her. Do you understand? She is mine,” the man demands. An almost animalistic growl sounds nearby, and it sends shivers all over my skin.

  “Yes, Alpha Tiryn,” the man shakily replies, and I hear someone running away. Large hands pick me up as the world starts to blur, and darkness tries to pull me back into sleep.

  “Sleep, Red. I have you. Welcome to the Luxa Pack.”

  A bird singing wakes me up, the sweet sound making me fully aware of the breeze of the air blowing into the room. I sit up on the bed I’m in, staring around at the plain room I do not know. The sheets are white, matching the white fabric curtains blowing in the wind. It’s late afternoon, judging by the sun setting in the distance over the sea. My hand flies to my mouth as hunger burns through my body, my teeth aching for blood. How long have I been sleeping? I don’t remember much after jumping into the sea and swimming for a long time, until I could swim no longer. I can’t be on the shores of Arlen; the sea is too blue and clear for that, and I would be waking up in chains if I was. I run my hands over the soft, thin dress I can feel I am wearing, and it is nothing like the red dress I did have on.

  The red dress covered in my king’s blood.

  I can’t ever return home.

  I shakily stand up off the bed, pushing my wavy, red hair away from my face as I take in the scents of the room and see that the thin dress is white, revealing a lot of my body. It smells like a fox lives in here—the foxes we hunt and eat for our dinner to be exact—and my body smells of saltwater. Except something is different, more sensual, about this fox-like scent that immediately makes me want to know more. Another wave of hunger burns in stomach, stinging my throat, and a small cry escapes my lips. I have never been this hungry or gone this long without blood. Even when we were at war and the castle was locked down, we still had blood to drink. I have to find food. My eyes search around the room, seeing two doors in the room, and I’m moving toward them before I can blink. I open one and find a bathroom, much like the one I had back at my castle. I leave that door and go to the other, only to find it is locked as I turn the metal handle. No! I need to get out of here and find something to eat before I find someone to eat and make whoever saved me regret doing so. I go to snap the handle off the door when someone puts a key into the lock on the other side. I smell them way before they open the door, and their scent nearly makes me drop to my knees. I run backward until my back hits the wall, and I sink to the ground as a man walks into the room, his soft eyes finding me.

  “You’re awake,” he points out, but that is a clear fact at this point.

  “Yes,” I tell him, gulping down the pain in my throat. Praise to the vampire, it hurts.

  “What’s your name?” the man asks, crouching down to really look at me as I hide in the corner. I keep my face hidden behind my pulled-up knees, knowing my fangs are loose. They have no clue who they just saved, and how much I want to bite them. I’m hungry—starving even—and my meal keeps staring at me, wanting to know my name.

  “Arilee,” I mutter, pulling my head up so he can see my eyes. They must be revolting to him, the dark red color of them, but he does not look at me that way. If anything, I can smell his attraction to me. My mother always said deadly monsters are always the most beautiful creatures you will ever meet. Beauty can be the most seductive way to hide your demons; after all, I know this best. My beauty gave me a chance to kill my king.

  “Why are you scared?” he asks, turning his head to the side and unwillingly revealing his neck. I gulp down the pain burning in my throat as I try to reply to him. “I know you’re not a wolf shifter, but I’m not sure what you are yet. Either way, you are a welcome guest.”

  “I-it is y-you that should be scared,” I whisper to the handsome wolf shifter, who only laughs like I am telling him a funny joke. I don’t know what a wolf shifter is, but we have wolves on Arlen who hide in the cliffs.

  “Well, I’m not, Ari. Look, my name is Jath, and my twin brother found you on the beach. We are not going to hurt you,” he firmly tells me, using a nickname that my mother used to call me. I love being called Ari, but there is no way he could have known that.

  “It’s not you I’m worried about,” I say, shaking my head and trying to control the need to feed. I gasp when Jath
places his hand on my shoulder, leaning over me, his neck so close to my face that I can hear the blood moving through his body. I can almost smell its seductive call. Everything from his waist-length, deep-brown hair, which is plaited away from his neck, to his muscular shoulders pressing through the thin, white shirt he has on is calling to me.

  “Why don’t you get up, and we can find you some food,” he murmurs, keeping his dark-blue eyes locked onto my own.

  “I’m sorry,” is all I can manage to whisper before I throw my arms around his shoulders and slam my teeth into his neck. He surprises me by not fighting me off as I drink from his neck, and I moan from the pure pleasure coursing through me. He groans, but it’s not a groan of pain, no it’s something else altogether. I rip at his shirt, and he pulls at my dress, pushing it over my hips. His hand tightens on my ass just as I pull his long cock out of his trousers, still latched onto his neck as his blood tastes so pure. So, addictive. He tugs me closer, and in one smooth motion, he slides into me. I moan louder around his neck, never releasing my teeth as he slams me onto the floor, thrusting in and out of me. An orgasm crashes into me seconds later just as he roars and fills me up with his seed. I unlatch my teeth, gasping as he looks down at me in shock for a second just before he passes out on top of me.


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